264 research outputs found

    6.EMEA International Symposium in Kanazawa, Japan

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    金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科名古屋大学Chinese Academy of SciencesProject Number 14404021, Peport of Research Project ; Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)(2), from April 2002 to March 2006, Edited by Muramoto,Ken-ichiroKamata, NaotoKawanishi, TakuyaKubo, MamoruLiu, JiyuanLee, Kyu-Sung , 人工衛星データ活用のための東アジアの植生調査、課題番号14404021, 平成14年度~平成17年度科学研究費補助金, 基盤研究(B)(2)研究成果報告書, 研究代表者:村本, 健一郎, 金沢大学自然科学研究科教

    Processes of background KOSA outbreak : Lidar and balloon-borne measurements

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    金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科 環境科学名古屋大学金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科 電子科学Institute of Atomospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Science2005 International Symposium on Environmental Mornitoring in East Asia -Remote Sensing and Forests-,Hosted The EMEA Project, Kanazawa University 21st=Century COE Program -Environmental Monitoring and Predicition of Long- and Short- Term Dynamics of Pan-Japan Sea Area- ,予稿集, EMEA 2005 in Kanazawa, 国際学術研究公開シンポジウム『東アジアの環境モニタリング』-リモートセンシングと森林-,年月日:200511月28日~29日, 場所:KKRホテル金沢, 金沢大学自然科学研究科, 主催:金沢大学EMEAプロジェクト, 共催:金沢大学21世紀COEプログラム「環日本海域の環境変動と長期・短期変動予測

    Anaplastic carcinoma of the pancreas producing granulocyte-colony stimulating factor: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>The granulocyte-colony stimulating factor-producing tumor was first reported in 1977, however, anaplastic pleomorphic type carcinoma of the pancreas producing granulocyte-colony stimulating factor is still rare.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 63-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with body weight loss (-10 kg during months) and upper abdominal pain from 3 weeks. Abdominal computed tomography demonstrated a pancreatic tumor 10 cm in size and multiple low-density areas in the liver. On admission, the peripheral leukocyte count was elevated to 91,500/mm<sup>3 </sup>and the serum concentration of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor was 134 pg/mL (normal, < 18.1 pg/mL). Based on liver biopsy findings, the tumor was classified as an anaplastic pleomorphic-type carcinoma. Immunohistochemical staining showed that pancreatic carcinoma cells were positive for granulocyte-colony stimulating factor. The patient developed interstitial pneumonia, probably caused by granulocyte-colony stimulating factor, and died 11 days after admission.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This is a rare case report of anaplastic pleomorphic-type carcinoma of the pancreas producing granulocyte-colony stimulating factor and confirmed by immunohistochemistry.</p

    Mixture of Kosa (Asian dust) and bioaerosols detected in the atmosphere over the Kosa particles source regions with balloon-borne measurements: possibility of long-range transport

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    金沢大学フロンティアサイエンス機構Long-range transport of atmospheric microbiota with Asian dust (Kosa) particles is of great concern in Northeast Asia in view of the health effect of Kosa particles on human being, disturbance of ecosystems caused through invasion of new microbe, contribution of microorganisms to biogeochemical cycle on global/regional scales, and others. Information on atmospheric microbes over the desert areas has been desired for a long time. Detection of atmospheric microbiota on the desert regions, on the base of balloon-borne measurements, has been made at Dunhuang, China (40°00′ N, 94°30′ E; east end of Taklamakan desert) in the summer of 2007. The measurements showed that microbiota mixed internally with Kosa particles were frequently floating from the ground to about 2-km heights (above sea level), and possible long-range transport of atmospheric microbiota with dust particles taking local circulations is strongly suggested, causing active mixing of atmospheric dust over the Taklamakan desert from the ground to the free troposphere where westerly jet dominates (Iwasaka et al. in J Geophys Res 108:8652, 2003a, J Geophys Res 108:8644, b). The concentration of the mixed particles of Kosa and microbiota having a size larger than about 1 μm in diameter is estimated to be about 1 particle/cm3 at those heights on the basis of measurements of particle concentration with an optical particle counter and analysis of particles having fluorescence light due to dye of DAPI (4′6-diamidino-2 phenylindole) with an epifluorescence microscope. The mixing situation of microbiota and Kosa particles is the important factor controlling atmospheric lifetime of floating microbiota, since the mixing state certainly can protect microbiota from stressful environments [dryness, solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation, low temperature] in the atmosphere, and therefore, it is useful to discuss the data of the first description of microbiota in the atmosphere on the Taklamakan desert. © 2009 Springer Science+Business Media B.V

    Chemical-physical trensformation of KOSA(Asian Dust) particles : The effects on atmospheric environmental in East Asia

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    金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科名古屋大学熊本大学Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of ScienceProceeding : International Symposium of Kanazawa University 21st-Century COE Program Vol.2(2004),Schedule: February 29(SUN)-March 3(WED), Venue: 29 FEB, Ishikawa Life-Long Learning Center(Former Prefectural Government Building) / 1-3 MAR Kanazawa Art Hall, Organized by: Kanazawa University 21st-Century COE Program / Ishikawa International Cooperation Research Centre / United Nations University-Institute of Advanced Studies, Supported by: Ishikawa Prefectural Government / City of Kanazawa, Eds : Hayakawa, Kazuichi / Kizu, Ryoichi / Kamata, Naok

    Dust Particles in the Free Atmosphere in the Asian Continent : Four Seasons Balloon-borne Measurements

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    Promoting Environmental Pesearch in Pan-Japan Sea Area : Young Researchers\u27 Network, Schedule: March 8-10,2006,Kanazawa Excel Hotel Tokyu, Japan, Organized by: Kanazawa University 21st-Century COE Program, Environmental Monitoring and Prediction of Long- & Short- Term Dynamics of Pan-Japan Sea Area ; IICRC(Ishikawa International Cooperation Research Centre), Sponsors : Japan Sea Research ; UNU-IAS(United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies)+Ishikawa Prefecture Government ; City of Kanazaw

    Mineralogical and Chemical Features of Dust Particles Collected in the Troposphere over Desert Areas and over Japan

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    Siberian Branch of Russian Academy金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科名古屋大学Chinese Academy of Science熊本県立大学Promoting Environmental Pesearch in Pan-Japan Sea Area : Young Researchers\u27 Network, Schedule: March 8-10,2006,Kanazawa Excel Hotel Tokyu, Japan, Organized by: Kanazawa University 21st-Century COE Program, Environmental Monitoring and Prediction of Long- & Short- Term Dynamics of Pan-Japan Sea Area ; IICRC(Ishikawa International Cooperation Research Centre), Sponsors : Japan Sea Research ; UNU-IAS(United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies)+Ishikawa Prefecture Government ; City of Kanazaw

    Hypertonicity-induced cation channels rescue cells from staurosporine-elicited apoptosis

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    Cell shrinkage is one of the earliest events during apoptosis. Cell shrinkage also occurs upon hypertonic stress, and previous work has shown that hypertonicity-induced cation channels (HICCs) underlie a highly efficient mechanism of recovery from cell shrinkage, called the regulatory volume increase (RVI), in many cell types. Here, the effects of HICC activation on staurosporine-induced apoptotic volume decrease (AVD) and apoptosis were studied in HeLa cells by means of electronic cell sizing and whole-cell patch-clamp recording. It was found that hypertonic stress reduces staurosporine-induced AVD and cell death (associated with caspase-3/7 activation and DNA fragmentation), and that this effect was actually due to activation of the HICC. On the other hand, staurosporine was found to significantly reduce osmotic HICC activation. It is concluded that AVD and RVI reflect two fundamentally distinct functional modes in terms of the activity and role of the HICC, in a shrunken cell. Our results also demonstrate, for the first time, the ability of the HICC to rescue cells from the process of programmed cell death

    Independent optical excitation of distinct neural populations

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    Optogenetic tools enable examination of how specific cell types contribute to brain circuit functions. A long-standing question is whether it is possible to independently activate two distinct neural populations in mammalian brain tissue. Such a capability would enable the study of how different synapses or pathways interact to encode information in the brain. Here we describe two channelrhodopsins, Chronos and Chrimson, discovered through sequencing and physiological characterization of opsins from over 100 species of alga. Chrimson's excitation spectrum is red shifted by 45 nm relative to previous channelrhodopsins and can enable experiments in which red light is preferred. We show minimal visual system–mediated behavioral interference when using Chrimson in neurobehavioral studies in Drosophila melanogaster. Chronos has faster kinetics than previous channelrhodopsins yet is effectively more light sensitive. Together these two reagents enable two-color activation of neural spiking and downstream synaptic transmission in independent neural populations without detectable cross-talk in mouse brain slice.PostprintPeer reviewe