299 research outputs found

    Decolourisation of palm oil mill biogas plant wastewater using Poly-Diallyldimethyl Ammonium Chloride (polyDADMAC) and other chemical coagulants

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    Palm oil mill effluent was expected as a future source of renewable biogas. Nevertheless,colours in palm oil mill biogas plant wastewater (POMBPW) causes negative perception among the public and the wastewater is difficult to be treated biologically. In this study, the performance of various chemical coagulants i.e., calcium lactate, magnesium hydroxide, ferric chloride, aluminium chlorohydrate i.e. CK-800, CK-1000, and polyDADMAC, forPOMBPW colour removal were investigated. PolyDADMAC (1,000 mg/L) shows best colour removal (~48%). The main coagulation process with polyDADMACcould be due to charge neutralization-bridging mechanism. The zeta potential analysis supports the finding where the value became positive as the dosage increases. The addition of polyDADMAC has increased the conductivity of the treated wastewater up to 9.22%; however, the final pH is maintained (8.0-8.3). It can be deduced that polyDADMAC has potential to treat POMBPW at low dosage

    Design and simulation of a tunable MEMS filter for wireless biomedical signal transceivers

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    This paper presents a new architecture for a high quality tunable MEMS filter that can be used in wireless biomedical signal transceivers. It consists of a &pi; match circuit with two shunt capacitive coupling switches separated by a piece of high impedance short transmission line, and also a series switch placed at the quarter wavelength distance away from the &pi; match circuit. The low actuation voltage and also tunability are important features of the design objective. All portions of the filter can be realized simultaneously. Thus, the filter docs not require any extra steps during its fabrication, and is not costly. The simulation results confirm the good performance of the filter.<br /

    Determining RF MEMS switch parameter by neural networks

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    A challenge in designing a RF MEMS switch is the determination of its parameters to satisfy the application requirements. Often this is done through a set of comprehensive time consuming simulations. This paper employs neural networks and develops a supervised learner that is capable of determining S11 parameter for a RF MEMS shunt switch. The inputs are the length its L and the height of its gap. The outputs are S11s for eight different frequency points from 0 to V band. The developed learner helps prevent repetitive simulations when designing the specified switch. Simulation results are presented.<br /

    Designing and Psychometric Evaluation of the Competency Inventory for Postgraduate Students of Intensive Care Nursing

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    Background: Today, the role of expert clinical nurses is highlighted because their presence is necessary for guaranteeing the quality of nursing care provided for the patients. However, there are no proper instruments for measuring the clinical competence of postgraduate students in intensive care nursing. Objectives: The present study aimed at development and psychometric evaluation of the clinical-competence inventory for postgraduate students of intensive care nursing. Patients and Methods: A methodological study was conducted at state nursing schools of Iran. The participants were postgraduate students of intensive care nursing, who were being trained at 16 nursing schools throughout Iran, during year 2014. After examining some relevant texts, the first draft of the inventory was designed with 60 items. In order to confirm its face and content validity, a panel of experts and students examined the inventory. The final draft, which contained 44 items, was distributed among postgraduate students of intensive care nursing, and 217 students answered the inventory. The construct validity was verified using exploratory factor analysis. The reliability of the inventory was verified using consistency tests. Results: Firstly an instrument with 60 items was developed. Next, the face and content validity of the instrument was assessed by 15 students and 11 experts. Overall, 16 items were removed through validity assessment and 44 items remained in the final draft. The content validity index of the final draft was 0.90. Moreover, the content validity ration of 44 items ranged between 0.75 and 1. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the inventory was 0.95 and the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of the test-retest results was 0.96. To examine the construct validity of the final draft, it was administered for 217 postgraduate students of intensive care nursing and five factors, with Eigenvalues above one and loading level equal to or above 0.4, were extracted through exploratory factor analysis. Conclusions: The inventory developed in this study is a suitable index for evaluating the efficacy of postgraduate students in the field of intensive care nursing

    Hydrogeology and Water Quality of Umm Alradhma Aquifer, Eastern Saudi Arabia

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    Umm Alradhma limestone aquifer represents the most important aquifers in Saudi Arabia. This aquifer is the largest groundwater reservoir in the Arabian Peninsula. It has high potential of groundwater with average saturated thickness of Umm Alradhma 270 m. the average transmissivity, hydraulic conductivity and effective porosity of Umm Alradhma limestone aquifer are 5800 m2/day, 33 m3/day and 30% respectively. The groundwater of the Umm Alradhma limestone aquifer exists under confined condition in the study area. The productivity of the wells reached 704000 m3/day and provided Riyadh City about 300,000 m3/day. The hydrochemical analyses of 52 groundwater samples representing Umm Alradhma limestone aquifer reveal that the groundwater origin is meteoric. The presence of marine salts in groundwater is attributed to the effective leaching and dissolution processes through the flow path within the aquifer materials (limestone, dolomitic limestone and dolomite). The groundwater salinity of the Umm Alradhma limestone aquifer in the study area ranges between 1195-1429 ppm. This suggests that groundwater of Umm Alradhma limestone aquifer is acceptable for domestic, industrial and agricultural purposes. Keywords: Umm Alradhma aquifer, Hydrogeology, Water Qualit

    Environmental Impact of Landfill on Groundwater, South East of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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    The main objective of this work had been given to the environmental impact of landfill on groundwater. The groundwater in the study area had problems caused by the landfill and the high volumes of sewage water percolating into the groundwater. The existing soil stratigraphy at the landfill consisting of sandy sheet and fractured limestone lead to increasing leachate percolation into the groundwater. The groundwater resources are used mainly for crop irrigation in an agriculture dominated area. The chemical analysis of groundwater indicates that nitrate pollution can be a serious problem affecting groundwater due to the infiltration of leachate in landfill downward to groundwater and the use of nitrogen (N) fertilizers in agriculture. The high concentrations of NO3- and Zn especially in landfill site in groundwater, likely indicate that groundwater is being significantly affected by leachate percolation. The nitrate and Zinc concentrations in groundwater samples in landfill site reach 191 ppm and 1473 ? g/L respectively. The groundwater in the study area is exploited from fractured limestone aquifer belonging to several limestone formations and groundwater of the concerned aquifer exists under unconfined conditions. The groundwater flow direction is from the northwest to the southeast direction. The leachate produced by waste disposal sites contains large amounts of substances which are likely to contaminate groundwater. Chemical analyses were carried out on groundwater samples collected from the neighborhood of landfill yard and spread to southeast direction. The effects of dumping activity on groundwater appeared most clearly as high concentrations of total dissolved solids (TDS), electrical conductivity (EC), total hardness (TH), chloride, nitrates and sulphates. Groundwater samples from the wells situated close to the landfill were found to be more contaminated than that of the wells situated farther away. Keywords: Environmental Impact, Landfill, Groundwater, Saudi Arabi

    The Extended Kumaraswamy Generated Family: Properties, Inference and Applications in Applied Fields

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    In this paper, a new Kumaraswamy generalized family is proposed. The special sub-models of the family accommodate symmetrical, left-skewed, bimodal, right-skewed unimodal, and reverse-J densities, as well as increasing, modified bathtub, decreasing, bathtub, upside down bathtub, reverse J and J shaped hazard rates. The fundamental properties of the family are derived. The maximum likelihood method and seven other methods are used for estimating the model parameters. Numerical simulations are performed to explore the performance of these estimation methods. Three real-life data sets from medicine, agriculture and engineering are fitted to illustrate the flexibility of the proposed family. The proposed family is a good alternative to the Kumaraswamy-G, beta-G, and Topp-Leone-G families

    An ultra low power OTA with improved unity gain bandwidth product

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    An operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) using dynamic threshold MOS (DTMOS) and hybrid compensation technique is presented in this paper. The proposed topology is based on a bulk and gate driven input differential pair. Two separate capacitors are employed for the OTA compensation where one of them is used in a signal path and the other one in a non-signal path. The circuit is designed in the 0.18&mu;m CMOS TSMC technology. The proposed design technique shows remarkable enhancement in unity gain-bandwidth and also in DC gain compared to the bulk driven input differential pair OTAs. The Hspice simulation results show that the amplifier has a 92dB open-loop DC gain and a unity gain-bandwidth of 135kHz while operating at 0.4V supply voltage. The total power consumption is as low as 386nW which makes it suitable for low-power bio-medical and bio-implantable applications