117 research outputs found

    The use of combined-blast is the main way to improve the energy efficiency of blast furnaces

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    The world production of hot metal and pig iron in 2012 reached 1.3 billion tons. More than 500 million tons of metallurgical coke produced from 650 million tons of expensive coking coals was consumed in blast furnaces to achieve this production goal. Metallurgical coke is a major contributor to the production costs of hot metal and pig iron, typically making up to 48-52% of the hot metal operating cost. Because of this, the reduction in metallurgical coke consumption was always a major goal for blast furnace operators. Supplemental fuels, especially in the form of a combined blast, are typically used to reduce coke consumption in a blast furnace. The major types of combined blast and supplemental fuels are as follows: oxygen enrichment, natural gas, oil and pulverized coal injection. The replacement coefficients of coke by these supplement fuels depend on the fuel quality, the arrangement of the injection process and adjustments in the blast furnace operating practice to optimize heat and mass transfer processes, metallic yield, gas dynamics and material movement. The fundamentals of the blast furnace process to achieve a highly efficient operation of the blast furnace with combined blast are discussed in this paper. The methodology of this research and development work is based on the theory of heat transfer in a blast furnace combined with local and overall heat and mass balances, the analysis of temperature distribution and material and gas movement. As a result, the maximum achievable replacement coefficients and reduction in the operating cost of hot metal were estimated alongside the required adjustments in blast furnace operation. © 2014 WIT Press.International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering;International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning;WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environmen

    Quantitative determination of methanol and propanol-2 in tinctures and extracts using head-space gas chromatography in comparison with method of vaporization of liquid in GC inlet

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    The aim of this work was to compare sensitivity of methods for determination of methanol and propanol-2 contents in tinctures and extracts. Materials and methods. Two methods suggested in the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine for determination of the above mentioned compounds in liquid medicines were used, specifically: head-space gas-chromatography (method A) and classic gas chromatography (method B) with common injection technique. The research was conducted on one of the most popular medicinal products based on ethanol extracts of herbal drugs: echinacea (Tinctura Echinaceae), hawthorn (Tinctura Crataegi), and motherwort tinctures (Tinctura Leonuri). All medicines used were manufactured at pharmaceutical factory “VIOLA” (Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine). Substance analysis was held on gas chromatograph Agilent 7890B (USA) coupled to head – space sampler DANI HSS 86.50 Plus (Italy). Compounds were separated on J&W Agilent DB-624 (USA) column. In the study quantitative contents of methanol and propanol-2 were evaluated in tinctures and extracts using methods of head – space gas chromatography and liquid evaporation in the GC inlet (common injection technique), sensitivities of both methods were compared due to signal-to-noise levels. Statistical parameters of the obtained results were assessed (average, error, variance). Results. The results demonstrated that methanol and propanol-2 contents in tinctures did not exceed the limit value, which is set to 0.05 %. However, it was showed that classic gas chromatography is not able to give information about amounts of propanol-2 in substances, while head-space chromatography has determined concentration of this compound in all examined tinctures. It was determined that head-space GC has higher signal-to-noise levels. Conclusions. Considering all shown results and their discussion, it was concluded that method of head – space GC is more sensitive for determination of volatile impurities in liquid medicinal products than classic gas chromatography with common injection technique

    Ferroplasmas: Magnetic Dust Dynamics in a Conducting Fluid

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    We consider a dusty plasma, in which the dust particles have a magnetic dipole moment. A Hall-MHD type of model, generalized to account for the intrinsic magnetization, is derived. The model is shown to be energy conserving, and the energy density and flux is derived. The general dispersion relation is then derived, and we show that kinetic Alfv\'en waves exhibit an instability for a low temperature and high density plasma. We discuss the implication of our results.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur


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    The possibilities and reality of e-medicine problems solving with state-private partnership (SPP) technology in rehabilitation are considered. It is shown that the use of e-medicine is one of the most important levers of improving the quality of medical care during the period of rehabilitation treatment. It is postulated that as the healthcare informatization project are expensive its fast implementation is possible provided the widest use of the principles of SPP. It is believed that mobile medicine is the best example of modern SPP. For effective control of medical care quality the creation of specialized expert and advisory group of specialists is offered. The general principles of e-rehabilitation medicine implementing in the SPP format are defined.Рассмотрены возможности и реальность решения задач е-медицины с помощью технологий государственно-частного партнерства (ГЧП) в реабилитологии. Показано, что применение технологий е-медицины является одним из важнейших рычагов повышения качества оказания медицинской помощи во время реабилитационного периода лечения населения. Постулируется, что поскольку информатизация здравоохранения является дорогостоящим проектом, ее быстрая реализация возможна при условии максимально широкого использования принципов ГЧП. Считается, что мобильная медицина представляет собой лучший пример современного ГЧП. Предложено для эффективного контроля качества оказания медицинской помощи населению создание специализированных экспертных и совещательных групп специалистов. Определены общие принципы внедрения е-медицины в реабилитологии в формате ГЧП.Розглянуто можливості та реальність вирішення завдань е-медицини за допомогою технологій державно-приватного партнерства (ДПП) в реабілітології. Показано, що застосування технологій е-медицини є одним із найважливіших важелів підвищення якості надання медичної допомоги під час реабілітаційного періоду лікування населення. Постулюється, що оскільки інформатизація охорони здоров'я є дороговартісним проектом, її швидка реалізація можлива за умови максимально широкого використання принципів ДПП. Вважається, що мобільна медицина є найкращим прикладом сучасного ДПП. Запропоновано для ефективного контролю якості надання медичної допомоги населенню створення спеціалізованих експертних і консультативно-дорадчих груп фахівців. Визначено загальні принципи впровадження е-медицини в реабілітології в форматі ДПП

    A New Paradigm of Russia's Economic Development in the Context of Changing the World Order

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    Currently, the conceptual foundations of the world economy are being revised. The key element of this process is the Russian economy and its role in the world economy. For this reason, it is necessary to consider the main elements of such a world order and predict Russia's new role in the new economic system, its features and conceptual foundations.В настоящее время происходит пересмотр концептуальных основ мировой экономики. Ключевым элементом данного процесса является российская экономика и ее роль в мировом хозяйстве. По этой причине следует рассмотреть основные элементы такого мироустройства и спрогнозировать новую роль России в новой экономической системе, ее особенности и концептуальные основы

    Мониторинг потребительского отношения населения к лекарственным средствам

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    Objective. Comparative analysis and monitoring of the population’s attitude to medicines through an assessment of their consumer qualities by visitors of pharmacies.Materials and Methods. Conducted two sociological survey thru the original questionnaires in 2002 and 2015 among pharmacy customers. Each survey included 380 respondents living in the cities of Central Russia. During the interviews, respondents were asked, among other things evaluate the 13 influencing their choice of consumer qualities of medicines. Six of these qualities characterize the pharmaceutical features and merchandising options are seven parameters of medicines. Statistical analysis used a set of indicators of variation statistics, ranking, rank correlation.Results. Ratings of consumer qualities of medicines are obtained for the studied years and changes in the whole period of monitoring. We have identified the priority characteristics of medicines which are essential for consumers, in particular: efficiency, clear information on the package, low cost, minor side effects, convenient way to receive.Conclusion. The revealed features of consumer attitudes to medicines should be taken into account pharmaceutical workers in information and consultative dealing with pharmacies visitors.Цель исследования – сравнительный анализ и мониторинг отношения населения к лекарственным средствам на основе оценки их потребительских качеств посетителями аптек.Материалы и методы. Проведены два социологических опроса по оригинальным анкетам в 2002 и 2015 гг. среди посетителей аптек. В каждом опросе приняли участие по 380 респондентов, проживающих в городах Центральной России. В ходе опросов респондентам предлагалось среди прочего оценить 13 влияющих на их выбор потребительских качеств лекарственных средств. Шесть этих качеств характеризуют фармацевтические особенности и семь – являются товароведческими параметрами лекарственных средств. Для статистической обработки использован комплекс показателей вариационной статистики, ранжирование, ранговая корреляция.Результаты. Получены рейтинги потребительских качеств лекарственных средств за исследуемые годы и их изменения в целом за период мониторинга. Определены приоритетные характеристики лекарственных средств, имеющие существенное значение для потребителей, в частности: эффективность, понятная информация на упаковке, низкая стоимость, незначительные побочные действия, удобный способ приема.Заключение. Выявленные особенности потребительского отношения к лекарственным средствам должны учитываться фармацевтическими работниками в информационно-консультативном общении с посетителями аптек

    Гендерные особенности в отношениях населения к лекарственным средствам

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    Objective. The study of gender features of attitudes visitors of pharmacies to medicines.Materials and Methods. Conducted sociological survey thru the original questionnaires in 2015 among pharmacy customers. The survey included 380 respondents (190 men and 190 women) living in the cities of Central Russia. During the interview, respondents were asked, among other things evaluate the 13 influencing their choice when buying of consumer qualities of medicines. For statistical analysis used the methods of variation statistics, ranking, grouping, correlation analysis.Results. We have identified the priority qualities of medicines which are essential for consumers, in particular: efficiency, minor side effects, low cost, clear information on the package, convenient medicinal form of production. We have not detected significant gender differences in the assessment of consumer qualities of medicines that led to the conclusion of equivalence of consumer attitudes of men and women to them.Цель исследования — изучение гендерных особенностей отношения посетителей аптек к лекарственным средствам.Материалы и методы. Проведен социологический опрос по оригинальной анкете в 2015 г. среди посетителей аптек. В опросе приняли участие 380 респондентов (190 мужчин и 190 женщин), проживающих в городах Центральной России. В ходе опроса респондентам предлагалось среди прочего оценить 13 влияющих на их выбор при покупке потребительских качеств лекарственных средств. Для статистической обработки использованы методы вариационной статистики, ранжирования, группировки, корреляционного анализа.Результаты. Определены приоритетные качества лекарственных средств, имеющие существенное значение для потребителей, в частности: эффективность, незначительные побочные действия, низкая стоимость, понятная информация на упаковке, удобная лекарственная форма. Не установлены существенные гендерные различия в оценке потребительских качеств лекарственных средств, что позволило сделать заключение о равнозначности потребительского отношения мужчин и женщин к ним

    Algorithm for determining the authenticity of biomedical cell preparations containing mesenchymal stem cells

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    The use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), which have a pronounced immunomodulatory activity, is a promising direction in the development of biomedical cell preparations (BMCPs). In oncohematology, the use of BMCPs containing MSCs is aimed at supporting hematopoiesis during cotransplantation with hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and suppressing immune conflicts during allogeneic unrelated transplantation and severe autoimmune processes. An obligatory stage of registration of BMCPs is confirmation of the identity of the MSC cell line (CL), which includes the establishment of morphological characteristics, evaluation of the expression of specific markers and proteins, and confirmation of the genetic stability of CL during cultivation. Determination of markers of genetic stability is possible using various methods, however, according to the recommendations of the American National Standardization Institute, the standard is the analysis of short tandem repeats (STR analysis). The purpose of the study is to develop an algorithm for determining the authenticity of BMCPs containing MSCs, including STR analysis. Material and methods. Identification of MSC cells in BMCP was performed according to the criteria of the International Society for Cell Therapy. Viable cells were counted in a Goryaev chamber. Immunophenotypic characteristics of MSCs were determined by flow cytometry. The level of production of specific proteins was assessed using enzyme immunoassay. Genetic stability markers were identified by STR analysis. Results and discussion. The methods were tested in triplicate for ten BMCP samples to confirm the reproducibility and reliability of the results. The developed algorithm for determining the authenticity of BMCP has a high accuracy, as it includes the STR analysis technique, which makes it possible to identify 19 polymorphic STR markers located on different alleles. Using the method will allow BMCP manufacturers to go through the procedure of state registration of drugs