13,242 research outputs found

    Stable-Frequency Microwave Oscillator

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    Mapping CS in Starburst Galaxies: Disentangling and Characterising Dense Gas

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    Aims. We observe the dense gas tracer CS in two nearby starburst galaxies to determine how the conditions of the dense gas varies across the circumnuclear regions in starburst galaxies. Methods. Using the IRAM-30m telescope, we mapped the distribution of the CS(2-1) and CS(3-2) lines in the circumnuclear regions of the nearby starburst galaxies NGC 3079 and NGC 6946. We also detected the formaldehyde (H2CO) and methanol (CH3OH) in both galaxies. We marginally detect the isotopologue C34S. Results. We calculate column densities under LTE conditions for CS and CH3OH. Using the detections accumulated here to guide our inputs, we link a time and depth dependent chemical model with a molecular line radiative transfer model; we reproduce the observations, showing how conditions where CS is present are likely to vary away from the galactic centres. Conclusions. Using the rotational diagram method for CH3OH, we obtain a lower limit temperature of 14 K. In addition to this, by comparing the chemical and radiative transfer models to observations, we determine the properties of the dense gas as traced by CS (and CH3OH). We also estimate the quantity of the dense gas. We find that, provided that there are a between 10^5 and 10^6 dense cores in our beam, for both target galaxies, emission of CS from warm (T = 100 - 400 K), dense (n(H2) = 10^5-6 cm-3) cores, possibly with a high cosmic ray ionisation rate (zeta = 100 zeta0) best describes conditions for our central pointing. In NGC 6946, conditions are generally cooler and/or less dense further from the centre, whereas in NGC 3079, conditions are more uniform. The inclusion of shocks allows for more efficient CS formation, leading to an order of magnitude less dense gas being required to replicate observations in some cases.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, accepted to A&

    On some aspects of the noise propagation from supersonic aircraft

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    The noise problem associated with an aircraft flying at supersonic speeds is shown to depend primarily on the shock wave pattern formed by the aircraft. The noise intensity received by a ground observer from a supersonic aircraft flying at high as well as low altitudes, is shown to be high although it is of a transient nature. Continues

    The morphology of Sersic-Pastoriza galaxies

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    The authors present the preliminary results of their radio-continuum and neutral hydrogen observations of Sersic-Pastoriza (S-P) galaxies. They show that the central regions contain a population of compact features thought to be young supernova remnants (SNRs) and discuss the overall morphology of the nuclei

    A five year record of high-frequency in situ measurements of non-methane hydrocarbons at Mace Head, Ireland

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    Continuous high-frequency in situ measurements of a range of non-methane hydrocarbons have been made at Mace Head since January 2005. Mace Head is a background Northern Hemispheric site situated on the eastern edge of the Atlantic. Five year measurements (2005–2009) of six C<sub>2</sub>–C<sub>5</sub> non-methane hydrocarbons have been separated into baseline Northern Hemispheric and European polluted air masses, among other sectors. Seasonal cycles in baseline Northern Hemispheric air masses and European polluted air masses arriving at Mace Head have been studied. Baseline air masses show a broad summer minima between June and September for shorter lived species, longer lived species show summer minima in July/August. All species displayed a winter maxima in February. European air masses showed baseline elevated mole fractions for all non-methane hydrocarbons. Largest elevations (of up to 360 ppt for ethane maxima) from baseline data were observed in winter maxima, with smaller elevations observed during the summer. Analysis of temporal trends using the Mann-Kendall test showed small (<6 % yr<sup>−1</sup>) but statistically significant decreases in the butanes and <i>i</i>-pentane between 2005 and 2009 in European air. No significant trends were found for any species in baseline air

    Energy-Efficient Algorithms

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    We initiate the systematic study of the energy complexity of algorithms (in addition to time and space complexity) based on Landauer's Principle in physics, which gives a lower bound on the amount of energy a system must dissipate if it destroys information. We propose energy-aware variations of three standard models of computation: circuit RAM, word RAM, and transdichotomous RAM. On top of these models, we build familiar high-level primitives such as control logic, memory allocation, and garbage collection with zero energy complexity and only constant-factor overheads in space and time complexity, enabling simple expression of energy-efficient algorithms. We analyze several classic algorithms in our models and develop low-energy variations: comparison sort, insertion sort, counting sort, breadth-first search, Bellman-Ford, Floyd-Warshall, matrix all-pairs shortest paths, AVL trees, binary heaps, and dynamic arrays. We explore the time/space/energy trade-off and develop several general techniques for analyzing algorithms and reducing their energy complexity. These results lay a theoretical foundation for a new field of semi-reversible computing and provide a new framework for the investigation of algorithms.Comment: 40 pages, 8 pdf figures, full version of work published in ITCS 201

    Aerobic Exercise Attenuates Risk of Coronary Artery Disease and Improves Mobility in SCI

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    Probing the Evolution of the Galaxy Interaction/Merger Rate Using Collisional Ring Galaxies

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    We present the results from our program to determine the evolution of the galaxy interaction/merger rate with redshift using the unique star-forming characteristics of collisional ring galaxies. We have identified 25 distant collisional ring galaxy candidates (CRGCs) in a total of 162 deep Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field/Planetary Camera-2 images obtained from the HST Archives. Based on measured and estimated redshifts, these 25 CRGCs all lie in the redshift interval of 0.1 < z < 1. Using the local collisional ring galaxy volume density and the new ``standard'' cosmology, we find that in order to account for the number of identified CRGCs in our surveyed fields, the galaxy interaction/merger rate, parameterized as (1 + z)^m, must increase steeply with redshift.We determine a minimum value of m = 5.2 ±\pm 0.7, though m could be as high as 7 or 8. We can rule out a non-evolving (m = 0) and weakly evolving (m = 1-2) galaxy interaction/merger rate at greater than the 4 sigma level of confidence.Comment: Accepted in the Astrophysical Journal (11 pages, 4 figures). Higher resolution version of the figures is available at http://www.astro.cornell.edu/~vassilis/papers