57 research outputs found

    Effect of probiotics in diarrhea and GE Reflux in pediatrics.

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    Probiotics are defined as nonpathogenic bacterial depravities (Lactobacillus GG Enterococcus faecium,Lactobacilus acidophilus & Bifidobacterium bifidum) that provides better ,and normal intestinal floral and  function ,which balances Intestinal micro-organism and supports the immune system. One of the most common form of diarrhea is Antibiotic induced diarrhea, in which probiotics are used as preservative therapy. A significant number of patients with diarrhea are children (infant –toddler), who have underdeveloped immune system and diarrhea may cause life-threatening event. GE reflux is a common disease in infants. probiotics are now taking a part in the treatment of these children but it is not approved by FDA, although some surveys have shown its benefits. Introduction: The aim of this study is to see the role of probiotics in prevention and treatment of diarrhea and control of GE reflux, versus its high cost. Methods and Results: Four groups were studied in this analysis. The first group had diarrhea without probiotic treatment, the second group were patients with GE Reflux without probiotic treatment. The third group had diarrhea treated with probiotics, and the fourth group had GE reflux and were treated with probiotics. We used patients precise age, weight. variables were sex(female/male)age, (months), weight duration of disease with and without probiotics. In this study mean age was 24 months ,the minimum was 6 months and maximum was 78 months.58%of them were male and 42% were female. The mean treatment duration in group1 was 10 days. In third group was 7days which was reduced by 3 days. The mean treatment duration in group 2 was nearby 26 days. In third group was  near 25 days. Conclusions: Probiotics have significantly reduced the duration of diarrhea but there has not been a prominent improvement in duration of disease in GE Reflux

    Capitalisms of the “Global South” (c. 10th to 19th Centuries) – Old and New Contributions and Debates

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    Objective/Context: The purpose of this article is first to contextualize the concept of the “Global South.” Then, we offer an overview of classical and new historiographies of capitalism(s) of the “Global South.” We focus on works that examine the period between roughly the 10th and 19th centuries, and further explain how we understand and periodize capitalism. Lastly, we introduce the contributions to this special issue. Methodology: This review is based on a holistic and non-Eurocentric Marxian approach, emphasizing the importance of both internal and external factors, global entanglements and uneven development when studying regional dynamics. We also underline the relevance of both connections and comparisons in understanding and analyzing the genesis and rise of global capitalism(s). In other words, we highlight multifaceted forces at work that may be conceived of in terms of a global dialectical conjuncture. Originality: This is one of the few existing articles that pulls together and briefly outlines the different existing trends in writing the histories of capitalism(s) in the “Global South” before the advent of the 20th century. We discuss developments in China, India, the “Islamicate” world, Latin America, the relationship between modern plantation slavery and capitalism as well the “Great Divergence” debate. In doing so, we identify a “global turn” in recent historiographies of capitalism(s). Conclusions: We suggest that the prevalent binary narratives —either embracing or rejecting the (pre-)capitalist nature of societies, commercial practices and production sites in the “Global South”—do not do justice to the complexity of historical dynamics. Furthermore, many studies lack nuances and do not adequately consider multilinear processes, entanglements between the local and global and shifting multipolar centers of development. More often than not, academics also neglect spatio-temporal specificities, transitional periods between —or the hybrid coexistence of— different modes of production, that is, developments which should neither be reduced to predominantly capitalist nor pre-capitalist relations, processes and structures. We also argue that a return to the concept of totality helps to transcend the oversimplified assumptions and analyses of dominant historical accounts.Objetivo/Contexto: Con este articulo tenemos varios propósitos. El primero, es contextualizar el concepto de “Sur Global”. Luego, señalamos algunos elementos claves de las historiografías clásicas y recientes sobre los capitalismos del “Sur Global” entre los siglos x y xix aproximadamente, y explicamos en detalle cómo entendemos y periodizamos el capitalismo. Por último, presentamos las contribuciones de este dossier. Metodología: Esta revisión historiográfica tiene un enfoque marxista, holístico y no eurocéntrico, que reconoce la importancia de analizar factores internos y externos, entrecruzamientos globales, desigualdades regionales, conexiones y posibles comparaciones, —o lo que podemos llamar coyuntura dialéctica global— en el estudio de las dinámicas regionales en el surgimiento y ascenso de los capitalismos globales. Originalidad: Este es uno de los pocos artículos que reúne varias de las diferentes miradas sobre las historias de(los) capitalismo(s) surgidos en el “Sur Global” antes del siglo xx. Analizamos la evolución del capitalismo en China, India, las regiones con mayorías musulmanas, y América Latina, así como la relación entre el capitalismo y la esclavitud moderna de las plantaciones, y el debate sobre la “Gran Divergencia”. Al hacerlo, encontramos evidente un “giro global” en las recientes historiografías del capitalismo. Conclusiones: Sugerimos que las narrativas binarias predominantes — que aceptan o rechazan la naturaleza (pre)capitalista de las sociedades del “Sur Global”, así como de sus prácticas comerciales y de sus lugares de producción— no hacen justicia a la complejidad de las dinámicas históricas, y de las coyunturas globales. Muchos estudios carecen de matices y no consideran adecuadamente procesos multilineales, entrecruzamientos complejos entre lo local y lo global, y cambios en los centros multipolares de desarrollo socioeconómico. Con frecuencia, los académicos ignoran también, las especificidades espaciotemporales y los periodos transicionales o de coexistencia entre modos de producción, que no pueden reducirse a relaciones, procesos y estructuras capitalistas o precapitalistas únicamente. También argumentamos que volver a una concepción de totalidad ayuda a superar los supuestos y los análisis excesivamente simplificados de los relatos históricos dominantes.Objetivo/Contexto: com este artigo, temos vários objetivos. O primeiro é contextualizar o conceito de “Sul global”. Em seguida, apontamos alguns elementos-chave das historiografias clássicas e recentes sobre os capitalismos do “Sul global” entre os séculos 10 e 19, aproximadamente, e explicamos detalhadamente sobre como entendemos e periodizamos o capitalismo. Por fim, apresentamos as contribuições deste dossiê. Metodologia: esta revisão historiográfica adota uma abordagem marxista, holística e não eurocêntrica, reconhecendo a importância de analisar fatores internos e externos, interseções globais, desigualdades regionais, conexões e possíveis comparações, o que podemos chamar conjuntura dialética global, ao estudar a dinâmica regional no surgimento e na ascensão dos capitalismos globais. Originalidade: este é um dos poucos artigos que reúne várias das diferentes visões sobre as histórias do(s) capitalismo(s) que surgiram no “Sul global” antes do século 20. Analisamos a evolução do capitalismo na China, na Índia, nas regiões de maioria muçulmana e na América Latina, bem como a relação entre o capitalismo e a escravidão moderna nas plantações, e o debate sobre a “Grande divergência”. Ao fazer isso, consideramos evidente uma “virada global” nas historiografias recentes do capitalismo. Conclusões: sugerimos que as narrativas binárias predominantes — aceitar ou rejeitar a natureza (pré)capitalista das sociedades do “Sul global”, bem como suas práticas comerciais e locais de produção — não fazem justiça à complexidade das dinâmicas históricas e das conjunturas globais. Muitos estudos carecem de nuances e não consideram adequadamente os processos multilineares, as complexas interligações entre o local e o global, e as mudanças nos centros multipolares de desenvolvimento socioeconômico. Com frequência, os estudiosos também ignoram as especificidades espaço-temporais e os períodos de transição ou a coexistência entre os modos de produção, que não podem ser reduzidos apenas às relações, aos processos e às estruturas capitalistas ou pré-capitalistas. Também argumentamos que o retorno a uma concepção de totalidade ajuda a superar as suposições e análises excessivamente simplificadas das narrativas históricas dominantes

    Camel Caravans as a Mode of Production: A Prerequisite for the Rise of Merchant Capital in Postclassical Afro-Eurasia. An Interview with Richard W. Bulliet

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    Objective/Context: This interview discusses the expansion of the camel caravan trade between roughly the sixth and sixteenth centuries. Wheeled transportation—used in West Asia during the Roman and Sasanid periods—basically disappeared around 500 CE, when camel caravans took over the transport business. Since the domestication of camels in Southern Arabia, sometime between 4000 and 3000 bce, and its adaptation over centuries to carrying loads in the sparsely vegetated desert, the network of camel caravan activity gradually extended way beyond its original center. The caravan system increasingly expanded into many areas of West and Central Asia, North Africa, North India, North-West China, and, to some extent, even parts of “Islamicate” Europe (Andalusia and Sicily). Indeed, camel caravans became the most extensive network of overland transportation the world had seen before the rise of railroad transportation. Originality: In this interview, Richard W. Bulliet discusses how camel caravans replaced wheeled transport in the “Middle East” and how the caravan system restructured many facets of socio-economic and political life in the Arid Zone between approximately 500 and 1500 ce. Conclusion: The depth of this restructuring, he argues, can be compared to changes in the mode of production commonly observed by economic historians elsewhere, including those associated with the rise of mercantile capitalism.Objetivo/Contexto: Esta entrevista aborda la expansión de las caravanas comerciales de camellos entre los siglos vi y xvi aproximadamente. El transporte sobre ruedas —utilizado en Asia Occidental durante los periodos romano y sasánida— desapareció prácticamente hacia el año 500 de Nuestra Era, cuando las caravanas de camellos se hicieron cargo del negocio del transporte. Desde la domesticación de los camellos en el sur de Arabia, en algún momento entre los años 4000 y el 3000 a.C., y su adaptación durante siglos al transporte de cargas en el desierto de escasa vegetación, la red de actividad de las caravanas de camellos se extendió gradualmente mucho más allá de su centro original. El sistema de caravanas se extendió cada vez más por muchas zonas de Asia occidental y central, el norte de África, el norte de la India, el noroeste de China y, en cierta medida, incluso en partes de la Europa islámica (Andalucía y Sicilia). De hecho, las caravanas de camellos se convirtieron en la red de transporte terrestre más extensa del mundo antes de la aparición del ferrocarril. Originalidad: En esta entrevista, Richard W. Bulliet analiza cómo las caravanas de camellos sustituyeron al transporte sobre ruedas en el “Medio Oriente “ y cómo el sistema de caravanas reestructuró muchas facetas de la vida socioeconómica y política en la Zona Árida entre los años 500 y 1500 d.C aproximadamente. Conclusiones: La profundidad de esta reestructuración, argumenta Bulliet, puede compararse con los cambios en el modo de producción comúnmente observados por los historiadores de la economía en otros lugares, incluidos los asociados con el surgimiento del capitalismo mercantil.Objetivo/contexto: esta entrevista aborda a expansão do comércio de caravanas de camelos aproximadamente entre os séculos 6 e 16. o transporte sobre rodas — praticada na Ásia Ocidental durante os períodos romano e sassânida — basicamente desapareceu por volta de 500 da nossa era, quando as caravanas de camelos assumiram o controle do negócio de transporte. Desde a domesticação dos camelos no sul da Arábia, em algum momento entre 4000 e 3000 a.C., e sua adaptação ao longo dos séculos para transportar cargas no deserto de vegetação esparsa, a rede de atividade das caravanas de camelos se estendeu gradualmente para muito além de seu centro original. O sistema de caravanas expandiu-se cada vez mais para muitas áreas da Ásia Ocidental e Central, norte da África, norte da Índia, noroeste da China e, até certo ponto, até mesmo para partes da Europa islâmica (Andaluzia e Sicília). De fato, as caravanas de camelos se tornaram a mais extensa rede de transporte terrestre que o mundo já havia visto antes do surgimento do transporte ferroviário. Originalidade: nesta entrevista, Richard W. Bulliet analisa como as caravanas de camelos substituíram o transporte sobre rodas no “Oriente Médio” e como o sistema de caravanas reestruturou muitas facetas da vida socioeconômica e política na Zona Árida entre aproximadamente 500 e 1500 da nossa era. Conclusão: segundo Bulliet, a profundidade dessa reestruturação pode ser comparada a mudanças no modo de produção comumente observadas por historiadores econômicos de outros lugares, incluindo aquelas associadas ao surgimento do capitalismo mercantil

    Microfluidic integrated gas sensors for smart analyte detection: a comprehensive review

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    The utilization of gas sensors has the potential to enhance worker safety, mitigate environmental issues, and enable early diagnosis of chronic diseases. However, traditional sensors designed for such applications are often bulky, expensive, difficult to operate, and require large sample volumes. By employing microfluidic technology to miniaturize gas sensors, we can address these challenges and usher in a new era of gas sensors suitable for point-of-care and point-of-use applications. In this review paper, we systematically categorize microfluidic gas sensors according to their applications in safety, biomedical, and environmental contexts. Furthermore, we delve into the integration of various types of gas sensors, such as optical, chemical, and physical sensors, within microfluidic platforms, highlighting the resultant enhancements in performance within these domains

    Developing a new approach for evaluation of business processes in a fuzzy environment

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    Evaluation of business processes plays a significant role in business development and improvement. Therefore, organizations need a systematic approach to evaluate all the changes through robust and powerful techniques that can formulate the relationship between the available information and the degree of the inherent uncertainty. In this paper, a set of operational variables are defined. Then, the SPSS software package is utilized to validate the gathered data. After that, the variables are categorized by the use of a clustering technique. Finally, five major factors are determined as the most effective components. According to the inherent uncertainty involved in the process of modelling, fuzzy set theory, a powerful mathematical tool is applied to handle the vagueness. In order to construct a knowledge base based on the fuzzy set theory, the linguistic concepts for each variable are defined. Lastly, membership functions are described and a set of fuzzy rules based on input-output parameters are written in MATLAB software environment. To demonstrate the potential application of the proposed approach, a real case study is illustrated. The results reflect the capability and effectiveness of the approach proposed in this paper. First published online: 23 Nov 201


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    INTRODUCTION: This study was conducted to investigate pattern and risk factors associated with the location of atherosclerotic occlusive lesions in cerebral vessels. Previous studies of patients with stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) suggest that extracranial atherosclerosis is more common in the white race. Noninvasive techniques such as duplex ultrasound, transcranial Doppler (TCD), and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) allow vascular assessment of a more representative proportion of the patients, compared to conventional angiography alone. METHODS: We evaluated patients with cerebrovascular problems (stroke and/or TIA) during a period of 6 months, using duplex ultrasonography, TCD and MRA to detect significant stenosis according to standard criteria. RESULTS: Stenosis of extracranial and intracranial arteries was detected in 38% and 29% of cases, respectively. MCA was the most frequent involved intracranial artery (11% bilaterally and 5% unilaterally). Intracranial lesions tend to be multiple. There was no significant difference between men and women in terms of frequency and distribution of stenosis. No correlation was found between opium use and stenosis. The women had significantly more poor windows than men (P<0.05). The extracranial stenosis was significantly more frequent than intracranial stenosis (P<0.01). CONCLUSION: The relations between hypertension and extracranial stenosis, and diabetes and MCA stenosis were statistically significant. TCD seemed to be a better technique for evaluating intracranial lesions in men than in women

    Attraction and diffusion in nature-inspired optimization algorithms

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    Nature-inspired algorithms usually use some form of attraction and diffusion as a mechanism for exploitation and exploration. In this paper, we investigate the role of attraction and diffusion in algorithms and their ways in controlling the behaviour and performance of nature-inspired algorithms. We highlight different ways of the implementations of attraction in algorithms such as the firefly algorithm, charged system search, and the gravitational search algorithm. We also analyze diffusion mechanisms such as random walks for exploration in algorithms. It is clear that attraction can be an effective way for enhancing exploitation, while diffusion is a common way for exploration. Furthermore, we also discuss the role of parameter tuning and parameter control in modern metaheuristic algorithms, and then point out some key topics for further research