11 research outputs found


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    Introduction: Surfing is a sport that has become popular and expanded around the world, hence the importance of knowing the changes that can occur due to its practice. Methods: A systematic review of non-experimental cross-sectional studies was carried out in databases such as: PubMed, Scopus, Annual Reviews, Sport Discus and PEDro, following the parameters of the PRISMA structure. Results: the results of the study changes in position due to the practice of Surfing and it was found that amateur (recreational) surf athletes have a greater incidence in postural deviations than professionals. In relation to postural alterations, the most affected area of ​​the body is the lumbar region and among the most common alterations in the upper region are deviations of the anterior and lateral shoulder. Conclusion: It is concluded that the practice of surfing creates modifications that alter the posture due to the gesture of the sport and that are conditioned based on the practice time and level of the practitioner.Introducción: El surf es un deporte que se ha popularizado y ampliado alrededor del mundo, de ahí la importancia de conocer las alteraciones que se pueden producir por su práctica. Métodos: Se elaboró una revisión sistemática de estudios no experimentales de corte transversal en las bases de datos como: PubMed, Scopus, Annual Reviews, Sport Discus y PEDro, siguiendo los parámetros de la estructura PRISMA. Resultados: A partir del análisis de los estudios incluidos se muestran cambios en la postura por la práctica del Surf y se encontró que los deportistas del surf amateurs (recreativos) tienen mayor incidencia en desviaciones posturales versus profesionales. Con relación a las alteraciones posturales la zona más afectada del cuerpo es la región lumbar y entre las alteraciones más comunes de la región superior se encuentran las desviaciones del hombro anterior y lateral. Conclusión: Se concluye que la práctica del surf crea modificaciones que alteran la postura debido al gesto propio del deporte y que están condicionadas con base al tiempo de práctica y nivel del practicante

    Trazando el camino de la vocación científica: un análisis de las teorías en psicología

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    Este artículo de revisión documental se centra en explorar y comparar teorías clave en psicología relacionadas con la vocación científica, la investigación se basa en un extenso análisis de la literatura académica que aborda la elección de una carrera en el ámbito científico y cómo diversos factores influyen en este proceso. En primer lugar, se examinan las teorías de autores destacados como John Holland, Donald Super, Linda Gottfredson, Nancy Betz y Ruth F. G. Lent, y David Lubinski y Camilla Benbow; casa una de estas teorías ofrece una perspectiva única sobre cómo las personas seleccionan y desarrollan carreras científicas. Por ejemplo, Holland enfatiza la congruencia entre la personalidad y la ocupación, mientras que Super considera el ciclo de vida y las transiciones vocacionales. La revisión también destaca el papel de la autoeficacia, la preparación académica y los valores personales en la elección de una carrera científica, según las teorías de Gottfredson, Betz y Lent, y Lubinski y Benbow. Este artículo proporciona una visión integral de las teorías que han contribuido significativamente a nuestra comprensión de la vocación científica y subraya la importancia de considerar múltiples perspectivas en la orientación y el desarrollo de carreras científicasThis documentary review article focuses on exploring and comparing key theories in psychology related to the scientific vocation, the research is based on an extensive analysis of academic literature that addresses the choice of a career in the scientific field and how various factors influence This process. First, the theories of prominent authors such as John Holland, Donald Super, Linda Gottfredson, Nancy Betz and Ruth F. G. Lent, and David Lubinski and Camilla Benbow are examined; Each of these theories offers a unique perspective on how people select and develop scientific careers. For example, Holland emphasizes congruence between personality and occupation, while Super considers the life cycle and vocational transitions. The review also highlights the role of self-efficacy, academic preparation and personal values ​​in choosing a scientific career, according to the theories of Gottfredson, Betz and Lent, and Lubinski and Benbow. This article provides a comprehensive overview of theories that have contributed significantly to our understanding of the scientific vocation and highlights the importance of considering multiple perspectives in the orientation and development of scientific careers.PregradoInvestigación en la psicología, como objeto de estudio para entender la inclinación del ser humano con respecto a la vocación o filiación

    Simulation of electrical properties of InxAl1- XN/AlN/GaN high electron mobility transistor structure

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    Electrical properties of InxAl1- xN/AlN/GaN structure are investigated by solving coupled Schro¨dinger and Poisson equations self-consistently. The variations in internal polarizations in In xAl1- xN with indium contents are studied and the total polarization is zero when the indium content is0.41. Our calculations show that the two-dimensional electron gas(2DEG) sheet density will decrease with increasing indium content. There is a critical thickness for AlN. The2DEG sheet density will increase with InxAl1- xN thickness when the AlN thickness is less than the critical value. However, once the AlN thickness becomes greater than the critical value, the2DEG sheet density will decrease with increasing barrier thickness. The critical value of AlN is2.8 nm for the lattice-matched In0.18Al0.82N/AlN/GaN structure. Our calculations also show that the critical value decreases with increasing indium content.?2011 Chinese Institute of Electronics

    The influence of the1st AlN and the2nd GaN layers on properties of AlGaN/2nd AlN/2nd GaN/1st AlN/1st GaN structure

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    This is a theoretical study of the1st AlN interlayer and the2nd GaN layer on properties of the Al0.3Ga0.7N/2nd AlN/2nd GaN/1st AlN/1st GaN HEMT structure by self-consistently solving coupled Schro¨dinger and Poisson equations. Our calculation shows that by increasing the1st AlN thickness from1.0 nm to3.0 nm, the2DEG, which is originally confined totally in the2nd channel, gradually decreases, begins to turn up and eventually concentrates in the1st one. The total2DEG(2DEG in both channels) sheet density increases nearly linearly with the increasing1st AlN thickness. And the slope of the potential profile of the AlGaN changes with the1st AlN thickness, causing the unusual dependence of the total2DEG sheet density on the thickness of the AlGaN barrier. The variations of2DEG distribution, the total2DEG sheet density and the conduction band profiles as a function of the2nd GaN thickness also have been discussed. Their physical mechanisms have been investigated on the basis of the surface state theory. And the confinement of2DEG can be further enhanced by the double-AlN interlayer, compared with the InGaN back-barrier.? Springer-Verlag2011

    The influence of the InGaN back-barrier on the properties of Al(0.3)Ga(0.7)N/AlN/GaN/InGaN/GaN structure

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    This is a theoretical study of the InGaN back-barrier on the properties of the Al(0.3)Ga(0.7)N/AlN/GaN/InGaN/GaN HEMT structure by self-consistently solving coupled Schrodinger and Poisson equations. Our calculation shows that by increasing the indium composition, the conduction band of the GaN buffer layer is raised and the confinement of 2DEG is improved. However, the additional quantum well formed by InGaN becomes deeper, inducing and confining more electrons in it. Another conductive channel is formed which may impair the device performance. With the increasing InGaN thickness, the well depth remains the same and the conduction band of GaN buffer layer rises, enhancing the confinement of the 2DEG without inducing more electrons in the well. The 2DEG sheet density decreases slightly with the indium composition and the physical mechanism is discussed. Low indium composition and thick InGaN back-barrier layer are beneficial to mitigate the short-channel effects, especially for high-frequency devices

    The influence of the 1st AlN and the 2nd GaN layers on properties of AlGaN/2nd AlN/2nd GaN/1st AlN/1st GaN structure

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    This is a theoretical study of the 1st AlN interlayer and the 2nd GaN layer on properties of the Al(0.3)Ga(0.7)N/2nd AlN/2nd GaN/1st AlN/1st GaN HEMT structure by self-consistently solving coupled Schrodinger and Poisson equations. Our calculation shows that by increasing the 1st AlN thickness from 1.0 nm to 3.0 nm, the 2DEG, which is originally confined totally in the 2nd channel, gradually decreases, begins to turn up and eventually concentrates in the 1st one. The total 2DEG (2DEG in both channels) sheet density increases nearly linearly with the increasing 1st AlN thickness. And the slope of the potential profile of the AlGaN changes with the 1st AlN thickness, causing the unusual dependence of the total 2DEG sheet density on the thickness of the AlGaN barrier. The variations of 2DEG distribution, the total 2DEG sheet density and the conduction band profiles as a function of the 2nd GaN thickness also have been discussed. Their physical mechanisms have been investigated on the basis of the surface state theory. And the confinement of 2DEG can be further enhanced by the double-AlN interlayer, compared with the InGaN back-barrier