111 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic assessment of oxide system In2O3‑SnO2‑ZnO

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    Received: 28.11.2018. Accepted: 14.12.2018. Published: 31.12.2018.The In2O3‑SnO2‑ZnO system is of special interest for applications as transparent conducting oxides and also transparent semiconductors. In the present work, a thermodynamic assessment for this system is discussed using all available experimental data on phase equilibria and thermodynamic properties. All subsystems including elemental combinations were considered in order to generate a self-consistent Gibbs energy dataset for further calculation and prediction of thermodynamic properties of the system. The modified associate species model was used for the description of the liquid phase. Particular attention was given to two significant solid solution phases: Spinel with the formula Zn(2–x)Sn(1–x)In2xO4 based on Zn2SnO4 and Bixbyite based on In2O3 and extending strongly toward the SnZnO3 composition according to the formula In(2–2x)SnxZnxO3. In addition to the component oxides, nine quasi-binary compounds located in the In2O3‑ZnO binary subsystem have also been included in the database as stoichiometric phases

    Characterization of woodstove briquettes from torrefied biomass and coal

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    peer-reviewedUsing waste biomass materials offers the potential to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. Torrefaction is very useful for improving the fuel properties of biomass in order to better match those of coal. The aim of this work is to compare the properties of torrefied low quality biomass briquettes against coal equivalents. The composition of the briquettes was characterized by 13C CP/MAS, proximate analysis, and X-ray diffraction and the results were compared with equilibrium calculations. In addition to these techniques, we report for the first time on the use of XμCT for characterizing such materials. The XμCT analysis showed that the briquette structure contains carbon, binder and inorganic matter, with quartz retained from the original feedstock in torrefied biomass and coal briquettes. The CO2 reactivity of pulverized briquettes was investigated by thermogravimetric analysis. Results showed that the inorganic matter influences the reactivity less than the organic composition and porosity. Importantly from a technological standpoint, the increase in binder concentration and replacement of starch with resin binder did not influence the reactivity and calorific value of a pulverized briquette

    Methods to Elicit Forecasts from Groups: Delphi and Prediction Markets Compared

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    Traditional groups meetings are an inefficient and ineffective method for making forecasts and decisions. We compare two structured alternatives to traditional meetings: the Delphi technique and prediction markets. Delphi is relatively simple and cheap to implement and has been adopted for diverse applications in business and government since its origins in the 1950s. It can be used for nearly any forecasting, estimation, or decision making problem not barred by complexity or ignorance. While prediction markets were used more than a century ago, their popularity waned until more recent times. Prediction markets can be run continuously, and they motivate participation and participants to reveal their true beliefs. On the other hand, they need many participants and clear outcomes in order to determine pay-offs. Moreover, translating knowledge into a price is not intuitive to everyone and constructing contracts that will provide a useful forecast may not be possible for some problems. It is difficult to maintain confidentiality with markets and they are vulnerable to manipulation. Delphi is designed to reveal panelists’ knowledge and opinions via their forecasts and the reasoning they provide. This format allows testing of knowledge and learning by panelists as they refine their forecasts but may also lead to conformity due to group pressure. The reasoning provided as an output of the Delphi process is likely to be reassuring to forecast users who are uncomfortable with the “black box” nature of prediction markets. We consider that, half a century after its original development, Delphi is under-utilized