252 research outputs found

    Learning Algorithm for a Brachiating Robot

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    If charity begins at home, scholarship on the charitable deduction has stayed at home. In the vast legal literature, few authors have engaged the distinction between charitable contributions that are meant to be used within the United States and charitable contributions that are meant to be used abroad. Yet these two types of contributions are treated very differently in the Code and raise very different policy issues. As Americans\u27 giving patterns and the U.S. nonprofit sector grow increasingly international, the distinction will only become more salient. This Article offers the first exploration of how theories of the charitable deduction apply to internationally targeted donations. In so doing, the Article aims to contribute not only to a methodological shift in nonprofit tax scholarship (a strategic remapping), but also to a reappraisal of the deduction literature (an analytic remapping): just as existing theories of the deduction can inform our understanding of foreign charity, considerations of foreign charity can shed light back on the existing theories. I argue that the standard rationales are underdetermined and undertheorized, and propose a new, integrated approach to the charitable deduction. Internationally targeted donations emerge from the analysis holding a strong claim to deductibility – often a stronger claim than domestically targeted donations hold – on almost every relevant dimension, which calls into question current regulations that privilege domestic giving. Oversight and foreign policy concerns, however, complicate the ideal of geographic neutrality and illuminate the charitable deduction\u27s role as an instrument of statecraft. Admitting foreign charity into the debate over the deduction thus changes the debate\u27s terms; it gives deduction theory new urgency as well as new complexity

    LLM-Based Human-Robot Collaboration Framework for Manipulation Tasks

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    This paper presents a novel approach to enhance autonomous robotic manipulation using the Large Language Model (LLM) for logical inference, converting high-level language commands into sequences of executable motion functions. The proposed system combines the advantage of LLM with YOLO-based environmental perception to enable robots to autonomously make reasonable decisions and task planning based on the given commands. Additionally, to address the potential inaccuracies or illogical actions arising from LLM, a combination of teleoperation and Dynamic Movement Primitives (DMP) is employed for action correction. This integration aims to improve the practicality and generalizability of the LLM-based human-robot collaboration system.Comment: IEEE MHS 202

    A novel integrated dual microneedle-microfluidic impedance flow cytometry for cells detection in suspensions

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    In this study, a new, simple and cost-effective impedance detection of yeast cell concentration by using a novel integrated dual microneedle-microfluidic impedance flow cytometry was introduced. The reported method for impedance flow cytometry detection utilizes embedded electrode and probe in the microfluidic device to perform measurement of electrical impedance when a presence of cells at sensing area. Nonetheless, this method requires costly and complicatedly fabrication process of electrode. Furthermore, to reuse the fabricated electrode, it also requires intensive and tedious cleaning process. Due to that, a dual microneedle integrated at the half height of the microchannel for cell detection as well as for electrical measurement was demonstrated. A commercial available Tungsten needle was utilized as a dual microneedle. The microneedle was easy to be removed from the disposable PDMS microchannel and can be reused with the simple cleaning process, such as washed by using ultrasonic cleaning. Although this device was low cost, it preserves the core functionality of the sensor, which is capable of detecting the passing cells at sensing area. Therefore, this device is suitable for low cost medical and food safety screening and testing process in developing countries

    Biorhythm-Based Awakening Timing Modulation

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    Abstract-The purpose of the present study is to control human biological rhythm and life cycle by optimization of awakening timing. We developed a wearable interface for controlling awakening time named "BRAC (Biological Rhythm based Awakening timing Controller)". BRAC could estimate bio-rhythm by pulse wave from finger tip and send awake signal to user. An ordinary alarm clock operates according to set times that have to be set in advance. However, humans have a rhythm in their sleep, which affects one's sleep depth and wake-up timing. We consider the simplest way to control or reset human's biorhythm or life style is to optimize the awakening timing and the sleeping hours. We examined the relationship between controlling awakening timing based on autonomous nerve rhythm and equilibrium function. Our findings suggest indicate that the prototype "BRAC" could evaluate user's biological rhythm and awakes user at the time optimized for physical function of equilibrium