47 research outputs found


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    The object of copyright protection under the Berne Convention, namely: works of literature and art that encompasses all the results of the fields of literature, science and art in any manner or form any explication. Since the entry into force of the Berne Convention that was classified as Making Law Treaty and open to all countries that are not yet members to immediately become a member by way of ratifying and handed over the instrument of ratification to the Director General of WIPO. The participation of a country as a member of the Convention Barn, give rise to liability in the participating countries to implement national perundang¬undangan in the field of copyright. Especially in terms of law enforcement for the protection of copyrighted works. This relates to the arrangement in the Berne Convention on moral rights ( "droit moral"), author's rights to mengkluim as the creator of a work and the author's right to object to any act that intends to change, reduce or add to the authenticity of the creations that can be harm the honor and reputation of the creator.Keywords: Copyright, ratification, the Berne Conventio

    Legal Consequences for Perpetrators of Violations of The Economic Rights of The Creator and Efforts to Strengthen The Protection of a Song Copyright Work

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    This study is purposed to determine the legal consequences for someone who commits copyright infringement, especially when the person commercially utilizes the economic rights of a song copyright work. It also wants to know what efforts can strengthen the protection of a song copyright work. The method used in this study is normative juridical method through literature study, with the presentation of data in the form of secondary data. The results showed that the legal consequences for perpetrators of violations of the economic rights of copyright works are punished with imprisonment for a maximum of four years and / or a maximum fine of Rp. In the sanctions, parties other than the creator are prohibited from taking advantage of the economic rights of the creator. The effort to strengthen the protection of a song copyright work is to form a special body that will be in charge of preventing and eradicating all acts that violate the copyright of song works. Then no less important is to apply all the provisions of existing regulations firmly by all law enforcement officers, especially judges in each decision


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    Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk melihat dan memahami tentang pelaku kejahatan atau tindak pidana yang dapat dipidana. Kemudian juga ingin melihat seberapa pentingnya mengenai seorang anak yang melakukan suatu kejahatan atau tindak pidana diselesaikan melalui pendekatan restoratif jusrtice. Adapun metode penelitian berbentuk yuridis normatif melalui pendekatan studi kepustakaan dengan mengumpulkan data sekunder. Setelah data terkumpul lalu data diolah dan dianalisis sehingga dapat ditarik kesimpulan dari pertanyaan yang diajukan pada rumusan masalah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa yang termasuk dalam pelaku tindak pidana yaitu yang melakukan, menyuruh, menganjurkan dan turut serta. Disamping itu juga ada yang memberi janji, kesempatan, sarana dan keterangan. Dalam hal pentingnya mengenai seorang anak yang melakukan suatu kejahatan atau tindak pidana diselesaikan melalui pendekatan restoratif jusrtice, maka hal ini merupakan alternatif terbaik yang dapat dilakukan. Dengan konsep ini, diharapkan semua pihak dapat secara bersama-sama memecahkan masalah dengan melibatkan korban, pelaku termasuk juga para keluarga.

    Criteria of Acts that Can be Classified as Religious Blasphemy

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    This study discusses the criteria for actions that can be classified as acts of religious blasphemy. The aim is to find out in-depth the types of actions that can be classified as criminal acts of blasphemy, as well as legal provisions and sanctions against perpetrators who intentionally commit such acts. This research is descriptive qualitative using a normative juridical approach. To obtain data in viewing the issues discussed, the authors use normative juridical research methods through library research using secondary data. The results of the study show that the acts of religious blasphemy include all kinds of slanderous actions aimed directly at the religion professed, either orally or in writing, regardless of whether it will endanger public order or not, with the aim that people do not adhere to a particular religion. In the realm of criminal law, the case of blasphemy is a form of a pure criminal event whose perpetrators can be given legal sanctions. The legal sanctions for perpetrators according to the Criminal Code can be sentenced to 5 (five) years in priso


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     The number of piracy cases are popping up in the environment community indicates malfunctioning of the Act or law in mengujudkan legal protection of copyright musical works. It makes people increasingly do not trust the government officials there. Whereas cases of music copyright piracy is certainly not to be taken lightly. If left Indonesia will be increasingly threatened by the danger of a prolonged legal harassment, and it would threaten the creativity of the people of this country. Type commonly violated copyright piracy cassette production CD, VCD and DVD. Perederan proliferation of pirated goods in places such open indication can be seen from the market dominated by pirates. Keywords: Piracy, copyright, Sanctions La


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    Andai kata William Shakespeare masih hidup, dia akan menarik kembalipernyataannya yang berbunyi “apalah arti sebuah namaâ€, karena saat ini namabagi seseorang sangatlah penting. Nama adalah doa, nama adalah sebuah harapan.Seseorang yang bernama Budiman tentunya diharapkan menjadi anak yangberbudi luhur oleh kedua orang tuanya. Begitu juga dengan Soleh, yangdiharapkan kelak menjadi orang yang soleh.Di dunia bisnis dan perdagangan, nama juga berpengaruh untuk kemajuan suatuusaha. Nama pengusaha adalah merek, bisa dijadikan merek dagang atau merekjasa. Sesungguhnya, bagi pengusaha, merek bukanlah sekedar nama tanpa arti,tapi merek adalah produk bernilai tinggi. Karena suatu merek dapat menghasilkan keuntungan yang berbeda dibandingkan dengan merek lain. Ciri khas perusahaan,misalnya melaui simbol, gambar, warna, angka, kata-kata atau kombinasi dariseluruh elemen tersebut seperti tercantum dalam pasal 1, ayat 1, UU no. 15 tahun2001 tentang Merek.Meskipun pada prakteknya cara ini kerap digunakan dalam membangun suatumerek yang melekat pada konsumen walaupun tidak sehat, yaitu dengan cara“menumpang†nama pada suatu merek yang sudah terdaftar atau terkenal dipasaran. Cara seperti ini melanggar prosedur akuisisi suatu merek demi tujuanperdagangan dan jas

    Prostitusi Online Sebagai Kejahatan Kemanusiaan terhadap Anak: Telaah Hukum Islam dan Hukum Positif

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    Online Prostitution as Humanity Crimes against Children: in the Perspective of Islamic Law and Positive Law. Disclosure of online prostitution case is a clear proof that social media is becoming a powerful tool for prostitution promotion. Prostitution is a result of the unlimited use of online social media. Therefore, as a country with Muslim population as majority, the state must take steps against any form of prostitution. If prostitution is not eradicated, it will be fast-growing business. Also, it will make Indonesia considered as a country that maintains immoral behaviors.DOI: 10.15408/ajis.v16i2.4449</div

    Can Judges Ignore Justifying and Forgiveness Reasons for Justice and Human Rights?

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    In the criminal law system in Indonesia, there are two reasons why an individual suspected of having committed a crime must be released. These two reasons are justifying and forgiveness reasons. In practice, these two reasons are linked to the elimination of criminal acts based on legal justice and human rights. This article discusses the legal consequences when the judge rejects the justifying and forgiveness reasons that can eliminate the sentence. The method used in this research is normative juridical by analysing norms, principles and rules of law with a case approach. As a result, this research shows that judges in practice have the authority given by law to determine whether an action can be categorised as justifying and forgiveness reasons that eliminate punishment by referring to the principles and legal regulations for justice and human rights. However, when the judge ignores these two reasons due to considerations of lack of justice and respect for human rights, this practice can be carried out by the judge with the consequence that this decision will cause harm, suffering and misery for the accused. This article argues that to protect the public interest from wrong decisions is necessary to reform the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP) to provide objectivity, honesty, and justice that rely on legal principles and rules