122 research outputs found

    Atomically Sharp, Closed Bilayer Phosphorene Edges by Self-Passivation

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    Two-dimensional (2D) crystals' edge structures not only influence their overall properties but also dictate their formation due to edge-mediated synthesis and etching processes. Edges must be carefully examined because they often display complex, unexpected features at the atomic scale, such as reconstruction, functionalization, and uncontrolled contamination. Here, we examine atomic-scale edge structures and uncover reconstruction behavior in bilayer phosphorene. We use in situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of phosphorene/graphene specimens at elevated temperatures to minimize surface contamination and reduce e-beam damage, allowing us to observe intrinsic edge configurations. Bilayer zigzag (ZZ) edge was found the most stable edge configuration under e-beam irradiation. Through first-principles calculations and TEM image analysis under various tilting and defocus conditions, we find that bilayer ZZ edges undergo edge reconstruction and so acquire closed, self-passivated edge configurations. The extremely low formation energy of the closed bilayer ZZ edge and its high stability against e-beam irradiation are confirmed by first-principles calculations. Moreover, we fabricate bilayer phosphorene nanoribbons with atomically-sharp closed ZZ edges. The identified bilayer ZZ edges will aid in the fundamental understanding of the synthesis, degradation, reconstruction, and applications of phosphorene and related structures.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    Chronic Inflammation in the Epidermis: A Mathematical Model

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    The epidermal tissue is the outmost component of the skin that plays an important role as a first barrier system in preventing the invasion of various environmental agents, such as bacteria. Recent studies have identified the importance of microbial competition between harmful and beneficial bacteria and the diversity of the skin surface on our health. We develop mathematical models (M1 and M2 models) for the inflammation process using ordinary differential equations and delay differential equations. In this paper, we study microbial community dynamics via transcription factors, protease and extracellular cytokines. We investigate possible mechanisms to induce community composition shift and analyze the vigorous competition dynamics between harmful and beneficial bacteria through immune activities. We found that the activation of proteases from the transcription factor within a cell plays a significant role in the regulation of bacterial persistence in the M1 model. The competition model (M2) predicts that different cytokine clearance levels may lead to a harmful bacteria persisting system, a bad bacteria-free state and the co-existence of harmful and good bacterial populations in Type I dynamics, while a bi-stable system without co-existence is illustrated in the Type II dynamics. This illustrates a possible phenotypic switch among harmful and good bacterial populations in a microenvironment. We also found that large time delays in the activation of immune responses on the dynamics of those bacterial populations lead to the onset of oscillations in harmful bacteria and immune activities. The mathematical model suggests possible annihilation of time-delay-driven oscillations by therapeutic drugs.ope

    Role of extracellular matrix and microenvironment in regulation of tumor growth and LAR-mediated invasion in glioblastoma

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    The cellular dispersion and therapeutic control of glioblastoma, the most aggressive type of primary brain cancer, depends critically on the migration patterns after surgery and intracellular responses of the individual cancer cells in response to external biochemical cues in the microenvironment. Recent studies have shown that miR-451 regulates downstream molecules including AMPK/CAB39/MARK and mTOR to determine the balance between rapid proliferation and invasion in response to metabolic stress in the harsh tumor microenvironment. Surgical removal of the main tumor is inevitably followed by recurrence of the tumor due to inaccessibility of dispersed tumor cells in normal brain tissue. In order to address this complex process of cell proliferation and invasion and its response to conventional treatment, we propose a mathematical model that analyzes the intracellular dynamics of the miR-451-AMPK- mTOR-cell cycle signaling pathway within a cell. The model identifies a key mechanism underlying the molecular switches between proliferative phase and migratory phase in response to metabolic stress in response to fluctuating glucose levels. We show how up- or down-regulation of components in these pathways affects the key cellular decision to infiltrate or proliferate in a complex microenvironment in the absence and presence of time delays and stochastic noise. Glycosylated chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs), a major component of the extracellular matrix (ECM) in the brain, contribute to the physical structure of the local brain microenvironment but also induce or inhibit glioma invasion by regulating the dynamics of the CSPG receptor LAR as well as the spatiotemporal activation status of resident astrocytes and tumor-associated microglia. Using a multi-scale mathematical model, we investigate a CSPG-induced switch between invasive and non-invasive tumors through the coordination of ECM-cell adhesion and dynamic changes in stromal cells. We show that the CSPG-rich microenvironment is associated with non-invasive tumor lesions through LAR-CSGAG binding while the absence of glycosylated CSPGs induce the critical glioma invasion. We illustrate how high molecular weight CSPGs can regulate the exodus of local reactive astrocytes from the main tumor lesion, leading to encapsulation of non-invasive tumor and inhibition of tumor invasion. These different CSPG conditions also change the spatial profiles of ramified and activated microglia. The complex distribution of CSPGs in the tumor microenvironment can determine the nonlinear invasion behaviors of glioma cells, which suggests the need for careful therapeutic strategies.<br/

    A fatal case report of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis and mucormycosis coinfection in an immunocompetent patient with coronavirus disease 2019 in Korea

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    Systemic glucocorticoid treatment is highly recommended in critically ill coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients. However, secondary fungal infections are of concern in such patients. Here, we describe the first case of COVID-19-associated invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (CAPA) and COVID-19-associated mucormycosis (CAM) coinfection in a COVID-19 positive immunocompetent patient in Korea. A 69-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with COVID-19 pneumonia. He had no underlying comorbidities and was not taking medications. He received remdesivir, dexamethasone, and antibiotic therapy under mechanical ventilation. Although his condition improved temporarily, multiple cavities were observed on chest computed tomography, and Aspergillus fumigatus was cultured from tracheal aspiration culture. He was diagnosed with probable CAPA and received voriconazole therapy. However, his condition was not significantly improved despite having received voriconazole therapy for 4 weeks. After release from COVID-19 quarantine, he underwent bronchoscopy examination and was then finally diagnosed with CAPA and CAM coinfection on bronchoscopic biopsy. Antifungal treatment was changed to liposomal amphotericin B. However, his progress deteriorated, and he died 4 months after admission. This case highlights that clinical suspicion and active checkups are required to diagnose secondary fungal infections in immunocompetent COVID-19 patients who receive concurrent glucocorticoid therapy