48 research outputs found

    The Effect of Burnout, Work Experience, and Work Motivation on Employee Performance with Emotional Intelligence as Variable Moderation

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    Performance is an important benchmark in the process of employee development and greatly affects the achievement of the organization as a whole. Performance may decline because of the high burnout. High motivation tends to be a maximum performance as well as work experience also influence performance as related to length of service and level of knowledge. In addition, the performance was also affected by emotional intelligence takes an important role to help people in dealing with problems in life. This study is aimed to determine the effect of burnout, work experience, and motivation to work on performance with emotional intelligence as a moderating variable. The method used is quantitative by collecting data using questionnaires and analyzing by moderated regression analysis (MRA). The sampling technique uses convenience sampling. The results show the accepted hypothesis is burnout affects the performance and motivation affects the performance while the rejected hypothesis is high emotional intelligence will reduce the effect of burnout on performance, high work experience will improve the performance. High emotional intelligence will increase the effect of work experience towards the employee performance, and high emotional intelligence will increase the effect of work motivation towards the employee performance

    How E-Wom Influence Purchase Intention Mediated by Trust and Brand Awareness: Case on Generation X in Indonesia

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    nformation spreads rapidly through social media, with a steady increase in social media users in Indonesia each year. This presents an important concern for marketers, particularly in the automotive industry, which has experienced growth in car sales in 2021. Information disseminated between social media users, known as electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM), is believed to have an impact on consumers' purchase intentions. Therefore, this research aims to examine the influence of e-WOM on social media affects the purchase intention of a car in Indonesia. This study uses a quantitative research approach with the application of Structural Equation Model (SEM) method. Data collection is conducted with the purposive sampling technique, targeting Generation X respondents in Indonesia who actively use social media and feels interested to buy a car. The questionnaire is distributed via Google Forms, and data analysis is conducted by SPSS 24 and SmartPLS 3. From 119 respondents, trust and brand awareness emerge as the key factors that increase purchase intention for a car in Generation X. Additionally, trust and brand awareness act as mediators between e-WOM and purchase intention, because e-WOM does not directly impact purchase intention. In addition, this study does not provide evidence supporting the moderating role of price. In conclusion, car marketers in Indonesia should effectively manage the spread of e-WOM information on social media platform.s This information has the potential to enhance consumer brand trust and awareness, influencing the emergence of their purchase intentions. Keywords: brand awareness, e-wom, generation x, purchase intention, social medi

    The Effect of Social Capital and Collaborative Knowledge Creation on E-Business Proactiveness and Organizational Agility in Creating Business Sustainability

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    Social capital is significant for an organization while collaborative knowledge creation and e-business proactiveness support the organization in every business process. This research intends to identify social capital and collaborative knowledge creation in influencing e-business proactiveness and organizational agility in order to obtain business sustainability. This research was conducted in three months on 24 companies from the Financial Services Industry (FSI) sector in Greater Jakarta, Indonesia, involving 155 respondents. The data was analyzed using the SEM-PLS. The results confirm that social capital positively impacts e-business proactiveness and collaborative knowledge creation in the FSI sector. Besides, e-business proactiveness and collaborative knowledge creation demonstrate a positive influence on the FSIā€™s organizational agility. Then, organizational agility significantly impacts business sustainability, while e-business proactiveness has yet to be proven to increase business sustainability in the FSI sector. The managerial implications of this research can be applied by organizations in developing social capital through social networks such as business partners in order to improve other aspects in creating business sustainability


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    Edukasi bagi konsumen dan masyarakat cara penggunaan deterjen serta pemilihan deterjen yang ramah lingkungan sangatlah penting. Sebab dapat mengubah persepsi yang sela mini melekat dibenak masyarakat dimana mengganggap bahwa deterjen harus berbusa dan juga kandungan-kandungannya yang aman bagi kulit serta lingkungan. Dengan beragam strategi pemasaran yang kreatif salah satunya menggandeng komunitas pecinta lingkungan turut andil dalam sosialisasi serta edukasi kepada masyarakat umum. Starategi-strategi pemasaran yang digunakan sehingga bermanfaat, seperti: 4P (Product, Price, Place and Promotion) serta NICE (Notworking, Interaction, Common Interest, and Experience) dapat membantu perusahaan dalam kebutuhan pemasarannya serta mendekatkan ke target pasar. Dari hasil analisis eksternal porters five forces didapatlah kekuatan kompetitif PT WOI 2 yaitu rata-rata sedang, selain itu juga disimpulkan melalui kuesioner responden mayoritas konsumen setuju untuk melakukan pembelian berulang 39% dan sangat setuju 22% sehingga totalnya 61% dan didapat responden yang akan merekomendasikan detergen top green setuju 39% dan sangat setuju 22% sehingga totalnya 61%


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    Pemanfaatan sampah organik menjadikan potensi tersembunyi yang memberikan nilai komersil ketika diciptakan menjadi produk yang bernilai, melalui manfaat adanya kandungan eco enzyme pada sampah organik sehingga diciptakan produk pembersih deterjen ramah lingkungan dengan merek Top Green yangĀ  mampu memberikan daya saing. Melalui analisa Resource and Capabilities, analisa Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM), analisa Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) dan Analisa Supply Chain Distributions maka diperoleh hasil strategi pemasaran yang ditetapkan adalah penetrasi pasar. Strategi penetrasi pasar dilakukan adalah dengan menggunakaan beberapa platform e-commerce, memanfaatkan komunitas pecinta lingkungan sebagai mitra dan menggunakan jaringan distribusi seperti DKSH dan WSL untuk memasarkan ke toko - toko retail

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Sosial dan E-Wom Terhadap Kepercayaan dan Minat Beli Belanja Online

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    Technological developments in the past five years have been very fast and dynamic. This also has an effect on the use of technology that is used by humans to transact, especially on increasing buying interest. The main objective of this study was to examine the effect of electronic word of mouth (e-wom) and the use of social media on the level of trust and consumer buying interest. To achieve this goal, data was collected using a questionnaire through an online survey of 180 respondents aged 29-39 years and its location in Jakarta. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) lisrel. The results of this study indicate that the use of social media / Social Networking Sites (SNS) can influence the level of trust and interest in buying consumers while information and comments on online stores / online shops have effect on consumer buying interest. Keywords: use of social media, e-wom, level of trust, interest in buyin

    Pengaruh E-Health Literacy Terhadap Kepatuhan Pasien Hipertensi Dalam Menjalani Pengobatan

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    Internet memudahkan banyak orang untuk mengakses informasi, khususnya informasi mengenai kesehatan. Namun demikian, banyaknya informasi yang tersedia harus diikuti dengan kemampuan seseorang untuk bisa memilih dan mengevaluasi kebenaran informasi tersebut. Kemampuan untuk menilai dan mencari informasi kesehatan yang tepat di internet dan menggunakannya dengan benar dikenal sebagai e-Health literacy. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif yang menganalisis pengaruh eHealth Literacy terhadap kepatuhan pasien melalui komunikasi dokter-pasien, health information seeking behavior dan persepsi kualitas informasi kesehatan. Pemilihan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling sebanyak 220 responden yaitu pasien hipertensi yang berobat ke poliklinik penyakit dalam. Pada penelitian ini teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Structural Equation Model (SEM) dengan program LISREL 8.8. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa eHealth Literacy berpengaruh signifikan terhadap komunikasi dokter-pasien (t-value 6.34), health information seeking behavior (t-value 10.74), dan persepsi kualitas informasi kesehatan ( t-value 11,27). Komunikasi dokter-pasien dan health information seeking behavior berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepatuhan pasien dan memediasi secara parsial pengaruh eHealth Literacy terhadap kepatuhan pasien. Sedangkan persepsi kualitas informasi kesehatan tidak mampu memediasi ehealth literacy terhadap kepatuhan pasien. Manajemen rumah sakit diharapkan agar semakin aktif menambahkan informasi ā€“ informasi mengenai kesehatan pada website dan media sosial rumah sakit atau mengadakan live seputar kesehatan mengenai penyakit kronis seperti hipertensi