9 research outputs found

    Pre-service biology teacher’s perception on local environment problems as contextual learning resources

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    A survey and exploratory study were conducted to analyze Lake Tempe as a resource for contextual learning (CTL). The first phase of the study included exploring the lake’s potential through interviews with the people who live in the lake’s coastal region. Quadrat transects were done to identify aquatic plants around the lake. A feasibility analysis was conducted to see the lake’s potential as a learning resource. Field data were collected and compared to the environmental biology (EB) curriculum, responses, and learning outcome. The data were analyzed descriptively and tested using a paired-sample t-test. The results showed differences in the three stations’ physicochemical parameters and decreased quality of the water. It was found that anthropogenic activity had a significant contribution to the lake’s pollution. Nine species of six aquatic plant families were found in the lake. The survey revealed that the lake was feasible as a learning resource with criteria easy to access, safety, time efficiency, costs, and the material's suitability for EB courses. The t-test showed a difference in the students’ scores between before and after exploration practices. These findings suggest that Lake Tempe can serve as a resource for CTL in EB courses

    Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Return Bagi Hasil Deposito Mudharabah (Studi Empiris Pada Bank Umum Syariah Di Indonesia Tahun 2012-2016)

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    This research aims to test the influence of Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), Non-Performing Financing (NPF), and operating income against operating expenses return for the results on the Mudharabah deposit a public Bank Syariah 2012-2016 period. The object of this research is full-fledged Islamic Bank in Indonesia. Sampling is done by purposive sampling technique so that the retrieved 9 samples of full- fledged Islamic Banks during period 2012-2016. Methods of analysis used in this study was multiple linear regression using panel data that help by using Eviews9. The results of this study indicate that simultaneously independent variable has no effect significantly to the rare of profit sharing deposito mudharaba in islamic bank. While partially, FDR and the NPF has no effect significantly to the rare of profit sharing deposito mudharaba in islamic bank, and BOPO has positive significantly effect to the rare of profit sharing deposito mudharaba in islamic bank

    Strategi Pemasaran Produk Arrum BPKB Pada Pegadaian Syariah CPS Margonda

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    This research is a quantitative research, which aims to know the marketing strategy that can be done by shariah pawnshops of ARRUM BPKB financing products. The population in this study is all employees associated with ARRUM products. While the sample used in this study is saturated samples. The type of data that the author uses is the primary and secondary data types. The method used to formulate strategies using SWOT Analysis. The results of this study indicate that the product ARRUM BPKB located in Quadrant I is in Progressive conditions. Under these conditions, the S-O strategy is the right one to apply. And based on the calculation of QSPM, the priority of strategy with the highest Value of Attractiveness (TAS) is the socialization of cheaper ujroh cost to UMKM in a more massive way


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    Pengelolaan zakat oleh Baitul Mal Aceh masih mengalami permasalahan, antara lain pemahaman masyarakat tentang zakat yang rendah dan minimnya kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap Baitul Mal Aceh. Kondisi tersebut berdampak pada potensi perhimpunan yang rendah. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif melalui analisis kombinasi Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) dan analisis SWOT. Berdasarkan hasil akhir dari seluruh responden ahli atas 18 strategi yang dihasilkan dari analisa SWOT, berikut ini merupakan strategi prioritas dalam menerapkan strategi optimalisasi manajemen zakat oleh Negara: studi kasus Provinsi Aceh berdasarkan analisa AHP antara lain (1) strategi membuat program unggulan yang menyentuh semua lapisan menjadi pilihan pertama oleh responden ahli (strategi WT) (2) sosialisasi pemerintah kepada struktur masyarakat secara komprehensif (strategi ST) (3) mengajak ulama sebagai duta Baitul Mal Aceh dalam rangka sosialisasi zakat secara komprehensif (strategi ST) (4) upgrade kualitas SDM bagi badan pelaksana (strategi WO) dengan nilai normalisasi (5) strategi Membuat data base muzaki dan Mustahik (strategi WO) (6) optimalisasi peran ulama dalam pengelolaan zakat (strategi WT (7) optimalisasi pengelolaan zakat dalam bentuk pemberdayaan mustahik (strategi SO) (8) melakukan sosialisasi qonun kepada masyarakat (strategi ST) (9) kaji ulang konsep badan pelaksana dan secretariat (strategi WO) (10) optimalisasi layanan bank untuk menambah muzaki (strategi SO) (11) optimalisasi pengelolaan baitul mal gampong (strategi WT) (12) koordinasi intensif dengan pengurus masjid (strategi WO) (13) aplikasi sanksi hukum qanun bagi yang tidak bayar zakat (stretegi WO) (14) membuat tools marketing (strategi ST) (15) optimalisasi Teknologi sebagai sarana pengelolaan zakat (strategi WT) (16) membuat target baru muzaki selain PNS (strategi SO) (17) optimalisasi peran pesantren dalam berzakat (strategi SO) (18) aplikasi qonun secara konsisten terhadap seluruh muzaki (strategi SO)

    Strategies for preventing and handling Murabahah troubled financing at BMT al-Bina Tasikmalaya

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    This study aims to determine the factors that cause Non Performing Financing of murabahah financing at BMT Al- Bina Tasikmalaya and the strategies used by BMT Al- Bina Tasikmalaya in preventing and handling non-performing financing. This research uses descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach using SWOT analysis. The stages use EFE and IFE, followed by a SWOT matrix, and the last is QSPM. The data collection techniques used were interviews, observation, and documentation, and questionnaires. The results of this study indicate that customer character is the biggest factor and a serious threat to BMT. Priority strategy analysis shows that the approach to customers is the biggest contribution in the strategy to prevent Non-Performing Financing of murabaha


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi minat tersebut, dan faktor apa saja yang paling dominan berpengaruh terhadap minat mahasiswa.Pengolahan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisischi-square yang diolah melalui software SPSS 16.0 for windows.Berdasarkan penelitian tersebut diketahui bahwa nilai X2 hitung lebih lebih besar dari X2 tabel, sehingga terdapat hubungan antara indikator motivasi, keinginan mempelajari Ekonomi Islam, citacita menjadi ahli Ekonomi Islam, beasiswa dan citra kampus terhadap kepuasan minat mahasiswa. Setelah melakukan analisis terhadap data yang diperoleh dari responden, maka peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa faktor dominan yang memiliki hubungan denganminat mahasiswa adalah faktor promosi motivasi dan keinginan mempelajari Ekonomi Islam dengan nilai X2 hitung masing-masing 25,998 dan 25,287. Dari penelitian ini, dapat diperoleh informasi bahwa STEI SEBI sebagai lembaga pendidikan yang konsen dalam bidang Ekonomi Islam hendaknyadapat meningkatkan kualitas dalam kegiatan belajar dan mengajar, karena minat mahasiswa mempelajari ilmu Ekonomi Islam menjadi daya tarik utama disamping indikator lain seperti kesempatan mendapat beasiswa maupun citra kampus yang baik.Kata Kunci: Minat mahasiswa, perguruan tinggi Ekonomi IslamABSTRACThe purposes of this study determine the factor that influence these interest and what factors are the most dominance influence on student interest. Data processing in this study will use chi square analysis method that be processed through software SPSS 16.0 for windows. Based on in these studies was discovered that value of X2 count bigger than X2 Table, so there will correlation between indicator of motivation, desire to learn Islamic Economy, dream of being an expert in Islamic Economic, scholarship and college image toward the satisfaction of student interest. After conducting an analysis data from respondents, so researcher would concluded that the dominance factor which have related with student interest were the factor of motivation promotion and desire to learn Islamic Economic with value X2 count each 25.998 and 25.287. From this study, it can be obtained information that STEI SEBI as an educational institution concerned about Islamic Economic should improve quality in learning activities and teaching, because the interest of student to learn Islamic Economic science become main attraction beside other indicators such as opportunity to get a scholarship as well as better in campus image.Keyword : Student Interest, Islamic Economic Colleg


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    ABSTRAK: Penilaian kinerja perbankan syariah biasanya menggunakan alat ukur konvensional. Padahal untuk menilai kinerja perbankan syariah tidak dapat disamakan dengan perbankan konvensional, karena keduanya memiliki tujuan dan pandangan yang berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja perbankan syariah dengan pendekatan maqashid indeks. Objek penelitian terdiri dari empat bank syariah di Indonesia (Bank Syariah Mandiri, Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah dan Bank Negara Indonesia Syariah) dan empat bank syariah Malaysia (Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad, CIMB Islamic Bank, Maybank Islamic Berhad dan RHB Islamic Bank) selama tahun 2011-2014. Kemudian, bank syariah diukur dan diranking kinerjanya berdasarkan tiga langkah: 1) rasio kinerja 2) indikator kinerja dan 3) maqashid indeks secara keseluruhan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Bank Muamalat Indonesia memiliki kinerja tertinggi di dengan nilai 15.12%. Selanjutnya, kinerja terendah terjadi di CIMB Islamic Bank dengan 7.02%.ABSTRACT: The measurement of Islamic banking usually uses a conventional measurement. But to evaluate performance of Islamic banking can not be equated to conventional banks, because they have different purpose and views. Therefore aims to understand the performance of Islamic banks based on the maqashid index approach. Objects research consisting of four Islamic banks in Indonesia (Bank Syariah Mandiri, Bank Muamalat indonesia, Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah and Bank Negara Indonesia Syariah) and four Islamicbanks in Malaysia (Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad, CIMB Islamic Bank, Maybank Islamic Berhad and RHB Islamic Bank) for years 2011-2014. Then, Islamic banks measured and rank its performance based on three steps: 1) the ratio performance 2) performance indicators and 3) the overall maqashid index. The research showed, that Bank Muamalat Indonesia has the highest performance is 15.12%. Next, the lowest performance is 7.02% by CIMB Islamic Bank

    Profile of Teaching Materials Environment Biology and Ability Pre-service Biology Teacher to Communicate Laboratory Report

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    This research is a descriptive study to determine the profile of teaching materials and the ability of pre-service teacher to convey the results of the placement at the University of Puangrimaggalatung (UNIPRIMA) Sengkang in environmental biology subjects. The study's population consisted of undergraduate pre-service teacher in the third semester of the 2016/2017 academic year and lecturer of environmental biology subjects. The sampling technique was carried out by targeted sampling so that 37 subjects were used. Techniques for collecting interviews and observations. The tool, which was used in the form of interview guidelines to find out the profile of the teaching materials used, reported the practice assessment of practicerelated reports to determine the ability to communicate the results of laboratory report. The data were analyzed descriptively. Based on the results of the study of teaching materials used in the matter, it needs to be developed/produced again and still needs to be done through the development of research and context teaching materials. The ability of pre-service teacher to communicate the results of the work placement in lab reports is still considered sufficient and needs to be improved again, especially with regard to the accuracy of the analysis of data findings and the relevance of the theory in the analysis of experimental data

    Abstracts of the International Conference on Business, Accounting and Finance 2023: Embracing New Business Paradigm Shifts

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    This book presents the abstracts of the selected contributions to the second International Academic Conference 2023, held on 25-26 February 2023 by the International University of Malaya-Wales (IUMW), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. IAC 2023 is the coming together of researchers and industry. It’s a place to gather and share groundbreaking ideas, discoveries, and experiences on a variety of thought leadership topics covered under this year’s conference theme, “Embracing New Business Paradigm Shifts". Conference Title: International Academic Conference 2023Conference Acronym: IAC 2023Conference Theme: Embracing New Business Paradigm ShiftsConference Date: 25-26 February 2023Conference Venue: IUMW, MalaysiaConference Organizer: International University of Malaya-Wales, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysi