190 research outputs found

    Analisis Pola Konsumsi Pangan Rumah Tangga Agroindustri Tahu di Desa Petung Kecamatan Bangsalsari Kabupaten Jember

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    A person's food consumption pattern can be influenced by a person's income. The quality of the population's food consumption can be reflected in the amount of the expected food pattern score (PPH). One of the business sectors that often experience fluctuations in income is tofu agroindustry. This study was conducted to determine the socioeconomic characteristics of the household and to determine the household food consumption pattern of Tofu Agroindustry in Petung Village, Bangsalsari District, Jember Regency. The sampling method used the Slovin method and the sampling method used the accidental method. This study uses primary data obtained using the interview method and analyzed descriptively. PPH calculation is carried out according to the PPH scoring formula and the National PPH Composition table. The results showed that (1) the socio-economic characteristics of tofu agroindustry households included: the average household income of tofu agroindustry was Rp. 60,129.00 in the low category because it was still below the minimum wage, the average number of family members was 5 people, the average age the average housewife is 45 years old, and the length of education is 9 years; (2) the PPH score is 82.66, which means that the household food consumption pattern of tofu agroindustry in Petung Village, Bangsalsari District, Jember Regency is still not diverse and balanced


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    Personal Development According science that followed the technological advancements bore changes to the students. But the trend is still many lessons in class still conventional is focused on teachers encouraged students less interested and did not pay attention when teaching teachers teaching materials and has not been identified as a written both in the form of a book study as well as a module. Increasingly wide knowledge that have to be owned the students' reading-school based on problems especially in the SMK Kartika 2 Surabaya so it would be needed to overcome the problems study is one of them with the media module because the module is considered more easy to learn their scores by learning that can be increased. The purpose of this research is to produce module automatic transmission system car and knows students response after using modules. Development Model is Research & Development (R & D). Data Collection method is used methods inquiry sheets, observation and tests. Type of data, is data qualitative research. Target in this research is to produce module automatic transmission system car, and to act as respondents is 1) 6 lecturer experts including 2 lecturer the matter, 2 the language and 2 expert design, 2) 39 students majoring in TKR 2 in the SMK Kartika 2 Surabaya in the first half of the school year expired 2013/2014. Based on the results of research is aimed at that module automatic transmission system car that is decent enough to be used in the teaching. This can be seen from result of the validation module by 6 experts with average of 82.23 percent from the score kriterium (result of the validation include categories it was justifiable. Response Assessment by the students are learning to use automatic transmission system module car on 1 with the value consecutive percentage 91.67 percent, 88.63 percent, 78.33 percent and 88.33 percent, and on 2 and 3 with the value consecutive percentage 90% and 88.33 percent from the score kriterium showing that module automatic transmission system car that developed a good response from the students. And there was an increase student learning outcomes by reviewing pretes and posttes with average consecutive posttest 73.3 and 80. This shows that learning activities by using modules is one of the an effective way to increase children's learning achievements improv

    Penerapan Tutor Sebaya Untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajardan Ketuntasan Belajar Matematika Pada Kompetensi Dasar Trigonometri Siswa Kelas XI Ipa-1 SMA Negeri 1 Kauman

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    Kesulitan belajar dapat diartikan sebagai suatu kondisi atau keadaan dalam proses belajar-mengajar yang ditandai oleh adanya hambatan-hambatan tertentu untuk mencapai hasil belajar yang baik. Kesulitan belajar siswa dalam mempelajari Matematika dapat diidentifikasikan paling sedikit dalam tiga kategori, yaitu kesulitan dalam memahami konsep, menerapkan rumus-rumus pada penyelesaiannya serta kesulitan menyelesaikan masalah.Kendala yang dihadapi sebagian besar siswa merasa malu bertanya kepada guru jika ada materi yang belum dimengerti. Sehingga hasil belajar siswa cederung redah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya peningkatan prestasi belajar Matematika kelas XI IPA-1 SMA Negeri 1 Kauman dengan penerapan tutor sebaya, dan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya peningkatan ketuntasan belajar siswa dengan penerapan tutor sebaya.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (Action Reseach Classroom). Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilaksanakan dalam 3 siklus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran dengan tutor sebaya prestasi belajar Matematika siswa dinilai meningkat

    Implementasi Metode Takrir dalam Menghafal Al-Qur'an

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    Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Hidayatun Najah is an educational institution with a program of memorizing the Qur'an using the takrir method, but some students still have not reached the target according to the provisions. This study uses a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documents. The results of this study include; (1) Planning for the implementation of the takrir method in memorizing the Qur'an at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Hidayatun Najah Tuban is the authority of the madrasa head and supervising teachers, students are targeted to memorize 1.5 juz within a year; (2) The implementation of the takrir method in memorizing the Qur'an at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Hidayatun Najah Tuban following the planning steps; (3) The implementation of the takrir method in memorizing the Qur'an at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Hidayatun Najah Tuban is very suitable and runs smoothly, but several things need to be evaluated, including a) students only have little time for muroja'ah (repeating). back) previous memorization, b) students forget the verses that have been previously memorized, c) students are still often fooled by almost similar verses, and d) some students have not reached the target according to the provisions


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    Siamese oranges in Umbulsari District are citrus fruit production centers in Jember Regency. Therefore, this study aims to determine the structure, behavior and performance of the citrus fruit market in the District of Umbulsari. The analysis used is descriptive analysis with the SCP approach. The analysis of market structure looks at the number of market participants, product differentiation, market information, barriers to market entry and exit and market concentration ratios. In the analysis of market behavior look at the pricing system of each marketing channel and price correlation. The results of the research show that the market structure in Umbulsari District leads to an oligopsony market. In market behavior, there are 3 marketing channels, the position of farmers as price takers and middlemen as price makers, the correlation value of grade A is 0.942 and grade B is 0.764, close to zero, so the relationship between prices at the two market levels is less close. Market performance shows that marketing channel I is the most efficient, but based on field results in Umbulsari District, marketing channel III is the most dominated by farmers


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    Industri souvenir keris di Desa Aeng Tong-tong merupakan salah wujud perkembangan budaya yang muncul untuk mengatasi pergeseran fungsi dan makna keberadaan keris di masyarakat. Terdapat 2 penyebab dari masalah ini yang pertama adalah masuknya budaya yang dibawa bangsa asing dan kedua ketidakpedulian pemerintah yang mengikuti perkembangan modernisasi penelitian ini menjadi penting karena menghadirkan informasi sebagai bentuk solusi untuk mempertahankan keberadaan budaya keris dan mengetahui dampak yang akan ditimbulkan. Pada penelitian ini terdapat 3 rumusan masalah yang pertama mengenai latar belakang industri souvenir keris, kedua Perkembangan industri souvenir keris dan ketiga eksisnya kerajinan souvenir keris. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghadirkan fakta yang sesuai guna mendapatkan solusi yang tepat menggunakan 4 metode yaitu heuristik, kritik, interpretasi dan historiografi. Industri souvenir keris dimulai pada tahun 1970-1971 oleh Mpu Murka’ dan pengrajin lainnya berhasil memajukan keberadaan industri souvenir keris, tahun pada tahun 1973-1976 terjadi revitalisasi. tahun 1977 datang pemerhati keris nasional bernama Bambang Hasrinuksmo souvenir keris, pada tahun 1983-1987 Desa Aeng Tong-tong ditinggalkan Bambang Hasrinuksmo perkembangan dilanjutkan oleh Jaknal dan Hosni.Kata Kunci: industri, budaya, souvenir dan keris

    Pengembangan Teknologi Sensor Serat Optik Untuk Menuju Kemandirian Bangsa: Pidato Disampaikan pada Pengukuhan Jabatan Guru Besar dalam Bidang Ilmu Fisika Optik pada Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Unair, di Surabaya pada Hari Sabtu Tanggal 10 Desember 2016

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    Melalui proses evolusi yang panjang, perkembangan peradaban manusia telah memasuki era informasi. Teknologi informasi telah menjadi tren dari perkembangan kontemporer. 3 Dengan semakin banyak produk teknologi tinggi yang masuk ke dalam kehidupan manusia, akan semakin banyak permintaan pembawa informasi dengan kecepatan tinggi dan kapasitas yang besar. Hal tersebut telah menjadi sasaran para peneliti dalam mengembangkan penelitiannya. Selama 40 tahun, revolusi dibawa ke dalam teknologi informasi disebabkan oleh perkembangan industri optoelektronik dan telekomunikasi. Peningkatan kualitas dan pengurangan biaya dalam komponen optoelektronik telah membawa industri menghasilkan piranti optik dengan kinerja tinggi seperti CD, player, bar code scanner, laser printer, kamera CCD, proyektor LCD, fotodetektor kepekaan tinggi dan lain-lain. Perkembangan laser ultrafast dalam bidang komunikasi yang dihasilkan oleh perkembangan industri komunikasi serat optik berhasil menyediakan jaringan komunikasi yang handal dan lebih banyak, bandwidth lebih besar sebagai pembawa informasi dengan biaya rendah. Fisika Optik (Optical Physics) merupakan cabang Ilmu Fisika yang mempelajari tentang pembangkitan radiasi elektromagnetik, sifat radiasi dan interaksi cahaya dengan bahan. Interaksi cahaya dengan bahan dapat terjadi berdasarkan atas fenomena optis seperti pantulan, pembiasan, transmisi, dan hamburan. Sensor serat optik yang merupakan bagian dari sensor optik (optical sensor) adalah sensor yang menggunakan serat optik sebagai unsur pengindera (sensing element) perubahan fisis yang akan dideteksi


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    This research is a qualitative research using a sociological normative approach. Data were collected using observation and interview methods. Data analysis technique used is to reduce data, present data and draw conclusions. The results of this study can be stated that 1) Strategic planning of the Parepare English Center Mindset can help, assist and ease the cost of English courses. 2) Implementation of the Parepare Mind Center English Center strategy, which means that participants can make payments easier. 3) Evaluate the Parepare Mind Center English Center strategy to run effectively and efficiently. If this is related to sharia management, it is in accordance with the principles of sharia management, namely justice, trustworthiness and accountability, as well as communicative.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif menggunakan pendekatan normatif sosiologis dan dalam mengumpulkan data menggunakan metode observasi dan wawancara. Tekhnik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu dengan mereduksi data, menyajikan data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dikemukakan bahwa 1) Perencanaan strategi Mindset English Center Parepare dapat menolong, membantu dan meringankan biaya kursus Bahasa Inggris. 2) Implementasi strategi Mindset English Center Parepare yakni peserta dimudahkan dalam pembayaran. 3) Evaluasi strategi Mindset English Center Parepare berjalan efektif dan efisien. Jika hal ini dikaitkan dengan manajemen syariah maka hal ini sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip manajemen syariah yakni keadilan, amanah dan pertanggungjawaban serta komunikati

    Juridical Studies Concerning Punishment Against Elderly

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    Rule criminal can be laid against the offender aged prevailing at this time is the form of imprisonment. The imposition of imprisonment, it is not effective when viewed from the achievement of the nature of the criminal prosecution and achievement of the goals of the law. Judging from the nature of punishment, imprisonment can only achieve retributive of punishment that retaliation against criminal acts committed by a lawbreaker, but imprisonment is not able to achieve the goal of preventive so others deterrent perform the same actions and objectives rehabilitative or recovery the offender so that he realized his mistake and constructed such that in time, he can get back into society as citizens who obey the law.  Meanwhile when viewed from the purpose of law, the imposition of imprisonment against perpetrators of criminal acts elderly are also ineffective. Although able to meet the achievement of the principles of justice and the legal certainty the imposition of imprisonment does not have the legal expediency.  Conception renewal of criminal law may be filed relating to the setting of punishment against the perpetrators of the crime of aging is to adopt the provisions of the Criminal Code concerning the reduction of crime and alternative sentencing such that the obtained setting punishment against perpetrators of criminal acts elderly are able to meet the objectives of the law and the objective of sentencing in effective. Keywords:: Punishment, Elderly
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