4 research outputs found

    Socio-Psychological Aspects of HIV Infection Prevention among First-Year University Students as a Health-Saving Factor

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    The purpose of the study is to check the HIV awareness of the first-year university students in Melitopol, Ukraine experimentally to substantiate its importance (particularly about the way of its transmission and prevention) as a health-preserving factor. The study was conducted among the first-year university students in Melitopol, Ukraine. A total of 163 students (42 male and 121 female) participated in the survey in order to ascertain the students’ HIV awareness and develop particular methods of filling the gaps in their knowledge about HIV/AIDS, as well as promote preventive measures against HIV spread in Ukraine. A questionnaire was developed for the survey, and it consisted of two blocks: the first one contained the questions concerning the students’ HIV awareness; the second block was aimed at determining the sources of information from which the students received knowledge about HIV. The results of the survey demonstrated that the students have low HIV awareness that can lead to HIV infection. It has been found out that educational activities at universities and schools are the most effective means of HIV awareness formation and HIV infection prevention among youth (37.4%). Formation of preventive programs should be aimed at reducing the risk behaviour of young people. The existence of a correlation between the level of awareness and the probability of HIV infection has been revealed. It was found out that educational activities on HIV/AIDS should be understood as a set of timely provided knowledge about the ways of HIV infection and methods of its prevention. It was proved that the acquired knowledge influences the first-year students inner motivation to change behaviour which is a health saving factor

    Business Risk in Changing Dynamics of Global Village 2

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    The monograph is prepared based on the presentations and discussions made at the II International Conference “BUSINESS RISK IN CHANGING DYNAMICS OF GLOBAL VILLAGE (BRCDGV 2019)”, November, 7th-08th, 2019, in Ternopil, Ukraine. The aim of this scientific international conference is to provide a platform for professional debate with the participation of experts from around the globe in order to identify & analyze risks and opportunities in today’s global business, and specifically in Ukraine. The conference will provide a framework for researchers, business elites and decision makers to uplift the business ties and minimise the risk for creating a better world and better Ukraine.The Conference is designed to call experts around the globe from different sectors of practices which are effected by globalization and watching changes in Europe as well as in Ukraine. It is an excellent platform for interactions and communication between academicians, corporate representatives, policy makers, representatives of organizations and community, as well as individuals being the part of this globalized world. The 1st edition of this conference was held at the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Poland (2017); the 2nd edition took place at Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ukraine (2019); the 3rd edition will be organized at Patna University, India (2020) in cooperation with Indo-European Education Foundation (IEEF, Poland) and its partner universities from Poland, India, Europe and other part of the world.Under modern conditions of globalization nowadays, economic activity is undergoing changes. Innovative technologies, new forms of business, dynamic changes taking place in the world today result in the emergence of the necessity to minimize risks in order to maximize benefits. The cooperation between experts from different fields with the aim to ensure sustainable growth – policymakers, scientists, universities representatives and business elites is essential nowadays. With the purpose to bring them together and discuss the main issues of todays’ global world this conference took place in Ternopil, Ukraine. As Ukraine is now passing through a dynamic period of changes, recommendations coming up from such discussions can be very beneficial for building stronger society and meet the risks globalization brings up. This monograph provides a useful review of economic, financial and policy issues in the context of globalization processes and has proven extremely popular with practitioners and industry advisors. This edition is given the continued high demand and interest for experts form different areas working on diminishing of business risks wishing to keep abreast of current thinking on this subject. According to many experts process of managing risks is currently one of the most relevant business technologies and at the same time it is a complex process which requires ground knowledge in the research field and practical experience. The popularity of business risks management is due to objective reasons such as dynamics of society, interconnections and interdependence between different players in the society, increasing role of human capital in the country’s sustainable developmen


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    У статті розглянуто законодавчі акти щодо діяльності громадських об’єднань уХІХ – поч. ХХ століття, висвітлено значущість взаємодії діячів православної Церквита представників громад у духовно-моральному вихованні молоді. Розкритонеобхідність використання морального та патріотичного потенціалу у вихованнімолоді, як необхідних елементів системи духовно-морального виховання підростаючогопокоління. Наголошується, що вивчення досвіду співпраці громадських організацій,Церкви та школи має не тільки науковий, а й практичний інтерес для сучасної системиморального виховання.Ключові слова: громадські організації, моральне виховання, православна Церква,учнівська молодь

    Sumy First Scientific Geographical Reading for Young Scientists

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    Збірник містить матеріали І Сумських наукових географічних читань молодих учених, які відбулися 25 листопада 2016 року на природничо-географічному факультеті СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка.Наведено інформацію про життя і наукову діяльність відомих вітчизняних і закордонних вчених-географів. Досліджено внесок кожного вченого у розвиток теорії та методології фізичної географії.The information about the life and scientific work of famous native and foreign scientists-geographers is given. The endowment of each scientist in the development of the theory and methodology of physical geography is decribed