25 research outputs found

    Single-event upsets in the Cluster and Double Star Digital Wave Processor instruments

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    Radiation-induced upsets are an important issue for electronic circuits operating in space. Upsets due to solar protons, trapped protons, and galactic cosmic rays are frequently observed. Modeling the expected frequency of upsets is a necessary part of the design process for space hardware. The Cluster and Double Star spacecraft were respectively European and Chinese missions dedicated to the study of the wave and particle environment in the Earth's magnetosphere. All four Cluster spacecraft and one Double Star spacecraft included a Digital Wave Processor (DWP) instrument. The primary purpose of this instrument was as the central controller of the Wave Experiment Consortium. This paper investigates the occurrence of radiation-induced single-event upsets in these DWP instruments. The memory devices used in the DWP were not specifically radiation-hardened parts and so are relatively sensitive to single-event effects. We present the experience gained during the first 11 years of operation of the Cluster mission and the nearly 4 year lifetime of the Double Star TC-1 spacecraft and compare with models of the radiation environment

    A review of cluster wideband data multi‐spacecraft observations of auroral kilometric radiation

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    We review important advances in the understanding of auroral kilometric radiation (AKR) resulting from observations by the Wideband Data instruments on the four Cluster spacecraft. AKR is an intense radio emission originating in the Earth's auroral regions with frequencies typically in the range 50–700 kHz, usually observed from space. It is now widely accepted that AKR is generated by the cyclotron maser instability (CMI) in density cavities in the auroral acceleration region. Multi-point observations by the Cluster spacecraft with a time delay of arrival technique have allowed the source locations of many individual AKR bursts to be determined. The position uncertainty is around 500 km at the source region or about 200 km when mapped on to the auroral zone. AKR is emitted in a narrow beam close to the tangent to the magnetic field vector in the source region. This has important implications for the possible generation mechanisms, being incompatible with filled or hollow cone beaming models. It also implies that an observer at a given location can only see AKR from a fraction of possibly active source regions. The complex frequency time structure of AKR sometimes shows regular striations or pulsations. Cluster observations of these phenomena have been interpreted as modulation of the CMI by disturbances propagating through the generation region. Exceptionally, AKR can sometimes be observed from low altitude spacecraft or even on the ground. Recent work has involved simultaneous observations of AKR on the Cluster spacecraft and on the ground at the South Pole

    Doppler shift pulsations on whistler mode signals from a VLF transmitter

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    Whistler mode signals from the NAA transmitter (24 kHz) received at Faraday, Antarctica are processed to obtain the Doppler shift at a much higher time resolution than has previously been possible. This has allowed the observation of pulsations of about 13 mHz frequency which are believed to be associated with hydromagnetic waves in the magnetosphere. The pulsations are observed separately on signals with a number of discrete group delay features that can be interpreted as individual whistler ducts. Using the measured pulsation phase over the array of ducts the phase velocity and wave normal direction of the hydromagnetic wave in the equatorial plane are estimated. The direction of propagation is consistent with a source on the dayside magnetopause. The association between whistler mode Doppler shifts and hydromagnetic waves has been reported before but not, as far as we are aware, using an experimental technique that allows measurements on individual ducts in order to determine the direction of propagation of the hydromagnetic wave

    Long-term climate change in the D-region

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    Controversy exists over the potential effects of long-term increases in greenhouse gas concentrations on the ionospheric D-region at 60-90 km altitudes. Techniques involving in-situ rocket measurements, remote optical observations, and radio wave reflection experiments have produced conflicting results. This study reports a novel technique that analyses long-distance subionospheric very low frequency radiowave observations of the NAA 24.0 kHz transmitter, Cutler, Maine, made from Halley Station, Antarctica, over the period 1971-2016. The analysis is insensitive to any changes in the output power of the transmitter, compensates for the use of different data logging equipment, and can confirm the accuracy of the timing systems operated over the 45 year long record. A ~10% reduction in the scale size of the transmitter nighttime interference fringe pattern has been determined, taking into account the quasi-11 year solar cycle. Subionospheric radiowave propagation modeling suggests that the contraction of the interference fringe pattern about the mid-latitude NAA transmitter is due to a 3 km reduction in the effective height of the nighttime ionospheric D-region over the last 45 years. This is consistent with the effect of enhanced infra-red cooling by increasing greenhouse gases

    Enhanced timing accuracy for Cluster data

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    The standard timing accuracy for the Cluster mission is ±2 ms. However for inter-spacecraft comparisons of waveform data, a much higher accuracy is needed – for example a timing error of 1 ms results in a phase error of 65° for a signal at 180 Hz. Most Cluster data are recorded on an onboard solid state recorder and time-stamped using an onboard clock which is calibrated to coordinated universal time (UTC). Until recently, the error of this onboard clock was allowed to increase to the ±2 ms limit before a new calibration was applied. However, the timing error for real-time data is estimated to be only ~11 μs, so these data may be used to prepare a time correction data set which allows the standard timing accuracy to be improved considerably. This paper describes the details of the preparation and validation of this data set. Two independent source data sets are used: telemetry to European Space Agency (ESA) ground stations supporting the main operations of the Cluster spacecraft, and the real-time telemetry to the NASA Deep Space Network (DSN) stations supporting the Wide-Band Plasma Wave Investigation

    Equatorial magnetosonic waves observed by cluster satellites: the Chirikov resonance overlap criterion

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    Magnetosonic waves play an important role on the overall dynamics of relativistic radiation belt electrons. Numerical codes modeling the evolution of the radiation belts often account for wave-particle interaction with magnetosonic waves. The diffusion coefficients incorporated in these codes are generally estimated based on the results of statistical surveys of the occurrence and amplitude of these waves. These statistical models assume that the spectrum of the magnetosonic waves can be considered as continuous in frequency space. This assumption can only be valid if the discrete nature of the waves satisfy the Chirikov overlap criterion. Otherwise, the assumption of a continuous frequency spectrum could produce erroneous results in wave models and hence estimates of the electron diffusion coefficients used in numerical models of the inner magnetosphere. Recently, it was demonstrated, through a case study conducted on a single short (10 s) period snapshot within a longer wave event, that the discrete nature of the equatorial magnetosonic waves do satisfy the Chirikov overlap criterion and so the assumption of a continuous frequency spectrum is valid for the calculation of diffusion coefficients. This paper expands this study to a broader range of time with many magnetosonic wave events to determine whether the discrete nature of the waves always satisfy the Chirikov overlap criterion. The results show that most, but not all, discrete magnetosonic emissions satisfy the Chirikov overlap criterion. Therefore, the use of the continuous spectrum, employed in quasi-linear theory, may not always be justified

    Experimental determination of the dispersion relation of magnetosonic waves

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    Magnetosonic waves are commonly observed in the vicinity of the terrestrial magnetic equator. It has been proposed that within this region they may interact with radiation belt electrons, accelerating some to high energies. These wave-particle interactions depend upon the characteristic properties of the wave mode. Hence, determination of the wave properties is a fundamental part of understanding these interaction processes. Using data collected during the Cluster Inner Magnetosphere Campaign, this paper identifies an occurrence of magnetosonic waves, discusses their generation and propagation properties from a theoretical perspective, and utilizes multispacecraft measurements to experimentally determine their dispersion relation. Their experimental dispersion is found to be in accordance with that based on cold plasma theory

    Magnetospheric VLF line radiation observed at Halley, Antarctica

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    Spectrograms of broad-band ELF/VLF goniometer data obtained from ground based measurements made at Halley, Antarctica (L=4.3,conjugate near St. Anthony, Newfoundland) have shown the presence of discrete line radiation of magnetospheric origin, in the frequency range 1-4 kHz. The properties of this radiation are broadly similar to Power Line Harmonic Radiation (PLHR), studied from ground based observations made at Siple, Antarctica (L=4.1,conjugate-Roberval, Quebec), although there are some interesting differences. Line radiation observed at Halley, is never regularly spaced in frequency by 120Hz, as one may expect if signals from the Newfoundland power distribution system (60Hz fundamental) are entering the magnetosphere, and being amplified. Instead, frequency spacings are widely distributed about mean values between 50 to 90Hz. The lines are observed to trigger emissions and often exhibit 2 hop amplitude modulation, which demonstrates that they are of magnetospheric origin. Events occur mostly in quiet to moderate geomagnetic conditions, and during the late afternoon period of local time. Arrays of lines are often observed to drift upwards together in frequency. Line bandwidths are 20-30Hz-much larger than the bandwidths of locally generated induction lines. We show that the line spacing of ∿80 z is too large to correspond to sideband separation for waves of equatorial field strength ∿10 pT, and we investigate the conditions required for effective particle trapping by the wave array, of the type described by NUNN (J. Plasma Phys., 11,189,1974). It is proposed that the line radiation either originates in the signals which enter the magnetosphere from Newfoundland, or is \u27naturally\u27 generated, possibly by a linear instability which takes place if the electron distribution is unstable in restricted ranges of wave frequency and wave number

    The polarisation of whistlers received on the ground near L = 4

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    The observed polarisation of the horizontal magnetic components of whistler mode signals received at Halley, Antarctica (L≈ 4.3), is in many cases that expected from a simple model of the transionospheric and sub-ionospheric propagation in the southern hemisphere; i.e. right-hand elliptical (field vectors rotate clockwise, looking towards the source) for ionospheric exit points close to the receiver, tending towards linear for more distant exit points. This suggests it may be possible to use the observed polarisation to estimate the propagation distance. However, in other cases, in certain frequency ranges, left-hand elliptically polarised signals have been observed. More realistic models do predict polarisation reversals at certain frequencies and exit point to receiver distances, but not over such a wide frequency range as has sometimes been observed. Also, in some cases, signals with nearly right-hand circular polarisation have been observed for exit points at large distances where linear polarisation would be expected