102 research outputs found

    Comparing the Behavioral Models in Cyber-World Using Social Roles

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    Cyber-world is a typical form of social syndication. Although the future of cyber-world seems bright, not all efforts have succeeded. Therefore, knowing how to motivate users and keep them continually visiting is an important challenge for creating successful cyber-world Web sites. Since that human behaviour varies according to people’s different social roles, this study investigated four social roles (habitual, active, personal, and lurker) in the cyber-worlds. 729 users of i-Partment were used to test the research model. This study empirically confirms the existence of different behavioural models, and revealed the implications for theory and practice

    Exploring users’ behavioral model in Web 2.0 applications - The moderating effects of hedonic versus utilitarian motivations

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    The Web 2.0 trend has enhanced the overwhelming demand for more pervasive human space in online social interaction. Therefore, it is imperative for the practitioners of Web 2.0 websites to understand users’ motivations to participate and develop specific services to stimulate a long-term usage. This study has proposed a research model that explores the factors affecting users’ intentions to use Web 2.0 applications. In addition, user’s usage motivations (i.e. hedonic versus utilitarian) are also compared. The results revealed that users’ intentions to use Web 2.0 applications is influenced by usefulness, ease of use, enjoyment, and social presence. In addition, users’ hedonic versus utilitarian motivations has the moderating influences on the research model

    Micropatterned cell co-cultures using layer-bylayer deposition of extracellular matrix components

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    Abstract Micropatterned cellular co-cultures were fabricated using three major extracellular matrix components: hyaluronic acid (HA), fibronectin (FN) and collagen. To fabricate co-cultures with these components, HA was micropatterned on a glass substrate by capillary force lithography, and the regions of exposed glass were coated with FN to generate cell adhesive islands. Once the first cell type was immobilized on the adhesive islands, the subsequent electrostatic adsorption of collagen to HA patterns switched the non-adherent HA surfaces to adherent, thereby facilitating the adhesion of a second cell type. This technique utilized native extracellular matrix components and therefore affords high biological affinity and no cytotoxicity. This biocompatible co-culture system could potentially provide a new tool to study cell behavior such as cell-cell communication and cell-matrix interactions, as well as tissue-engineering applications.

    Biphasic Effect of Curcumin on Morphine Tolerance: A Preliminary Evidence from Cytokine/Chemokine Protein Array Analysis

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of curcumin on morphine tolerance and the corresponding cytokine/chemokine changes. Male ICR mice were made tolerant to morphine by daily subcutaneous injection for 7 days. Intraperitoneal injections of vehicle, low-dose or high-dose curcumin were administered 15 min after morphine injection, either acutely or chronically for 7 days to test the effect of curcumin on morphine-induced antinociception and development of morphine tolerance. On day 8, cumulative dose-response curves were generated and the 50% of maximal analgesic dose values were calculated and compared among groups. Corresponding set of mice were used for analyzing the cytokine responses by antibody-based cytokine protein array. Acute, high-dose curcumin enhanced morphine-induced antinociception. While morphine tolerance was attenuated by administration of low-dose curcumin following morphine injections for 7 days, it was aggravated by chronic high-dose curcumin following morphine injection, suggesting a biphasic effect of curcumin on morphine-induced tolerance. Of the 96 cytokine/chemokines analyzed by mouse cytokine protein array, 14 cytokines exhibited significant changes after the different 7-day treatments. Mechanisms for the modulatory effects of low-dose and high-dose curcumin on morphine tolerance were discussed. Even though curcumin itself is a neuroprotectant and low doses of the compound serve to attenuate morphine tolerance, high-doses of curcumin might cause neurotoxicity and aggravate morphine tolerance by inhibiting the expression of antiapoptotic cytokines and neuroprotective factors. Our results indicate that the effect of curcumin on morphine tolerance may be biphasic, and therefore curcumin should be used cautiously

    Controlling size, shape and homogeneity of embryoid bodies using poly(ethylene glycol) microwells

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    Directed differentiation of embryonic stem (ES) cells is useful for creating models of human disease and could potentially generate a wide array of functional cell types for therapeutic applications. Methods to differentiate ES cells often involve the formation of cell aggregates called embryoid bodies (EBs), which recapitulate early stages of embryonic development. EBs are typically made from suspension cultures, resulting in heterogeneous structures with a wide range of sizes and shapes, which may influence differentiation. Here, we use microfabricated cell-repellant poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) wells as templates to initiate the formation of homogenous EBs. ES cell aggregates were formed with controlled sizes and shapes defined by the geometry of the microwells. EBs generated in this manner remained viable and maintained their size and shape within the microwells relative to their suspension counterparts. Intact EBs could be easily retrieved from the microwells with high viability (> 95%). These results suggest that the microwell technique could be a useful approach for in vitro studies involving ES cells and, more specifically, for initiating the differentiation of EBs of greater uniformity based on controlled microenvironments.This research has been supported by NIH (NIH grant # HL60435), Draper laboratory, Institute of Soldier Nanotechnology (DAAD-19-02-D-002), and the NSF (through the Bioprocess Engineering Research Center). JF is supported by a Grant-in-Aid for JSPS fellows, 16–4754, 2004

    Na mira do sucesso : estratégias de combate ao insucesso escolar de alunos estrangeiros

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    Trabalho de projeto de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Área de especialização Formação de Adultos), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2017Considerando a importância da integração no contexto escolar e consequentemente no sucesso educativo, o presente trabalho projeto, desenvolvido no âmbito do Mestrado em Ciências da Educação, área de especialidade em Formação de Adultos, centra-se na integração de alunos estrangeiros no ensino português, assim como na dinamização de atividades de promoção do seu sucesso escolar. Deste modo, o relatório apresenta como principais temáticas a integração de estrangeiros em Portugal, o insucesso escolar dos alunos estrangeiros e as políticas educativas de combate a este fenómeno, culminando na definição e desenvolvimento de um projeto de combate ao insucesso escolar destinado a este público. O trabalho desenvolvido junto destes jovens nos últimos nove anos e o diagnóstico elaborado no Agrupamento de Escolas João de Barros permitiu compreender a importância de intervir junto da população estrangeira, fomentando o sucesso educativo e a integração no país de acolhimento, uma vez que a taxa de retenção destes jovens está muito acima dos seus colegas autóctones.Considering the importance of integration in the school context, and consequently in educational success, this project, developed in the scope of the master’s degree in Educational Sciences, specialization in Adult Education, focuses on foreign students’ integration at the Portuguese educational system and activities that could be developed to promote their school success. Therefore, the main themes of the report are the integration of foreigners in Portugal, the lack of academic experience from foreign students and educational policies to reduce this barrier, in order to define and develop a project to combat school failure among this cases. The work developed for the last nine years with this students, the diagnostic elaborated in João de Barros Group of Schools, allowed me to understand the importance of an intervention among foreign students, to foment educational success and integration in the host country, bearing in mind that the retention rate in those cases is far above the native students’ average

    Depicting the tree of life in museums: guiding principles from psychological research

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    The Tree of Life is revolutionizing our understanding of life on Earth, and, accordingly, evolutionary trees are increasingly important parts of exhibits on biodiversity and evolution. The authors argue that in using these trees to effectively communicate evolutionary principles, museums need to take into account research results from cognitive, developmental, and educational psychology while maintaining a focus on visitor engagement and enjoyment. Six guiding principles for depicting evolutionary trees in museum exhibits distilled from this research literature were used to evaluate five current or recent museum trees. One of the trees was then redesigned in light of the research while preserving the exhibit’s original learning goals. By attending both to traditional factors that influence museum exhibit design and to psychological research on how people understand diagrams in general and Tree of Life graphics in particular, museums can play a key role in fostering 21st century scientific literacy