79 research outputs found

    Comparative evaluation of energy efficiency and GHG emissions for alternate iron- and steelmaking process technologies

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    In the changing global market scenario for raw materials for the steel industry, a number of novel iron- and steelmaking process technologies are being developed to provide the steel companies with economically-sustainable alternatives for iron- and steel-making. In addition, the steel industry is also focusing on reduction of energy consumption as well as green-house gas (GHG) emissions to address the crucial subject of climate change. In this context, it is important to assess these critical issues for the alternate iron- and steelmaking technologies that have been developed. This paper presents a comparative evaluation of energy-efficiency and GHG emissions for some selected iron- and steelmaking technologies that are being considered for implementation. In this work, Hatch’s G-CAP™ and En-MAP™ tools that were developed with the main objective of quantifying and qualifying the potential energy savings and CO2 abatement within the iron and steel industry, were employed in the evaluation conducted

    Increasing Energy Efficiency of Electric Arc Foundry Furnaces

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    A set of low-cost energy-efficient solutions for electric arc furnaces (EAF) of a foundry class is proposed: ‘deep’ bath, water-cooled panels with a spatial structure, a system of dispersed aspiration. Numerical simulations of thermal operation and gas-dynamics for 3-ton EAF in conditions of long downtime show the possibility of reducing  energy consumption by 6.5–9%, fugitive emissions by 2 times, melting dust removal from theEAF by 19% and significant lowering of specific refractory and electrodes expenditure. Keywords: electric arc furnace, heat exchange during downtime, energy efficiency, bath geometry, water-cooled elements with a spatial structure, a system of dispersed aspiratio

    Adaptation of Radiative Properties of the End Products of Fuels Combustion within the Temperature Range of 1,000…2,000 K

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    The accuracy of calculating heat exchange by radiation from high-temperature gas flow produced during natural fuels combustion to a large extent depends on the accuracy and status of data on thermophysical properties of gases and the value of the radiative heat flux. The main physical load is carried by the density of the intrinsic heat flux, but all the experimental data on gas mixtures radiation are given as a total emissivity of the components and the mixture in general. That is why this study determines the emissivity factor of carbon dioxide and water vapour as the main constituents of the products of industrial fuel combustion. Dependencies are developed based on reliable experimental data and allowed to perform emissivity factor calculations for the products of combustion. The accuracy of calculated approximation is determined for experimental data in the field of two factors: optical density of gas, and its temperature. The study results are recommended to be usedfor developing heat exchange calculation programs. Keywords: emissivity factor, radiation flux, temperature, carbon dioxide, water vapou

    The Heating with Gas of a Fixed Two-Component Layer with Various Initial Temperatures

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    We have derived the equations for the change in temperatures in a nonmoving layer consisting of two materials with various thermophysical properties and initial temperatures. An approximate method is proposed for the solution of the problem, based on the utilization of the Schumann graph data. © 1971 Consultants Bureau

    A Classification of Territorial Communities in Ukraine as an Instrumentarium for Effective Public Management of Spatial Development

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    The article substantiates the expediency of introducing an extended and multilevel classification of territorial communities in Ukraine on the basis of the use of various classification signs and features, as well as the development of appropriate instruments (methodical approach) to the formation of a generalized classification. Based on the generalization of the current approaches to existing varieties of territories by analyzing individual directions of their functioning and life support, instruments have been developed for the formation of a generalized classification of territorial communities in Ukraine on the basis of a combination of a wide range of features, which will further form universal recommendations for defining models and directions of spatial development of communities and develop targeted instruments for their development and support, depending on the specifics and features. The peculiarity of the developed classification of territorial communities of Ukraine is the allocation of three main blocks of classification features: block of resource conditions of spatial development, the purpose of which is to identify those resources of various types that the community has to ensure for its development; a block of achieving the development capacity, which is designed to assess the efficiency of resource use and substantiate the feasibility of special government support for community development; a block of the problem-oriented development, which identifies the main problems of the community that exist or may become relevant during the period of implementation of the community development strategy. The result of the practical application of the proposed instruments for the classification of territorial communities should be the creation of conditions for each of them ion order to determine the level of capacity for self-development, formation of development priorities, use of directions and opportunities of government support in the process of developing a model, strategy and plans for its implementation, application of the program-project approach to the spatial development of territorial communities in Ukraine, depending on the extant, relevant needs and future prospects for the development of the country and its territories, including in the period of post-war recovery and restoration

    Specific Features of Thermal Systems of Induration Machines for Pellet Production from Iron-ore Concentrates of Different Types

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    Pellets are one of the main types of iron-ore raw materials used in ferrous metallurgy. In Russia, the overall production of this iron-ore raw material is continuously growing. The analysis of pelletizing technologies over the last years has shown changes in requirements for product quality, process performance, heat and power parameters, environmental performance and production conditions of both fired and pre-reduced pellets. The article provides the analysis of technological and structural defects of conveyor-type induration machines. In order to remove these defects, we have developed an integrated technology for the production of fired pellets of various purposes. This technology made it possible to create an energy-efficient thermal system of the induration machine that has no counterparts in the world. This thermal system takes into account characteristics of the initial raw material. Its implementation at Mikhailovsky GOK in Russia provided a specific natural gas consumption within 8–9 nm3 /t of pellets and specific energy consumption less than 36 kW·h/t of pellets. These parameters were received by mathematical modelling and introduction of two-layer drying in the pellet induration process. The new induration technology has been implemented in Brazil and is now spreading at other plants in Russia. Keywords: pellets, iron-ore concentrates, induration machines, thermal systems, two-layer charging, pellet dryin


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    Introduction. Injuries continue to be the most common cause of death worldwide. In the structure of combat trauma, blunt and penetrating injuries to the chest and abdomen occupy the third place, second to the injuries to the extremities and the head. The aim of the study – to find out character of disturbance of bile-forming function of a liver under the conditions of the combined injury of abdomen and a chest of rats in the early period of traumatic illness and to evaluate the effectiveness of its correction with thiotriazoline. Research Methods. The experiments were performed on 86 non-linear white male rats weighing 200–220 g, which were divided into five groups: control and four experimental. Injuries were inflicted under thiopental sodium anesthesia at a dose of 40 mg/kg animal weight. The control group included intact animals that were only anesthetized. In experimental group 1 rats were simulated chest injury, in group 2 – blunt abdominal injury, 3 – combined injuries, 4 – animals with combined trauma were injected intraperitoneally with tiotriazoline at a dose of 9.1 mg·kg-1 . After 1, 3 and 7 days after the injury under the conditions of thiopental sodium anesthesia, rats were catheterized into the common bile duct and bile was collected for 60 min, in which the concentration of total bile acids and cholesterol was determined, and the cholate-cholesterol ratio was calculated. Results and Discussion. In the application of isolated injuries of the chest, abdomen and their combination, the bile-forming function of the liver was significantly impaired, which was manifested by a decrease in the synthesis of cholates and an increase in the cholate-cholesterol ratio. The severity of liver dysfunction can be divided as follows: isolated chest injury←isolated abdominal injury←combined injury. As a result of the violations found, the cholate-cholesterol ratio increased significantly, which was dominated by isolated abdominal trauma and combined trauma. Shifting the balance toward cholesterol accumulation increased the lithogenic properties of bile. The seven-day administration of thiotriazoline in the group of animals with combined trauma significantly increased the total bile acid content in the bile, increased the cholate-cholesterol ratio, did not affect the cholesterol concentration in the bile. Conclusions. Combined abdominal and thoracic trauma contributes to a greater reduction in liver functional capacity compared to isolated lesions. It is based on the inhibition of synthetic processes in the microsomal system of hepatocytes. Thiotriazoline is able to reduce the negative impact of pathogenic factors of trauma on the functional capacity of hepatocytes, which should be taken into account in the intensive care of combined abdominal and breast trauma.Вступление. Травмы продолжают оставаться самой распространенной причиной смертности во всем мире. В структуре боевой травмы тупые и проникающие повреждения грудной клетки и живота занимают третье место, уступая ранениям конечностей и головы. Цель исследования – выяснить характер нарушения желчеобразовательной функции печени в условиях сочетанной травмы живота и грудной клетки крыс в ранний период травматической болезни и оценить эффективность его коррекции тиотриазолином. Методы исследования. Эксперименты проведены на 86-ти нелинейных белых крысах-самцах массой 200–220 г, которых разделили на пять групп: контрольную и четыре исследовательских. Травмы наносили в условиях тиопентал-натриевого наркоза в дозе 40 мг/кг массы животного. В контрольную группу вошли интактные животные, которых только вводили в наркоз. В 1-й исследовательской группе крысам моделировали травму грудной клетки, во 2-й – тупую травму живота, в 3-й – эти травмы сочетали, в 4-й – животным с сочетанной травмой внутрибрюшно вводили тиотриазолин в дозе 9,1 мг·кг-1. Через 1, 3 и 7 суток после нанесения травм в условиях тиопентал-натриевого наркоза у крыс катетеризировали общий желчный проток и в течение 60 мин собирали желчь, в которой определяли концентрацию суммарных желчных кислот и холестерола, рассчитывали холато-холестероловый коэффициент. Результаты и обсуждение. При нанесении изолированных травм грудной клетки, живота и их сочетании существенно нарушалась желчеобразовательная функция печени, что проявлялось снижением синтеза холатов и возрастанием холато-холестеролового коэфициента. По тяжести развития печеночной дисфункции их можно распределить так: изолированная травма грудной клетки←изолированная травма живота←сочетанная травма. Вследствие выявленных нарушений существенно повышался холато-холестероловый коэффициент, который доминировал в условиях изолированной травмы живота и сочетанной травмы. Смещение баланса в сторону накопления холестерола усиливало литогенные свойства желчи. Семидневное применение тиотриазолина в группе животных с сочетанной травмой способствовало существенному увеличению содержания в желчи суммарных желчных кислот, возрастанию холато-холестеролового коэффициента, не влияло на концентрацию холестерола в желчи. Выводы. Сочетанная травма живота и грудной клетки способствует большему снижению функциональной способности печени по сравнению с изолированными повреждениями. В его основе лежит угнетение синтетических процессов в микросомальной системе гепатоцитов. Тиотриазолин способен снизить негативное воздействие патогенных факторов травмы на функциональную способность гепатоцитов, что следует учитывать в комплексной интенсивной терапии сочетанной травмы живота и грудной клетки.Вступ. Травми продовжують залишатися найпоширенішою причиною смертності в цілому світі. У структурі бойової травми тупі й проникні ушкодження грудної клітки і живота займають третє місце, поступаючись пораненням кінцівок та голови. Мета дослідження – зʼясувати характер порушення жовчоутворювальної функції печінки за умов поєднаної травми живота і грудної клітки щурів у ранній період травматичної хвороби та оцінити ефективність його корекції тіотриазоліном. Методи дослідження. Експерименти проведено на 86-ти нелінійних білих щурах-самцях масою 200–220 г, яких поділили на пʼять груп: контрольну та чотири дослідних. Травми наносили за умов тіопентал-нат­рієвого наркозу в дозі 40 мг/кг маси тварини. До контрольної групи ввійшли інтактні тварини, яких тільки вводили в наркоз. У 1-й дослідній групі щурам моделювали травму грудної клітки, у 2-й – тупу травму живота, в 3-й – ці травми поєднували, в 4-й – тваринам з поєднаною травмою внутрішньочеревно вводили тіотриазолін у дозі 9,1 мг·кг-1. Через 1, 3 і 7 діб після нанесення травм за умов тіопентал-натрієвого наркозу в щурів катетеризували загальну жовчну протоку та протягом 60 хв збирали жовч, в якій визначали концентрацію сумарних жовчних кислот і холестеролу, розраховували холато-холестероловий коефіцієнт. Результати й обговорення. При нанесенні ізольованих травм грудної клітки, живота та їх поєднанні суттєво порушувалась жовчоутворювальна функція печінки, що проявлялось зниженням синтезу холатів і зростанням холато-холестеролового коефіцієнта. За тяжкістю розвитку печінкової дисфункції їх можна розподілити так: ізольована травма грудної клітки←ізольована травма живота←поєднана травма. Унаслідок виявлених порушень істотно підвищувався холато-холестероловий коефіцієнт, який домінував за умов ізольованої травми живота та поєднаної травми. Зміщення балансу в бік накопичення холестеролу посилювало літогенні властивості жовчі. Семиденне застосування тіотриазоліну в групі тварин з поєднаною травмою сприяло істотному збільшенню вмісту в жовчі сумарних жовчних кислот, зростанню холато-холестеролового коефіцієнта, не впливало на концентрацію холестеролу в жовчі. Висновки. Поєднана травма живота і грудної клітки сприяє більшому зниженню функціональної спроможності печінки порівняно з ізольованими ураженнями. В його основі лежить пригнічення синтетичних процесів у мікросомальній системі гепатоцитів. Тіотриазолін здатен знизити негативний вплив патогенних чинників травми на функціональну спроможність гепатоцитів, що слід враховувати в комплексній інтенсивній терапії поєднаної травми живота і грудної клітки