1,633 research outputs found

    GANVO: Unsupervised Deep Monocular Visual Odometry and Depth Estimation with Generative Adversarial Networks

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    In the last decade, supervised deep learning approaches have been extensively employed in visual odometry (VO) applications, which is not feasible in environments where labelled data is not abundant. On the other hand, unsupervised deep learning approaches for localization and mapping in unknown environments from unlabelled data have received comparatively less attention in VO research. In this study, we propose a generative unsupervised learning framework that predicts 6-DoF pose camera motion and monocular depth map of the scene from unlabelled RGB image sequences, using deep convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). We create a supervisory signal by warping view sequences and assigning the re-projection minimization to the objective loss function that is adopted in multi-view pose estimation and single-view depth generation network. Detailed quantitative and qualitative evaluations of the proposed framework on the KITTI and Cityscapes datasets show that the proposed method outperforms both existing traditional and unsupervised deep VO methods providing better results for both pose estimation and depth recovery.Comment: ICRA 2019 - accepte

    Acoustic Faraday effect in Tb3_3Ga5_5O12_{12}

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    The transverse acoustic wave propagating along the [100] axis of the cubic Tb3_3Ga5_5O12_{12} (acoustic c44c_{44} mode) is doubly degenerate. A magnetic field applied in the direction of propagation lifts this degeneracy and leads to the rotation of the polarization vector - the magneto-acoustic Faraday rotation. Here, we report on the observation and analysis of the magneto-acoustic Faraday-effect in Tb3_3Ga5_5O12_{12} in static and pulsed magnetic fields. We present also a theoretical model based on magnetoelastic coupling of 4ff electrons to both, acoustic and optical phonons and an effective coupling between them. This model explains the observed linear frequency dependence of the Faraday rotation angle

    Pelatihan Feed Forward Neural Network Menggunakan Algoritma Genetika Dengan Metode Seleksi Turnamen Untuk Data TIME Series

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    Pemodelan time series seringkali dikaitkan dengan proses peramalan suatu nilai karakteristik tertentu pada periode mendatang. Salah satu metode peramalan yang berkembang saat ini adalah menggunakan artificial neural network atau yang lebih dikenal dengan neural network.Penggunaan neural network dalam peramalan time series dapat menjadi solusi yang baik, namun yang menjadi masalah adalah arsitektur jaringan dan pemilihan metode pelatihan yang tepat. Salah satu pilihan yang mungkin adalah menggunakan algoritma genetika. Algoritma genetika adalah suatu algoritma pencarian stokastik berdasarkan cara kerja melalui mekanisme seleksi alam dan genetik yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan solusi dari suatu masalah. Algoritma ini dapat digunakan sebagai metode pembelajaran dalam melatih model feed forward neural network. Penerapan algoritma genetika dan neural network untuk peramalan time series bertujuan untuk mendapatkan bobot-bobot yang optimum dengan meminimumkan error. Dari hasil pelatihan dan pengujian pada data kurs Dolar Australia terhadap Rupiah didapatkan nilai RMSE sebesar 117.3599 dan 82.4917. Model ini baik untuk digunakan karena memberikan hasil prediksi yang cukup akurat yang ditunjukkan oleh kedekatan target dengan output

    Charge Order Breaks Magnetic Symmetry in Molecular Quantum Spin Chains

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    Charge order affects most of the electronic properties but is believed not to alter the spin arrangement since the magnetic susceptibility remains unchanged. We present electron-spin-resonance experiments on quasi-one-dimensional (TMTTF)2X salts (X= PF6, AsF6 and SbF6), which reveal that the magnetic properties are modified below TCO when electronic ferroelectricity sets in. The coupling of anions and organic molecules rotates the g-tensor out of the molecular plane creating magnetically non-equivalent sites on neighboring chains at domain walls. Due to anisotropic Zeeman interaction a novel magnetic interaction mechanism in the charge-ordered state is observed as a doubling of the rotational periodicity of Delta H.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figure

    Pemilihan Cluster Optimum Pada Fuzzy C-means (Studi Kasus: Pengelompokan Kabupaten/kota Di Provinsi Jawa Tengah Berdasarkan Indikator Indeks Pembangunan Manusia)

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    Cluster analysis is a process of separating the objects into groups, so that the objects that belong to the same group are similar to each other and different from the other objects in another group. One method of clustering is Fuzzy C-Means (FCM). FCM is used because each data in a cluster determined by a degree of membership that have value between 0 and 1. This research use two kinds of distance, Manhattan and Euclidean. To determine the proper distance in clustering district / city in Central Java based on indicators of Human Development Index (HDI), we have to calculate the ratio of the standard deviation, where the smaller value indicates a better clustering. While the optimum number of groups obtained from the minimum value of Xie Beni. Variables that used in this research are the indicators of HDI in 2012 for district / city in Central Java, consists of: Life Expectancy Value (years), Literacy Rate (percent), Average Length of School (years), and Purchasing Power Parity (thousands rupiah). The results from this research are the distance that gives a better quality is Euclidean and the optimum cluster given when the number of cluster is five with the smallest value of Xie Beni is 0,50778

    Hybridization-Driven Orthorhombic Lattice Instability in URu2Si2

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    We have measured the elastic constant (C11-C12)/2 in URu2Si2 by means of high-frequency ultrasonic measurements in pulsed magnetic fields H || [001] up to 61.8 T in a wide temperature range from 1.5 to 116 K. We found a reduction of (C11-C12)/2 that appears only in the temperature and magnetic field region in which URu2Si2 exhibits a heavy-electron state and hidden-order. This change in (C11-C12)/2 appears to be a response of the 5f-electrons to an orthorhombic and volume conservative strain field \epsilon_xx-\epsilon_yy with {\Gamma}3-symmetry. This lattice instability is likely related to a symmetry-breaking band instability that arises due to the hybridization of the localized f electrons with the conduction electrons, and is probably linked to the hidden-order parameter of this compound.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Daya Gabung Inbred Jagung Pulut Untuk Pembentukan Varietas Hibrida

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    Plant breeder utilizes performance of the experimental hybrid to study the effect of inbred parents on the hybrid development. Combining ability analyses using diallel mating indicates the potential heterosis effect on their hybrid combinations, which could be used in the breeding programs. Griffing\u27s model II was used to measure the responses of F1 hybrids relative to the parents and the overall F1 performances. The experiment consisted of 8 waxy corn inbred parents each was crossed in half-diallel combinations, resulting of 36 entries, including the inbred parents. The entries were set in a randomized complete block design with two replications, 2 rows (5 m) for each plot. Research was conducted in Gowa District of South Sulawesi from April to July 2012. The objectives of the research were to obtain the phenotypic correlation, General Combining Ability (GCA), Spesific Combining ability (SCA) and the heterosis effect of the parents. Results showed there were significant effects of genotypes on all traits, except for the number of kernels per ear row. The highest phenotypic correlation for grain yield was with the ear diameter (r = 0.86). The GCA effect among genotypes for grain yield was not significant, but for the 1,000 seed weight, ear length, and ear diameter, each was significant. The highest GCA was obtained by P8, of 38,375 for 1,000 seed weight. The SCA was significant for yield and yield components, except for the row number per ear and kernel per ear row. The highest SCA was indicated by P1xP5, and the hybrid yielded 2.29 t/ha, with the mid parents heterosis of 71%. But, the highest grain yield of the hybrid was obtained by P4 x P8 of 2.32 t/ha with 51% heterosis. Based on the yield and SCA value, two spesifik hybrid combinations (P1 x P5; P4 x P8) were considered a good potential for waxy corn hybrid developmen