6,064 research outputs found

    EMPIRE: A robust empirical reconstruction of solar irradiance variability

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    We present a new empirical model of total and spectral solar irradiance (TSI and SSI) variability entitled EMPirical Irradiance REconstruction (EMPIRE). As with existing empirical models, TSI and SSI variability is given by the linear combination of solar activity indices. In empirical models, UV SSI variability is usually determined by fitting the rotational variability in activity indices to that in measurements. Such models have to date relied on ordinary least squares regression, which ignores the uncertainty in the activity indices. In an advance from earlier efforts, the uncertainty in the activity indices is accounted for in EMPIRE by the application of an error-in-variables regression scheme, making the resultant UV SSI variability more robust. The result is consistent with observations and unprecedentedly, with that from other modelling approaches, resolving the long-standing controversy between existing empirical models and other types of models. We demonstrate that earlier empirical models, by neglecting the uncertainty in activity indices, underestimate UV SSI variability. The reconstruction of TSI and visible and IR SSI from EMPIRE is also shown to be consistent with observations. The EMPIRE reconstruction is of utility to climate studies as a more robust alternative to earlier empirical reconstructions.Comment: J. Geophys. Res. (2017

    Solar cycle variation in solar irradiance

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    The correlation between solar irradiance and the 11-year solar activity cycle is evident in the body of measurements made from space, which extend over the past four decades. Models relating variation in solar irradiance to photospheric magnetism have made significant progress in explaining most of the apparent trends in these observations. There are, however, persistent discrepancies between different measurements and models in terms of the absolute radiometry, secular variation and the spectral dependence of the solar cycle variability. We present an overview of solar irradiance measurements and models, and discuss the key challenges in reconciling the divergence between the two

    Male Partners' Involvement Towards Prenatal Screening and Diagnostic Testing for Down Syndrome

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    Introduction: Now, male partners' involvement in prenatal screening and diagnostic testing for Down syndrome is becoming increasingly recognized as well to ensure that parents are well informed of the risks and benefits of screening. The aim of study was to understand the degree of male partners' involvement during pregnancy in Singapore population. Methods: A cross-sectional survey of male partners' attending prenatal counseling was performed. The instrument used to measure the level of involvement is a self-assessment questionnaire that identifies the role of male partners with a Likert scale. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze data gained. Result: A total of 107 participants completed the questionnaire. Sixty-seven percent of male partners were found to have a highlevel of involvement while 32.7% was found to have a medium level of involvement. Most of them stated that women can pursue prenatal testing without their permission. Male partners found it more important for them to accompany their spouse to amniocentesis or CVS than to the Down syndrome screening test. When participants were asked about how much information about Down syndrome they sought prior to the appointment, how much discussion they had with their spouse about Down syndrome testing, and about whether they or their spouse should be the first person to receive test results, most stated that they were undecided. Conclusion: These results revealed that male partners were very well involved in the Down syndrome testing during pregnancy and future studies should assess possible underlying factors that influence male partners' involvement

    Relations between entanglement, Bell-inequality violation and teleportation fidelity for the two-qubit X states

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    Based on the assumption that the receiver Bob can apply any unitary transformation, Horodecki {\it et al.} [Phys. Lett. A {\bf 222}, 21 (1996)] proved that any mixed two spin-1/2 state which violates the Bell-CHSH inequality is useful for teleportation. Here, we further show that any X state which violates the Bell-CHSH inequality can also be used for nonclassical teleportation even if Bob can only perform the identity or the Pauli rotation operations. Moreover, we showed that the maximal difference between the two average fidelities achievable via Bob's arbitrary transformations and via the sole identity or the Pauli rotation is 1/9.Comment: 5 pages, to be published in "Quantum Information Processing

    Recent, independent and anthropogenic origins of Trypanosoma cruzi hybrids.

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    The single celled eukaryote Trypanosoma cruzi, a parasite transmitted by numerous species of triatomine bug in the Americas, causes Chagas disease in humans. T. cruzi generally reproduces asexually and appears to have a clonal population structure. However, two of the six major circulating genetic lineages, TcV and TcVI, are TcII-TcIII inter-lineage hybrids that are frequently isolated from humans in regions where chronic Chagas disease is particularly severe. Nevertheless, a prevalent view is that hybridisation events in T. cruzi were evolutionarily ancient and that active recombination is of little epidemiological importance. We analysed genotypes of hybrid and non-hybrid T. cruzi strains for markers representing three distinct evolutionary rates: nuclear GPI sequences (n = 88), mitochondrial COII-ND1 sequences (n = 107) and 28 polymorphic microsatellite loci (n = 35). Using Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic approaches we dated key evolutionary events in the T. cruzi clade including the emergence of hybrid lineages TcV and TcVI, which we estimated to have occurred within the last 60,000 years. We also found evidence for recent genetic exchange between TcIII and TcIV and between TcI and TcIV. These findings show that evolution of novel recombinants remains a potential epidemiological risk. The clearly distinguishable microsatellite genotypes of TcV and TcVI were highly heterozygous and displayed minimal intra-lineage diversity indicative of even earlier origins than sequence-based estimates. Natural hybrid genotypes resembled typical meiotic F1 progeny, however, evidence for mitochondrial introgression, absence of haploid forms and previous experimental crosses indicate that sexual reproduction in T. cruzi may involve alternatives to canonical meiosis. Overall, the data support two independent hybridisation events between TcII and TcIII and a recent, rapid spread of the hybrid progeny in domestic transmission cycles concomitant with, or as a result of, disruption of natural transmission cycles by human activities

    Extensional viscosity of copper nanowire suspensions in an aqueous polymer solution

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    Suspensions of copper nanowires are emerging as new electronic inks for next-generation flexible electronics. Using a novel surface acoustic wave driven extensional flow technique we are able to perform currently lacking analysis of these suspensions and their complex buffer. We observe extensional viscosities from 3 mPa⋅\cdots (1 mPa⋅\cdots shear viscosity) to 37.2 Pa⋅\cdots via changes in the suspension concentration, thus capturing low viscosities that have been historically very challenging to measure. These changes equate to an increase in the relative extensional viscosity of nearly 12,200 times at a volume fraction of just 0.027. We also find that interactions between the wires and the necessary polymer additive affect the rheology strongly. Polymer-induced elasticity shows a reduction as the buffer relaxation time falls from 819 to 59 μ\mus above a critical particle concentration. The results and technique presented here should aid in the future formulation of these promising nanowire suspensions and their efficient application as inks and coatings.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, under review for Soft Matter RS

    Solar Irradiance Variability is Caused by the Magnetic Activity on the Solar Surface

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    The variation in the radiative output of the Sun, described in terms of solar irradiance, is important to climatology. A common assumption is that solar irradiance variability is driven by its surface magnetism. Verifying this assumption has, however, been hampered by the fact that models of solar irradiance variability based on solar surface magnetism have to be calibrated to observed variability. Making use of realistic three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the solar atmosphere and state-of-the-art solar magnetograms from the Solar Dynamics Observatory, we present a model of total solar irradiance (TSI) that does not require any such calibration. In doing so, the modeled irradiance variability is entirely independent of the observational record. (The absolute level is calibrated to the TSI record from the Total Irradiance Monitor.) The model replicates 95% of the observed variability between April 2010 and July 2016, leaving little scope for alternative drivers of solar irradiance variability at least over the time scales examined (days to years).Comment: Supplementary Materials; https://journals.aps.org/prl/supplemental/10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.091102/supplementary_material_170801.pd

    Net Worth Accumulation by Different Quintiles of Older Adults Approaching Retirement Age and 10 Years Later

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    The shift in responsibility for income security from the government to individuals makes the accumulation of net worth a vital issue. We investigated the rate of net worth accumulation for people aged 51 to 61 in 1991 (N=7,544) and 61 to 71 in 2001 (N=5,711) using the RAND Health and Retirement Study. We found that the rate of net worth accumulation by the fifth (top) quintile was extremely high in 1991, and the distribution of net worth became more skewed in favor of the wealthy in 2001. Older adults in the first and second quintiles are unable to face the challenge of the shift in responsibility for income security from the government to individuals
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