620 research outputs found

    Mand – to Tact Training Transfer Acquisition Rates in Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder with Limited Verbal Skills

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    Autism Spectrum Disorder () is defined as “the presence of severe and pervasive impairments in reciprocal social interaction and in verbal and nonverbal communication skills” (Diagnostic & Statistical Manual, 2000). It is estimated that 1 in 68 children across the United States are diagnosed with ASD. One of the most common delays that children diagnosed with ASD experience are language delays. Children with ASD that have a language delay will often develop maladaptive behaviors as a result of poor communication skills (Carr & Durand, 1985). The failure to develop mand acquisition in typical fashion results in behaviors ranging from social withdrawal to self-injurious behaviors (Cooper et. al, 2007). A lack of a strong tact repertoire can further impede and complicate the learning of other necessary components of language due to the inability to successfully label items and events in the physical environment of the child. The purpose of this study is to replicate with a reversal in verbal operant training of the procedures described in Wallace et al. (2006) in which two children with ASD underwent tact training to facilitate the formation of mands; essentially this study aims to accomplish mand training first to establish as tact. It is hypothesized that mand training will result in a greater repertoire of tacts due to strength of the relationship between mands and the control over the social environment (Cooper et al., 2007). The two children in the study will be taught to mand items that will be ranked in order of preference via stimulus preference assessment. This study is of great importance due to the indispensable value of effective social communication skills. Data gathered on improving communication skills is of great value to the ASD community as the implications for functional skills result in better communication with family and greater control of individual functioning

    The Effects of Function-Based Thinking on Teacher Selection of Interventions for Disruptive Student Behavior

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    Traditional approaches to addressing student misbehavior often involve the imposition of reactive and punitive consequences. Certain groups of students who engage in disruptive behavior experience a disproportionate amount of these punitive disciplinary responses. African American males are one such group. A growing body of research suggests that a need exists for more proactive and positive approaches to addressing student classroom misbehavior. One promising option is function-based thinking—a critical component of functional behavioral assessment. The present study examined both the accuracy of and change in teacher selected antecedent and/or consequence interventions aligned with the function of student behavior. Additionally, changes in teacher-selected interventions were examined in relationship to student race

    The Status of Leptodactylus Validus as a Single Taxon and Its Relationship to Letptodactylus Pallidirostris

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    Leptodactylus validus exhibits an unusual distribution inhabiting Trinidad, Tobago, and the Lesser Antilles, but not the mainland of South America. This distribution is inconsistent with other distribution patterns observed for these islands. Although slight variation in adult morphology has been observed among the island populations, call data suggest the presence of a single species. Calls of Leptodactylus pallidirostris from Venezuela suggested that this taxon might be conspecific with L. validus. Herein sequence data from the 12S and 16S mt rRNA genes were collected and analyzed in order to address: 1.) whether more than one species is represented within L. validus, and 2.) to determine if L. pallidirostris is conspecific with L. validus. Independent and combined phylogenetic analyses were conducted using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian analysis. Results obtained indicate that L. validus represents a single species throughout its distribution and is conspecific with L. pallidirostris

    L'Empereur et le Christ à la chapelle Saint-Sylvestre de la basilique des Saints Quatre Couronnés (Rome, 1245)

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    La chapelle Saint-Sylvestre dans la basilique des Saints Quatre CouronnĂ©s sur la colline du Coelius Ă  Rome a Ă©tĂ© consacrĂ©e en 1246 par le cardinal presbytĂšre et vicaire apostolique Stefano Conti, sur les instances du pape Innocent IV. La chapelle est gĂ©nĂ©ralement connue pour sa fresque intitulĂ©e Constantin prĂ©sente la mitre au pontife qui montre la donation d'insignes du pouvoir temporel de l'empereur au pape. Cette image s'insĂšre plus largement dans un dĂ©cor constituĂ© de onze autres fresques qui racontent l'histoire de la conversion au christianisme de l'empereur romain Constantin le Grand et la lĂ©gende des miracles du pape Sylvestre 1er. Le prĂ©sent mĂ©moire propose que les fresques de la chapelle Saint-Sylvestre ont pour fonction d'exposer les divers pouvoirs du pape en faisant appel Ă  des rituels impĂ©riaux spĂ©cifiques Ă  l'histoire thĂ©ologique et politique du XIIIe siĂšcle. Les rituels placent le corps de l'empereur dans diverses configurations qui profitent au pontife. La prĂ©sence du Christ participe aux mĂ©tamorphoses du corps de l'empereur en regard de l'histoire de sa souffrance humaine et de la conception des juristes et thĂ©ologiens qui font du Christ la tĂȘte de l'Église de Justice. Diverses approches sont mises en avant: analyse de la fortune critique du cycle de fresques, exĂ©gĂšse des textes anciens, sĂ©miologie du langage visuel, anthropologie des gestes, histoire du corps. L'Ă©tude des figures de l'empereur Ă  la chapelle Saint-Sylvestre est importante dans la mesure oĂč elle permet de comprendre la conception du pouvoir impĂ©rial par la papautĂ© de la fin du Moyen-Âge. Ce cadre de recherche permettra d'insister sur les pouvoirs juridique et thaumaturgique confĂ©rĂ©s au pontife, en mĂȘme temps que sur la complexitĂ© du corps de l'empereur, entre pĂ©cheur et modĂšle d'exemplaritĂ© pour l'empereur germanique contemporain FrĂ©dĂ©ric Il de Hohenstaufen. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Moyen-Âge, Italie, Basilique des Saints Quatre CouronnĂ©s, Chapelle Saint-Sylvestre, Iconographie religieuse

    Genetic Resolution of the Enigmatic Lesser Antillean Distribution of the Frog \u3cem\u3eLeptodactylus Validus\u3c/em\u3e (Anura, Leptodactylidae)

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    Leptodactylus validus has an unusual distribution, inhabiting Trinidad, Tobago, and the Lesser Antilles, but not the mainland of South America. This distribution is inconsistent with other distribution patterns observed for these islands. Although slight variation in adult morphology has been observed among the different island populations of L. validus, call data suggest the presence of a single species. Calls of L. pallidirostris from Venezuela and Brazil suggested that this taxon might be conspecific with L. validus. Sequence data from the 12S and 16S mt rDNA genes indicate that L. validus represents a single species throughout its distribution and is conspecific with L. pallidirostris. Dispersal of L. validus from Trinidad and Tobago to the Lesser Antilles was likely mediated by human activities

    Towards Universal Screening for Colon Cancer: A Cheap, Reliable, Noninvasive Test Using Gene Expression Analysis of Rectal Swabs

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    Though colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the US, it is entirely preventable through early screening to detect and remove adenomatous polyps. Colonoscopy has long been regarded as the “gold standard” but is expensive, invasive, and uncomfortable, and only about half those considered at risk for colon cancer currently submit to colonoscopy or to less reliable alternatives such as fecal occult blood test. Here we describe the use of gene expression analysis to detect altered expression of certain genes associated with not only colon cancer but also polyps. The analysis can be performed on rectal swabs, with specimens provided in a routine doctor's office visit. The existence of this cheap and simple test, together with an active program to encourage individuals to submit to screening, could help eradicate colon cancer

    Soul of CAFECS

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    CS as a Graduation Requirement: Catalyst for Systemic Change

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    Since President Obama\u27s announcement of the Computer Science for All Initiative in 2016, there has been a surge in the number of districts that are planning for or newly implementing computer science (CS) offerings at their schools. Chicago Public Schools (CPS) is the first large school district to have adopted Computer Science as a high school graduation requirement, taking this significant step along the path towards systemic change. The foundation was laid eight years ago when an informal alliance was formed between a CPS high school CS teacher, a CPS administrator, and three university computer scientists

    The Changing Profile of ECS Teachers

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    This study compares the characteristics and professional development (PD) experiences between teachers who began teaching Exploring Computer Science before and after the enactment of a CS graduation requirement in the Chicago Public Schools. The post-requirement teachers were less likely to have a CS background, but their experience in the ECS PD and their level of confidence at the end of the PD were equivalent to the early adopters

    Assessing the Impact of a CSforALL Research-Practice Partnership Using the PROSPER Framework: A Case Study of the Chicago Alliance for Equity in Computer Science (CAFÉCS)

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    The Chicago Alliance for Equity in Computer Science (CAFÉCS) Research Practice Partnership (RPP) has been working for more than a decade towards their mission to engage in research and development that enables Chicago Public Schools (CPS) to ensure that all students in Chicago participate in engaging, relevant, and rigorous computing experiences, increase opportunities for all students to pursue computing pathways and prepare all students for the future of work. The partnership engaged in an iterative design process to develop a framework for understanding the areas of RPP impact on a district. This paper applies the PROSPER framework to the CAFÉCS case study by deductively coding 26 RPP-led publications and 10 grant awards. The results of this analysis suggest that the RPP was able to make significant impact in the areas of Programs, Research, Organizational Structure, and Policy, leading to Equitable Results for students. We present the PROSPER Framework as a practical framework that other education RPPs can use to assess their own impact on their partner districts. We discuss further questions and areas of interest as means to better understand the interconnected nature of these different areas of impact
