400 research outputs found

    Function and Characteristics of PINK1 in Mitochondria

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    Mutations in phosphatase and tensin homologue-induced kinase 1 (PINK1) cause recessively inherited Parkinson’s disease, a neurodegenerative disorder linked to mitochondrial dysfunction. Studies support the notion of neuroprotective roles for the PINK1, as it protects cells from damage-mediated mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and cell apoptosis. PARL is a mitochondrial resident rhomboid serine protease, and it has been reported to mediate the cleavage of the PINK1. Interestingly, impaired mitophagy, an important autophagic quality control mechanism that clears the cells of damaged mitochondria, may also be an underlying mechanism of disease pathogenesis in patients for Parkinson’s disease with the PARL mutations. Functional studies have revealed that PINK1 recruits Parkin to mitochondria to initiate the mitophagy. PINK1 is posttranslationally processed, whose level is definitely regulated in healthy steady state of mitochondria. As a consequence, PINK1 plays a pivotal role in mitochondrial healthy homeostasis

    Carl A. Trocki, Singapore: Wealth, Power and the Culture of Control

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    Desire Bound: formation of a Malay minority agency in Singapore

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    This thesis helps us to understand how Malays as an ethnic minority have attempted to locate themselves in Singapore society since Singapore's independence. For this task the studr traces the formation of a certain Malay psychological agency, using Lacan's notion of agency as further developed by Slavoj Zizek and Ghassan Hage. The study finds that when Malays perceive a threat to their desire to be accepted as equal Singaporeans, they are driven to perform a patterned set of conducts: examining themselves critically, detecting flaws and setting those problems as targets for improvement. They do this by their own initiative and for their own good, without necessarily being aware that their discourses and conducts are reconfirming the mainstream ideologies. The study traces the formation of this agency over time in order to provide a fuller understanding of it. The story starts in the period from 1965 to 1970. We saw how Malays were located by the new government of an independent Singapore, and how this agency was aroused among politically engaged Malays - first Malay MPs and then leaders and members of Malay organisations as well - in response to the challenge by the state for Malays to embrace meritocracy (Ch 2 & 3). Next we examined how this psychological agency developed during the 1970s. Malay MPs and other leaders of their community led Malays to make themselves more fit to perform by the logic of meritocracy like the other ethnic groups in Singapore. This gave rise to a set of Malay conducts for self-improvement under the slogan "Change Attitudes" (Ch 4 & 5). Politically engaged Malays began to participate in that set of conducts through a series of public seminars and through newspaper forums and discussions, while it was also consumed by a broader audience of Malay newspaper readers. During this decade this behaviour also became a way for Malays to obtain temporary satisfaction, by demonstrating measurable achievements that brought them closer to acceptance as decent Singaporeans

    Effects of Rising Temperature on Grain Quality and Palatability of Rice Cultivars

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    The effects of high temperatures on grain quality and palatability of cooked rice of four rice cultivars were examined in a temperature gradient chamber (TGC). Experimental plots going from TG1 (near the air intake side) to TG3 (near the air exhaust side) along the temperature gradient in TGC, corresponding to low and high temperature, and an open field plot (outside of TGC) were arranged. The mean and maximum air-temperatures in TG3 were 3.6℃ and 7.2℃ higher, respectively, than those in TG1. Brown rice yield per m2 in the outside was the highest, and those in the TGC plots were lower than outside in all cultivars. This yield decline was due to the decrease in the percentage of ripened spikelets. The increase in the percentage of sterile spikelets due to high temperatures in Nikomaru and Akimasari was larger than that in Hinohikari and Akebono. The yield difference among TGC plots was not significant. High temperature increased the white berry grains and white back grains in Hinohikari and Akebono, respectively. The overall eating quality (+3 to -3) in the outside was in the order of Nikomaru (0.56) >Akimasari (0.50)>Hinohikari (0.00)>Akebono (-0.06). The overall eating quality in TG3 was lower than outside, especially in the quality of appearance. However, the decreasing degrees of appearance quality in Nikomaru and Akimasari were smaller than those in Hinohikari and Akebono. The protein content of milled rice in TG3 (6.0−7.8%) was higher than that in the outside (8.6−10.4%) in all cultivars. The increase in protein content by higher temperature was in the order of Akebono (4.4%)>Hinohikari (1.9%)=Akimasari (1.9%)=Nikomaru (0.8%). In terms of grain quality, the cultivation of new cultivars, Nikomaru and Akimasari are recommended when air temperature exceeds normal years. However, yield reductions in Nikomaru and Akimasari caused by high temperatures were larger than those in the conventional cultivars, Hinohikari and Akebono.岡山県平野部の主要水稲品種は,中生のヒノヒカリ,晩生のアケボノである.近年,夏期の高温障害が原因とされる乳白米,腹白米などのいわゆる白未熟粒の発生による玄米外観品質の低下が顕著となっており,その回避技術やより高品質,良食味品種の選択など,さまざまな対策が検討されている.このような背景のもと,1996年に九州地方において多収,良食味の観点から「にこまる」,「あきまさり」が育成された.にこまるはヒノヒカリと同等の熟期で極良食味であることに加えて,玄米外観品質が優れ,高温下における白未熟粒の発生が少ない品種である.一方あきまさりは,アケボノと同等の熟期で,ヒノヒカリ並みの食味を有する品種である.すなわち,これら2品種をヒノヒカリ,アケボノに替わる品種として導入することにより,より良食味で高品質米の生産が可能であると考えられる.著者らは,水田および畑圃場に温度勾配チャンバー(TGC)を設置し,温暖化による気温上昇を想定した作物(水稲,ダイズ,冬コムギ)の生産性を評価してきた.水稲(品種:日本晴)では,気温上昇によって不稔籾の増加することで減収となること,白未熟粒の発生によって玄米外観品質が低下することを報告した.また,気温上昇下での米飯の食味についても検討したが,その品種間差については検討を行っていない.本研究では,水田内に設置した TGC を用いて,移植から収穫に至る生育期間全体の気温上昇が,水稲4品種の収量,玄米外観品質,米飯の食味におよぼす影響の品種間差異を検討した

    Cell biology and genetics of minimal change disease

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    Minimal change disease (MCD) is an important cause of nephrotic syndrome and is characterized by massive proteinuria and hypoalbuminemia, resulting in edema and hypercholesterolemia. The podocyte plays a key role in filtration and its disruption results in a dramatic loss of function leading to proteinuria. Immunologic disturbance has been suggested in the pathogenesis of MCD. Because of its clinical features, such as recurrent relapse/remission course, steroid response in most patients, and rare familial cases, a genetic defect has been thought to be less likely in MCD. Recent progress in whole-exome sequencing reveals pathogenic mutations in familial cases in steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome (SSNS) and sheds light on possible mechanisms and key molecules in podocytes in MCD. On the other hand, in the majority of cases, the existence of circulating permeability factors has been implicated along with T lymphocyte dysfunction. Observations of benefit with rituximab added B cell involvement to the disease. Animal models are unsatisfactory, and the humanized mouse may be a good model that well reflects MCD pathophysiology to investigate suggested “T cell dysfunction” directly related to podocytes in vivo. Several candidate circulating factors and their effects on podocytes have been proposed but are still not sufficient to explain whole mechanisms and clinical features in MCD. Another circulating factor disease is focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), and it is not clear if this is a distinct entity, or on the same spectrum, implicating the same circulating factor(s). These patients are mostly steroid resistant and often have a rapid relapse after transplantation. In clinical practice, predicting relapse or disease activity and response to steroids is important and is an area where novel biomarkers can be developed based on our growing knowledge of podocyte signaling pathways. In this review, we discuss recent findings in genetics and podocyte biology in MCD


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    This study aimed to compare the performance of a traditional marker-based motion capture system and a video-based markerless system in analyzing squats and to determine the reliability and validity of the markerless system. Twenty-one squats were recorded using a marker-based motion capture system and a 2D video camera. We analyzed the 2D video data using Sportip Motion 3D, a deep learning-based 3D human pose estimation algorithm based specifically on sports activities, and the peak lower limb joint angles were calculated by both systems. There was an excellent agreement between VICON and Sportip Motion 3D for all joint angles (hip intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) = 0.96, knee ICC = 0.92, ankle ICC = 0.86), with average differences of less than 1.3°. These results indicate that squat analysis using Sportip Motion 3D is equally reliable and accurate as the conventional marker-based method


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    2021南山大学植民地末期インドネシア・ムスリムの国際関係認識2018~2021年度科学研究費助成事業 (基盤研究 (C) (一般)) 研究成果報告

    Protection against Cancer with Medicinal Herbs via Activation of Tumor Suppressor

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    Cancer remains a major cause of death, although research is ongoing for the development of more effective drugs. Some herbs have shown potential in preventing the occurrence and/or progression of cancer and other chronic diseases. They are being screened comprehensively to explore the possibility of development of feasible anticancer drugs. However, more information is required about the response to and the molecular target for specific herbs. It seems that there is a relationship between some medicinal herbs and tumor suppressor molecules which protect a cell from cancer. In this paper, we summarize the progress of recent research on herbs, with a particular focus on its anticancer role and molecular mechanisms underlying the cancer prevention property, supporting design for further research in this field