2,727 research outputs found

    The classification of all single travelling wave solutions to Calogero-Degasperis-Focas equation

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    Under the travelling wave transformation, Calogero-Degasperis-Focas equation was reduced to an ordinary differential equation. Using a symmetry group of one-parameter, this ODE was reduced to a second order linear inhomogeneous ODE. Furthermore, we applied the change of the variable and complete discrimination system for polynomial to solve the corresponding integrals and obtained the classification of all single travelling wave solutions to Calogero-Degasperis-Focas equation.Comment: 9 page

    B803: The Effects of Juice Extraction Methods on the Quality of Low-Calorie Blueberry Jellies

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    Juice extracted from lowbush blueberries was used to prepare a low-calorie jelly. Extraction methods included cold-extraction, hot-extraction, and enzyme-extraction. Enzyme-extraction produced the highest yield and least viscous juice with lighter and redder color than other extraction methods whereas hot-extracted juice had an intermediate yield, greatest viscosity and darkest color. Cold-extracted juice made the hardest jelly. Jellies prepared from cold-extracted and enzyme-extracted juices were darker and had a more intense purple color than the corresponding juices, whereas jelly prepared from hot-extracted juice was lighter and redder in color than its corresponding juice.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/aes_bulletin/1058/thumbnail.jp


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    SUSY-QCD Effect on Top-Charm Associated Production at Linear Collider

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    We evaluate the contribution of SUSY-QCD to top-charm associated production at next generation linear colliders. Our results show that the production cross section of the process e+etcˉortˉce^+e^-\to t\bar c{or}\bar t c could be as large as 0.1 fb, which is larger than the prediction of the SM by a factor of 10810^8.Comment: version to appear in PR

    Decline of Yangtze River water and sediment discharge: Impact from natural and anthropogenic changes

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    The increasing impact of both climatic change and human activities on global river systems necessitates an increasing need to identify and quantify the various drivers and their impacts on fluvial water and sediment discharge. Here we show that mean Yangtze River water discharge of the first decade after the closing of the Three Gorges Dam (TGD) (2003-2012) was 67 km(3)/yr (7%) lower than that of the previous 50 years (1950-2002), and 126 km(3)/yr less compared to the relatively wet period of pre-TGD decade (1993-2002). Most (60-70%) of the decline can be attributed to decreased precipitation, the remainder resulting from construction of reservoirs, improved water-soil conservation and increased water consumption. Mean sediment flux decreased by 71% between 1950-1968 and the post-TGD decade, about half of which occurred prior to the pre-TGD decade. Approximately 30% of the total decline and 65% of the decline since 2003 can be attributed to the TGD, 5% and 14% of these declines to precipitation change, and the remaining to other dams and soil conservation within the drainage basin. These findings highlight the degree to which changes in riverine water and sediment discharge can be related with multiple environmental and anthropogenic factors

    Classification and nondegeneracy of SU(n+1)SU(n+1) Toda system with singular sources

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    We consider the following Toda system \Delta u_i + \D \sum_{j = 1}^n a_{ij}e^{u_j} = 4\pi\gamma_{i}\delta_{0} \text{in}\mathbb R^2, \int_{\mathbb R^2}e^{u_i} dx -1,, \delta_0isDiracmeasureat0,andthecoefficients is Dirac measure at 0, and the coefficients a_{ij}formthestandardtridiagonalCartanmatrix.Inthispaper,(i)wecompletelyclassifythesolutionsandobtainthequantizationresult: form the standard tri-diagonal Cartan matrix. In this paper, (i) we completely classify the solutions and obtain the quantization result: j=1naijR2eujdx=4π(2+γi+γn+1i),      1in.\sum_{j=1}^n a_{ij}\int_{\R^2}e^{u_j} dx = 4\pi (2+\gamma_i+\gamma_{n+1-i}), \;\;\forall\; 1\leq i \leq n.ThisgeneralizestheclassificationresultbyJostandWangfor This generalizes the classification result by Jost and Wang for \gamma_i=0,, \forall \;1\leq i\leq n.(ii)Weprovethatif. (ii) We prove that if \gamma_i+\gamma_{i+1}+...+\gamma_j \notin \mathbb Zforall for all 1\leq i\leq j\leq n,thenanysolution, then any solution u_i$ is \textit{radially symmetric} w.r.t. 0. (iii) We prove that the linearized equation at any solution is \textit{non-degenerate}. These are fundamental results in order to understand the bubbling behavior of the Toda system.Comment: 28 page

    Work in Progress: Integrating Computational Thinking in STEM Education Through a Project-Based Learning Approach

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    This work in progress describes the design of a project-based, STEM +C (Computing) curriculum for 4th to 6th grade students in an afterschool setting, which is part of a large NSF-funded STEM+C project. The paper reports the preliminary outcome of the implementation of the first two STEM+C projects that focuses on student attitudes toward STEM and the computational thinking revealed during students’ scientific inquiry and problem solving processes

    The flux pinning force and vortex phase diagram of single crystal FeTe0.60Se0.40

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    The flux pinning force density (Fp) of the single crystalline FeTe0.60Se0.40 superconductor has been calculated from the magnetization measurements. The normalized Fp versus h (=H/Hirr) curves are scaled using the Dew-Hughes formula to underline the pinning mechanism in the compound. The obtained values of pinning parameters p and q indicate the vortex pinning by the mixing of the surface and the point core pinning of the normal centers. The vortex phase diagram has also been drawn for the first time for the FeTe0.60Se0.40, which has very high values of critical current density Jc ~ 1.10(5) Amp/cm2 and the upper critical field Hc2(0) = 65T, with a reasonably high transition temperature Tc =14.5K.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Correction of non-linearity effects in detectors for electron spectroscopy

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    Using photoemission intensities and a detection system employed by many groups in the electron spectroscopy community as an example, we have quantitatively characterized and corrected detector non-linearity effects over the full dynamic range of the system. Non-linearity effects are found to be important whenever measuring relative peak intensities accurately is important, even in the low-countrate regime. This includes, for example, performing quantitative analyses for surface contaminants or sample bulk stoichiometries, where the peak intensities involved can differ by one or two orders of magnitude, and thus could occupy a significant portion of the detector dynamic range. Two successful procedures for correcting non-linearity effects are presented. The first one yields directly the detector efficiency by measuring a flat-background reference intensity as a function of incident x-ray flux, while the second one determines the detector response from a least-squares analysis of broad-scan survey spectra at different incident x-ray fluxes. Although we have used one spectrometer and detection system as an example, these methodologies should be useful for many other cases.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figure

    A renormalizable SO(10) GUT scenario with spontaneous CP violation

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    We consider fermion masses and mixings in a renormalizable SUSY SO(10) GUT with Yukawa couplings of scalar fields in the representation 10 + 120 + 126 bar. We investigate a scenario defined by the following assumptions: i) A single large scale in the theory, the GUT scale. ii) Small neutrino masses generated by the type I seesaw mechanism with negligible type II contributions. iii) A suitable form of spontaneous CP breaking which induces hermitian mass matrices for all fermion mass terms of the Dirac type. Our assumptions define an 18-parameter scenario for the fermion mass matrices for 18 experimentally known observables. Performing a numerical analysis, we find excellent fits to all observables in the case of both the normal and inverted neutrino mass spectrum.Comment: 16 pages, two eps figure