22 research outputs found


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    Системная склеродермия (ССД) – аутоиммунное заболевание соединительной ткани, характеризующееся прогрессирующим фиброзом кожи и внутренних органов. Характерные клинические признаки ССД могут маскировать онкологические заболевания, а паранеопластический процесс, в свою очередь, маскируется симптомами ССД. Цель исследования – показать необходимость дифференциальной диагностики склеродермоподобного паранеопластического синдрома и ССД как фактора онкологического риска. Материалы и методы. Проведен обзор и анализ данных научно-медицинской литературы. Результаты исследований и их обсуждения. Иммунные реакции, участвующие в патогенезе ССД, могут способствовать развитию онкологической патологии; поэтому пациенты с факторами риска развития заболевания требуют наблюдения за возможным развитием неопластического процесса. Пациенты с ССД и аутоантителами к РНК-полимеразе III имеют значительный риск развития рака. Риск канцерогенеза наиболее высокий в первый год после постановки диагноза ССД. С другой стороны, симптомы ССД могут быть маской различных видов рака. Паранеопластический склеродермоподобный синдром, непосредственно не связан с первичной опухолью и ее метастазами, а обусловлен сложными вторичными воспалительно-дегенеративными изменениями системного, локального либо дистантного характера, зачастую протекающими в виде проявлений “перекреста” (overlap) ревматического и опухолевого заболеваний. Предполагается, что раковые клетки могут индуцировать синтез вещества, инициирующего фиброз кожи и внутренних органов. Дифференциация между идиопатической формой ССД, склеродермоподобным паранеопластическим синдромом и развитием рака на фоне ССД вызывает множество трудностей. В статье представлен анализ дифференциально-диагностических мероприятий, предлагается схема скрининга для ведения пациентов с диагнозом ССД, находящихся в группе риска развития малигнизации. Выводы. Результаты анализа источников литературы доказывают актуальность углубленного изучения пациента с впервые выявленным склеродермоподобным синдромом, особенно в пожилом возрасте

    Management of patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension against of systemic sclerodermia (part 1).

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    Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a serious condition caused by the damage to the small pulmonary vessels, leading to the increase of pulmonary artery pressure, pulmonary vascular resistance, development of right ventricular failure and death. PAH is one of the actual problems of modern medicine due to low survival rate, rapid disability of the patients and a high cost of treatment. PAH is one of the leading causes of death in systemic scleroderma (SSD). PAH associated with scleroderma is a unique phenotype combining the manifestations of both SSD and PAH, the pathogenetic mechanisms of which modify the clinical picture and the course of these conditions. Timely diagnosis and treatment of PAH show significant effect on survival rates, however, early detection of PAH is still difficult in SSD due to several factors. The main causes are restriction of modern screening methods and polyorganic involvement in SSD. In comparison with other subgroups of PAH the patients with SSD-PAH poorly answer to the specific PAH therapy. SSD-PAH, along with idiopathic pulmonary hypertension (IPAH), belongs to group I of pulmonary hypertension classification and according to modern consensus has a similar pathogenesis and clinical picture, however, differences in the response to therapy in these groups are observed, that indicates the role of other pathobiological mechanisms. Recent investigations explain these differences by such factors as autoimmune and inflammatory responses, more severe vascular remodeling and direct myocardial damage in the SSD. Drug therapy of PH in SSD is similar to that in IPAH and includes prostaglandins, endothelin receptor antagonists, calcium channel blockers, which are prescribed in cases of a positive vasoreactive test, PDE-5 inhibitors. In this literature review we showed traditional and new methods of PAH treatment and their relevance to SSD-PAH in accordance with randomized clinical trials

    Management of patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension against systemic sclerodermia (part 2).

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    Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a serious condi­tion caused by the damage of the small pulmonary vessels, leading to the increase of pulmonary artery pressure, pulmonary vascular resistance, development of right ventricular failure and death. PAH is one of the actual problems of modern medicine due to low survival rate, rapid disability of the patients and a high cost of treatment. PAH is one of the leading causes of death in systemic sclerodermia (SSD). PAH associated with scleroderma is a unique phenotype combining the manifestations of both SSD and PAH, the pathogenetic mechanisms of which modify the clinical picture and the course of these conditions. Timely diagnosis and treatment of PAH show significant effect on survival rates, however, early detection of PAH is still difficult in SSD due to several factors. The main causes are restriction of modern screening methods and polyorganic involvement in SSD. In comparison with other subgroups of PAH the patients with SSD-PAH poorly answer to the specific PAH therapy. SSD-PAH, along with idiopathic pulmonary hypertension (IPAH), belongs to group I of pulmonary hypertension classification and according to modern consensus has a similar pathogenesis and clinical picture, however, differences in the response to therapy are observed in these groups, that indicates the role of other pathobiological mechanisms. Recent investigations explain these differences by such factors as autoimmune and inflammatory responses, more severe vascular remodeling and direct myocardial damage in the SSD. Drug therapy of PH in SSD is similar to that in IPAH and includes prostaglandins, endothelin receptor antagonists, calcium channel blockers, which are prescribed in cases of a positive vasoreactive test, PDE-5 inhibitors. In this literature review we showed traditional and new methods of PAH treatment and their relevance to SSD-PAH in accordance with randomized clinical trials


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    Heart pathology in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) refers to the most common manifestations of the disease and largely determines its prognosis. The pathogenetic constructions of myocardium, endocardium and coronary vessel lesions remain insufficiently studied. Histological evaluation of separate cardiac structures is performed on native models of SLE in linear mice.The aim of the study – to learn in the experiment on animals (rats) with SLE model the degree of cardiomyocytes, myocardium, endocardium, valves and cardiac vessel damage, comparing the results with thymus and spleen tissues histological data.Material and Methods. The SLE modelling was performed in 53 white non-breeding rats (34 females and 19 males) using full Freund’s adjuvant, splenic deoxyribonucleic acid of cattle, cyclophosphamide, azid and sodium deoxyribo- nucleate. Cadmium sulfate, lithium oxybutyrate and ammonium molybdate were added for feeding animals. Histological heart specimen were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, altsyon blue (pH = 2.6), van Gieson. PAS-reaction was applied.Results. Experimental SLE is accompanied by the development of cardiopathy in all animals with cardiomyocytes hypertrophy, dystrophy and necrosis, morphological signs of coronary vessel, myocardial stroma, endocardium and heart valves sclerosis, proliferation of vascular endothelium, which has dispersion and direct correlation relationships with the degree of lymphoma-macrophage infiltration, interstitial tissue, perivascular and valvular histiocytic cell infiltration, and the vessels endothelium damage nature is closely linked to the presence of mast cells in myocardial stroma, it is defined by endocardium necrosis and valves collagenolysis, decrease in spleen lymphoid tissue, and also in the brain layer cells and Gassal cells in the thymus. We selected those signs of experimental lupus cardiopathy, which simultaneously had Brown-Forsythe dispersion and Kendall non-parametric correlation relations. It turned out that the hypertrophy of cardiomyocytes is directly influenced by the severity of perivascular cell infiltration and the proliferation of vascular endothelium and valves, but necrotization of cardiomyocytes – by the degree of perivascular sclerosis. As the Wilcoxon- Rao multivariate analysis showed, vascular endothelial changes affect the integral manifestations of myocardium, endocardium and heart valve damages. The presented model will be useful for studying the pathogenetic constructions of extracardiac signs of SLE, as well as for developing new and improving the known methods of the disease treatment.Conclusions. In the case of experimental lupus cardiopathy, there is a heart structures lesion, what is more, the immune disorders are involved in their pathogenetic constructions, as indicated by the damage of the immunocompetent organs’ (thymus and spleen) corresponding structures.Патология сердца при системной красной волчанке (СКВ) относится к наиболее частым проявле- ниям заболевания и во многом определяет его прогноз, а морфологические изменения поражений миокарда, эндокарда и коронарных сосудов остаются изученными недостаточно. Гистологическая оценка отдельных кардиальных структур проводится на естественных моделях СКВ на линейных мышах.Цель – изучить в эксперименте на животных (крысах) с моделью СКВ степень повреждения миокарда, эндокарда и сосудов сердца, сопоставив полученные результаты с данными гистологического исследования тка- ней тимуса и селезенки.Материал и методы. Моделирование СКВ выполнено на 53 белых беспородных крысах (34 самки и 19 сам- цов) с использованием введения полного адъюванта Фрейнда, селезеночной дезоксирибонуклеиновой кислоты крупного рогатого скота, циклофосфамида, азида и дезоксирибонуклеината натрия, вскармливанием животных с добавлением в пищу сульфата кадмия, оксибутирата лития и молибдата аммония. Гистологические препараты сердца окрашивали гематоксилином и эозином, альциановым синим (рН=2,6), по ван Гизон, ставили PAS-реакцию.Результаты. Экспериментальный СКВ сопровождается развитием кардиопатии у всех животных с гипертро- фией, дистрофией и некрозом кардиомиоцитов, морфологическими признаками склероза коронарных сосудов, стромы миокарда, эндокарда и клапанов сердца, пролиферацией сосудистого эндотелия, которая имеет диспер- сионные и прямые корреляционные связи со степенью лимфомакрофагальной инфильтрации интерстиция, пери- васкулярной и клапанной гистиоцитарной клеточной инфильтрацией, а характер повреждений эндотелия сосудов тесно связан с наличием в строме миокарда облачных клеток, определяется некрозом эндокарда и колагенолизом клапанов, уменьшением лимфоидной ткани в селезенке, а также клеток в мозговом слое и телец Гассаля в тимусе.Выводы. При  экспериментальной  волчаночной  кардиопатии  наблюдается  закономерное  поражение  всех структур сердца, причем в их патогенетических построениях принимают участие иммунные нарушения, на что указывают повреждения соответствующих структур иммунокомпетентных органов – тимуса и селезенки.Патологія серця при системному червоному вовчаку (СЧВ) належить до найбільш частих проявів захворювання і багато в чому визначає його прогноз, а морфологічні зміни уражень міокарда, ендокарда та коронарних судин залишаються вивченими недостатньо. Гістологічна оцінка окремих кардіальних структур проводиться на природних моделях СЧВ у лінійних мишей.Мета і задачі роботи: вивчити в експерименті на тваринах (щурах) з моделлю СЧВ ступінь ушкодження міокарда, ендокарда й судин серця, зіставивши отримані результати з даними гістологічного дослідження тканин тимусу та селезінки.Матеріал і методи. Моделювання СЧВ виконано на 53 білих безпородних щурах (34 самиці і 19 самців) з використанням уведень повного адъюванта Фрейнда, селезінкової дезоксирібонуклеїнової кислоти великої рогатої худоби, циклофосфаміду, азиду й дезоксирібонуклеїнату натрію, вигодовуванням тварин з додаванням в їжу сульфату кадмію, оксибутирату літію і молібдату амонію. Гістологічні препарати серця забарвлювали гематоксиліном та еозином, альціановим синім (рН=2,6), за ван Гізоном, ставилась PAS-реакція.Результати. Експериментальний СЧВ супроводжується розвитком кардіопатії у усіх тварин з гіпертрофією, дистрофією і некрозом кардіоміоцитів, морфологічними ознаками склерозу коронарних судин, строми міокарда, ендокарда та клапанів серця, проліферацією судинного ендотелію, яка має дисперсійні й прямі кореляційні зв'язки зі ступенем лімфомакрофагальної інфільтрації інтерстицію, периваскулярною і клапанною гістіоцитарною клітинною інфільтрацією, а характер ушкоджень ендотелію судин щільно пов'язаний з наявністю в стромі міокарда хмарних клітин, визначається некрозом ендокарда та колагенолізом клапанів, зменшенням лімфоїдної тканини в селезінці, а також клітин в мозковому шарі і телець Гассаля в тимусі.Висновки. При експериментальній вовчаковій кардіопатії спостерігається закономірне ураження усіх структур серця, причому в їх патогенетичних побудовах беруть участь імунні порушення, на що вказують ушкодження відповідних структур імунокомпетентних органів – тимусу і селезінки.

    Disturbance of the muscoloskeletal system in juvenile ankylosing spondylitis and disease developed in the adulthood (involvement of spine and sacroiliac joints).

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    Background. Two forms of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) are distinguished: juvenile and adult, depending on debut age of the disease. The diagnosis of juvenile AS (JAS) is one of the most urgent problems in a pediatric rheumatology. The peculiarities of AS course that onsets in childhood and adulthood are manifested by differences in the nature of a spinal column disturbance. At the same time, the evolution of JAS in adulthood remains unexplored. The goals and objectives of research: to study clinical and X-ray symptoms of spondylopathy and sacroiliitis course, to assess their characteristics in the disease that onset in childhood and adulthood. Material and methods. 217 patients with AS (193 men and 24 women) with an average age of 38 years were examined. The fast-progressing course of the disease was detected in 21% of cases, moderate and high degree of activity – in 79% of cases, the ІІ-ІІІ stage in 82%, and polyarthritis – in 65%. JAS was detected in 16% of cases (all boys), among them the third stage occurred twice more likely than among the other patients. Results. The clinical and radiologic signs of spondylopathy and sacroiliitis are observed in 95% and 97% of the total number of AS cases, respectively, among all patients with JAS lumbago was detected 4,3 times more frequently, sciatic muscles hypotrophy – 7,8 times, "the string symptom" - 2,9 times", the calcification of the spinal cord - 2,3 times, whereas the prevalence of spinal column injury, the severity of cervico-spondylopathy and sacroiliitis among patients with the disease debut in the adulthood is significantly greater, and the involvement in the process of the lumbar and thoracic spine are detected correspondingly twice as often and by 19%, occurrence of dorsalgia is 4 times as often, the limitation of body lateral bendover by 59%, while there are ambiguous dispersion-correlation links with extraarticular (systemic) manifestations of the disease, and the high prevalence of a peripheral articular syndrome regarding spondylopathy in JAS is a negative prognosis sign, and for the remaining patients there are indices of the Lansbury index and the index of arthro­pathy progression. Conclusion: the onset of AS in adulthood is a risk factor for the severe course of spondylopathy


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    The incidence of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) in population amounts to 0.3 %, which is significantly more likely to develop at the age of 20–30 years. There are two forms of AS – juvenile and adults, depending on the age of the disease debut. The problem of juvenile AS (JAS) diagnostics is one of the most relevant in pediatric rheumatology, and the evolution of this disease remains unexplored in adulthood. The aim of the study – to learn the frequency and nature of separate clinical signs of CNS and PNS lesions in patients with AS , and to evaluate their special features in the disease beginning in childhood and adulthood. Materials and Methods. 217 patients with AS (193 males and 24 females) with an average age of 38 years were examined. The rapidly progression course is detected in 21 % of patients, moderate and high activity rate – in 79 %, stage II–III – in 82 %, polyarthritis – in 65 %. JAS was noted in 16 % of cases (all boys), in which stage III took place twice as often than other patients. Results and Discussion. Changes in PNS are observed in 4.9 times more often among patients with JAS , and CNS is 2 times less often than in cases of the disease debut in adulthood, moreover among the patients of the 1st group, the severity of CNS disturbance is associated with the involvement of the cervical spine and the prevalence of spondylopathy, PNS is associated with the availability of tendovaginitis, arthritis of the "root joints" (shoulder, hip) and changes in the thoracic spine, while in the 2nd group it is associated with the parameters of the integral index of arthritis activity and the x-ray stage of the disease, with disturbance of "root" and sacroiliac joints, wherein the age of the disease onset affects the development of asthenic vegetative and corticonuclear syndrome, the emergence of radiculopathy, cervicocranialgia and metacarpal canal syndrome, and in the pathogenetic architectonics of the CNS pathology the level of immunoglobulin-A plays a greater role, and in PNS the serum interleukin 1-β contents, which, in addition, in cases of JAC determine the occurrence of cervicocranialgia, and in the remaining observations of AS – the Morton's metatarsalgia. Conclusions. AS with different age of the disease debut is a risk factor for the development of certain symptoms of the CNS and PNS disturbances, which in these groups have their pathogenetic features

    Энтезит – ключ к диагнозу спондилоартрита, акцент на псориатический артрит

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    Enthesitis is a common clinical feature of spondyloarthritis (SpA), characterized by inflammation of the tendon or ligament attachment site to a bone or joint capsule. The importance of detecting enthesitis for the diagnosis of SpA is confirmed by its inclusion in the classification criteria for psoriatic arthritis (PsA) – CASPAR – and in the classification criteria for SpA of the international group for the study of spondyloarthritis – ASAS. Enthesitis may be the first clinical sign of SpA, as well as the leading symptom that significantly influences the therapeutic choice. Enthesitis occurs in 30–50% of patients with SpA and is associated with high disease activity, more severe pain and worse quality of life. The frequency of enthesitis detected by ultrasound in patients with PsA is approximately 4 times higher than in patients with ankylosing spondylitis and is associated with the severity of the disease. The review presents current data on the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of enthesitis. Recent studies emphasize the role of imaging methods for the diagnosis of enthesitis due to their higher sensitivity and specificity compared to clinical examination. There is very limited information on the effect of synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs on enthesitis, while targeted drugs and biologic therapy have shown high efficacy in its treatment compared to placebo. Preliminary evidence suggests that targeting interleukin (IL) 17 or IL12/23 may be more effective in enthesises inflammation suppression than tumor necrosis factor α inhibition.Энтезит – характерный клинический признак спондилоартритов (СпА), который проявляется воспалением мест прикрепления сухожилия или связки к кости или суставной капсуле. Важность выявления энтезита для диагностики СпА подтверждается включением его в классификационные критерии псориатического артрита (ПсА) – CASPAR – и в классификационные критерии СпА Международной группы по изучению спондилоартритов – ASAS. Энтезит может быть первым клиническим признаком дебюта СпА, а также ведущим симптомом, существенно влияющим на выбор тактики терапии. Энтезит встречается у 30–50% пациентов со СпА и ассоциируется с высокой активностью заболевания, большей выраженностью боли и худшим качеством жизни. Частота энтезита, выявляемого при УЗИ, у пациентов с ПсА приблизительно в 4 раза выше, чем у пациентов с анкилозирующим спондилитом, и взаимосвязана с тяжестью заболевания. В представленном обзоре литературы рассмотрены современные данные, касающиеся патофизиологии, диагностики и лечения энтезита. Недавние исследования подчеркивают необходимость использования для диагностики энтезита визуализационных методов исследования, так как они обладают более высокой чувствительностью и специфичностью по сравнению с результатами клинического обследования. Данные о влиянии синтетических базисных противовоспалительных препаратов на энтезит весьма малочисленны, тогда как таргетные и генно-инженерные биологические препараты показали высокую эффективность в его лечении по сравнению с плацебо. Предварительные данные свидетельствуют о том, что для подавления воспаления в энтезисах воздействие на интерлейкин (ИЛ) 17 или ИЛ12/23 может быть более эффективным, чем на фактор некроза опухоли α

    Modern tactics of managing patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with systemic connective tissue diseases.

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    A review of the literature on the problem of one of the rare manifestations of systemic diseases - pulmonary arterial hypertension is presented. The necessity of early and thorough differential diagnosis, verification of the diagnosis using invasive methods for assessing central hemodynamics is substantiated. A model for screening patients with systemic scle­roderma, which simplifies the determination of indications to set the research methods that allow to verify the diagnosis is proposed. Modern approaches to drug therapy are described, and questions of improving the patients’ survival with this prognostically unfavorable pathology are discussed


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    The aim of the work – to analyze, generalize existing points of view in the education system, which affect the issue of necessity, effectiveness and features of the simulation programs use for medical students. The main body. An overview of modern literature on the implementation of simulation methods in medical education. Simulation training is one of the effective ways to learn how to manage errors. Simulation training allows to learn how to work in accordance with modern algorithms for diagnosis and emergency care, to develop team interaction and coordination, to increase the level of implementation of complex medical manipulations and to evaluate the effectiveness of their own actions. In particular, at the Internal Medicine Department No. 3 of Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy a method of simulation training is developed  involving university staff as “standardized patients” for modeling clinical situations of differentiation and assistance in various urgent states. Conclusions. In our view, this implementation of the simulation training is a valuable tool for improving the professional skills of medical students. Elements of this technique are applicable at different stages of educational activity: not only in the development of skills in emergency care, but also during the final certification of the 6th year students.Мета роботи – аналіз, узагальнення існуючих точок зору в системі освіти, які торкаються питання про необхідність, ефективність та особливості використання симуляційних програм навчання студентів-медиків. Основна частина. Проведено огляд сучасної літератури по впровадженню симуляційних методів навчання в медичній освіті. Симуляційне навчання є одним з ефективних способів навчитися керувати помилками. Симуляційне навчання дозволяє навчатися працювати відповідно до сучасних алгоритмів діагностики та надання невідкладної допомоги, виробити командну взаємодію та координацію, підвищити рівень виконання складних медичних маніпуляцій та оцінити ефективність власних дій. Зокрема, в ДЗ “ДМА МОЗ України” на кафедрі внутрішньої медицини 3 розроблена методика імітаційного навчання із залученням співробітників ВНЗ в якості стандартизованих пацієнтів для моделювання клінічних ситуацій диференціації та надання допомоги при різних невідкладних станах. Висновки. На наш погляд, дана імплементація симуляційного тренінгу є цінним інструментом вдосконалення професійних навичок студентів медичних вузів. Елементи даної методики застосовні на різних етапах освітньої діяльності: не тільки при відпрацюванні навичок невідкладної допомоги, а також при проведенні підсумкової атестації студентів 6 курсу

    Comparative assessment of primary and paraneoplastic gout in lung cancer

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    Abstract Introduction. Lung cancer (LС) is the most common cause of the so-called paraneoplastic syndrome (PNPS) development, caused by the complex immunoinflammatory, degenerative and vascular distant changes. The risk of LC development is increased in patients with gout which proves the connection between violations of purine metabolism and carcinogenesis. Paraneoplastic (neoplastic) gout is one of the relatively frequent manifestations of LC, but such a relationship of the diseases requires further study. The objective of the study: to compare the clinical and laboratory course of primary gout and disease in the LC patients compared with the tumor process clinical course in the other signs of PNPS presence and to identify risk factors. Materials and methods. 113 patients with gout (97 men and 16 women aged 33 to 79 years) were observed. They were divided into two groups: the first group consisted of 54 patients with primary gout and the second group consisted of 59 patients with paraneoplastic variant of LC. Whereas in the 1st group the ratio of men and women was 26:1, in the 2nd – only 3: 1, and the average age was 50 and 59 years, respectively. The clinical course of gout and tumor process in the 2nd (main) group was compared with that in 199 LC patients with PNPS (comparison group), which was diagnosed in 15.5 % of LC observations. Purine metabolism was assessed by blood levels of uric acid and oxypurinol, their renal clearance, serum activity of xanthine oxidase, xanthine deaminase, adenosine deaminase, and 5-nucleotidase. Results. Paraneoplastic (neoplastic) gout develops in 3.5 % of the LC patients and in 22.9 % of those with PNPS. It differs from the primary (idiopathic) gout by the greater frequency of the disease development in women, the hand joints involvement and the metabolic type of hyperuricemia, but less often observed urolithiasis, peripheral tophi, chronic form of arthritis and the absence of renal type of purine metabolism impairment. Patients with tumorous gout differ from other LC patients with PNPS by the absence of bilateral and median lobe localization of the lung process, but relatively frequent occurrence of Pancoast tumor, high levels of uric acid and xanthine oxidase in the blood. The development of paraneoplastic gout depends on the clinical course of the LC (tumor invasion into the thoracic wall and pericardium, the number of distant organs metastasis) and the power of chemotherapy, the use of alkylating antineoplastic agents and alkaloids. Treatment-associated myelodepression, radiation pneumofibrosis and acute thrombophlebitis development depends on paraneoplastic gout. The presence of gout does not worsen the survival of LC patients with PNPS. LC patients with hyperuricemia (> 420 μmol / l in men and > 360 μmol / L in women) should be prescribed with xanthine oxidase inhibitor - allopurinol in the complex of therapeutic measures. Conclusions. Paraneoplastic gout is a frequent PNPS manifestation in LC, its course has peculiarities compared with the primary gout and is closely related to the tumor process character and the power of chemotherapy, it can determine the complications development in the course of therapeutic interventions. The data presented in the study require further comparative analysis of the other signs of PNPS, comparison of tumor and idiopathic variants of the musculoskeletal system lesion, cutaneous vasculitis and autoimmune systemic syndromes, which might assist in developing of the additional prognostic criteria for the tumor process clinical course, increasing the efficiency of therapy and its control quality