239 research outputs found

    Respiratory protective device design using control system techniques

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    The feasibility of a control system analysis approach to provide a design base for respiratory protective devices is considered. A system design approach requires that all functions and components of the system be mathematically identified in a model of the RPD. The mathematical notations describe the operation of the components as closely as possible. The individual component mathematical descriptions are then combined to describe the complete RPD. Finally, analysis of the mathematical notation by control system theory is used to derive compensating component values that force the system to operate in a stable and predictable manner

    Methods of Statistical Control for Groundwater Quality Indicators

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    The article describes the results of conducted groundwater quality control. Controlled quality indicators included the following microelements - barium, manganese, iron, mercury, iodine, chromium, strontium, etc. Quality control charts - X-bar chart and R chart - were built. For the upper and the lower threshold limits, maximum permissible concentration of components in water and the lower limit of their biologically significant concentration, respectively, were selected. The charts analysis has shown that the levels of microelements content in water at the area of study are stable. Most elements in the underground water are contained in concentrations, significant for human organisms consuming the water. For example, such elements as Ba, Mn, Fe have concentrations that exceed maximum permissible levels for drinking water

    Classification of Vegetation to Estimate Forest Fire Danger Using Landsat 8 Images: Case Study

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    The vegetation cover of the Earth plays an important role in the life of mankind, whether it is natural forest or agricultural crop. The study of the variability of the vegetation cover, as well as observation of its condition, allows timely actions to make a forecast and monitor and estimate the forest fire condition. The objectives of the research were (i) to process the satellite image of the Gilbirinskiy forestry located in the basin of Lake Baikal; (ii) to select homogeneous areas of forest vegetation on the basis of their spectral characteristics; (iii) to estimate the level of forest fire danger of the area by vegetation types. The paper presents an approach for estimation of forest fire danger depending on vegetation type and radiant heat flux influence using geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing data. The Environment for Visualizing Images (ENVI) and the Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS) software were used to process satellite images. The area’s forest fire danger estimation and visual presentation of the results were carried out in ArcGIS Desktop software. Information on the vegetation was obtained using the analysis of the Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) images for a typical forestry of the Lake Baikal natural area. The maps (schemes) of the Gilbirinskiy forestry were also used in the present article. The unsupervised k-means classification was used. Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to increase the accuracy of decoding. The classification of forest areas according to the level of fire danger caused by the typical ignition source was carried out using the developed method. The final information product was the map displaying vector polygonal feature class, containing the type of vegetation and the level of fire danger for each forest quarter in the attribute table

    Public Health Risk Conditioned by Chemical Composition of Ground Water

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    The article studies the public health potential risk originated from water consumption and estimated on the basis of the groundwater chemical composition. We have processed the results of chemical groundwater analysis in different aquifers of Tomsk district (Tomsk Oblast, Russia). More than 8400 samples of chemical groundwater analyses were taken during long-term observation period. Human health risk assessment of exposure to contaminants in drinking water was performed in accordance with the risk assessment guidance for public health concerning chemical pollution of the environment (Russian reference number:, 2004). Identified potential risks were estimated for consuming water of each aquifer. The comparative analysis of water quality of different aquifers was performed on the basis of the risk coefficient of the total non-carcinogenic effects. The non-carcinogenic risk for the health of the Tomsk district population due to groundwater consumption without prior sanitary treatment was admitted acceptable. A rather similar picture is observed for all aquifers, although deeper aquifers show lower hazard coefficients

    Public Health Risk Conditioned by Chemical Composition of Ground Water

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    The article studies the public health potential risk originated from water consumption and estimated on the basis of the groundwater chemical composition. We have processed the results of chemical groundwater analysis in different aquifers of Tomsk district (Tomsk Oblast, Russia). More than 8400 samples of chemical groundwater analyses were taken during long-term observation period. Human health risk assessment of exposure to contaminants in drinking water was performed in accordance with the risk assessment guidance for public health concerning chemical pollution of the environment (Russian reference number:, 2004). Identified potential risks were estimated for consuming water of each aquifer. The comparative analysis of water quality of different aquifers was performed on the basis of the risk coefficient of the total non-carcinogenic effects. The non-carcinogenic risk for the health of the Tomsk district population due to groundwater consumption without prior sanitary treatment was admitted acceptable. A rather similar picture is observed for all aquifers, although deeper aquifers show lower hazard coefficients

    Application of multivariate statistical analysis for delineation of prospective geochemical anomalies in Providenskaya Area (Chukotka, Russia)

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    The secondary geochemical field structure was modelled on the basis of the lithogeochemical dispersion trains of the Providenskaya Area of the Chukotka Peninsula. The factor and cluster analysis were applied to interpret the nature of geochemical anomalies. It was proved that a range of anomalies were prospective for gold-silver, polymetallic, tin, and tungsten deposit allocation

    Implications of Student Loan and Finance Management Skills for Undergraduate Students

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    As the Presidential elections in 2024 are approaching, public opinions and politicians’ statements about student loans are presented more often. To curb educational borrowing, the entire society is involved. Institutions of higher education are highly engaged in securing possible funds for scholarships and grants to provide their students with the best and most efficient education. States offer scholarships, and students are becoming more selective about their institution, study major, and lifestyle choices during their undergraduate studies.  Many borrowers lack a clear understanding of loan terms and finance management skills. This study was conducted to determine the money management skills of undergraduates, their perceived amount of educational loans anticipated upon graduation, and its impact on their academic performance. A specifically designed survey instrument was administered to a total of 565 participants who were students at one of the US HBCUs in the North-Eastern region of the United States. The results revealed significant race differences in the perceived expected amount of debt upon graduation. The study further indicates a heightened requirement for academic guidance for students whose undergraduate GPAs fall within the range of 2.00 to 3.00, aiming to enhance their retention until graduation within the present institution. Student athletes expressed a significantly higher financial self-efficacy than non-athletes

    Joint processing of RS and WWLLN data for forest fire danger estimation: new concept

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    The present article describes a new concept of lightning-caused forest fire danger using a probabilistic criterion. The assessment of forest fire danger is made on the basis of the algorithm that classifies the forest territory by vegetation conditions. Lightning activity is processed by the MODIS spectroradiometer according to the World Wide Lightning Location Network data and remote sensing data for the Timiryazevskiy forestry in the Tomsk Region. The cluster analysis of the WWLLN and MOD06_L2 product data are used in the present paper

    Translation of tourist materials: Braga Tourism Office

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Tradução e Comunicação MultilingueAs an integral part of the Master’s in Translation and Multilingual Communication I have done a Project which included translation of tourist materials for the Tourism Office of Braga, Portugal (www.cm-braga.pt/wps/portal/public_en). This project gave me an opportunity to apply all my knowledge and skills I have acquired during my translation studies. I tried my hand at translation of tourist materials for Braga visitors and certainly benefited from this work, having developed and mastered all relevant competences. This multilingual project was designed for practicing my foreign languages (EN and PT) and testing my translation-related capabilities. Not only did I gain benefits, but I also contributed to the touristic attractiveness of this amazing and historic city by translating its website and touristic itineraries/booklets from EN/PT into RU. I believe a 10-month period spent in the city and the first-hand knowledge of its sights, cuisine and culture constructively affected the outcome quality to promote this architectural pearl of Portugal.Como parte integrante do Mestrado em Tradução e Comunicação Multilingual eu fiz um projeto que incluía a tradução dos materiais turísticos para o Posto de Turismo de Braga, Portugal (www.cm-braga.pt). Este projeto me deu a oportunidade de aplicar todo o meu conhecimento e habilidades que adquiri durante meus estudos de tradução. Eu tentei a minha mão na tradução de materiais turísticos para os visitantes Braga e certamente beneficiaram deste trabalho, tendo desenvolvido e dominado todas as competências relevantes. Este projeto multilíngue foi projetado para praticar minhas línguas estrangeiras (EN e PT) e testar as minhas capacidades relacionadas com a tradução. Para além de isto ter sido vantajoso para mim, consegui também contribuir para a atracão turística desta cidade maravilhosa e histórica ao traduzir seu site e roteiros turísticos / livretos de EN / PT para RU. Eu acredito que o período de 10 meses de permanência na cidade e o meu conhecimento de primeira mão dos seus pontos turísticos, gastronómicos e culturais a qualidade resultado para promover esta pérola arquitetónica de Portugal.В рамках учебной программы магистерского курса по переводу и мультиязычной коммуникации я выполняла проект, который заключался в переводе разнообразных материалов для туристического офиса города Брага, Португалия (www.cm-braga.pt). Этот проект предоставил мне великолепную возможность применить все свои знания и навыки, которые я приобрела за время обучения на переводческом курсе. Я попробовала свои силы в переводе туристических материалов для гостей Браги, в результате чего усовершенствовала уже имеющиеся и приобрела новые умения, а также получила неоценимый опыт. Этот мультиязычный проект послужил плацдармом как для практики иностранных языков (английского и португальского), так и для испытания моих переводческих способностей «в боевых условиях». Я не только извлекла личную выгоду из выполнения этого проекта, но также и внесла свой вклад в повышение туристической привлекательности этого замечательного исторического города посредством перевода вебсайта и туристических маршрутов/буклетов с английского и португальского на русский язык. Я надеюсь, что 10 месяцев, проведенные в Браге, а также знание многих достопримечательностей, кухни и культуры не понаслышке оказали положительное влияние на конечный результат и поспособствовали созданию отличной рекламы для этой архитектурной жемчужины Португали