77 research outputs found

    Deep electromagnetic sounding of the moon with Lunokhod 2 data

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    Results of electromagnetic sounding distinguished an outer high resistance shell about 200 km thick in the moon's structure. A preliminary petrological interpretation of the moon's layers indicated their origin as a consequence of differentiation of the initial peridotite material. Upon melting, 20% to 40% of the material melts and is removed to form a high resistance basaltic shell underlain by a layer of spinal peridotites enriched in divalent iron oxides and having a reduced resistance

    Cyclic nucleotides in tissues during long-term hypokinesia

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    Male Wistar rates were kept hypokinetic by placing them in small containers for 22 days. Blood plasma cAMP content was subsequently found increased, and cGMP content decreased, in the experimental animals. Liver and thymus cAMP content was similar in the control and experimental animals. There was a 20 and 38% decrease of cAMP content in the kidneys and spleen, respectively. Hypokinesia's reduction of cyclic nucleotides seems to inhibit RNA and protein synthesis

    Black Sea region scientific horizons

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    Better understanding of the problems of geology, biology, ecology and management of the resource efficiency and environment (related to water systems) of the Black Sea region requires synergy of international scientific efforts


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    Background. Modern information technologies provide the opportunity to apply different methods of Data Mining and statistics for analyze the huge archives of medical data, containing information about the various cases of each existing disease etc. Purpose. The purpose of this research is developing a method for a comprehensive statistical analysis of the data of medical observations for children with acute surgical pathology to detect the influence of different infusion media used in the treatment on the clinical and laboratory parameters of the children. We compare three solutions — based on glucose with the addition of electrolytes, Ringer's lactate and Ringer's malat. Materials and methods. Input information — results of clinical observation of 137 children with acute surgical pathology aged 6 to 17 years during consecutive five days. All patients are divided into two groups by age: 1 — from 6 to 12 years, 2 — from 13 to 17 years, and into three categories by type of infusion solution used during treatment. The biochemical composition of urine and blood of each patient is represented by the following data: blood red blood cells, hemoglobin, leukocytes, diuresis speed, body surface area, daily diuresis, density and acetone in urine, potassium, sodium, chlorine, lactate, urea in blood, renal and cardiac enzymes , urea nitrogen, the rate of filtration of creatine in the kidneys; creatine, glucose and acidity of blood, total number of acidic and alkaline buffers in the blood, blood bicarbonate level, anionic gap, blood osmolarity, potassium, sodium content, creatine chloride in urine, sodium excretion by the kidneys. Instrumental researches have established: shock volume of heart, minute volume of blood, cardiac index, volume of external and intracellular fluid and circulating blood (% of body weight), total peripheral resistance of vessels. The procedure of each mentioned indicator analysis, proposed and implemented in Java language, include: a) calculating of descriptive statistics and confidence interval for each of the five observations in each patient group; b) assessing the significance of the difference in the sample mean of two observations (the first and each subsequent one) using the student's t-criterion or Wilcox's W-criterion; c) calculating the rate of indicator change and its descriptive statistics and its comparative analysis for different solutions using the Student's t-criterion (for independent samples) or the Mann-Whitney U-criterion; d) comparison of the one therapy action in the different age patients groups. Results. It is elicited rates for which certain therapies used in treatment have a significant or almost no effect, supporting the indicator within acceptable limits. A comparative analysis of the therapy effect in different age groups and a comparison of three types of therapy among themselves are carried out. For each of the biochemical or physiological indicators, we determined moments when a certain solution starts to affect it substantially. Conclusions. The developed application software allows you to quickly automatically perform an analysis of the effects of various types of therapy used to treat one disease, based on patient data collected over several consecutive days. Such an analysis facilitates the generation of substantiated conclusions about further therapeutic treatment.Предложена методика комплексного статистического анализа данных наблюдений за состоянием детей с хирургической патологией двух возрастных групп. Представлены результаты программной реализации разработанного алгоритма. Выявлен терапевтический эффект от применения каждого из трех лекарственных средств — раствора на основе глюкозы с добавлением электролитов, кристаллоидых растворов Рингера лактат и малат. Приведена сравнительная характеристика действия лекарственных средств в разных возрастных группах пациентов.Запропонована методика комплексного статистичного аналізу даних спостережень за станом дітей із хірургічною патологією двох вікових груп. Представлено результати програмної реалізації розробленого алгоритму. Виявлений терапевтичний ефект від застосування кожного з трьох лікарських засобів — розчину на основі глюкози з додаванням електролітів, кри-сталоїдних розчинів Рінгера лактат та малат. Наведено порівняльну характеристику дії лікарських засобів у різних вікових групах пацієнтів

    Excitation of elastic oscillations in solids by a pulsed proton beam

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    At present, the beams of charged particles are used not only in fundamental researches but they have found a wide application in solving the plasma electronics problems, modification of material surfaces properties and in a number of other applications

    Intense proton beam focusing by plasma lens

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    Modeling of complex of catalase «А» from Saccharomyces Cerevisiae with NADPH for its geometry prediction

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    NADPH weakly binds to Catalase «А» from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, so geometry of bound ligand is not known from X-ray crystallography. To resolve this issue com-plexes of catalase «А» from Saccharomyces cerevisiae with NADPH and it s frag-ments - inorganic momophosphates and 2 ,5 -ADP was modeled with molecular me-chanics methods. Binding site of NADPH 2 -phosphate in KATA was detected and models of 2’,5 -ADP as individual molecule and as fragment of NADPH in complexes with catalase «А» were proposed. These model data are in good agreement with known experimental results (electron density). Position of nicotinamid-ribosid is not determined.Каталаза «А» из Saccharomyces cerevisiae образует слабый комплекс с НАДФН2, поэтому его геометрия в ренгеноструктурных исследованиях не установлена. Цель настоящей работы - предсказание геометрии НАДФН2 и его фрагментов - неорганических монофосфатов и 2',5'-АДФ в связанном с ферментом состоянии методом молекулярно-механического моделирования. Результаты расчетов позволили надежно локализовать сайт связывания 2 -фосфата НАДФН2 в этой каталазе, а также предложить обоснованные модели 2',5'-АДФ в форме индивидуальной молекулы и в составе НАДФН2 в комплексе с каталазой «А», согласующиеся с известными экспериментальными данными по электронной плотности. Положение никотинамидной части НАДФН2 на основе анализа полученных моделей окончательно не установлено

    Unified (q;α,β,γ;ν)(q;\alpha,\beta,\gamma;\nu)-deformation of one-parametric q-deformed oscillator algebras

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    We define a generalized (q;α,β,γ;ν)(q;\alpha,\beta,\gamma;\nu)-deformed oscillator algebra and study the number of its characteristics. We describe the structure function of deformation, analyze the classification of irreducible representations and discuss the asymptotic spectrum behaviour of the Hamiltonian. For a special choice of the deformation parameters we construct the deformed oscillator with discrete spectrum of its "quantized coordinate" operator. We establish its connection with the (generalized) discrete Hermite I polynomials