75 research outputs found

    The Fractal Analysis of the Dynamics of International Arrivals in Tourism

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    The article sets the task of determining the global and local fractal characteristics of the time series characterizing the development of international tourism, in order to identify the peculiarities of the dynamics of their evolution, properties of self-similarity, trend-tolerance, presence of «memory effect». As a result of research the properties of trends of international arrivals in the world, Europe and the Middle East are identified. It was also possible to identify the cyclicity of these processes and define the length of the cycle for the European region and for the world as a whole. In addition, a high dependence of tourism development on the geopolitical situation in the Middle East region is determined

    Legal aspects of international cooperation in combating organised crim

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    In the context of intensification of globalisation processes, researchers’ attention is drawn to organised forms of crime, which are substantially more difficult to counteract if criminal offences have transnational features. Considering this, it is vital to investigate the content of international treaties aimed at combating transnational organised crime. Thus, the purpose of this study was to identify certain legal features of international cooperation in combating organised crime for further implementation of promising provisions in the work of law enforcement agencies in this area. The methodological framework of the study was formed by both general scientific and special methods of scientific cognition. The study also employed systemic, informational and functional approaches, as well as terminological, systemic-structural, formal-logical, and comparative legal methods of scientific cognition. The study confirmed that organised crime does not recognise the existing borders of states and constantly crosses them. At the same time, law enforcement agencies are quite limited in their actions by these borders, which substantially affects their ability to combat crime, especially organised crime. It was found that the legal framework for international cooperation in combating crime, including organised crime, is gradually being formed, but this process is influenced by the concept of primacy of national law over international law. The study proved that the current terminology of international treaties may not correspond to the terminology used in the national legislation of modern countries, but unification of legislation is reasonably necessary for effective crime prevention. The practical value of the findings obtained is that they can be used to further improve the legal framework for international cooperatio

    The Purpose, Essence and Ways of Realization of Problem Method of Teaching

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    У статті розкривається мета, сутність і шляхи реалізації проблемного методу навчання як однієї із форм активного навчання у вищій школі.The purpose, essence and ways of realization of problem method of teaching, as one of the forms of the active teaching at higher school are considered in the article

    Increase in the Synthesis of Polyfructan in the Cultures of Chicory “Hairy Roots” with Plant Natural Growth Regulators

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    Experiments were conducted to study the benefit of using the new plant growth regulators (PGRs) Ivin, Emistim, Biolan and Charkor in nutrient medium ½ MS for intensification of biomass growth and the increased synthesis of polyfructan (PF) in the cultures of chicory “hairy roots” (Cichorium intybus L.), obtained by Аgrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation,. The best indexes of increased specific quantities of PF are observed after using Biolan at a concentration of 5.0 μL/L (up to 130 mg/g dry mass of roots) and Emistim at a concentration 2.5 µL/L (up to 220 mg/g dry mass of roots). The greatest stimulation of root growth activity was expressed on using the growth regulators Emistim, Ivin and Charkor, in concentrations between 2.5 and 10.0 µL/L, considerably raising the total quantity of PF: compared with the control the use of regulator Emistim showed a rise of up to 35 times, regulator Ivin showed an increase of up to 28 times and regulator Charkor showed an increase up to 7.0-7.5 times. The results thus obtained definitely prove the benefit of applying these regulators to increase the biomass growth and PF synthesis in the culture of chicory «hairy roots»

    Eco-friendly Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles Using Camellia sinensis Phytoextracts

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    Biosynthesis of metal nanoparticles using plant materials involves a fairly rapid reduction of metallic materials. The reduction potential of phytochemicals in a tea extract to reduce gold salt (NaAuCl4) to the highly homogenous gold nanoparticles is presented. Phytoextracts were derived from the mixture of Camellia sinensis var. sinensis and Camellia sinensis var. assamica (green tea) leaves. The appearance of the phytoextract's sloping absorption peak with Au salt at the wavelength range 530-550 nm corresponded to the absorption of gold nanoparticles. Obtained nanoparticles were purified from phytoextract excess by centrifugation. Then they were studied by Raman and FTIR spectroscopy and AFM. It was found that the size of produced gold nanoparticles was in the range from 3 nm to 10 n


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    The aim of the work – to highlight the importance of medical residency in the training of pediatricians.The main body. Medical residency should be conducted at medical universities, academies, institutes, and should become a form of specialization of doctors in certain medical specialties (after completion of internship in basic specialties), to be conducted exclusively at the appropriate clinical departments in order to obtain the qualification of a specialist doctor in accordance with the list of medical specialties approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.The main task of the pediatric medical residency is deepening of the level of practical training of children’s doctors, their mastery of a certain level of professional abilities, practical skills, duties and competences within the specific medical specialization, necessary for independent medical activity in a particular pediatric specialty.Conclusion. The introduction of a medical residency in postgraduate medical education is an urgent requirement of time, is to be one of the urgent needs of the healthcare sector being reformed, and will contribute to improving the quality of postgraduate training of pediatricians and, accordingly, the preservation of children’s health.Мета роботи – висвітлити значення лікарської резидентури у підготовці лікарів-педіатрів.Основна частина. Лікарська резидентура має проводитись у медичних університетах, академіях, інститутах та стати формою спеціалізації лікарів-спеціалістів за певними лікарськими спеціальностями (після закінчення інтернатури за базовими спеціаль­ностями), що буде проводитись виключно на відповідних клінічних кафедрах для отримання кваліфікації лікаря-спеціаліста згідно з переліком лікарських спеціальностей, затвердженим Міністерством охорони здоров’я України.Основним завданням педіатричної лікарської резидентури є поглиблення рівня практичної підготовки дитячих лікарів, оволо­діння ними певного рівня професійних умінь, практичних навичок, обов’язків та компетенцій у межах конкретної лікарської спеціалізації, необхідних для самостійної лікарської діяльності за певною педіатричною спеціальністю.Висновок. Запровадження лікарської резидентури у післядипломній медичній освіті є нагальною вимогою часу, відповідатиме нагальним потребам галузі охорони здоров’я, що реформується, та буде сприяти підвищенню якості післядипломної підготовки лікарів-педіатрів і, відповідно, збереженню здоров’я дітей