11 research outputs found

    Teaching English Speaking Skills to Thai Students as a Foreign Language by Non-Thai Pre-Service Teachers: Strategies and Obstacles

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     The objective of this study is to investigate efficient methods for improving the English-speaking abilities of Thai students, implemented by non-Thai pre-service instructors. Additionally, this research attempts to identify and overcome any potential challenges that may develop throughout the teaching process. The study used a qualitative technique and descriptive case study design to examine data collected from in-depth interviews and questionnaires. The findings indicate that non-Thai pre-service teachers employ many successful ways to enhance the English-speaking abilities of Thai students. Nevertheless, obstacles like language and cultural barriers continue to be significant issues. This research also emphasizes the significance of hands-on experience in negotiating these challenges. However, there is a need for more improvement in institutional support in order to boost teacher effectiveness and improve student results. The study's implications are to facilitate cross-cultural education and enhance educational advancement in Thailand's linguistically varied setting


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    This study aims to produce an innovative learning model based on Microblogging Edmodo.  This research was conducted through the application of Research and Development (R&D) methods which included several stages of research, it is started from designing SCL learning models based on microblogging edmodo, validation, and trials (small and large scale). The results of the study showed that the innovation of student-centered learning models based on edmodo e-learning microblogging was feasible to be applied in the learning process. It can be seen from the validation reaches 79.16%. The feasibility of the application is also strengthened by the increasing of the average percentage from audience validation. It results of 77.33% in small-scale trials and 91.30% in large-scale trials. This percentage shows that SCL learning models based on e-learning microblogging edmodo can be applied to student

    Bandicam: Alternatif Media Pembelajaran Interaktif dan Komunikatif di Masa Pandemi Covid 19

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    This activity is Bandicam-based learning media workshop for teacher aims to elevate the competence of teachers in utilizing online learning media in order to create more interesting/interactive/communicative teaching and learning activities, particularly during the Covid 19 pandemic. In an effort to realize this goal, this activity is carried out in collaboration with partner schools through socialization method and workshop. Based on the results, the teachers reveal that this activity was very benefeted for them in enriching the insight and creativity of the teachers to apply more interesting and interactive learning media for online learning so that students would become more motivated and enthusiastic in participating in learning. It is indicated from the ability of teachers to produce learning videos that are quite interesting and communicative through the Bandicam application


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    This study aims to design a learning model that is active, fun, and without pressure called the AMETTA learning model. Research activities are carried out by applying a mixed research method that combines qualitative and quantitative data analysis with the stages of research activities, including literature studies, field studies, data collection, data analysis, and designing learning models. The results show that the AMETTA learning model design is suitable for use as a learning model to improve learning quality based on experts' feedback. This feasibility is also supported by an increase in the percentage of students' learning success, which is significant between the initial and final tests on small-scale (34.28%) and large-scale (38.47%) trials that this learning model is useful for implementation in learning activities. The AMETTA learning model meant is active, fun, and stress-free learning through the application of varied and exciting learning methods and media and the implementation of the Brain Gym in the learning process

    Unpacking the opportunities and challenges in learning speaking online during Covid-19 outbreak: A case-study of Indonesian EFL college students

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    The challenges brought by Covid-19 have threatened not only the economy and health fields but also the educational sectors. In light of education, this issue has led to the swift migration of the learning process from conventional mode to online learning which has resulted in another bottleneck. The current study explores the perception of EFL Indonesian college students about the challenges and benefits of learning speaking through the online system during the Covid-19 outbreak. Forty-five college students participated in this study and were inquired through a semi-structured questionnaire in the weeks following the final term examinations for the academic year 2020-2021. The data was probed by using grounded theory proposed by Creswell. The findings exposed that effectiveness, online benefits, and improvement opportunities were the benefits obtained by students from the online learning. Meanwhile, distraction and information overload, a technical error in online learning technology and internet connectivity matters as well as limited interaction and inadequate support were hindrances that often hampered the students.  Consequently, this scholarly paper also provides advice on the essence of the readiness of adequate facilities and the collaboration from stakeholders; government, teachers, students, and parents to successfully implement online learning.


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    Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektifitas penerapan pendekatan Somatis, Auditori, Visual, dan   Intelektual (SAVI) dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar mahasiswa pada Mata KuliahCurriculum and Material Design Development (CMD). PTK tersebut dilaksanakan dalam tiga siklus melalui pendekatan kualitatif-kuantitatif untuk mendapatkan data penelitian. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP UMSU. Data kuantitatif diperoleh melalui pemberian tes berupa pemahaman konsep kurikulum dan pengembangan desain materi pembelajaran, sedangkan data kualitatif didasarkan pada hasil observasi aktivitas mahasiswa dan dosen dalam pembelajaran. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa prestasi belajar mahasiswa mengalami peningkatan pada setiap siklusnya dengan tingkat keberhasilan 24,24% pada siklus I, 51,52 % pada siklus II, dan mencapai 87,89% pada siklus III. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pendekatan SAVI dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar mahasiswa, khususnya dalam pembelajaranCMD


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    Abstract This study aims to determine and examine the factors that can affect the quality of audits at the Public Accounting Firm (KAP). The object of this research was conducted at the Public Accounting Firm (KAP) Effendy & Partners in Jakarta by analyzing the auditors working at the KAP. The method used in this study is a qualitative method, the type of data used is primary data by using the method of determining the sample is purpose sampling with a sample of 35 respondents. With data acquisition techniques using questionnaire data. The data analysis technique used multiple linear regression test and hypothesis testing (t test) with the help of SPSS version 25 data processing application. The variables of this study consisted of Auditor Ethics, Independence as the Independent variable, and Audit Quality as the Dependent variable. The results in this study indicate that the Auditor Ethics variable has a positive and significant effect on audit quality. Likewise, the independence variable has a positive and significant effect on audit quality.Keywords :Auditor Ethics; Independence; and Internal Audit Quality


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    Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektifitas penerapan pendekatan Somatis, Auditori, Visual, dan   Intelektual (SAVI) dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar mahasiswa pada Mata KuliahCurriculum and Material Design Development (CMD). PTK tersebut dilaksanakan dalam tiga siklus melalui pendekatan kualitatif-kuantitatif untuk mendapatkan data penelitian. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP UMSU. Data kuantitatif diperoleh melalui pemberian tes berupa pemahaman konsep kurikulum dan pengembangan desain materi pembelajaran, sedangkan data kualitatif didasarkan pada hasil observasi aktivitas mahasiswa dan dosen dalam pembelajaran. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa prestasi belajar mahasiswa mengalami peningkatan pada setiap siklusnya dengan tingkat keberhasilan 24,24% pada siklus I, 51,52 % pada siklus II, dan mencapai 87,89% pada siklus III. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pendekatan SAVI dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar mahasiswa, khususnya dalam pembelajaranCMD.</em

    Enhancing Students’ Critical Thinking in Writing Through Group Investigation Strategy Assisted by Digital Story Board Media: A CLASSROOM ACTION RESEARCH

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    This research deals with classroom action research aiming to enhance students' critical thinking in writing through the application of group investigation strategies assisted by digital storyboard media. The study was carried out in cycles following Kemmis’ cycle process. The subjects of this study were 33 grade X students of SMA Al-Hikmah Medan in 2019/2020 academic year. The data were collected by employing observation, field-note and writing test. After completing the study, the result shows that the implementation of group investigation strategy assisted by digital story board media significantly improved students’ critical thinking in writing. This is represented by the increase of students’ writing achievement, students’ learning activities and teacher’s performance in teaching. In the first cycle, the number of students passing the standard qualifying of writing set by the school was only 13 students (39.39 %) and improved substantially in cycle two reaching 26 students (78.79 %). The students’ learning activity also progressed considerably as presented in the average score from 67.6% in cycle one to 86% in cycle two. Further, the improvement of teacher’ teaching performance between cycle one and cycle two achieved 23.36% or from 66% in cycle one to 89.36%

    Analisis Evaluasi Pembelajaran Berbasis HOTS Bagi Guru SMP

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    Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan para guru dalam menyusun dan menganalisis evaluasi pembelajaran (soal/tes) berbasis keterampilan berfikir tingkat tinggi (high order thinking skills) yang dapat dijadikan sebagai alat dalam mengevaluasi tingkat pemahaman siswa terdadap materi pembelajaran, dan sebagai referensi bagi guru dalam menentukan kebijakan terhadap proses pembelajaran pada masa berikutnya. Dalam upaya mewujudkan tujuan tersebut, kegiatan ini dilaksanakan secara berkolaborasi dengan sekolah mitra melalui beberapa metode pendekatan seperti pendekatan partisipatif, pendekatan kelompok, pendekatan individual, metode ceramah, dan metode diskusi. Berdasarkan analisis kualitatif yang dilakukan terhadap hasil kerja kelompok guru dalam menyusun dan menganalisis soal berbentuk high order thinking skills dapat disimpulkan bahwa para guru sudah cukup mampu dalam hal tersebut. Secara spesifik, hasil dari kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa telah terjadi peningkatkan kemampuan para guru &nbsp;dalam menyusun dan menganalisis soal berbasis high order thinking skills yang berada pada ranah kognitif level menganalis hingga mengkreasi. Hal tersebut terlihat dari soal yang dibuat oleh para guru sudah dilengkapi dengan adanya stimulus soal dan penggunaan kata kerja operasianal yang telah disesuaikan dengan level kognitif tertentu