7 research outputs found

    Implementasi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam pada Lembaga Pendidikan di Era Globalisasi

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    This examination expects to additionally comprehend how to fabricate the executives in the realm of schooling in the period of globalization, obviously, it should make an ideal Islamic instructive foundation with a cutting edge administration framework, then a training should be aware of the thoughts of the current administration and the desperation of its application. This kind of exploration utilizes subjective examination strategies. The information involved by the creators in this study is a wellspring of information that is significant and has likenesses with the conversation being considered. The strategy for gathering information in this study is Library Exploration (abstract review). The consequences of the review show that the utilization of the board in the administration of training in instructive establishments should be upheld by staff assets and different assets that are used to acknowledge high instructive authoritative execution to accomplish dependable quality alumni, assembling these faculty there is a component of giving inspiration, coordinating and driving so they function admirably and agreeably together. It should be finished to answer the difficulties of the times in the ongoing period of globalization


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    This research aims to describe the concept of the Ar-Ridho Sentul Islamic Islamic Boarding School in Bogor, which implements an agribusiness pesantren system. This type of research data is descriptive qualitative using three data analyzes, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach which includes field research with data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews, and documentation. This research was conducted for 3 months, starting from February to April 2022. The subjects in this study were all teachers who took shelter at the Ar-Ridho Islamic Boarding School Sentul Bogor, several students and local residents who were in the pesantren environment. The results of this study indicate that: 1). The agribusinesses at the Modern Ar-Ridho Sentul Islamic Boarding School in Bogor include rice agribusiness, sugarcane argobusiness, crystal guava plants, palawija crop cultivation and sweet corn agribusiness; 2). Through the agribusiness-based pesantren sector, pesantren institutions are considered to be able to educate and equip students with knowledge, skills, and an entrepreneurial spirit; 3). Can educate the community around Islamic boarding schools about more advanced ways and techniques in running agribusiness businesses, as well as introducing various new commodities, which add better economic sources; 4). Increase and increase sources of income for Islamic boarding schools and the community.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan konsep Pondok Pesantren Modern Ar-Ridho Sentul Bogor yang menerapkan system pesantren agrobisnis. Jenis data penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan tiga analisis data yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskritif yang termasuk penelitian lapangan (Field Research) dengan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 3 bulan, terhitung mulai dari bulan Februari s/d April 2022. Subjek dalam penelitian ini yaitu seluruh guru yang bernaung di Pondok Pesantren Modern Ar-Ridho Sentul Bogor, beberapa santri dan warga sekitar yang berada di lingkungan pesantren. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa: 1). Agrobisnis yang ada di Pondok Pesantren Modern Ar-Ridho Sentul Bogor diantaranya yaitu agrobisnis tanaman padi, argobisnis tanaman tebu, tanaman jambu kristal, budidaya tanaman palawija serta agrobisnis tanaman jagung manis; 2). Melalui sector pesantren berbasis agrobisnis maka lembaga pesantren dinilai dapat mendidik dan membekali para santri dengan pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan jiwa kewirausahaan; 3). Dapat mendidik masyarakat sekitar pondok pesantren tentang cara-cara dan teknik yang lebih maju dalam menjalankan usaha agribisnis, sekaligus memperkenalkan berbagai komoditas baru, yang menambah sumber-sumber ekonomis yang lebih baik; 4). Meningkatkan dan menambah sumber-sumber pendapatan bagi pondok pesantren dan masyarakat

    Planning for megafauna recovery in the tropical rainforests of Sumatra

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    Human-induced forest loss has had devastating impacts on biodiversity. Mammal populations in the tropics have been hit particularly hard by the resulting habitat loss, fragmentation and degradation, as well as by overhunting which often goes hand-in-hand. While declines in these populations are generally well documented, few studies offer a pathway for their recovery. Here, we test the association between changes in forest habitat and occupancy trends of Sumatran megafauna (elephant and tiger) and key tiger prey species (wild boar and sambar) in the Leuser Ecosystem: a large forest landscape on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. For elephant and tiger, we develop additional occupancy models to predict their respective spatial distribution under different scenarios of forest loss and gain (through restoration and increased connectivity) to provide a blueprint for avoiding future species loss and assisting with their population recovery. From 2000 to 2019, 254,722 ha (6.7%) of natural forest was converted, primarily to plantations and shrubs. The species-specific responses over the study period revealed that the occurrence of elephant declined along the west, with a range shift to the northeast of Leuser, whereas wild boar underwent a dramatic widespread decline and although sambar experienced losses around the forest edge, it remained widespread in the interior forest, while tiger occupancy remained stable. Modelling habitat loss and fragmentation led to an unsurprising demise of Sumatran megafauna, whereas strategic investments that reconnected several forest patches provided disproportionately large benefits for their recovery through the recolonization of former parts of their range. Indonesia has achieved six consecutive years of declining forest loss rates, and our study’s findings can build off this conservation success by supporting improved provincial spatial planning and field-based restoration efforts that avoid declines of threatened megafauna species and act as a catalyst for rewilding a landscape of global importance


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    Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis tumbuhan yang merupakan sumber pakan Gajah Surmatera (Elephas maximus sumatranusy di Pos Penelitian Sikundur (Aras Napal) Ekosistem Leuser, yang dilakukan dari bulan Februari sampai April 2004. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Survey Eksploratif dengan observasi langsung dan tidak langsung terhadap objek pengamatan. Parameter dalam penelitian ini meliputi, jenis tumbuhan yang merupakan sumber pakan Gajah Sumatera dan ciri morfologi dari organ tumbuhan tersebut (akar. batang, daun. bunga. buah, dan biji). Hasil penelitian didapatkan 49 jenis tumbuhan yang merupakan sumber pakan Gajah Sumatera di Pos Penelitian Sikundur tergolong dalam 19 Familia yaitu : Bombacaceae, Caesalphiniaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Orchidaceac, Fassifloraccae. Solanaceae, Myrtaceae. Melastornaceae. Moraceae, Mimocaceac. Anacardiaceae. Palmae. Poaceae. Musaceae, Convolvulaceae. Dilleniaceae, Lauraceae dan Zingiberaceae. Jenis tumbuhan pakan yang paling digemari adalah: ara (Ficus asperiusculay, tampu (Macaranga giganteay: cempedak (Arlhocarpus komedo), rumput pahit (Aksonopus compresus); pisang hutan (Musa sp), Jiana daging (Merremia peltata (L.) Merr). dan rotan (Calamus sp)

    The Determinants of Economic Growth: Empirical Study of 10 Asia-Pacific Countries

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    The purpose of this research to examine influence several independent variables, especially corruption, foreign direct investment (FDI), population growth, and government expenditure on the economic growth of 10 Asia-Pacific countries, and prove the hypothesis of the sand wheels theory whether corruption causes a decline and a slowdown in economic growth. This study uses panel data. The results showed that the variables of corruption have a negative impact on economic growth, foreign direct investment (FDI), and government expenditure have positives that significantly affect the level of economic growth in 10 Asia-Pacific countries. However, population growth does not significantly affect economic growth. The result implies that corruption has a negative effect on economic growth in 10 Asia-Pacific countries. Such an outcome provides evidence and confirms the hypothesis that corruption can sand the wheel of an economy. Countries must eradicate all forms of corruption and maintain a conducive investment climate so that there is a level of trust, especially in the Asia-Pacific countries, to create productive economic growth.JEL Classification: O47, D73, C12How to Cite:Nasir, M. S., Wibowo, A. R., & Yansyah, D. (2021). The Determinants of Economic Growth: Empirical Study Of 10 Asia-Pacific Countries. Signifikan: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi, 10(1), 149-160. https://doi.org/10.18752/sjie.v10i1.15310

    The Values of Islamic Education in Nasyid Songs on the Indonesian Language Edition of One4kids Youtube Channel by Subhi Alshaik

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    This study aims to discover the values ​​of Islamic education in Subhi Alshaik's One4kids nasyid song. Besides that, this study aims to inform parents that the One4kids nasyid song by Subhi Alshaik can provide a stimulus for understanding and religious guidance for children. This type of research is qualitative research, using the method of literature. The sample used in this study consisted of primary and secondary data. The primary data is the One4kids nasyid song by Subhi Alshaik. Secondary data, namely journals, books, and videos. Data collection techniques in this study through observation and documentation. The data analysis used in this research is the content analysis technique. The results of research on the values ​​of Islamic education contained in the One4kids nasyid song on three selected themes, there are values ​​Islamic education, namely First, Faith Education (aqidah), namely contemplating the signs of Allah's power and being grateful for His blessings. Second, Islamic Education (worship), which worships Allah through the teachings of the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. Third, Moral Education, namely being a good person in life. This research has implications as part of parents' efforts to develop children's Islamic educational values ​​through the use of YouTube social media to follow the development of science and technology in the era of Society 5.0