396 research outputs found


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    The entrepreneurship program entitled VAS KOPI (Vase of Matches) As a Creative and Innovative Effort for STKIP Singkawang Students aims to develop student interest and creativity in opening business opportunities that can add experience, motivate in developing innovations and creations. One of them is by using matches

    Effect of Health Education on Knowledge and Attitudes of Pregnant Women at Kalijaga Community Health Center, Cirebon, West Java

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    Background: Health education is all activities that enhance knowledge, attitude, good practice of individuals, groups or communities, in maintaining and improving their own health. Health education may be more effective in improving knowledge and attitude of pregnant women if delivered with suitable media. This study aimed to analyze the effects of health education with media assistance to knowledge and attitudes about health in pregnant women. Subjects and Method: This study was a randomized controlled trial carried out at Kalijaga community health center, Cirebon City, West Java. A sample of 30 pregnant women was divided into 3 groups by randomization: (1) 10 pregnant women who received health education about pregnancy using flipchart, (2) 10 pregnant women who received health education about pregnancy using multimedia, and (3) 10 pregnant women who received health education about pregnancy using music box. Data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis to test the differences between the three groups, followed by the Mann Whitney to test group pairs. Results: The knowledge scores in the multimedia group and the music box group were higher than the flipchart group, with p= 0.001. Attitude score on the multimedia group and music box group was higher than flipchart group, with p= 0.023. The score of knowledge in the multimedia group was about equal to the music box group, with p= 0.342. Attitude score on the multimedia group was about equal to the music box group, with p= 0.517. Conclusion: Health education using multimedia or music box is more effective than a flipchart to improve knowledge and attitudes about the health of pregnant women. Health education using multimedia or music box shows comparable effectiveness. Keywords: health education, knowledge, attitude, multimedia, music box, flipchart, pregnant wome

    Peningkatan Kualitas Guru Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika SD Melalui Penerapan Reflective Teaching

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    This study aims to encourage teachers to open up the flow of his thoughts and give an overview for teacher to constantly think very reflective of what has done, doing, and will do in the classroom. The research was conducted three times meeting in SDN Pangarangan I Sumenep , SDN Kolor II Sumenep , and SDN Pandian I Sumenep. The methods used in this study are qualitative and quantitative. The data was obtained as follows : (1) the process of development of teachers in designing lesson plans elementary mathematics is done through a phase of defining, designing, and development; (2) the quality of teachers in developing learning tools is increasing , the quality of teachers in managing learning activities is increasing, and the quality of teachers in materialize learning is increasing while the results of a student's response to learning that has done get good response then obstacles/barriers during the learning process only was found in trials meeting 1 for SDN Kolor II is located on teachers and SDN Pandian I is located on the teachers and students are not found obstacles/barriers during the learning process at SDN Pangarangan I; (3) the results of the application of reflective teaching is considered successful because of increased quality at every meeting held.The results of this research as a scientific contribution in the field of education on improving the quality of Primary teacher in teaching mathematics through the application of reflective teaching that both innovative and easy to apply in teaching


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    Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh destination personality terhadap revisit intention di Desa Wisata Cibuluh. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah deskriptif verifikatif dengan menggunakan metode explanatory survey. Metode pengambilan sampel melalui purposive teknik sampling dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 109 orang, yaitu wisatawan yang telah berkunjung ke Desa Wisata Cibuluh dan merasakan kesesuaian personality dirinya dengan Desa Wisata Cibuluh. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa destination personality memiliki pengaruh terhadap revisit intention pada wisatawan Desa Wisata Cibuluh. Sub variable yang signifikan dalam mempengaruhi revisit intention adalah peacefulness (X2), traditionalism (X3), dan comfort (X4), sedangkan sub variable sincerity dinyatakan tidak signifikan. Peacefulness merupakan dimensi dengan nilai tertinggi dan paling dominan dikarenakan unsur kedamaian dan ketenangan yang dirasakan wisatawan melalui lingkungan desa, kondisi warga lokal serta pemandangan alam yang terdapat di Desa Wisata Cibuluh

    Pengembangan Metode Sosiodrama pada Mata Kuliah Sosiologi

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    Sejalan dengan sosiologi pendidikan, Dosen khususnya sangat membutuh metode-metode tertentu, agar materi yang di sampaikan dosen dapat diterima sesuai dengan target pembelajaran yang telah diancang dosen, maka dalam pendidikan di butuhkan upaya peningkatan mutu pendidikan haruslah dilakukan dengan menloggerakkan seluruh komponen yang menjadi subsistem dalam suatu sistem mutu pendidikan. Subsistem yang utama dalam peningkatan mutu pendidikan salah satunya di perguruan tinggi (kampus) dalah faktor Dosen. Langkah-langkah penerapan metode sosiodrama dalam Praktik mengajar Sosiologi Sosiologi adalah menentukan masalah, membentuk situasi, membentuk karakter, mengarahkan pemain, memahami peran, menghentikan/memotong, serta mendiskusikan dan menganalisis permainan. Dalam pembelajaran Sosiologi, sebenarnya sangat mudah dipahami, lebih melekat di ingatan dan hingga pada tahap melihat implikasinya. Sosiologi sebenarnya bukan masalah sejauh mana mahasiswa hafal dengan definisi, istilah dan kepanjangan, seiring dengan kesalah fahaman mahasiswa ini di butuhkan penggunaan metoda sosiodrama dalam perkuliahan sosiolgi. Keberhasilan proses permainan peran sangat tergantung pada kecerdasan dan kemampuan pimpinan membantu pemain dalam menjalankan peran mereka yang terlibat disini tentu ada mahasiswa dan dosen dalam perkuliahan mata kuliah Sosiolog
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