23 research outputs found

    Usage of Infrared-Based Technologies in Forensic Sciences

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    Infrared (IR) radiation comprises a beam located in the electromagnetic radiation family; it arises from the thermal vibrations of radiation that have longer wavelengths than visible light, but shorter wavelengths than microwave radiation. Its wavelength is between 750 nm and 1 mm. The amount of thermal IR radiation emitted by an object is associated with the temperature of the object, the surface area of the object and the spreading of light. IR-based technologies have been demonstrated as a method of evidence identification in forensic sciences in addition to many daily uses

    Evaluation of the deaths secondary to entrapment under the debris in the Van earthquake

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    AbstractIntroductionAn earthquake occurred on October 23, 2011 at 13:41 in the Van city of Turkey. According to the Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute, the magnitude of this earthquake was measured as 7.2 on the Richter scale. The earthquake caused deaths and injuries due to entrapment under the debris. This study has been planned in order to evaluate the features of these deaths and to discuss the obtained data comparatively with the literature.Materials and methodsExternal examination of the corpses and autopsy reports drawn up for Van Attorney Generalship in the city center were evaluated retrospectively.ResultsTotally 51 deaths secondary to the entrapment under the debris were analyzed. Twenty-seven cases (52.9%) were females and 24 cases (47.1%) were males. All the deaths occurred in houses or workplaces. The causes of deaths were as follows: head trauma together with visceral organ laceration in 30 cases (58.8%), mechanic asphyxia in 14 cases (27.5%) and the crush syndrome in seven cases (13.7%). Deaths due to the crush syndrome occurred after victims’ were rescued alive after having been under the debris.ConclusionTraumatic findings are usually generalized and extensive in deaths related with earthquakes. Multiple fractures of cranial bones, ribs, extremities and injuries of visceral organs and major vessels are determined in the external examination. On the other hand, forensic pathologists should not disregard the diagnosis of the crush syndrome in traumatic deaths, especially if the trauma is secondary to the entrapment under the debris following an earthquake

    Toplu Sünnet Etkinliğinde Tıbbi Uygulama Hatası: İki Olgu

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    Gerek dini ve kültürel sebeplerle gerekse de tıbbi sebeplerle yapılmış olsun erkek dünya nüfusunun yaklaşık 6’da birinin sünnet edildiği tahmin edilmektedir. Sünnetin komplikasyon oranının ise %0,2 ile %5 arasında değiştiği bildirilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, aynı hastanede, aynı gün içerisinde, aynı hekim tarafından yapılan toplu sünnet etkinliği sırasında iki sünnet işlemi sonrası gelişen klinik tablo, tıbbi uygulama hatası yönünden irdelenmiş, adli tıbbi boyutu ortaya konulmuş ve bu olguların özellikleri literatür bilgileri ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, toplu sünnet aktivitelerinden mümkün olduğunca kaçınılması, ülkemizde olduğu gibi sosyoekonomik nedenlere bağlı olarak toplu sünnet uygulaması yapılması kaçınılmaz olan durumlarda bile, ailelerin aydınlatılması ile ilgili prosedürlerin göz ardı edilmemesinin, bu konuda yetkin ve yeterli sayıda hekimlerce, asepsi-antisepsi ilkelerine uygun ortamlarda, bilimsel kaidelere ve yürürlükteki mevzuata uygun olarak yapılmasının komplikasyon gelişimini azaltacağı ve bu alandaki tıbbi uygulama hataları iddialarının önüne geçeceği vurgulanmıştır

    Medico-Legal Evaluation of Keloid Formation Following Prominent Ear Correction: Malpractice or Complication?

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       Prominent ear is an anatomic auricular deformity seen in 5% of the population. Keloid formation may occur following prominent ear correction operations. Such undesirable results can lead to a claim of medical malpractice. It is necessary to determine whether the undesired outcome is a complication or malpractice. The physician’s compliance with the standards of care and patient rights is decisive in this distinction.</p

    A Medicolegal Perspective on the Development of Facial Hypertrophic Scars in a Child after Contact with Alkaline Battery Content

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       One of the main causes of injuries in children is batteries. Serious morbidity can result from ingesting batteries or rubbing their contents into the body. Batteries must be labeled with child-friendly warnings.</p

    Secondary victimization of traffic accident victims: getting buried without the declaration of forensic case and without having performed autopsy

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    WOS: 000369324400012PubMed: 27135081BACKGROUND: In this study, it was aimed to analyze the cases of traffic accident related deaths, buried without performing autopsy, in order to increase awareness of the physicians about declaration liability of forensic cases and also emphasize the declaration of the forensic case and autopsy importance. METHODS: In the First Specialization Board of Council of Forensic Medicine, 542 cases of death, reported between the years 2004-2008, who were involved in traffic accidents and buried without an autopsy performed, were evaluated retrospectively. RESULTS: It was found that 69.4% of the cases (n=376) were males, whereas % 30.6 (n=166) were females; mean age was 58.5 +/- 20.9 (range, 3-98 years). Age 61 and above was the most frequent age group with 301 cases (55.5%). Of the cases, 336 (62.0%) had died in hospital, 241 (44.5%) had died in 1-12 months following the accident and medico-legal corpse examination was performed only in 123 (22.9%) cases. Three hundred fourty-four (63.5%) of the cases were not reported as forensic cases and death certificate was signed by any physician other than medical examiner without being declared as a legal case. According to the decisions of Board, since an autopsy was not duly performed, the cause of death could not be determined for 95 cases (17.5%) and for 57 cases (10.5%), it was not possible to determine whether there was causality between the accident and death. DISCUSSION: Our findings emphasize the importance of declaration of forensic cases and performing autopsy in time in traffic accident victims