192 research outputs found

    Barriers to access prevention of mother-to-child transmission for HIV positive women in a well-resourced setting in Vietnam

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>According to Vietnamese policy, HIV-infected women should have access at least to HIV testing and Nevirapine prophylaxis, or where available, to adequate counselling, HIV infection staging, ARV prophylaxis, and infant formula. Many studies in high HIV prevalence settings have reported low coverage of PMTCT services, but there have been few reports from low HIV prevalence settings, such as Asian countries. We investigated the access of HIV-infected pregnant women to PMTCT services in the well-resourced setting of the capital city, Hanoi.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Fifty-two HIV positive women enrolled in a self-help group in Hanoi were consulted, through in-depth interviews and bi-weekly meetings, about their experiences in accessing PMTCT services.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Only 44% and 20% of the women had received minimal and comprehensive PMTCT services, respectively. Nine women did not receive any services. Twenty-two women received no counselling. The women reported being limited by lack of knowledge and information due to poor counselling, gaps in PMTCT services, and fear of stigma and discrimination. HIV testing was done too late for optimal interventions and poor quality of care by health staff was frequently mentioned.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In a setting where PMTCT is available, HIV-infected women and children did not receive adequate care because of barriers to accessing those services. The results suggest key improvements would be improving quality of counselling and making PMTCT guidelines available to health services. Women should receive early HIV testing with adequate counselling, safe care and prophylaxis in a positive atmosphere towards HIV-infected women.</p

    Clinical and virological features of acute HBV-related hepatitis in southern Vietnam

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    Background: Despite the availability of effective vaccines, hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is still frequent worldwide, and accounts for significant morbidity and mortality. However, data of acute HBeAg negative hepatitis still remain limited. Aims and Methods: To understand clinical pictures of acute HBV hepatitis and its natural evolution, a prospective study was conducted in adult patients. Results: Ninety patients were enrolled between March 2004 and April 2005 at Hospital for Tropical Diseases in Ho Chi Minh city. The prevalence of HBeAg negative was 53%. No significant difference was found in clinical characteristics and laboratory findings between HBeAg positive and negative patients. HBV-DNA was detected in 75% and 88% HBe negative and positive patients, respectively, where the frequency of ALT below 400 U/L was significantly higher in HBeAg negative cases (p = 0.01). Six month follow-up was available in 47 patients. HBsAg positivity was found in 16% of HBeAg negative subjects but only in 4.5% of HBeAg positive cases. Thirty two patients had neither HBsAg nor anti-HBs. Conclusions: The clinical and laboratory feature and the ou

    From Negative Aspects and Black Aspects of Vietnam Education to Lessons for Social Sciences Students

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    In our research, we level strong criticism at the State Professor Council in Vietnam, using the case of Tran Van Tho and other members as a representative illustration of their efforts to impede or restrict the growth of the nation's scientific community. We also do not place enough importance on the publication of bogus news online by various Vietnam publications (Thanhnien.vn and Tuoitre.vn), despite the fact that it may lead to confusion, as well as problems and concern in the community. In addition, we oppose the excessive tuition fees and other expenses that have been imposed by Banking University HCM city Vietnam and other institutions in HCM city in recent years, which have caused difficulties for families, parents, students, and society as a whole. In addition, we use these problematic aspects of the education system in Vietnam as a case study to instruct students majoring in social sciences. After that, the authors apply a strategy based on the laws of Malaysia in order to solve the problem of fake news published in the newspapers tuoi tre and thanh nien in Vietnam throughout the period 2015-2022. After the case discussion that was offered earlier, the authors assess the opinions of President Ho Chi Minh on publishing activities for the purpose of better teaching pupils. This is not the least of the authors' contributions


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    Seasonal changes in freshwater phytoplankton assemblages at Tuyen Lam Reservoir in the Central Highlands of Vietnam were classified into 23 functional groups based on physiological, morphological, and ecological characteristics. A total of 168 species were recorded during 10 surveys from 2015 to 2019 at 7 sampling sites, with Chlorophyta dominating in number of species. Phytoplankton abundance varied from 0.18×105 to 21.2×105 cells/L during the study period, mainly due to cyanobacteria. Seven of the 23 functional groups were considered to be dominant (relative density &gt; 5%).  The dominant functional groups were groups M and G in the dry season and groups M, G, P, and E in the rainy season. Group M (Microcystis aeruginosa) was the most common in both seasons, while group P (Closterium, Staurastrum, Aulacoseira), group E (Dinobryon, Synura), and group G (Sphaerocystis, Eudorina) were more common in the rainy season. The Shannon diversity index (H¢) showed that phytoplankton communities were relatively diverse and that most of the study sites were lightly polluted. However, the ecological status has deteriorated at some locations due to the overgrowth of group M, leading to eutrophication in this reservoir. This study highlights the usefulness of functional groups in the study of seasonal changes in phytoplankton dynamics. Functional groups are applied for the first time at Tuyen Lam Reservoir and can be used to predict early-stage cyanobacterial blooms in future studies


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart

    Conception et miniaturisation des antennes pour les tags et les lecteurs RFID UHF passifs pour la localisation des personnes et des objets

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    National audienceLa RFID UHF est en plein développement grâce notamment à l'essor des transpondeurs RFID passifs utilisant le principe de rétro modulation et permettant d'obtenir une étiquette RFID très faible coût. L'EPC Global, organisme international dirigeant le développement de standard pour l'identification électronique de produits, envisage donc le suivi unitaire des produits par RFID. Hors, hormis des problèmes d'ordre éthique qui pourraient s'opposer à un tel déploiement de tags RFID, une telle solution peut être envisageable économiquement seulement si le coût unitaire des transpondeurs arrive au dessous de 0,10 € et que la capacité de production mondiale de tag RFID atteint plusieurs centaines de millions d'unités par an. Pour atteindre ce but, la miniaturisation des tags pourraient jouer plusieurs rôles essentiels comme celui de permettre d'augmenter les cadences de production des antennes (donc de diminuer le coût unitaire d'un tag) tout en permettant une certaine discrétion au transpondeur RFID. Dans cette communication, la conception des antennes RFID ainsi qu'une revue sur les techniques de miniaturisation dont celle du repliement sont présentées avec une discussion sur les limites de la miniaturisation et ses implications en termes de performances

    Evaluation Of Allelopathic Potential Of Cissus sicyoides Against the Growth Of Echinochloa Crus-Galli And Some Tested Plants

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    Many plant species in nature exert significant allelopathic potential as part of the defense mechanism system, many among their secondary metabolites (allelochemicals), including mineral constituents, which are responsible for the suppression of weeds and enhancing crop yield when directly incorporated into paddy fields. Cissus sicyoides is considered a high-potential allelopathic plant because of its invasion in nature and detected allelochemicals from the plant parts in some studies. The objective of this research was to exploit the allelopathic properties of C.sicyoides against paddy weeds and some indicator plants under laboratory bioassays and greenhouse conditions. The results demonstrated that C. sicyoides had significant inhibition on E. crus-galli, tested plants, and other paddy weeds. In the laboratory conditions, the extracts from C.sicyoides leaves inhibited the growth of Echinochloa crus-galli by 54.3%. The powders from C.sicyoides leaves inhibited the emergence of paddy weeds by approximately 100.0%. In the greenhouse conditions, the powders from C.sicyoides leaves by adding after 3 and 13 days inhibited the growth of E. crus-galli and the emergence of paddy weeds by 64.4%. Remarkably, negligible harmful effects on rice growth were observed. The findings of the study may provide useful information for the exploitation of this plant species to effectively control weeds in the rice fields for sustainable agriculture production

    Dry Eyes Status on Des Scale and Related Factors in Outpatients at Vietnam National Institute of Ophthalmology

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    BACKGROUND: Dry eye (DE) can effect on quality of life by pain, inability to perform certain activities that require prolonged attention (driving, reading,…) and productivity at work and finally effect to Q0L associated with DE. OSDI is scale questionnaire is created team to measure the quality of life related to ocular surface disease. AIM: To describe the dry eye disease according to OSDI scale and related factors of this disease. METHODS: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out on outpatients (≥ 16-year-old) who were examined and diagnosed with dry eyes at Vietnam National Institute Of Ophthalmology from April to July 2018. Data was collected using the OSDI questionnaire. RESULTS: The average age of participants was 44.6 years; 80.9% of patients were female; 39.9% were identified having mild dry eye. The related factors have been identified that associated with severe dry eye, including age OR = 1.03 (95%CI: 1.01-1.05, p = 0.005), binocular good vision OR = 0.11 (95%CI: 0.05-0.23; p &lt; 0.0001), medical history OR = 17.09 (95%CI: 2.24-130.25; p &lt; 0.0001), chronic conjunctivitis OR = 0.36 (95%CI: 0.14-0.91; p = 0.027), refractive errors OR = 0.14 (95%CI: 0.04-0.48; p &lt; 0.0001), Sjogren's syndrome OR = 31.13 (95%CI: 7.08-136.76; p &lt; 0.0001). CONCLUSION: Several related factors have been identified associated with severe dry eye, including: age, binocular good vision, medical history, chronic conjunctivitis, refractive errors, Sjogren's syndrome

    Village Baseline Study – Site Analysis Report Ma village-Yen Binh district, Vietnam

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    Ma village, Vinh Kien commune, Yen Binh district, Yen Bai province has been selected to be one of Climate Smart Villages (CSVs) under the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) in Southeast Asia. The village baseline survey (VBS) of Ma village, was therefore conducted as part of the baseline effort. This VBS aimed to provide baseline information at the village level about some basic indicators of natural resource utilization, organizational landscapes, and information networks for weather and agricultural information, which can be compared across sites and monitored over time. The study was conducted using the method developed and provided by CCAFS. The study’s findings show that Ma Village is rich and diverse in natural resources. There are three main resources of vital importance for the local people livelihoods, namely farmland, forest and water resources. However, improper exploitation and management have caused negative impacts on these resources. As mentioned by farmers, in the past, farmland of the village used to be very fertile, but has now become severely degraded due to overexploitation and improper management. Regarding forest resources: before 1980s, natural forests existed in large areas and consisted of valuable timber and wild animals. Today, much of the forest area has been converted to production forests or to food crop production land. Water resources, including lakes, rivers and streams have been severely polluted with pollutants from processing cassava, wood and also from animal husbandry and crop production. Degradation of water, farmland and forest resources are causing increasing challenges to agricultural production and also to other human activities. Results of farmer group discussions also demonstrate that there are 34 organizations operating in the village. Most of them are governmental. Very few are private or non-governmental organizations. The number of organizations involving in food security accounts for nearly 50%, the figure for those involving food crisis is 41.6% and in natural resources management is 25%. Those organizations working in food security and food crisis focus mainly on providing support (financial, seed and agricultural inputs) to local farmers to implement some production activities. Insufficient attention and input spent for sustainable development by these 34 organizations, especially those working in the area of natural resources management, could be one of the main reasons for the degradation and erosion of natural resources. There was no activity supporting Ma Village to develop production systems which can respond well to climate change. The study findings however show that local people are very flexible and creative, especially in exploitation of information. Among media channels, television is the most popular. Nevertheless, organizations, in particular, extension networks, Farmers’ Union, local authorities, etc., also have an important role in information dissemination. Exploitation of information from the internet and mobile phones has also been given attention, but mostly by young people only

    Sensitive Organophosphorus and Carbamate Pesticides Biosensor Based on Acetylcholinesterase and CdZnSe/ZnS Ternary Alloy Quantum Dots

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    This report presents the results of ternary alloy quantum dots (TQDs) manufacturing and its superior optical properties to fabricate the biosensor for pesticide detection. The explanation for the changes in PL intensity based on the change of electronic charges that alters the pH value of the surrounding environment, and the types of interaction on the surface of CdZnSe/ZnS TQDs were discussed. We show the decomposition process of the indicator (ATCh) with the catalysis from acetylcholinesterase enzyme (AChE) that inhibited by organophosphorus and carbamate pesticides including Trichlorfon (TF), Cypermethrin (CH), Abamectin (AT), and Carbosulfan (CS) with concentrations from 0.05 ppm to 10 ppm