3,341 research outputs found

    On the development of creep damage constitutive equations: modified hyperbolic sine law for minimum creep strain rate and stress and creep fracture criterion based on cavity area fraction along grain boundaries

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    Abstract: This paper reports 1) the latest development and application of modified hyperbolic sine law for minimum creep strain rate and stress for both low Cr and high Cr steels, and 2) the development of creep fracture criterion based on cavity area fraction along grain boundary for high Cr steel. This work is part of the fundamental development of creep damage constitutive equations which were identified through a critical literature review. In the former the application of the new law results in an improved fitting; in the latter, a new creep fracture criterion based on cavity area fraction along grain boundary was derived and quantitatively calibrated using the latest detailed cavity nucleation and growth kinetics models for high Cr steel. Furthermore, this paper revealed the trend of nucleation rate coefficient with stress, and the trend of creep life time coefficient with stress, which provide reliable and universal prediction capabilities. This paper contributes to the specific knowledge on the minimum creep strain rate and stress function, the development of a scientific sound and novel creep rupture criterion based on the cavity area fraction along grain boundary for high Cr steel, and the provision of creep damage/life prediction tools

    Wodegongjieite, ideally KCa3(Al7Si9)O-32, a new sheet silicate isostructural with the feldspar polymorph kokchetavite, KAlSi3O8

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    Wodegongjieite occurs in the Cr-11 chromitite orebody of the Luobusa ophiolite in the Kangjinla district, Tibet, China. It is found in two inclusions in corundum: (1) as a partial overgrowth (holotype) up to 1.5 mu m thick around a spheroid 20 mu m across of wenjiite (Ti-10(Si,P,square)(7)), kangjinlaite (Ti-11(Si,P)(10)), zhiqinite (TiSi2) and badengzhuite (TiP), and (2) as pools up to 0.25 mu m wide filling interstices between wenjiite, jingsuiite (TiB2), osbornite-khamrabaevite (Ti[N,C]) and corundum. Energy dispersive analyses gave Al2O3 34.09, SiO2 49.11, K2O 2.56, CaO 11.71, SrO 2.53, total 100.0 wt.%, corresponding to K0.58Sr0.26Ca2.25Al7.20Si8.80O31.20, ideally KCa3(Al7Si9)O-32, for Si + Al = 16 cations.Single-crystal studies were carried out with three-dimensional electron diffraction providing data for an ab initio structure solution in the hexagonal space group P6/mcc (#192) with a = 10.2(2) angstrom, c = 14.9(3) angstrom, V = 1340(50) angstrom(3) and Z = 2. Density (calc.) = 2.694 g.cm(-3). The refinement, which assumes complete Si-Al disorder, gives average T1-O and T2-O bond lengths both as 1.65 angstrom. It was not practical to use unconstrained refinement for the occupancies of the large cation sites 6f and 2a. The ab initio model shows clearly that the two cation sites have different sizes and coordination. Consequently, we imposed the condition (1) that all the K occupies the 2a site as the average K-O bond length of 3.07 angstrom is close to the average K-O bond lengths reported in kokchetavite and (2) that all the Ca occupies the 6f site as the average Ca-O bond length of 2.60 angstrom (2.36 angstrom and 2.84 angstrom for Ca-O1 and Ca-O3, respectively) is reasonable for Ca-O. Assuming that all K and all Ca are located at the 2a site and 6f site, respectively, Sr occupancies of these sites could be refined. Thermal parameters are positive and in a reasonable range. The structure is a sheet silicate isostructural with the K-feldspar polymorph kokchetavite, with two crystallographically distinct sites for K, but not with the topologically identical anorthite polymorph dmisteinbergite (CaAl2Si2O8) with only a single site for Ca. Substitution of K by Ca at the 6f site is associated with marked rotation of the Si,Al tetrahedra and a collapse of the structure to accommodate the smaller Ca ion.The spheroid of intermetallic phases is believed to have formed from the interaction of mantle-derived CH4 + H-2 fluids with basaltic magmas at depths of similar to 30-100 km, resulting in precipitation of corundum that entrapped intermetallic melts. Associated immiscible silicate melt of granodioritic composition crystallised metastably to wodegongjieite instead of a mixture of anorthite and K-feldspar

    A diachronic study of epistemic kongpa in Mandarin discourse

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    The conference was hosted by Graduate Institute of Linguistics, Department of Psychology, Neurobiology and Cognitive Science Center at National Taiwan University, and Linguistic Society of Taiwan2011-2012 > Academic research: refereed > Refereed conference paperOther Versio

    “I am sure but I hedge” : fear expression kongpa as a rhetorical interactive strategy in Mandarin conversation

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    2012-2013 > Academic research: refereed > Refereed conference paperOther Versio

    Intelligent Financial Fraud Detection Practices: An Investigation

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    Financial fraud is an issue with far reaching consequences in the finance industry, government, corporate sectors, and for ordinary consumers. Increasing dependence on new technologies such as cloud and mobile computing in recent years has compounded the problem. Traditional methods of detection involve extensive use of auditing, where a trained individual manually observes reports or transactions in an attempt to discover fraudulent behaviour. This method is not only time consuming, expensive and inaccurate, but in the age of big data it is also impractical. Not surprisingly, financial institutions have turned to automated processes using statistical and computational methods. This paper presents a comprehensive investigation on financial fraud detection practices using such data mining methods, with a particular focus on computational intelligence-based techniques. Classification of the practices based on key aspects such as detection algorithm used, fraud type investigated, and success rate have been covered. Issues and challenges associated with the current practices and potential future direction of research have also been identified.Comment: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (SecureComm 2014

    3D Protein structure prediction with genetic tabu search algorithm

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    Abstract Background Protein structure prediction (PSP) has important applications in different fields, such as drug design, disease prediction, and so on. In protein structure prediction, there are two important issues. The first one is the design of the structure model and the second one is the design of the optimization technology. Because of the complexity of the realistic protein structure, the structure model adopted in this paper is a simplified model, which is called off-lattice AB model. After the structure model is assumed, optimization technology is needed for searching the best conformation of a protein sequence based on the assumed structure model. However, PSP is an NP-hard problem even if the simplest model is assumed. Thus, many algorithms have been developed to solve the global optimization problem. In this paper, a hybrid algorithm, which combines genetic algorithm (GA) and tabu search (TS) algorithm, is developed to complete this task. Results In order to develop an efficient optimization algorithm, several improved strategies are developed for the proposed genetic tabu search algorithm. The combined use of these strategies can improve the efficiency of the algorithm. In these strategies, tabu search introduced into the crossover and mutation operators can improve the local search capability, the adoption of variable population size strategy can maintain the diversity of the population, and the ranking selection strategy can improve the possibility of an individual with low energy value entering into next generation. Experiments are performed with Fibonacci sequences and real protein sequences. Experimental results show that the lowest energy obtained by the proposed GATS algorithm is lower than that obtained by previous methods. Conclusions The hybrid algorithm has the advantages from both genetic algorithm and tabu search algorithm. It makes use of the advantage of multiple search points in genetic algorithm, and can overcome poor hill-climbing capability in the conventional genetic algorithm by using the flexible memory functions of TS. Compared with some previous algorithms, GATS algorithm has better performance in global optimization and can predict 3D protein structure more effectively

    Gene expression drives the evolution of dominance.

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    Dominance is a fundamental concept in molecular genetics and has implications for understanding patterns of genetic variation, evolution, and complex traits. However, despite its importance, the degree of dominance in natural populations is poorly quantified. Here, we leverage multiple mating systems in natural populations of Arabidopsis to co-estimate the distribution of fitness effects and dominance coefficients of new amino acid changing mutations. We find that more deleterious mutations are more likely to be recessive than less deleterious mutations. Further, this pattern holds across gene categories, but varies with the connectivity and expression patterns of genes. Our work argues that dominance arises as a consequence of the functional importance of genes and their optimal expression levels

    The Shapes of Cooperatively Rearranging Regions in Glass Forming Liquids

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    The shapes of cooperatively rearranging regions in glassy liquids change from being compact at low temperatures to fractal or ``stringy'' as the dynamical crossover temperature from activated to collisional transport is approached from below. We present a quantitative microscopic treatment of this change of morphology within the framework of the random first order transition theory of glasses. We predict a correlation of the ratio of the dynamical crossover temperature to the laboratory glass transition temperature, and the heat capacity discontinuity at the glass transition, Delta C_p. The predicted correlation agrees with experimental results for the 21 materials compiled by Novikov and Sokolov.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure