673 research outputs found

    Axial electrokinetic trapping of single particles at kHz feedback rates

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    Anti-Brownian Electrokinetic (ABEL) trapping has proven to be a valuable novel tool for analysis at the single-nanoparticle level. In previous work, we explored axial (in the z-direction only) ABEL trapping with planar ITO electrodes based on video image analysis. In this work, we improved the method by using total-internal-reflection (TIR) in combination with a single-photon-counting module. This allows us to axially trap single nanoparticles with a homogeneous field at feedback rates of several kHz such that screening of the electric field becomes negligible

    Dinamika Komunikasi Keluarga di Tengah Isu Pandemi Covid-19

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    Berbicara mengenai isu pandemic Covid- 19 sama artinya dengan berbicara masalah kita semua artinya setiap orang  akan merasakan imbas dari isu pandemik ini baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung bahkan setelah memasuki tahun ke-II ditahun 2021 ini belumlah virus Corona ini berakhir. Ketika setiap warga pergi harus menggunakan masker, harus menjaga jarak agar tidak menciptakan kerumunan, pembatasan jumlah orang dalam penyelenggaraan acara, harus mengikuti sejumlah protokol kesehatan dan sejumlah aturan lainnya menggambarkan bahwa virus Covid-19 ini tidak lah hanya berimbas kepada satu isu kesehatan saja namun masih memiliki ragam rentetan selanjutnya  kepada isu lainnya baik isu ekonomi bisnis, isu pendidikan, isu social, isu kriminal serta isu lainnya. Namun dari segala isu yang ada ini penulis hanya ingin fokus menyorot dampak bagi manusia itu sendiri yang menjadi “korban” dari Covid-19 ini terutama yang telah menyerang aspek psikologis mereka baik mereka yang pernah menjadi pasien Covid-19, mereka yang terkena imbas ekonomi sehingga harus kehilangan pekerjaan bahkan mereka yang harus kehilangan orang-orang yang mereka cintai akibat serangan virus ini. Penulis ingin menyorotinya dari peran kehadiran keluarga, orang-orang terdekat untuk menguatkan para “korban” Covid -19 ini agar mereka tetap semangat, tidak mudah mengeluh, ikhlas menerima segala ketentuan Allah Swt yang disajikan dari sudut peran Komunikasi Keluarga yang memiliki banyak dinamika di tengah isu Covid -19 ini

    Positive anymore in American English

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    Positive anymore in American English (Language of the TFG: English) Abstract: The use of anymore that is more widespread in the English-speaking world is the negative one, that is, an adverb that co-occurs with some negative expression in the clause. However, in some parts of the English-speaking world, anymore is also used in non-negative linguistic contexts. This positive usage of the word anymore that is usually restricted to negative environments has been the focus of study of many researchers. From its meaning to the restrictions that operate on its use, to the socio-cultural distribution, to the way it may evolve in the future, different hypotheses have been proposed through the years. Nevertheless, the random responses given by participants have made it difficult for researchers to validate hypotheses about this non-mainstream usage. This study aims to analyze those hypotheses. First, I examine negation in English and what concerns to the usage of negative anymore. Second, I introduce positive anymore and the two main issues that have been studied about it: different interpretations of positive anymore (i.e. nowadays, lately and from now on) and the debate among linguists on whether there is one unique pan-dialectal anymore or we are talking about two different lexical items. In other words, whether the anymore used in negative and positive sentences is the same lexical item and only differs in meaning and the restrictions that operate on its use depending on the context or, on the contrary, they are independent lexical items with different meanings and restrictions operating on its use. Third, this study analyzes the conditions on the use of positive anymore: its syntactic distribution as well as its semantic conditions. Fourth, the current usage of positive anymore is tackled and, finally, this paper has a look at other non-mainstream constructions to some extent similar to positive anymore. There are still many sides of positive anymore to be researched and hypotheses to be verified and accepted. For future studies it would be interesting to keep an eye on positive anymore as the course of this lexical element is still unknown. Whether it will undergo any changes in the future and whether it will settle and spread towards more areas in the U.S. or it will disappear for good is yet to be seen

    Sara Paretsky’s Appropriation of Detective Fiction: Literary Subversions in Body Work

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    The hard-boiled literary formula has been the focus of multiple postmodernist reappropriations. This subgenre of detective fiction has been rewritten through various literary subversions to capture a plurality of perspectives that were not contemplated in the original hyper-masculinized formula. Sara Paretsky is an American writer who has taken part in the reinterpretation of the hard-boiled narrative through a feminist approach. Through the protagonist of her works, V.I. Warshawski, the author is committed to innovating the perception of women in the crime novel. In this study, several literary subversions of the novel Body Work (2010) are explored in relation to the contemporary cultural context.La fórmula literaria ‘hard-boiled’ ha sido objeto de múltiples readaptaciones postmodernistas. Este subgénero de ficción detectivesca ha sido reescrito a través de diversas subversiones literarias para plasmar una pluralidad de perspectivas que no se contemplaban en la hiper masculinizada fórmula original. Sara Paretsky es una escritora estadounidense que ha tomado parte en la reinterpretación de la narrativa ‘hard-boiled’ a través de un comentario feminista. Por medio de la protagonista de sus novelas, V.I. Warshawski, la autora se dedica a innovar la percepción de las mujeres en la novela negra. En este estudio, las diversas subversiones literarias de la novela Body Work (2010) son exploradas en relación con el contexto cultural contemporáneo.Departamento de Filología InglesaGrado en Estudios Inglese