8 research outputs found

    Intelligent smart farming and crop visualization

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    Agriculture is a backbone of the economy for any country. Being a part of primary sector, all the other major sectors and industries depend on it for their raw materials. It satisfies the basic needs of human like food, clothing and shelter. However, due to climate change and other related problems, it is becoming increasingly difficult for farmers to keep pace with rising demands. As per estimate by Food and Agricultural Organization of United Nations, around 55 percent of India’s total land area is used for agricultural produce. India is also a leading producer and exporter of some of the major crops. Still there are concerns regarding food security in India by United Nations. For overcoming the natural hurdles, involvement of technology is required for better analysis and decision-making. Through this paper, we plan to propose a visualization technique, which can help farmers to make better decision regarding crop selection. The study proposes a novel framework where farmers can get detailed information about the crops grown in any particular district and also area, production and productivity of any particular crop. This web-based agri solution will help farmers to take smart farming decision by resource optimization and smart planning

    Моделювання фільтраційних процесів в прямокутній ділянці ґрунту з використанням рівнянь Дарсі

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    In the framework of the research described in this paper we implemented the numerical algorithm and the program for the implementation of the algorithm, which makes it possible to calculate pressure field in the examined region and established convergence of the iterative process at optimal selection of the relaxation parameter. The obtained results enable carrying out estimation of the ground water level and propagation patterns under conditions of appropriate environmental characteristics of flow in the presence of varying geometrical configuration of outflow zones through the examined surface.The modelling of filtration processes in a rectangular plot of soil using the Darcy equations might also be used in the problems on estimating water quality, in the tasks on preventing flood waters, floods or mudflows. Such a simulation also makes it possible to explore the phenomena of fluid propagation in soils given the prospects of development of shale gas deposits in the regions of Lviv, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk oblasts (Ukraine). Thus, the applied aspect of the use of the obtained scientific result is the possibility to improve the developed mathematical model of filtration processes through the inclusion of morphological characteristics of river and the river system. This is a prerequisite for obtaining operational data on a change in the level of soil and flood waters at a specified point in time in order to ensure ecological safety of the environmentВ рамках исследования, описанного в данной статье, усовершенствована модель фильтрационного течения на основании системы уравнений Дарси путем учета широкого класса граничных условий при моделировании течения с утечкой жидкости через поверхность исследуемой области. Это позволяет получить детальное количественное описание фильтрационных процессов и получить новые результаты в задачах оценки уровня паводковых водВ рамках дослідження, що описано в даній статті, удосконалено модель фільтраційної течії на основі системи рівнянь Дарсі шляхом урахування широкого класу граничних умов при моделюванні течії з відтоком рідини через поверхню досліджуваної області. Це дозволяє одержати детальний кількісний опис фільтраційних процесів та одержати нові результати в задачах оцінки рівня паводкових во

    Формування концепції інтелектуалізації інформаційного забезпечення управління підприємством

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    The article is devoted to solving topical problems of theory, methodology and practice of technological and intelligent improvement of the informational enterprise management. Recommendations for conceptual development of accounting were given proceeding from the technological support of generating information for management. The mechanism of innovative development of accounting and analysis for a comprehensive modification of information environment of the subject of economic management was developed. Actualization and modification of the basic provisions of organization of information support of enterprise management were substantiated. A system of expressions (axioms) was obtained to ensure effectiveness of the innovative development of information management of the enterprise. Technologies for formation and updating the information management of enterprise were modified. Modeling of the enterprise accounting policy based on the approximation of theoretical and methodological principles of technological and intelligent management concepts was substantiatedОбоснована кoнцeпция интеллектуализации информационного обеспечения управления предприятием на примере мoдeлирования информационной системы бухгалтерского учета, которая базируется нa интеграции компьютерных технологий и искусственного интеллекта. Предложены мeтoды мoдeлирования и определена архитектоника модели бaзы знaний при решении задачи фopмирования учетной пoлитики предприятияОбґрунтовано кoнцeпцiю інтелектуалізації інформаційного забезпечення управління підприємством на прикладі мoдeлювaння iнфopмaцiйної cиcтeми бухгaлтepcькoгo oблiку, зacнoвaну нa пoєднaннi тa iнтeгpaцiї кoмп’ютepних тeхнoлoгiй i штучнoгo iнтeлeкту. Зaпpoпoнoвaнo мeтoди мoдeлювaння та визначено архітектоніку моделі бaзи знaнь при вирішенні завдання щодо фopмувaння oблiкoвoї пoлiтики пiдпpиємcтв

    Financial resource balance of the agricultural sector: case of Ukraine

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    The study of financial balance is carried out in order to determine the supply and demand of financial resources for the agricultural sector and is to take into account the factors shaping the economic relations of the personified forms of capital movement. The balance of demand and supply of financial resources institutionally combines the resources of agricultural producers, credit institutions, financial institutions and the state and functionally it involves a set of the functions performed by financial regulation to achieve the goals of agricultural production. Since the concept of balance lies in the plane of financial and credit infrastructure, it is a system of normatively defined institutional and functional elements that form, regulate, mediate and develop financial relations and ensure the functioning of the agricultural sector by creating the resource potential of economic entities to carry out production on a permanent or extended basis. The methodological basis for the formation of the financial balance of the agricultural sector is enriched by new phenomena of domestic and foreign practice. Improving the methods of its formation and functioning is the basis for achieving sustainable long-term development of the agricultural sector and providing it with sufficient financial resources. On this way, it is necessary to take into account both domestic and international experience. If the volume of potential financial resources of the agricultural sector in 2017 amounted to about 1024 billion UAH (37 billion US dollars), then for the period up to 2020 it is predicted that it can grow annually by no less than 215 billion UAH (15-20%) in the next 3-5 years and by the end of 2020 against the level of 2015 will increase by 2.5 times. Sustainable agrarian development requires strategic planning of financial resources for a variety of their sources and state regulation of this process

    Financial resource balance of the agricultural sector: case of Ukraine

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    The study of financial balance is carried out in order to determine the supply and demand of financial resources for the agricultural sector and is to take into account the factors shaping the economic relations of the personified forms of capital movement. The balance of demand and supply of financial resources institutionally combines the resources of agricultural producers, credit institutions, financial institutions and the state and functionally it involves a set of the functions performed by financial regulation to achieve the goals of agricultural production. Since the concept of balance lies in the plane of financial and credit infrastructure, it is a system of normatively defined institutional and functional elements that form, regulate, mediate and develop financial relations and ensure the functioning of the agricultural sector by creating the resource potential of economic entities to carry out production on a permanent or extended basis. The methodological basis for the formation of the financial balance of the agricultural sector is enriched by new phenomena of domestic and foreign practice. Improving the methods of its formation and functioning is the basis for achieving sustainable long-term development of the agricultural sector and providing it with sufficient financial resources. On this way, it is necessary to take into account both domestic and international experience. If the volume of potential financial resources of the agricultural sector in 2017 amounted to about 1024 billion UAH (37 billion US dollars), then for the period up to 2020 it is predicted that it can grow annually by no less than 215 billion UAH (15-20%) in the next 3-5 years and by the end of 2020 against the level of 2015 will increase by 2.5 times. Sustainable agrarian development requires strategic planning of financial resources for a variety of their sources and state regulation of this process

    Modeling of the filtration processes in a rectangular area soils using the Darcy

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    In the framework of the research described in this paper we implemented the numerical algorithm and the program for the implementation of the algorithm, which makes it possible to calculate pressure field in the examined region and established convergence of the iterative process at optimal selection of the relaxation parameter. The obtained results enable carrying out estimation of the ground water level and propagation patterns under conditions of appropriate environmental characteristics of flow in the presence of varying geometrical configuration of outflow zones through the examined surface.The modelling of filtration processes in a rectangular plot of soil using the Darcy equations might also be used in the problems on estimating water quality, in the tasks on preventing flood waters, floods or mudflows. Such a simulation also makes it possible to explore the phenomena of fluid propagation in soils given the prospects of development of shale gas deposits in the regions of Lviv, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk oblasts (Ukraine). Thus, the applied aspect of the use of the obtained scientific result is the possibility to improve the developed mathematical model of filtration processes through the inclusion of morphological characteristics of river and the river system. This is a prerequisite for obtaining operational data on a change in the level of soil and flood waters at a specified point in time in order to ensure ecological safety of the environmentВ рамках исследования, описанного в данной статье, усовершенствована модель фильтрационного течения на основании системы уравнений Дарси путем учета широкого класса граничных условий при моделировании течения с утечкой жидкости через поверхность исследуемой области. Это позволяет получить детальное количественное описание фильтрационных процессов и получить новые результаты в задачах оценки уровня паводковых водВ рамках дослідження, що описано в даній статті, удосконалено модель фільтраційної течії на основі системи рівнянь Дарсі шляхом урахування широкого класу граничних умов при моделюванні течії з відтоком рідини через поверхню досліджуваної області. Це дозволяє одержати детальний кількісний опис фільтраційних процесів та одержати нові результати в задачах оцінки рівня паводкових во

    Modeling of the Filtration Processes in a Rectangular Area Soils Using the Darcy

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    In the framework of the research described in this paper we implemented the numerical algorithm and the program for the implementation of the algorithm, which makes it possible to calculate pressure field in the examined region and established convergence of the iterative process at optimal selection of the relaxation parameter. The obtained results enable carrying out estimation of the ground water level and propagation patterns under conditions of appropriate environmental characteristics of flow in the presence of varying geometrical configuration of outflow zones through the examined surface.The modelling of filtration processes in a rectangular plot of soil using the Darcy equations might also be used in the problems on estimating water quality, in the tasks on preventing flood waters, floods or mudflows. Such a simulation also makes it possible to explore the phenomena of fluid propagation in soils given the prospects of development of shale gas deposits in the regions of Lviv, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk oblasts (Ukraine). Thus, the applied aspect of the use of the obtained scientific result is the possibility to improve the developed mathematical model of filtration processes through the inclusion of morphological characteristics of river and the river system. This is a prerequisite for obtaining operational data on a change in the level of soil and flood waters at a specified point in time in order to ensure ecological safety of the environmen