76 research outputs found

    Bentuk Perlakuan Patron Terhadap Klien Dalam Perdagangan Kayu Manis Di Pasar Nagari Kabupaten Tanah Datar

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    The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze any form of treatment patron of the client in the cinnamon trade in Nagari Pasar Tanah Datar. The research is a qualitative research, the naturalistic or natural, it is done on a particular natural background, and has a particular case. The results of the research are: 1). Rooted historically to trading activity in the village market, especially with the Client Patron export commodities traders. 2). Having a wide network klientisasi in control of the business, has the ability to build reciprocity to strengthen social insurance with business partners. 3). Patron business network and market traders in villages Clients who trade export crops can be used as a base to develop the agricultural product processing industry whose market is wide open in the ASEAN and China. 4). The creation of a network of business groups klientisasi to village markets can be a forerunner to form a business network Minangkabau to compete with China\u27s business network, in exploiting investment opportunities provided by the government of West Sumatra. 5). With the capability of reciprocity and social insurance held so far, can create business linkages (business leakage) with groups of businesses along the corridor of Sumatra

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Pada Materi Keberagaman Budaya Indonesia Menggunakan Aplikasi Flip PDF Corporate di Kelas IV SD

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya penggunaan bahan ajar yang menarik dan bervariasi yang hanya memuat gambar dan tulisan saja. Bahan ajar yang tersedia disekolah masih dalam bentuk cetak, tampilannya yang kurang menarik dan kurang bervariasi membuat peserta didik menjadi cepat bosan sehingga motivasi belajar peserta didik kurang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar pada materi keberagaman budaya Indonesia menggunakan aplikasi Flip PDF Corporate di kelas IV SD yang valid dan praktis. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan (R&D) dengan model pengembangan ADDIE. Model pengembangan ADDIE terdiri dari 5 tahap yaitu analisis (analysis), perencanaan (design), pengembangan (development), penerapan (implementation), dan evaluasi (evoluation). Bahan ajar yang dibuat kemudian divalidasi oleh validator menggunakan lembar validasi berupa angket. Validasi produk terdiri dari validasi ahli materi, validasi ahli media dan validasi ahli bahasa. Untuk praktikaitas produk dilakukan dengan pengisian angket respon guru dan respon peserta didik.  Subjek uji coba pada penelitian ini adalah 28 orang peserta didik yang terdiri dari 16 orang laki-laki dan 12 orang perempuan di kelas IV SDN 16 Padang Besi. Hasil penelitian pengembangan bahan ajar yang memiliki tingkat validitas materi 95% dengan kategori sangat valid, validitas media 92,5% dengan kategori sangat valid, dan validitas bahasa 92,85% dengan kategori sangat valid. Hasil angket respon guru 89,29% dengan kategori sangat praktis dan hasil angket peserta didik 90% dengan kategori sangat praktis

    Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik Menggunakan Lectora Inspire Berbasis Discovery Learning Pada Pembelajaran IPAS di Kelas IV SD

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    Penelitian ini bermula ketika kesenjangan kondisi yang peneliti temukan         dilapangan, bahwasanya guru masih memakai LKPD yang bersifat sederhana dan belum melaksanakan pengembangan LKPD dengan memanfaatkan teknologi serta menyesuaikan dengan model pembelajaran. Studi ini bermaksud untuk menciptakan LKPD yang  memanfaatkan teknologi dengan memakai aplikasi Lectora Inspire berbasis Discovery Learning pada pembelajaran IPAS di kelas IV Sekolah Dasar yang valid dan praktis.  Pengembangan LKPD ini memakai lima langkah prosedur studi desain serta pengembangan, yakni Analysis, Design, Depelopment, Implementation dan Evaluation ataupun yang dikenal dengan (ADDIE). Lembar kerja yang dikembangkan dievaluasi di kelas IV di SDN 16 Tarok Dipo dan SDN 08 Tarok Dipo untuk mengetahui kepraktisan dan keefektifannya. Temuan studi dari LKPD yang dikembangkan menghasilkan rata-rata tingkat validasi sebesar 3,66 dan proporsi sebesar 91,64% untuk kategori valid. Hasil uji pragmatisme dianggap praktis berlandaskan hasil respon guru sebesar 90% dan hasil respon siswa sebesar 91,46%. Hasil uji efektivitas mendapatkan presentase nilai 91,95% dengan kategori sangat praktis


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    The rationale of this study is that teachers have few options for delivering instruction that engages students' interest and enthusiasm for the subject matter being taught, which can lead to poor academic outcomes. To improve learning outcomes with the Discovery Learning model, it is hoped that a based on differentiation learning can be implemented. Classroom action research uses quantitative and qualitative methods. The subject of the essay is a Grade IV student at SDN 11 Gadut. With a total of 27 people, consisting of 17 men, 10 women. Each cycle consists of two different time periods, each of which includes planning, implementing, monitoring, and reflecting. The success in this research has increased from cycle to cycle. Where is the difference in the affective aspect of learning outcomes in cycle I and cycle II shows that the value of the proportion is 20.83%. The difference in cognitive learning outcomes in cycle I shows that the percentage value obtained is 15.79%. And the difference in psychomotor aspects of learning outcomes in the first cycle showed a proportion value of 29.62%. It can be interpreted that the discovery learning model which is based on differentiation learning can improve student learning outcomes &nbsp

    Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Tematik Terpadu Tema 6 Panas dan Perpindahannya di Kelas V SD

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    Peineilitian ini dilatarbeilakangi oleih beilum adanya modul peimbeilajaran yang dikeimbangkan seindiri oleih guru dalam proseis peimbeilajaran. Guru hanya meingunduh mateiri yang dirasa peirlu dan tidak meimbuatkannya dalam beintuk modul peimbeilajaran. Untuk meingatasi hal teirseibut maka peirlu meingeimbangkan modul peimbeilajaran yang meinggunakan seibuah aplikasi teirbaru. Peineilitian ini meinghasilkan modul peimbeilajaran teimatik teirpadu teima 6 panas dan peirpindahannya untuk peiseirta didik keilas V meinggunakan aplikasi Canva yang valid dan praktis. Peineilitian ini teirmasuk jeinis peineilitian Research & Development. Modeil peingeimbangan yang digunakan adalah modeil ADDIEi. Teiknik peingumpulan data meinggunakan angkeit keibutuhan peiseirta didik, leimbar validasi, angkeit reispon guru dan angkeit reispon peiseirta didik. Modul peimbeilajaran yang dikeimbangkan diuji keivalidannya oleih tiga ahli, yaitu ahli mateiri, bahasa, dan design. Produk yang dikeimbangkan diuji cobakan di keilas V SDN 16 dan SDN 21 VII Koto Sungai Sarik deingan jumlah peiseirta didik masing-masing 14 dan 12 orang peiseirta didik. Hasil peineilitian dari modul peimbeilajaran meimpeiroleih rata-rata validasi 93.5% deingan kateigori sangat valid. Hasil uji coba praktikalitas dari angkeit reispon peiseirta didik meimpeiroleih skor rata-rata 95.68% deingan kateigori sangat praktis dan angkeit reispon guru deingan skor rata-rata 100% deingan kateigori sangat praktis. Beirdasarkan hasil yang teilah dipeiroleih dapat disimpulkan bahwa modul peimbeilajaran ini layak digunakan


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    The rationale of this study is that teachers have few options for delivering instruction that engages students' interest and enthusiasm for the subject matter being taught, which can lead to poor academic outcomes. To improve learning outcomes with the Discovery Learning model, it is hoped that a based on differentiation learning can be implemented. Classroom action research uses quantitative and qualitative methods. The subject of the essay is a Grade IV student at SDN 11 Gadut. With a total of 27 people, consisting of 17 men, 10 women. Each cycle consists of two different time periods, each of which includes planning, implementing, monitoring, and reflecting. The success in this research has increased from cycle to cycle. Where is the difference in the affective aspect of learning outcomes in cycle I and cycle II shows that the value of the proportion is 20.83%. The difference in cognitive learning outcomes in cycle I shows that the percentage value obtained is 15.79%. And the difference in psychomotor aspects of learning outcomes in the first cycle showed a proportion value of 29.62%. It can be interpreted that the discovery learning model which is based on differentiation learning can improve student learning outcomes &nbsp


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    The purpose of this research is to determine the nature contained and dispersed in the District Fifty Cities that can open up business opportunities for the local population. Natural state is owned by the City District Fifty is a natural resource that has been built and developed into a tourist attraction presented by the landscape to the audience, so it has a charm that is intended as a tourist. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, which intends to describe and narrate stretch of natural attractions located in the district of Lima City. The results that this is a reference nature to be visited by the visitors and the benefit and satisfaction of natural attractions Fifty Cities and counties get a good service to menikmat so that the service stepping indulgence for the nature lovers. With the ministry's stepping opens opportunities for people who are around him, both in terms of sauvenir and cafes that serve regional specialties Fifty Cities districts themselves.Keywords: Object, Tour, Landscape


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    The attitude of the students in learning is one of the factors which influence the learning process, and very influential in the results obtained learners. Each learner has different characteristics. This study aims to determine the readiness of the students will go to school, at the motivation of learners in a lesson in school, as well as the completeness of the equipment brought to school learners. This type of research used in this research is descriptive with quantitative approach. The results obtained on the readiness of going to school learners in SMP Negeri 1 Sungai Tarab in the category quite well with the result of 78.73%. Motivation to absorb the lessons of the learners in SMP Negeri 1 Tarab River that are in good enough category that is equal to 72.09%. Completeness of the equipment brought to school learners in SMP Negeri 1 Tarab River that are in good enough category that is equal to 73.08%. Keywords: attitude, readiness, motivation, Fitting
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