6 research outputs found

    El efecto del entrenamiento cinético de vida en el aprendizaje de la técnica de tiro-put glide y parámetros motóricos

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    This study determined the effect of life kinetic (LK) training on the learning of glide techniques, shot performance and motor parameters of students in the faculty of sports sciences. A total of 54 students, 24 females (19.2±2.1years) and 30 males (19.6 ± 1.9 years), who were studying in faculty of sports sciences participated in the research.  Students participated in the track and field lesson twice a week for 12 weeks. The experimental group was made to exercise LK training for 30 minutes before each lesson after the general warm-up. Before and after the 12-weeks of training, measurements were taken from students two times. Willcoxon T-test was applied in order to determine whether or not there were differences between the pre-test and post-test which were applied before and after the training program. Mann Whitney U test was used in order to determine whether or not there was a difference between the two groups. Statistical significance level was taken as p<0.05As a result of the research, statistically significant differences were determined between the experimental and control group in the shot put distance, glide technique, agility, visual reaction, auditory reaction parameters. In brief, it may be stated that LK training positively affected the development of skills and technical learning of students.  Este estudio determinó el efecto del entrenamiento cinético de la vida (LK) sobre el aprendizaje de técnicas de deslizamiento, rendimiento de tiro y parámetros motores de estudiantes de la facultad de ciencias del deporte. Participaron de la investigación 54 estudiantes, 24 mujeres (19,2 ± 2,1 años) y 30 hombres (19,6 ± 1,9 años), que cursaban estudios en la facultad de ciencias del deporte. Los estudiantes participaron en la lección de pista y campo dos veces por semana durante 12 semanas. Se hizo que el grupo experimental ejercitara el entrenamiento LK durante 30 minutos antes de cada lección después del calentamiento general. Antes y después de las 12 semanas de formación, se tomaron medidas de los estudiantes dos veces. Se aplicó la prueba T de Willcoxon para determinar si existían diferencias entre la prueba previa y la prueba posterior que se aplicaron antes y después del programa de entrenamiento. Se utilizó la prueba U de Mann Whitney para determinar si había o no una diferencia entre los dos grupos. El nivel de significancia estadística se tomó como p <0.05 Como resultado de la investigación, se determinaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre el grupo experimental y control en la distancia de lanzamiento de bala, técnica de planeo, agilidad, reacción visual, parámetros de reacción auditiva. En resumen, se puede afirmar que la formación LK afectó positivamente el desarrollo de habilidades y el aprendizaje técnico de los estudiantes

    Determine the effects of eight weeks roller ski sprint training on anaerobic power, strength and some physiologic parameters in cross country skiers

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    Araştırmaya, Ankara Spor Kulübü Kayaklı Koşu Takımı"nda yer alan en az 5 yıldır düzenli olarak antrenman yapan 30 gönüllü erkek sporcu katılmıştır. Araştırma grubu, öntesller sonrasında deney (18.15±1.62yıl yaş, 172.6+3.81cm boy, 60.91±5.50kg ağırlık) ve kontrol (I8.45+2.17yıl yaş, I71.5±3,47cm boy, 60.73±4.40kg ağırlık ) olmak üzere ikiye ayrılmıştır. Haftanın altı günü antrenman yapan araştırma grubunda sadece deney grubu sekiz hafta boyunca haftanın 3 günü maksimal şiddetle bu antrenman!.ıra ek olarak piramidal yöntemdeki tekerlekli kayak sprint antrenmanı uygulamıştır. Antrenman programı öncesinde ve sonrasında sporcuların aerobik kapasiteleri mekik koşu testiyle, anaerobik güç değerleri Wingate Anaerobik Güç Testiyle, 200m,400m ve 800m tekerlekli kayak parkur dereceleri tartan zemin üzerinde fotocell il^ ölçülmüştür. Farklı açısal hızlarda dominant kol, sağ bacak ve sol bacak kuv\ et parametreleri Cybex 11 Norm modeli izokİnetik kuvvet test cihazından elde edilmiştir. Vücut kompozisyonu analizleri İse ayaktan-ayağa BİA yöntemi ile TANJTA BC 418 marka cihazla ölçülmüştür. Araştırmadan elde edilen değerlerin istatistiksel analizi GraphPad Prism Version 5.00 far Windows ( GraphPad Software, San Diego Califomia USA) Programı kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Verilerin aritmetik ortalaması, standart sapma ve yüzdelik gelişim değerleri hesaplanmıştır. Ayrıca ölçümler arasındaki farklılıkların belirlenmesinde l-tcst uygulanmıştır. Grupların kendi içlerinde ön test ve son test karşılaştırmalarında non-paramelric (2related samples) Wileoxon Testi kullanılırken, gruplar arası karşılaştırmalar da ise non-parametric (Two independent samples) Mann-Whitney U Testi kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen verilere göre antrenman programı sonrasında deney grubunun Maksimum, Ortalama ve Minumum Anaerobik güç, Maksimal Oksijen Tüketim kapasitesi, 200m, 400m ve SOOra Tekerlekli Kayak mesafe derecelerinde önemli bir gelişme bulunmuştur, jzometrik kuvvet ölçümlerinde 60°/sn ve 180°/sn açısal hızda yapılan testlerde, Extensors Peak Torque, Flexors Peak Torque , %BW/Extensors Pcak Torque, %BW/Flexors Peak Torque ve Ratio parametrelerinde hepsinde dominant sol kol, sağ ve sol bacak değerlerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir artış tespit edilmiştir. Kontrol grubunda ise sadece %BW/F!exors Peak Torque 63 parametresinde anlamlı bir gelişim gözlenirken diğer parametrelerde herhangi bir farklılık gözlenmemiştir. Vücut kompozisyonu ve bölgesel olarak yapılan bacak kol ve gövde analizleri sonucunda hem deney hem de kontrol grubunda yağ yüzdesi ve yağ ağırlığında paralel bir azalma tespit edilirken deney grubunun sağ ve sol bacak rahmini kas ağırlığı ve yağsız vücut ağırhnda artış olduğu belirlenmiştir. Son testlerde deney ve kontrol grubu arasında Maksimum Anaerobik Güç, Ortalama Anaerobik güç, 400m ve 800m tekerlekli kayak mesafe ölçümlerinde anlamlı farklılıklar bulunmuştur. Gruplararası karşılaştırmalarda Snlestlerdc belirgin bir farklılık görülmemesine rağmen son testlerde deney ve kontrol grubu arasında 60"/sn ve 180°/sn hızdaki sağ dominant omuz izometrik kuvvet parametrelerinden Flexors Pcak Torque, %BW/Extensors Peak Torquc, %BW/Flcxor.s Peak Torque ve Ratio ve 180°/sn hızdaki P,xtensors Peak Torque değerlerinde anlamlı farklılık görülmüştür. Bacak kuvveti ölçümlerinde ise sol bacak 60°/sn hızda %BW/Flexors Peak Torquc ve 180°/sn hızda Flcxors Peak Torquc. %BW/Flcxoıs Peak Torquc ve Ratio değerlerinde farlılıklar bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak yapılan araştırmada kayakli koşu sporcularına uygulanan sekiz haftalık tekerlekli kayak Sprint antrenmanının anaerobik güç ve kuvvet yeteneğinin geliştirilmesinde oldukça etkili bir yöntem olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca antrenman yönteminin kol ve bacak fleksor kaslarındaki kuvvet gelişimde daha etkili olduğu tespit edilmiştir.The purpose of this research was to determine the effects of roller-ski sprint training on anaerobic power, strength, VCMnax and body composition of cross- country skiers. 30 cross-country skiers at national level participated voluntarily in the study. Subjects were divided into two groups as training (n=15) and control (n=15) according to pretest groups. Physical characteristic of all subjects were as follows; training group 18.15±1.62 year age, 172.6+3.81cm height, 60.91+5.50kg weight and control group 18.45+2.17 year age, 171.5±3.47cm height, 60.73+4.40kg weight. All the subjects trained six times a week for eight weeks. In addition to normal training the test group underwent exlra maximal sprint training for three times a week during the 8 week training session. The measurements were taken in the laboratory and on tartan track using the VI skating technique. The roller ski used was Pro-Ski C2 (Sterners, Nyhammar, Sweden). Wingate 30-second cycle ergometer, shuttle run for aerobic capacity, Cybex II Norm isokinctic strength for dominant leg and two legs and Tanita BC 418 BIA impedance for body composition measurements were taken pre and post training. The obtained results were analyzed by Wilcoxon matched pairs test for within groups and Mann-Whitney U for between groups The value of p<0.05 was accepted for statistical significance. At the end of this study the results showed that, there was significant difference between pre and post-test results within the training group for anaerobic power, VOiinax, 200m, 400m, 800m roller ski tests, all strength parameters and body composition. However, in the control group only % BW / Flexors Peak Torque (Nm/kg) in dominant leg, body fat and VOimax parameters changed Between the groups there was significant difference in Flexors Peak Torque, %BW/Extensors Peak Torque, %B\V/Flexors Peak Torque and Ratio for right leg, Flexors Peak Torque, %B\V/Flexors Peak Torque and Ratio for left leg, anaerobic power and roller ski performance.In conclusion, the training models main effect is on developing anaerobic power and strength

    Evaluating the relationship between smash scores and jump parameters of elite level badminton players: Elit badmintoncuların smaç vuruşu isabet oranları ve sıçrama performansları ilişkisinin değerlendirilmesi

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the strength and jump parameters of elite level badminton players in the range oscoref 5, 10, and 15 intervals of smash. A total of 10 male national badminton players with a mean age of 15.2 ± 0.18 years, length of 170.5 ± 2.13 cm, body weight of 59.5 ± 2.48 kg and sports age of 5 ± 1.36 years participated in the study. Leg strength test dynamometer (Prosport-TMR HBD 1000 dynamometer), jump parameters of the subjects were measured with Opto Jump (Microgate, Bolzano). The smash swere performed as 3x30 sec and 3 minutes passive rest protocol was applied after each series. In every 30 seconds, the shots were made by the national team coach with the multishuttle method as 5-10-15. The hit of the parallel smash scored was recorded by the referee. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 23.0 package program. For the relationship between the parameters, Spearman Correlation test and Friedman test were used for comparison of parameters with intermittent jump. As a result of the study, it was seen that there were statistically significant differences in the power and contact time parameters applied during the jumps as the number of smash increased within 30 seconds. In addition, it was found that as the frequency of scored increased, the rate of accuracy and heart rate (KAS) increased. This can be interpreted as a decrease in the scored of the players due to fatigue as the smash frequency increases. ​Extended English summary is in the end of&nbsp;Full Text&nbsp;PDF (TURKISH)&nbsp;file. Özet Bu çalışma elit seviyedeki badmintoncuların 30 sn içinde yaptıkları 5,10 ve 15 aralıklı smaç vuruşu atış performanslarının kuvvet ve sıçrama parametreleri ile ilişkilerinin değerlendirilmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmaya Ankara Büyükşehir Belediyesi ve Ego Spor Kulübü yaş ortalaması 15.2±0.18 yıl, boy uzunluğu 170.5±2.13 cm, vücut ağırlığı 59.5±2.48 kg ve spor yaşı 5±1.36 yıl olan toplam 10 erkek milli badmintoncu katılmıştır. Araştırmaya katılan deneklerin bacak kuvveti testi dinamometre (Prosport- TMR HBD 1000 dinamometre), sıçrama yükseklikleri ve havada kalış süreleri Opto Jump (Microgate, Bolzano) cihazı ile ölçülmüştür. Smaç vuruşları 3x30 sn şeklinde yapılmış ve her seri sonrası 3 dk pasif dinlenme protokolü uygulanmıştır. Her bir 30 sn ‘de atışlar 5-10-15 şeklinde milli takım antrenörü tarafından top besleme yöntemi ile yapılmıştır. Paralele atılan smaç vuruşlarının isabeti ise hakem tarafından kaydedilmiştir. Verilerin analizi SPSS 23.0 paket programında yapılmıştır. Parametreler arasında ilişki için, Spearman Korelasyon test ve aralıklı sıçrama ile parametrelerin karşılaştırılmasında Friedman test uygulandı. İstatiksel olarak anlamlılık düzeyi p&lt;0.05 olarak kabul edilmiştir. Araştırmanın sonucunda 30 sn içinde yapılan atış sayısı arttıkça sıçramalar sırasında uygulanan power ve contact time parametrelerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılıklar olduğu görülmüştür. Bunun yanı sıra atış sıklığı arttıkça isabet oranlarında azalma ve kalp atım sayısında (KAS) artış olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu durum atış sıklığı arttıkça oluşan yorgunluk sebebiyle, oyuncuların isabet oranlarında bir azalmaya sebep olabileceği şeklinde yorumlanabilir

    Support vector machines for predicting the hamstring and quadriceps muscle strength of college-aged athletes

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    Hamstring and quadriceps muscles are essential for the performance of athletes in various sport branches. Hamstring muscles control running activities and stabilize the knee during turns or tackles, while quadriceps muscles play an important role in jumping and kicking. Although hamstring and quadriceps muscle strength in athletes can be accurately measured using isokinetic dynamometry, practical difficulties, such as the requirement of nonportable and costly equipment as well as a long period of measurement time, motivate the researcher to predict hamstring and quadriceps muscle strength using promising machine-learning methods. The purpose of this study is to build prediction models for estimating the hamstring and quadriceps muscle strength of college-aged athletes using a support vector machine (SVM). The data set included 75 athletes selected from the College of Physical Education and Sport, Gazi University, Turkey. The predictor variables of sex, age, height, weight, body mass index, and sport branch were utilized to build the hamstring and quadriceps muscle strength prediction models for various types of training methods. The generalization error of the prediction models was calculated by carrying out 10-fold cross-validation, and the prediction errors were evaluated using several performance metrics. For comparison purposes, prediction models based on a radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) and single decision tree (SDT) were also developed. The results reveal that the SVM-based hamstring and quadriceps strength prediction models significantly outperform the RBFNN-based and SDT-based models and can be safely utilized to produce predictions regarding new data with acceptable accuracy.Hamstring and quadriceps muscles are essential for the performance of athletes in various sport branches. Hamstring muscles control running activities and stabilize the knee during turns or tackles, while quadriceps muscles play an important role in jumping and kicking. Although hamstring and quadriceps muscle strength in athletes can be accurately measured using isokinetic dynamometry, practical difficulties, such as the requirement of nonportable and costly equipment as well as a long period of measurement time, motivate the researcher to predict hamstring and quadriceps muscle strength using promising machine-learning methods. The purpose of this study is to build prediction models for estimating the hamstring and quadriceps muscle strength of college-aged athletes using a support vector machine (SVM). The data set included 75 athletes selected from the College of Physical Education and Sport, Gazi University, Turkey. The predictor variables of sex, age, height, weight, body mass index, and sport branch were utilized to build the hamstring and quadriceps muscle strength prediction models for various types of training methods. The generalization error of the prediction models was calculated by carrying out 10-fold cross-validation, and the prediction errors were evaluated using several performance metrics. For comparison purposes, prediction models based on a radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) and single decision tree (SDT) were also developed. The results reveal that the SVM-based hamstring and quadriceps strength prediction models significantly outperform the RBFNN-based and SDT-based models and can be safely utilized to produce predictions regarding new data with acceptable accuracy

    Analysis of the Relationship between Elite Wrestlers' Leg Strength and Balance Performance, and Injury History.

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the correlation between leg power and balance performance in elite wrestlers and injury history. In the research group, there are 18 elite freestyle male wrestlers at the ages of 24.27 ± 3.18 years, with a height of 171.86 ± 5.44 cm and a body weight of 79.27 ± 11.16 kg. Information on the injury history of the athletes&rsquo; upper legs for the past year was collected via interviews with the club&rsquo;s physiotherapist. Laboratory tests to measure performance assessed height, body weight, Y balance and isokinetic leg strength. Data obtained from the study are presented as mean and standard deviation. The test of normality was carried out by the Shapiro-Wilk test. The Pearson Correlation Test was performed for all parameters with normal distribution, and significance level was accepted as p < 0.05. It was found that there is a relationship between the wrestlers&rsquo; right leg ratio and hamstring strength and injury history. However, there is no statistically significant relationship between left leg hamstring, quadriceps, ratio, right leg quadriceps, or right and left leg balance performance, and injury history. The resulting data shows that the proportioning between hamstring and quadriceps muscles in freestyle wrestlers&rsquo; upper leg strength values is not ideal. This finding provides evidence that injury risk increases with the additional impact of loss of strength

    Destek Vektör Makinelerini Kullanarak Hamstring Kas Kuvveti Tahminiiçin Yeni Regresyon Modelleri

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, Destek Vektör Makinesi (DVM) kullanarak üniversite çağındaki sporcuların hamstring kas kuvvetini tahmin etmek için yeni tahmin modelleri oluşturmaktır. Veri seti, yaşları 19 ve 38 arasında değişen, Gazi Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu'ndan seçilen 70 sporcudan oluşmaktadır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre; cinsiyet, yaş, boy ve kilo değişkenlerini içeren tahmin modelinin, kabul edilebilir doğruluk ile hamstring kas kuvvetini tahmin etmek için geçerli ve kullanışlı bir yöntem sağladığını göstermektedir. Karşılaştırma amacıyla, Çok Katmanlı Algılayıcı (ÇKA) ve Tekli Karar Ağacı (TKA) yöntemlerine dayalı tahmin modelleri de oluşturulmuştur ve DVM tabanlı modellerin, hamstring kas gücünün tahmininde ÇKA ve TKA tabanlı modellerden daha iyi performans sergilediği görülmüştürThe purpose of this study is to build new prediction models for estimating the hamstring muscle strength of college-aged athletes using Support Vector Machine (SVM). The dataset is made up of 70 athletes ranging in age from 19 to 38 years who were selected from the College of Physical Education and Sport at Gazi University. The results show that the prediction model including the predictor variables gender, age, height and weight provides a valid and convenient method for estimating hamstring muscle strength within limits of acceptable accuracy. For comparison purposes, prediction models based on Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) and Single Decision Tree (SDT) have also been created, and it is seen that SVM-based models outperforms the MLP-based and SDT-based models for prediction of hamstring muscle strengt