115 research outputs found

    Barium and Yttrium abundance in intermediate-age and old open clusters

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    Barium is a neutron capture element, that, in open clusters, is frequently over-abundant with respect to the Iron. A clear explanation for this is still missing. Additionally, its gradient across the Galactic disk is poorly constrained. We measure the abundance of yttrium and barium using the synthetic spectrum method from UVES high-resolution spectra of eight distant open clusters, namely Ruprecht 4, Ruprecht 7, Berkeley 25, Berkeley 73, Berkeley 75, NGC 6192, NGC 6404, and NGC 6583. The barium abundance was estimated using NLTE approximation. We confirm that Barium is indeed over-abundant in most clusters, especially young clusters. Finally, we investigated the trend of yttrium and barium abundances as a function of distance in the Galaxy and ages. Several scenarios for the barium over-abundance are then discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Constitution and legal status of judges of courts of general jurisdiction

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    Розглянуті основні визначення конституційно-правового статусу суддів судів загальної юрисдикції. Зроблені висновки та пропозиції щодо удосконалення правового регулювання в цій сфері.The basic concept of the constitutional and legal status of judges of courts of general jurisdiction. The conclusions and proposals for improvement of legal regulation in this area are made.Рассмотрены основные понятия конституционно-правового статуса судей судов общей юрисдикции. Сделаны выводы и предложения по усовершенствованию правового регулирования в данной сфере

    On the subject of the Ba overabundance in the open clusters stars

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    For eight distant open clusters, namely Ruprecht 4, Ruprecht 7, Berkeley 25, Berkeley 73, Berkeley 75, NGC 6192, NGC 6404, and NGC 6583, we determined the yttrium and barium abundances using the UVES, VLT spectra (ESO, Chile). The stars of one young cluster (Ruprecht 7) demonstrate significant barium overabundance( 3c0.55 dex) that can not be due to the determination error. We have considered the Ba abundance determination errors due to LTE approach, saturation of the lines, synthetic and observed barium line fitting, and the causes of the Ba overabundance associated with the Galactic disc enrichment or the origin of open clusters. Possible explanation for this overabundance can be the origin of n-capture elements enrichment of the clusters (galactic or extragalactic) or additional sources of the Ba production

    EAS spectrum in the primary energy region above 10 to the 15th power eV by the Akeno and Yakutsk array data

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    The extensive air showers spectrum on scintillation desity Rko in primary energy region E sub approx. 10 to the 15th power - 10 to the 20th power eV on the Yakutsk array data and recent results of the Akeno is given

    Immune system disorder in patients with ulcerative colitis

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    Проведено імунологічне обстеження 45 хворих на неспецифічний виразковий коліт. Надано загальну характеристику змін імунологічних параметрів. Установлено дисбаланс у клітинній ланці імунітету, активацію гуморальної ланки та підвищення рівня прозапальних цитокінів у хворих на неспецифічний виразковий коліт. Визначено рейтинговий алгоритм імунних порушень у обстежених хворих.Проведен иммунологическое обследование 45 больных неспецифический язвенный колит. Предоставлено общую характеристику изменений иммунологических параметров. Установлено дисбаланс в клеточном звене иммунитета, активацию гуморального звена и уровня провоспалительных цитокинов у больных неспецифический язвенный колит. Определены рейтинговый алгоритм иммунных нарушений у обследованных больных.The immunological examination of 45 patients with ulcerative colitis has been carried out. The general characteristics of changes of the immunological parameters have been given. We found the disorders of cellular immunity, activation of humoral immunity, increase of concentration pro-inflammatory cytokines in patients with ulcerative colitis. The immune disorders algorithm was characterised for studied patients

    Synthesis and study of inorganic pigment properties on the basis of dead chrome catalyst

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    Generation of unprocessed wastes of industrial production is the key part of multi-factor negative impact on environment. The technologies of catching and neutralization of discharges and wastes have been developed extremely slow, as a result of it, the level of utilization remains to be low (only half of them is reused in production). All these concern in full measure chemical industry and adjacent branches of production - coal industry, mining, metallurgy, energy. In particular, only in chemical industry it has been calculated about 800 names of wastes. Major part of wastes is deleterious and hazardous to biosphere, processing toxicity, chemical, biological activities, corrosiveness, inflammability and explosibility. On the other hand - industrial wastes contain valuable elements, in particular different metals, the reserves of them are exhaustible. Waste burial is unpractical from the point of view of stability of functioning of industrial complex on the whole. The industrial wastes are often multi-component mixtures of substances of heterogeneous chemical composition, having different physical and chemical properties. The processes of interaction between the components and the background objects and by-product assimilation bring a considerable uncertainty in chemical composition and material constitution of industrial wastes. The technologies of waste recycling to receive the products, specifically inorganic pigments, involve the complex of methods of processing with the use of different modifiers to obtain the needed complex of physical and chemical properties defining the functional characteristics of the target product

    4-Ethoxymethylene-2-phenyl-5(4H)-oxazolone in reactions with various heterocyclic amines

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    The analysis of the literature data has showed that there is no information on the behavior in 5(4H)-oxazolones with amines under the conditions of a sealed vessel reactor, which makes it possible to obtain heterocyclic systems with diff erent amines. We have developed and presented an easy, fast, reliable and innovative method for the preparation of a new series of compounds with synthetic and biological potential, based on the interaction of 4-ethoxymethylene-2-phenyl-5(4H)-oxazolone and heterocyclic amines with diff erent ring sizes and sets heteroatoms using a sealed vessel reactor. Based on the results obtained, it has been found that the transformation proceeds by the mechanism of nucleophilic addition of Michael. The scheme of the conducted interaction has been discussed. Initially, the amino group of the amine used is attacked at the exocyclic C=C bond of the initial substrate, ethoxymethylenexazolone, proceeding with the elimination of a well-leaving ethoxy group in the form of an ethanol molecule, which leads to the fi nal 4-hetarylaminomethylidene derivatives of oxazol-5(4H)-one. In the course of the work, it has been found that the use of a sealed vessel reactor makes it possible to reduce the time of transformations, to achieve an increase in selectivity and yields of target products compared to the usual type of activation of the reaction mixture, such as boiling in ethanol. It has been shown that not only the type of activation, but also the nature of the solvent used aff ects the rate of the reaction. It has been found that under these conditions the transfor mation proceeds with the preservation of the oxazol-5(4Н)-one ring. Control over the course of reactions, determination of individuality and identifi cation of the obtained compounds have been carried out by TLC, elemental analysis, IR-, NMR spectroscopy

    Influence of liposome forms of rhenium-platinum anti-tumor system on the proliferative activity of cancer cells

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    Уперше показано антипроліферативну активність реній-платинової системи на клітинах раку крові людини СЕМ-Т4. Найефективнішими виявилися експерименти, де використовувались обидва компоненти системи. Показано також перевагу ліпосомних форм порівняно з розчинами препаратів та переважний апоптотичний механізм загибелі клітин під дією системи.Впервые показана антипролиферативная активность рений-платиновой системы на клетках рака крови человека СЕМ-Т4. Наиболее эффективными оказались эксперименты, где использовались оба компонента системы. Показано также преимущество липосомных форм в сравнении с растворами препаратов и преимущественный апоптотический механизм гибели клеток под действием системы.First the antiproliferative activity of the antitumor system rhenium-platinum on the human blood cancer cells СЕМ-Т4 was shown. Experimental administration of both components of the system showed the most effectiveness. The advantages of liposomic forms in comparison with preparations solutions and dominating apoptotic mechanism of the cancer cells death under the treatment by the system were shown

    Spherical symmetry in f(R)f(R)-gravity

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    Spherical symmetry in f(R)f(R) gravity is discussed in details considering also the relations with the weak field limit. Exact solutions are obtained for constant Ricci curvature scalar and for Ricci scalar depending on the radial coordinate. In particular, we discuss how to obtain results which can be consistently compared with General Relativity giving the well known post-Newtonian and post-Minkowskian limits. Furthermore, we implement a perturbation approach to obtain solutions up to the first order starting from spherically symmetric backgrounds. Exact solutions are given for several classes of f(R)f(R) theories in both R=R = constant and R=R(r)R = R(r).Comment: 13 page