22 research outputs found

    The three-point correlation function of galaxies: comparing halo occupation models with observations

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    We present models for the three-point correlation function (3PCF) of both dark matter and galaxies. We show that models based on the halo model can reasonably match the dark-matter 3PCF obtained from high-resolution N-body simulations. On small scales (r≲ 0.5 h−1 Mpc) the 3PCF is sensitive to details regarding the density distributions of dark-matter haloes. On larger scales (r≳ 2.0 h−1 Mpc) the results are very sensitive to the abundance of the few most prominent haloes. Using the conditional luminosity function, we also construct models for the 3PCF of galaxies, which we test against large mock galaxy samples. The bias of the galaxy distribution with respect to the dark matter, and the finite number of galaxies that can be hosted by individual haloes, significantly reduce the normalized three-point correlation function with respect to that of dark matter. Contrary to the 3PCF of the dark matter, the galaxy 3PCF is much less sensitive to details regarding the spatial number density distribution of galaxies in individual haloes or to the abundance of the few most massive systems. Finally, we show that our model based on the conditional luminosity function is in good agreement with results obtained from the 2-degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey. In particular, the model nicely reproduces the observational finding that the 3PCF for early-type galaxies is slightly higher than that of late-type galaxies, and that there is no significant dependence of the 3PCF on galaxy luminosit

    The Three-point Correlation Function of Galaxies: Comparing Halo Occupation Models with Observations

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    We present models for the three-point correlation function (3PCF) of both dark matter and galaxies. We show that models based on the halo model can reasonably match the dark matter 3PCF obtained from high-resolution NN-body simulations. On small scales (r\la 0.5\mpch) the 3PCF is sensitive to details regarding the density distributions of dark matter haloes. On larger scales (r \ga 2.0\mpch) the results are very sensitive to the abundance of the few most prominant haloes. Using the conditional luminosity function, we also construct models for the 3PCF of galaxies, which we test against large mock galaxy samples. The bias of the galaxy distrubution with respect to the dark matter, and the finite number of galaxies that can be hosted by individual haloes, significantly reduce the normalized three-point correlation function with respect to that of dark matter. Contrary to the 3PCF of the dark matter, the galaxy 3PCF is much less sensitive to details regarding the spatial number density distribution of galaxies in individual haloes or to the abundance of the few most massive systems. Finally, we show that our model based on the conditional luminosity function is in good agreement with results obtained from the 2-degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey. In particular, the model nicely reproduces the observational finding that the 3PCF for early-type galaxies is slightly higher than that of late-type galaxies, and that there is no significant dependence of the 3PCF on galaxy luminosity.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures. 1 figure added, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Measuring the galaxy power spectrum with multiresolution decomposition -- II. diagonal and off-diagonal power spectra of the LCRS galaxies

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    The power spectrum estimator based on the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) for 3-dimensional samples has been studied. The DWT estimator for multi-dimensional samples provides two types of spectra with respect to diagonal and off-diagonal modes, which are very flexible to deal with configuration-related problems in the power spectrum detection. With simulation samples and mock catalogues of the Las Campanas redshift survey (LCRS), we show (1) the slice-like geometry of the LCRS doesn't affect the off-diagonal power spectrum with ``slice-like'' mode; (2) the Poisson sampling with the LCRS selection function doesn't cause more than 1-σ\sigma error in the DWT power spectrum; and (3) the powers of peculiar velocity fluctuations, which cause the redshift distortion, are approximately scale-independent. These results insure that the uncertainties of the power spectrum measurement are under control. The scatter of the DWT power spectra of the six strips of the LCRS survey is found to be rather small. It is less than 1-σ\sigma of the cosmic variance of mock samples in the wavenumber range 0.1<k<20.1 < k < 2 h Mpc1^{-1}. To fit the detected LCRS diagonal DWT power spectrum with CDM models, we find that the best-fitting redshift distortion parameter β\beta is about the same as that obtained from the Fourier power spectrum. The velocity dispersions σv\sigma_v for SCDM and Λ\LambdaCDM models are also consistent with other σv\sigma_v detections with the LCRS. A systematic difference between the best-fitting parameters of diagonal and off-diagonal power spectra has been significantly measured. This indicates that the off-diagonal power spectra are capable of providing information about the power spectrum of galaxy velocity field.Comment: AAS LaTeX file, 41 pages, 10 figures included, accepted for publication in Ap

    ELM of ELM-WD: An extremely low mass hot donor star discovered in LAMOST survey

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    The Extremely Low Mass White Dwarfs (ELM WDs) and pre-ELM WDs are helium core white dwarfs with mass <0.3M<\sim 0.3M_{\odot}. They are formed in close binaries and have lost over half of their initial masses via Common Envelope (CE) ejection or stable Roche Lobe Over Flow (RLOF). Both evolution simulations and observations show that a lower mass limit for ELM WDs exists at 0.14M\approx0.14M_{\odot}. Here we report the discovery of an extremely low mass ELM WD, ID70904216 in LAMOST survey, that may be lower than the ELM WD mass limit. Based on LAMOST and P200 spectroscopic observations, ID70904216 shows orbital period Porb=P_{orb} = 0.219658 days and radial velocity semi-amplitude K1=317.33km/sK1=317.33km/s, which gives the mass function of 0.73MM_{\odot}, indicating the companion is a compact star. The low resolution spectra shows a F type star with Teff7361KT_{\rm eff} \sim 7361K without emission features. The temperature is consistent with that derived from SED fitting(7440K7440K) and multi-color light curve solution(7400K7400K). The optical light curves, in ZTF g, r and i bands and Catalina V band, show ellipsoidal variability with amplitudes 30%\approx30\%, suggesting that the visible companion is heavily tidal distorted. Combining with the distance from Gaia survey, the WD code modeling estimates that the mass of the visible star is M1=0.080.03+0.06MM1=0.08^{+0.06}_{-0.03}M_{\odot}, and the mass of the invisible star is M2=0.940.10+0.45MM2=0.94^{+0.45}_{-0.10}M_{\odot}. The radius of the visible donor is R=0.29±0.01RR=0.29\pm0.01R_{\odot}. The inclination angle is constrained between 60^{\circ} and 90^{\circ}. The observations indicate the system is a pre-ELM WD + WD/NS binary system with an extremely low mass hot donor below the 0.14M0.14M_{\odot} theoretical limit.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    The clustering of SDSS galaxy groups: mass and color dependence

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    We use a sample of galaxy groups selected from the SDSS DR 4 with an adaptive halo-based group finder to probe how the clustering strength of groups depends on their masses and colors. In particular, we determine the relative biases of groups of different masses, as well as that of groups with the same mass but with different colors. In agreement with previous studies, we find that more massive groups are more strongly clustered, and the inferred mass dependence of the halo bias is in good agreement with predictions for the Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology. Regarding the color dependence, we find that groups with red centrals are more strongly clustered than groups of the same mass but with blue centrals. Similar results are obtained when the color of a group is defined to be the total color of its member galaxies. The color dependence is more prominent in less massive groups and becomes insignificant in groups with masses \gta 10^{14}\msunh. We construct a mock galaxy redshift survey constructed from the large Millenium simulation that is populated with galaxies according to the semi-analytical model of Croton et al. Applying our group finder to this mock survey, and analyzing the mock data in exactly the same way as the true data, we are able to accurately recover the intrinsic mass and color dependencies of the halo bias in the model. This suggests that our group finding algorithm and our method of assigning group masses do not induce spurious mass and/or color dependencies in the group-galaxy correlation function. The semi-analytical model reveals the same color dependence of the halo bias as we find in our group catalogue. In halos with M\sim 10^{12}\msunh, though, the strength of the color dependence is much stronger in the model than in the data.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ. In the new version, we add the bias of the shuffled galaxy sample. The errors are estimated according to the covariance matrix of the GGCCF, which is then diagonalize

    Orbital parameters for an ELM white dwarf with a white dwarf companion: LAMOST J033847.06+413424.2

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    Double white dwarf systems are of great astrophysical importance in the field of gravitational wave and Type Ia supernova. While the binary fraction of CO core white dwarf is about a few percents, the extremely low mass white dwarfs are all thought to be within binary systems. In this work, we report the orbital solution of a double degenerate system: J033847.06+413424.24, an extremely low mass He core white dwarf orbiting a CO core white dwarf. With LAMOST and P200, time domain spectroscopic observations have been made and spectral atmosphere parameters are estimated to be Teff22500T_{\rm eff}\sim22500 K and log g5.6g\sim5.6 dex. Combining Gaia parallax, 3D extinction, and evolution tracks, we estimate a radius of 0.12\sim0.12 RR_{\odot} and a mass of 0.22\sim0.22 MM_{\odot}. With the 37 single exposure spectra, the radial velocities are measured and the orbital parameters are estimated to be P=0.1253132(1)P=0.1253132(1) days, K1=289±4K1=289\pm4 km/s and Vsys=41±3V_{sys}=-41\pm3 km/s. The radial velocity based system ephemeris is also provided. The light curves from several photometric surveys show no orbital modulation. The orbital solution suggests that the invisible companion has a minimum mass of about 0.60 MM_{\odot} and is 0.79\sim0.79 MM_{\odot} for an inclination of 60.060.0^{\circ}, indicating most probably a CO core white dwarf. The system is expected to merge in about 1 Gyr. With present period and distance (596\sim596 pc) it can not irradiate strong enough gravitational wave for LISA. More double degenerate systems are expected to be discovered and parameterized as the LAMOST survey goes on.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Log-Poisson Non-Gaussianity of Lyα\alpha Transmitted Flux Fluctuations at High Redshift

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    We investigate the non-Gaussian features of the IGM at redshift z56z\sim 5 - 6 using Lyα\alpha transmitted flux of quasar absorption spectra and cosmological hydrodynamic simulation of the concordance Λ\LambdaCDM universe. We show that the neutral hydrogen mass density field and Lyα\alpha transmitted flux fluctuations possess all the non-Gaussian features predicted by the log-Poisson hierarchy, which depends only on two dimensionless parameters β\beta and γ\gamma, describing, respectively, the intermittence and singularity of the random fields. We find that the non-Gaussianity of the Lyα\alpha transmitted flux of quasars from z=4.9z=4.9 to z=6.3z=6.3 can be well reconstructed by the hydrodynamical simulation samples. Although the Gunn-Peterson optical depth and its variance underwent a significant evolution in the redshift range of 565 - 6, the intermittency measured by β\beta is almost redshift-independent in this range. More interesting, the intermittency of quasar's absorption spectra on physical scales 0.110.1-1 h1^{-1}Mpc in redshift 565 - 6 are found to be about the same as that on physical scales 1101-10 h1^{-1}Mpc at redshifts 242 - 4. Considering the Jeans length is less than 0.1 h1^{-1}Mpc at z5z\sim 5, and 11 h1^{-1}Mpc at z2z\sim 2, these results imply that the nonlinear evolution in high and low redshifts will lead the cosmic baryon fluid to a state similar to fully developed turbulence. The log-Poisson high order behavior of current high redshift data of quasar's spectrum can be explained by uniform UV background in the redshift range considered. We also studied the log-Poisson non-Gaussianity by considering inhomogeneous background. With several simplified models of inhomogeneous background, we found the effect of the inhomogeneous background on the log-Poisson non-Gaussianity is not larger than 1-sigma.Comment: 12 pages 10 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Galaxies and stars: basic building blocks of the universe

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    This paper is a review report which was presented at the &quot;United Nations/European Space Agency workshop on Basic Space Science&quot;, Bangalore, IndiaSIGLEITItal