263 research outputs found


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    We investigated three steps of neural precursor cell activation--proliferation, migration, and differentiation--in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis spinal cord treated with intrathecal infusion of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) into the lumbar spinal cord region of normal and symptomatic transgenic (Tg) mice with a mutant human Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) gene. We observed that 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) + nestin double-labeled neural precursor cells increased in the spinal cords of Tg mice compared with non-Tg mice, with a much greater increase produced by EGF and FGF2 treatment. The number of BrdU + nestin double-labeled cells was larger than that of BrdU + ionized calcium-binding adapter molecule-1 (Iba1), BrdU + glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), or BrdU + highly polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM) double-labeled cells, but none expressed neuronal nuclear antigen (NeuN). On further analysis of the gray matter of Tg mice, the number of BrdU + nestin and BrdU + PSA-NCAM double-labeled cells increased more in the ventral horns than the dorsal horns, which was again greatly enhanced by EGF and FGF2 treatment. Because neural precursor cells reside close to the ependyma of central canal, the present study suggests that proliferation and migration of neural precursor cells to the ventral horns is greatly activated in symptomatic Tg mice and is further enhanced by EGF and FGF2 treatment and, furthermore, that the neural precursor cells preferentially differentiate into neuronal precursor cells instead of astrocytes in Tg mice with EGF and FGF2 treatment


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    DSM-ⅢRの基準で診断された分裂病者100例に対し,1988年4月~1992年4月の期間に行われた継続的治療を臨床的に評価した.1988年4月から始まった観察期間4年間を外来のみで経過したのは53例(A群),入院を必要としたのは47例(B群)であった.B群はA群より教育水準は有意に高いが,就業率は低く,生活保護費受給率も高かった.この特徴は男性に顕著に現れていた.B群の精神症状や社会適応度もA群より悪かった.1988年4月以前は100例の約80%が入院歴を有していたが,観察期間内の入院率は47%に低下した.B群の入院理由を検討すると,家族の治療的意欲が大きい入院希望や患者自身の短期入院など,精神科施設の積極的な利用が目立った.交通の便が悪い離島においては,精神科医・精神科作業療法士・保健婦の三者による訪問リハビリテーションの実施が臨床的に有効であることについても言及した.We clinically evaluated continuous treatment of 100 patients diagnosed as having schizophrenia according to DSM-III-R for four years from April 1988 to April 1992. During the four-year investigation period, 53 of the patients (Group A) received treatment by visiting as outpatients, while the remaining 47 patients (Group B), required hospitalization. In Group B compared to Group A, the level of education was significantly higher, but the employment rate was lower and the rate of receiving social welfare benefits was higher. These differences were stronger for male patients. Psychiatric symptoms and social adjustment were poorer in\u27 the patients of Group B than those of Group A. Prior to April 1988, 80% of the 100 patients had had the experience of hospitalization, but in the investigation period the rate of hospitalization decreased to 47%. Examining reasons for hospitalization in Group B, positive attitudes towards for the use of psychiatric institutions, such as hospitalization, together with family members\u27 strong hopes for successful treatment and patients\u27 own desire for short-term hospitalization, were seen. We also discuss the clinical advantages of on-visit rehabilitation by a group of a psychiatrist, a occupational therapist and a community nurse on offshore islands where the public transportation system is not very adequate


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    Prevention of Cognitive Decline in Alzheimer's Disease by Novel Antioxidative Supplements

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    Oxidative stress plays a crucial role in Alzheimer's disease (AD) from its prodromal stage of mild cognitive impairment. There is an interplay between oxidative stress and the amyloid beta (A beta) cascade via various mechanisms including mitochondrial dysfunction, lipid peroxidation, protein oxidation, glycoxidation, deoxyribonucleotide acid damage, altered antioxidant defense, impaired amyloid clearance, inflammation and chronic cerebral hypoperfusion. Based on findings that indicate that oxidative stress plays a major role in AD, oxidative stress has been considered as a therapeutic target of AD. In spite of favorable preclinical study outcomes, previous antioxidative components, including a single antioxidative supplement such as vitamin C, vitamin E or their mixtures, did not clearly show any therapeutic effect on cognitive decline in AD. However, novel antioxidative supplements can be beneficial for AD patients. In this review, we summarize the interplay between oxidative stress and the A beta cascade, and introduce novel antioxidative supplements expected to prevent cognitive decline in AD


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    Background: The outcome of road traffic injury (RTI) is determined by duration of prehospital time, patient’s demographics, and the type of injury and its mechanism. During the emergency medical service (EMS) prehospital time interval, on-scene time should be minimized for early treatment. This study aimed to examine the factors influencing on-scene EMS time among RTI patients. Methods: We evaluated 19,141 cases of traffic trauma recorded between April 2014 and March 2020 in the EMS database of the Nara Wide Area Fire Department and the prehospital database of the emergency Medical Alliance for Total Coordination of Healthcare (e-MATCH). To examine the association of the number of EMS phone calls until hospital acceptance, age ≥65 years, high-risk injury, vital signs, holiday, and nighttime (0:00–8:00) with on-scene time, a generalized linear mixed model with random effects for four study regions was conducted. Results: EMS phone calls were the biggest factor, accounting for 5.69 minutes per call, and high-risk injury accounted for an additional 2.78 minutes. Holiday, nighttime, and age ≥65 years were also associated with increased on-scene time, but there were no significant vital sign variables for on-scene time, except for the level of consciousness. Regional differences were also noted based on random effects, with a maximum difference of 2 minutes among regions. Conclusions: The number of EMS phone calls until hospital acceptance was the most significant influencing factor in reducing on-scene time, and high-risk injury accounted for up to an additional 2.78 minutes. Considering these factors, including regional differences, can help improve the regional EMS policies and outcomes of RTI patients.博士(医学)・甲第880号・令和5年3月15

    Moduli Space and Scattering of D0-Branes in Noncommutative Super Yang-Mills Theory

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    We study the moduli space of the D0-brane system on Dp-branes realized in the noncommutative super Yang-Mills theory. By examining the fluctuations around the solitonic solutions generated by solution generating technique, we confirm the interpretation of the moduli as the positions of D0-branes on Dp-branes. Low-energy scattering process is also examined for two D0-branes. We find that the D0-branes scatter at right angle for head-on collision in the D0-D4 system. For D0-D6 and D0-D8 systems we find special solutions which reduce to the D0-D4 case, giving the same behavior. This suggests that the scattering at right angle for head-on collision is a universal behavior of this kind of soliton scatterings.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure; note added, references added; v3: minor correction, version to appear in PL

    Analysis of Communication between Inpatient Children and Their Mothers - I -

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    We observed the communication between inpatient children and their mothers mainly at the scenes of "play", "drug administration", and "meal" and classified their communication state into 6 types to evaluate the mother-child relationship. The 6 types were such as, good response type (Type I), repair type (Type II) , good response discontinuation type (Type III), response setback type (Type IV), rejective ending type (Type V), rejectin type (Type VI). 1. Sixty-two communication scenes were evaluated in 10 mother-child pairs. 2. Concerning child\u27s words and behavior, attachment for their mothers was observed at 82.5% of the "play" scenes. However, both attachment and rejection were observed at similar percentages of "drug administration" or "meal" scenes . 3. Concerning mother\u27s responses, good responses were most frequently observed at play scenes (88.0%). At "meal" scenes, good responses, good response discontinuation, and rejection were observed. In "drug administration" scenes, no rejection was observed. 4. The mother-child communication was classified into 6 types according to mother\u27s responses. 5. Type I and II indicating good responses were most frequently observed (77.4% of the scenes) . Type V and VI indicating rejective responses were observed in 9.7% of the scenes. 6. In "play" and "drug administration" scenes, good com- munication types were frequently observed. In "meal" scenes, various types were present. 7. The frequency of the communication types indicating rejection was significantly lower in relatively aged mothers group than in young mothers. It is clinically important to clarify the association between mother-child communication types and the situation in which the mother and child are placed based on the results of this study. The participation-observation method used in this study is an effective method of evaluating the relationship between inpatient children and their mothers for appro- priate nursing support


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    精神分裂病患者の行動特性を分析して,精神科デイ・ケア(DC)における精神分裂病患者への関わり方を検討した.対象はDCに通所中の精神分裂病患者15名で,DC通所期間が2年未満の短期通所群と2年以上の長期通所群に区分して検討した.行動特性の指標は,座席占有度と作業療法士(OTR)からの距離を用いた.そして,社会生活能力は精神障害者社会生活評価尺度を用い評価した.その結果,DC長期通所群は短期通所群に比べ,ナワバリは広いが生活能力は劣り,OTRへの対人的な親和性も弱いことが示唆された.このことから,DCの活動は対人関係技能の訓練に焦点をおくだけでなく,治療構造,及び治療契約の定期的な見直しも必要であると考えられた.We examined how to deal with schizophrenic patients in a psychiatric day care program (DO) by analyzing some features of their behavior. The subjects of the study were 15 schizophrenic patients who were attending the DC, and we divided the subjects into two groups: patients who had been attending the DC for less than two years (a short-term attending group) and those attending for more than two years (a long-term attending group). As indexes of behavioral features, we used seat occupation assessment and distance from occupational therapists. Social life ability was evaluated according to the Life Assessment Scale for the Mentally III. The results were that the patients in the long-term attending group had larger territoriality, but lower social life ability and weaker affinity to the occupational therapist compared to those in the shortterm attending group. These findings suggested that in DC activities we should not only focus on interpersonal skills training, but also review the treatment structure and treatment contract regularly