1,858 research outputs found

    Finite Groups Having Nonnormal T.I. Subgroups

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    In the present paper, the structure of a finite group GG having a nonnormal T.I. subgroup HH which is also a Hall π\pi-subgroup is studied. As a generalization of a result due to Gow, we prove that HH is a Frobenius complement whenever GG is π\pi-separable. This is achieved by obtaining the fact that Hall T.I. subgroups are conjugate in a finite group. We also prove two theorems about normal complements one of which generalizes a classical result of Frobenius

    Perencanaan Komunikasi Pemerintah Kota Payakumbuh dalam Mempertahankan Kota Sehatyang Berkelanjutan

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    Environmental pollution caused by natural disasters and also human activities, resulting in the decline in environmental quality both in the city and in the village. Environmental pollution that occurs can not be burdened on one side only, but there must be collaboration between society and also government. One of Payakumbuh government's efforts in dealing with pollution that occurred in Payakumbuh City, namely by creating a healthy city program called Payakumbuh Sustainable Healthy City. This study aims to determine the process of communication planning in making Payakumbuh Healthy City program.This research uses descriptive qualitative research type by using Assifi and French communication planning model. The subjects of the study consisted of four persons involved in the making of selected programs using purposive techniques. This study uses data collection techniques through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. To achieve the validity of data in this study, the authors use triangulation.The results showed that first, the targeted audience in this healthy city program is the whole Payakumbuh community that is in the process of building a clean attitude. Second, the message delivered in this healthy city program is a message that is informative and also persuasive where the message invites the public to keep the cleanliness of the city. Third, the media used in the dissemination of the message is by way of communication in interpersonal, group communication and also media communication. Fourth, evaluation is done by determining the monitoring point to be evaluated, view the field condition, see the program implementation. After that, the government summoned the OPD through the Mayor as the person in charge, then the Mayor will define the deficiency to OPD and OPD here who will be tasked to meet the deficiencies that occurred in the field

    Tangan sebagai Metafora Realitas Kehidupan dalam Karya Seni Rupa

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    Penciptaan karya ini adalah untuk melihat realitas hari ini dengan menggunakan idiom tubuh. Tubuh pada bagian tangan dipilih sebagai daya ungkap dan inspirasi. Karya memvisualisasikan tangan sebagai metafora dalam realitas kehidupan saat ini. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penciptaan seni berbasis praktik (Practice Based Research). Proses ini dibagi dua yaitu: 1) Practice dan 2) Study Literatur. Pemilihan metode ini sangat sesuai dengan yang penulis visualkan karena di dalamnya terdapat in and through atau pengalaman mengalami. Proses penciptaan mengombinasikan karya lukis dan karya seni rupa lainnya. Karya yang dibuat mewakili tema yaitu tentang fenomena realitas hari ini, mulai dari masalah sosial hingga politik, dan fenomena mutakhir. Semua bentuk visual karya menggunakan idiom tangan sebagai metafora. Tangan menjadi makna kritik dan pesan moral atas realitas hari ini. Hands as a Metaphor of the Reality of Life in Fine Art ABSTRACT This work of art aims to examine contemporary reality using the body idiom. The hand part of the body is selected as the power of expression and inspiration. The painting visualizes hands as metaphors in today’s reality. Practiced-based research is used as the primary method in which practice and literature study are the methods used in the process of creation. The chosen method is under the author’s visualization since it contains “in and through” of the author’s immersion in the experience. The production process combines paintings and other works of art. The created art represents the theme of reality in present phenomena ranging from social and political issues to the latest phenomena. All visual forms of creation utilize hand idioms as metaphors because hands manifest the meaning of criticism and moral messages toward modern reality

    Kitab Musnan Ahmad Ibn Hanbal

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    Imam Ahmad adalah seorang tokoh yang sederhana,merakyat dan mempunyai komitmen keislaman yang tinggi. Kecintaan beliau pada hadis dan kesetiaan pada nabi yang harus dibayar dengan pengorbanan fisik dan nonfisik. Merupakan suatu nilai tambah yang harus dihargai, upaya bliau dalam menyelaraskan kata dan sikap/tindakan adalah semata konsistensi dari kecintaan tersebut. Keteguhan sikap ini memberikan kekuatan untuk menghadapi Mihnah dan otoritas penguasa

    Dynamically tunable phase shifter with commercial graphene nanoplatelets

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    In the microwave frequency band the conductivity of graphene can be varied to design a number of tunable components. A tunable phase shifter based on commercial graphene nanoplatelets is introduced. The proposed configuration consists of a microstrip line with two stubs connected with a taper. On each side of the stubs there is a gap, short circuited through a via, where the commercial graphene nanoplatelets are drop casted. By applying a DC bias voltage that alters the graphene resistance the phase of the transmitted signal through the microstrip line can be varied. In order to maximize the phase shift of the transmitted signal and minimize the insertion loss, the length of the taper and the stubs are optimized by the help of circuit model and full-wave simulations. A prototype working at 4GHz is fabricated and measured. A phase variation of 33 degrees is acquired with an amplitude variation of less than 0.4dB
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