919 research outputs found

    SU(1,1) symmetry of multimode squeezed states

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    We show that a class of multimode optical transformations that employ linear optics plus two-mode squeezing can be expressed as SU(1,1) operators. These operations are relevant to state-of-the-art continuous variable quantum information experiments including quantum state sharing, quantum teleportation, and multipartite entangled states. Using this SU(1,1) description of these transformations, we obtain a new basis for such transformations that lies in a useful representation of this group and lies outside the often-used restriction to Gaussian states. We analyze this basis, show its application to a class of transformations, and discuss its extension to more general quantum optical networks

    The presence of anti thyroid and anti ovarian auto-antibodies in familial premature ovarian failure

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    Background: Premature ovarian failure (POF) is a disorder of multi causal etiology. Autoimmunity has been proposed as a mechanism for some cases of ovarian follicle dysfunction which is evident in POF. The aim of this study was to identify the level of auto-antibodies in POF and familial POF patients. Materials and Methods: In this study, auto-antibodies including anti-ovarian antibody (AOA), anti thyroid peroxidase (TPO) and anti thyroglobulin (TG) antibodies were assessed in the sera of 43 cases with spontaneous POF including 12 cases affected by familial POF. The control samples were obtained from sera of 39 women with normal ovulatory or post menopause women. Results: AOA were detected in 46.5 of the POF group, 41.7 of the familial POF group and 41 of the control group without significant statistical difference between the three groups. Thyroid peroxidase (TPO) antibody was found in 32.6 of the POF group, 41.6 of the familial POF group and 10.3 of the control group. Anti TPO was detected significantly high in both POF and familial POF groups (p<0.02 and p<0.01, respectively). Thyroglobulin (TG) antibody was found in 48.8 of the POF group, 75 of the familial POF group and 23.1 of the control group with meaningful difference (p<0.02 and p<0.001, respectively). TG antibody was significantly higher in familial POF group in comparison to POF group (p<0.03). Conclusion: Although measurement of AOA is not a reliable method for diagnosis of auto-immune POF, but existence of anti thyroid antibodies in familial POF (mainly anti TG) can potentially represent an autoimmune mechanism. It is possible to propose a genetic component for developing autoimmune POF supported by presence of anti thyroid antibodies in familial POF

    Dangling-bond charge qubit on a silicon surface

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    Two closely spaced dangling bonds positioned on a silicon surface and sharing an excess electron are revealed to be a strong candidate for a charge qubit. Based on our study of the coherent dynamics of this qubit, its extremely high tunneling rate ~ 10^14 1/s greatly exceeds the expected decoherence rates for a silicon-based system, thereby overcoming a critical obstacle of charge qubit quantum computing. We investigate possible configurations of dangling bond qubits for quantum computing devices. A first-order analysis of coherent dynamics of dangling bonds shows promise in this respect.Comment: 17 pages, 3 EPS figures, 1 tabl

    Generalized squeezing operators, bipartite Wigner functions and entanglement via Wehrl's entropy functionals

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    We introduce a new class of unitary transformations based on the su(1,1) Lie algebra that generalizes, for certain particular representations of its generators, well-known squeezing transformations in quantum optics. To illustrate our results, we focus on the two-mode bosonic representation and show how the parametric amplifier model can be modified in order to generate such a generalized squeezing operator. Furthermore, we obtain a general expression for the bipartite Wigner function which allows us to identify two distinct sources of entanglement, here labelled by dynamical and kinematical entanglement. We also establish a quantitative estimate of entanglement for bipartite systems through some basic definitions of entropy functionals in continuous phase-space representations.Comment: 16 page

    Discrepancy of target sites between clinician and cytopathological reports in head neck fine needle aspiration: Did I miss the target or did the clinician mistake the organ site?

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    The diagnostic accuracy of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) of head and neck lesions is relatively high, but cytologic interpretation might be confusing if the sample is lacking typical cytologic features according to labeled site by physician. These errors may have an impact on pathology search engines, healthcare costs or even adverse outcomes. The cytology archive database of multiple institutions in southern Iran and Australia covering the period 2001–2011, were searched using keywords: salivary gland, head, neck, FNAC, and cytology. All the extracted reports were reviewed. The reports which showed discordance between the clinician’s impression of the organ involved and subsequent fine needle biopsy request, and the eventual cytological diagnosis were selected. The cytological diagnosis was confirmed by histology or cell block, with assistance from imaging, clinical outcome, physical examination, molecular studies, or microbiological culture. The total number of 10,200 head and neck superficial FNAC were included in the study, from which 48 cases showed discordance between the clinicians request and the actual site of pathology. Apart from the histopathology, the imaging, clinical history, physical examination, immunohistochemical study, microbiologic culture and molecular testing helped to finalize the target organ of pathology in 23, 6, 7, 8, 2, and 1 cases respectively. The commonest discrepancies were for FNAC of “salivary gland” [total: 20 with actual final pathology in: bone (7), soft tissue (5), lymph node (3), odontogenic (3) and skin (2)], “lymph node” [total: 12 with final pathology in: soft tissue (3), skin (3), bone (1) and brain (1)], “soft tissue” [total: 11 with final pathology in: bone (5), skin (2), salivary gland (1), and ocular region (1)] and “skin” [total: 5 with final pathology in: lymph node (2), bone (1), soft tissue (1) and salivary gland (1)]. The primary physician requesting FNAC of head and neck lesions are incorrect in their clinical impression of the actual site in nearly 0.5 percent of cases, due to the overlapping clinical and imaging findings or possibly due to inadequate history taking or physical examination

    Genetic control of protein, oil and fatty acids content under partial drought stress and late sowing conditions in sunflower (Helianthus annuus)

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    The purpose of the present study was to map quantitative trait locus (QTLs) associated with percentage of seed protein, oil and fatty acids content under different conditions in a population of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of sunflower. Three independent field experiments were conducted with well-, partial-irrigated and late-sowing conditions in randomized complete block design with three replications. High significant variation among genotypes is observed for the studied traits in all conditions. Several specific and non-specific QTLs for the aforementioned traits were detected. Under late-sowing condition, a specific QTL of palmitic acid content on linkage group 6 (PAC-LS.6) is located between ORS1233 and SSL66_1 markers. Common chromosomic regions are observed for percentage of seed oil and stearic acid content on linkage group 10 (PSO-PI.10 and SAC-WI.10) and 15 (PSO-PI.15 and SAC-LS.15). Overlapping occurs for QTLs of oleic and linoleic acids content on linkage groups 10, 11 and 16. Seven QTLs associated with palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic acids content are identified on linkage group 14. These common QTLs are linked to HPPD homologue, HuCL04260C001. Coincidence of the position for some detected QTLs and candidate genes involved in enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants would be useful for the function of the respective genes in fatty acid stability.Key words: Sunflower, quantitative trait locus, simple sequence repeats, oil content, protein content, fatty acids

    Infrared study of the spin reorientation transition and its reversal in the superconducting state in underdoped Ba1xKxFe2As2{\mathrm{Ba}}_{1-x}{\mathrm{K}}_{x}{\mathrm{Fe}}_{2}{\mathrm{As}}_{2}

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    With infrared spectroscopy we investigated the spin-reorientation transition from an orthorhombic antiferromagnetic (o-AF) to a tetragonal AF (t-AF) phase and the reentrance of the o-AF phase in the superconducting state of underdoped Ba1−xKxFe2As2. In agreement with the predicted transition from a single-Q to a double-Q AF structure, we found that a distinct spin density wave develops in the t-AF phase. The pair breaking peak of this spin density wave acquires much more low-energy spectral weight than the one in the o-AF state which indicates that it competes more strongly with superconductivity. We also observed additional phonon modes in the t-AF phase which likely arise from a Brillouin-zone folding that is induced by the double-Q magnetic structure with two Fe sublattices exhibiting different magnitudes of the magnetic moment