4,973 research outputs found

    A search for passive protoplanetary disks in the Taurus-Auriga star-forming region

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    We conducted a 12-month monitoring campaign of 33 T Tauri stars (TTS) in Taurus. Our goal was to monitor objects that possess a disk but have a weak Halpha line, a common accretion tracer for young stars, to determine whether they host a passive circumstellar disk. We used medium-resolution optical spectroscopy to assess the objects' accretion status and to measure the Halpha line. We found no convincing example of passive disks; only transition disk and debris disk systems in our sample are non-accreting. Among accretors, we find no example of flickering accretion, leading to an upper limit of 2.2% on the duty cycle of accretion gaps assuming that all accreting TTS experience such events. Combining literature results with our observations, we find that the reliability of traditional Halpha-based criteria to test for accretion is high but imperfect, particularly for low-mass TTS. We find a significant correlation between stellar mass and the full width at 10 per cent of the peak (W10%) of the Halpha line that does not seem to be related to variations in free-fall velocity. Finally, our data reveal a positive correlation between the Halpha equivalent width and its W10%, indicative of a systematic modulation in the line profile whereby the high-velocity wings of the line are proportionally more enhanced than its core when the line luminosity increases. We argue that this supports the hypothesis that the mass accretion rate on the central star is correlated with the Halpha W10% through a common physical mechanism.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRAS; 26 pages, 9 figures, 3 table

    Spatiotemporal expression of regulatory kinases directs the transition from mitosis to cellular morphogenesis in Drosophila

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    Embryogenesis depends on a tightly regulated balance between mitosis, differentiation, and morphogenesis. Understanding how the embryo uses a relatively small number of proteins to transition between growth and morphogenesis is a central question of developmental biology, but the mechanisms controlling mitosis and differentiation are considered to be fundamentally distinct. Here we show the mitotic kinase Polo, which regulates all steps of mitosis in Drosophila, also directs cellular morphogenesis after cell cycle exit. In mitotic cells, the Aurora kinases activate Polo to control a cytoskeletal regulatory module that directs cytokinesis. We show that in the post-mitotic mesoderm, the control of Polo activity transitions from the Aurora kinases to the uncharacterized kinase Back Seat Driver (Bsd), where Bsd and Polo cooperate to regulate muscle morphogenesis. Polo and its effectors therefore direct mitosis and cellular morphogenesis, but the transition from growth to morphogenesis is determined by the spatiotemporal expression of upstream activating kinases

    Consistency between ARPES and STM measurements on SmB6_6

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    Strongly correlated topological surface states are promising platforms for next-generation quantum applications, but they remain elusive in real materials. The correlated Kondo insulator SmB6_6 is one of the most promising candidates, with theoretically predicted heavy Dirac surface states supported by transport and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) experiments. However, a puzzling discrepancy appears between STM and angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES) experiments on SmB6_6. Although ARPES detects spin-textured surface states, their velocity is an order of magnitude higher than expected, while the Dirac point -- the hallmark of any topological system -- can only be inferred deep within the bulk valence band. A significant challenge is that SmB6_6 lacks a natural cleavage plane, resulting in ordered surface domains limited to 10s of nanometers. Here we use STM to show that surface band bending can shift energy features by 10s of meV between domains. Starting from our STM spectra, we simulate the full spectral function as an average over multiple domains with different surface potentials. Our simulation shows excellent agreement with ARPES data, and thus resolves the apparent discrepancy between large-area measurements that average over multiple band-shifted domains and atomically-resolved measurements within a single domain

    Enhancing arsenic mitigation in Bangladesh: Findings from institutional, psychological, and technical investigations

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    As part of a trans-disciplinary research project, a series of surveys and interventions were conducted in different arsenic-affected regions of rural Bangladesh. Surveys of institutional stakeholders identified deep tubewells and piped water systems as the most preferred options, and the same preferences were found in household surveys of populations at risk. Psychological surveys revealed that these two technologies were well-supported by potential users, with self-efficacy and social norms being the principal factors driving behavior change. The principal drawbacks of deep tubewells are that installation costs are too high for most families to own private wells, and that for various socio-cultural-religious reasons, people are not willing to walk long distances to access communal tubewells. In addition, water sector planners have reservations about greater exploitation of the deep aquifer, out of concern for current or future geogenic contamination. Groundwater models and field studies have shown that in the great majority of the affected areas, the risk of arsenic contamination of deep groundwater is small; salinity, iron, and manganese are more likely to pose problems. These constituents can in some cases be avoided by exploiting an intermediate depth aquifer of good chemical quality, which is hydraulically and geochemically separate from the arsenic-contaminated shallow aquifer. Deep tubewells represent a technically sound option throughout much of the arsenic-affected regions, and future mitigation programs should build on and accelerate construction of deep tubewells. Utilization of deep tubewells, however, could be improved by increasing the tubewell density (which requires stronger financial support) to reduce travel times, by considering water quality in a holistic way, and by accompanying tubewell installation with motivational interventions based on psychological factors. By combining findings from technical and social sciences, the efficiency and success of arsenic mitigation in general - and installation of deep tubewells in particular - can be significantly enhanced

    Long-term fertilization alters the relative importance of nitrate reduction pathways in salt marsh sediments

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    Salt marshes provide numerous valuable ecological services. In particular, nitrogen (N) removal in salt marsh sediments alleviates N loading to the coastal ocean. N removal reduces the threat of eutrophication caused by increased N inputs from anthropogenic sources. It is unclear, however, whether chronic nutrient over-enrichment alters the capacity of salt marshes to remove anthropogenic N. To assess the effect of nutrient enrichment on N cycling in salt marsh sediments, we examined important N cycle pathways in experimental fertilization plots in a New England salt marsh. We determined rates of nitrification, denitrification, and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) using sediment slurry incubations with 15 N labeled ammonium or nitrate tracers under oxic headspace (20% oxygen / 80% helium). Nitrification and denitrification rates were more than ten-fold higher in fertilized plots compared to control plots. By contrast, DNRA, which retains N in the system, was high in control plots but not detected in fertilized plots. The relative contribution of DNRA to total nitrate reduction largely depends on the carbon/nitrate ratio in the sediment. These results suggest that long-term fertilization shifts N cycling in salt marsh sediments from predominantly retention to removal. Long-term fertilization alters the relative importance of nitrate reduction pathways in salt marsh sediments: NO 3 - reduction in salt marsh sediments (PDF Download Available). Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/305480944_Long-term_fertilization_alters_the_relative_importance_of_nitrate_reduction_pathways_in_salt_marsh_sediments_NO_3_-_reduction_in_salt_marsh_sediments [accessed Jun 6, 2017]