1,496 research outputs found

    Protective effect of mulberry flavonoids on sciatic nerve in alloxan-induced diabetic rats

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    Folhas de amoreira (Morus alba L.) é um medicamento tradicional chinês para a redução da glicose no soro sanguíneo. Avaliaram-se, neste trabalho, os efeitos protetores dos flavonóides de amora no nervo ciático em ratos diabéticos aloxano-induzidos. Dividiram-se 80 ratos Sprague-Dawley em cinco grupos: A (controle), B (diabétidos tratados com solução salina), C-D (diabéticos tratados com 0,3, 0,1 g/kg) e E (diabéticos tratados com 0,3 mg de metilcobal).A diabetes foi induzida por injeção intraperitoneal de 200 mg/kg de aloxana dissolvida em solução salina. No final do período experimental, obtiveram-se amostras de sangue e de tecido para investigação bioquímica e histopatológica. O tratamento com 0,3 g/kg de flavonóides da amoreira inibiu, significativamente, a elevação de glicose no soro (pMulberry leaves (Morus alba L.) are a traditional Chinese medicine for blood serum glucose reduction. This study evaluated the protective effects of mulberry flavonoids on sciatic nerve in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. In this study, 80 Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into five groups: A (control), B (diabetic treated with saline), C-D (diabetic treated with 0.3, 0.1 g/kg mulberry flavonoids once a day for 8 weeks) and E (diabetic treated with 0.3 mg/kg methycobal). The diabetic condition was induced by intraperitoneal injection of 200 mg/kg alloxan dissolved in saline. At the end of the experimental period, blood, and tissue samples were obtained for biochemical and histopathological investigation. Treatment with 0.3 g/kg mulberry flavonoids significantly inhibited the elevated serum glucose (P< 0.01). The increased myelin sheath area (P< 0.01), myelinated fiber cross-sectional area and extramedullary fiber number (P< 0.05) were also reduced in alloxan-induced rats treated with 0.3 g/kg mulberry flavonoids. 0.3 g/kg mulberry flavonoids also markedly decreased onion-bulb type myelin destruction and degenerative changes of mitochondria and Schwann cells. These findings demonstrate that mulberry flavonoids may improve the recovery of a severe peripheral nerve injury in alloxan-induced diabetic rats and is likely to be useful as a potential treatment on peripheral neuropathy (PN) in diabetic rats

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Wild \u3cem\u3eElymus\u3c/em\u3e L. Germplasm in Inner Mongolia

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    Grassland degradation is increasing in severity and is an important global issue in the 21st century. Increasing research is being conducted on how to solve these problems (Niu and Jiang 2004). Restoration and revegetation of degraded grassland and the establishment of artificial pastures are important in addressing degradation. Successful restoration requires the identification of species and seed sources that are adapted to the ecological conditions of the restoration site. Elymus L. is a large genus that contains about 150 species distributed across a wide range of ecological sites across temperate and subtropical regions of the world (Dewey 1984; Love 1984). There are at least 12 species in China (Guo 1987). Elymus includes many economically important forage grasses as well as species that possess useful genes for disease resistance, stress tolerance and adaptation, which can potentially be transferred to cereal crops through gene introgression. Species within Elymus have the potential for playing an important role in artificial pasture construction, grassland and animal husbandry development and ecological restoration. However, research is lacking on Chinese Elymus species, which can provide critical information for selecting suitable Elymus varieties and extending their use in China

    Effects of Vanadium doping on BaFe2As2

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    We report an investigation of the structural, magnetic and electronic properties of Ba(Fe(1-x)V(x))2As2 using x-ray, transport, magnetic susceptibility and neutron scattering measurements. The vanadium substitutions in Fe sites are possible up to 40\%. Hall effect measurements indicate strong hole-doping effect through V doping, while no superconductivity is observed in all samples down to 2K. The antiferromagnetic and structural transition temperature of BaFe2As2 is gradually suppressed to finite temperature then vanishes at x=0.245 with the emergence of spin glass behavior, suggesting an avoided quantum critical point (QCP). Our results demonstrate that the avoided QCP and spin glass state which were previously reported in the superconducting phase of Co/Ni-doped BaFe2As2 can also be realized in non-superconducting Ba(Fe(1-x)V(x))2As2.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure


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    In the title compound, C16H16BrN, the bromo­butyl group lies on one side of the carbazole ring plane and has a zigzag shape. The dihedral angle between the two benzene rings is 0.55°. In the crystal, mol­ecules are connected by van der Waals inter­actions

    SDSS J163459.82+204936.0: A Ringed Infrared-Luminous Quasar with Outflows in both Absorption and Emission Lines

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    SDSS J1634+2049 is a local (z = 0.1293) infrared-luminous quasar with LIR= 10^11.91 Lsun. We present a detailed multiwavelength study of both the host galaxy and the nucleus. The host galaxy demonstrates violent, obscured star formation activities with SFR ~ 140 Msun yr^-1, estimated from either the PAH emission or IR luminosity. The optical to NIR spectra exhibit a blueshifted narrow cuspy component in Hb, HeI5876,10830 and other emission lines consistently with an offset velocity of ~900 km/s, as well as additional blueshifting phenomena in high-ionization lines , while there exist blueshifted broad absorption lines (BALs) in NaID and HeI*3889,10830, indicative of the AGN outflows producing BALs and emission lines. Constrained mutually by the several BALs with CLOUDY, the physical properties of the absorption-line outflow are derived as follows: 10^4 < n_H <= 10^5 cm^-3, 10^-1.3 <= U <= 10^-0.7 and 10^22.5<= N_H <= 10^22.9 cm^-2 , similar to those derived for the emission-line outflows. The similarity suggests a common origin. Taking advantages of both the absorption lines and outflowing emission lines, we find that the outflow gas is located at a distance of 48 - 65 pc from the nucleus, and that the kinetic luminosity of the outflow is 10^44-10^46 erg s^-1. J1634+2049 has a off-centered galactic ring on the scale of ~ 30 kpc that is proved to be formed by a recent head-on collision by a nearby galaxy. Thus this quasar is a valuable object in the transitional phase emerging out of dust enshrouding as depicted by the co-evolution scenario.Comment: 13 figures, 6 tables; accepted for publication in Ap

    A Search for Double-peaked narrow emission line Galaxies and AGNs in the LAMOST DR1

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    LAMOST has released more than two million spectra, which provide the opportunity to search for double-peaked narrow emission line (NEL) galaxies and AGNs. The double-peaked narrow-line profiles can be well modeled by two velocity components, respectively blueshifted and redshifted with respect to the systemic recession velocity. This paper presents 20 double-peaked NEL galaxies and AGNs found from LAMOST DR1 using a search method based on multi-gaussian fit of the narrow emission lines. Among them, 10 have already been published by other authors, either listed as genuine double-peaked NEL objects or as asymmetric NEL objects, the remaining 10 being first discoveries. We discuss some possible origins for double-peaked narrow-line features, as interaction between jet and narrow line regions, interaction with companion galaxies and black hole binaries. Spatially resolved optical imaging and/or follow-up observations in other spectral bands are needed to further discuss the physical mechanisms at work.Comment: 17 pages, 5figures, 4 tables, accepted by RA

    Evaluation of X-Inactivation Status and Cytogenetic Stability of Human Dermal Fibroblasts after Long-Term Culture

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    Human primary fibroblasts are a popular type of somatic cells for the production of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. Here we characterized biological properties of primary fibroblasts in terms of cell-growth rate, cytogenetic stability, and the number of inactive X chromosomes during long-term passaging. We produced eight lines of female human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs) and found normal karyotype and expected pattern of X chromosome inactivation (XCI) at low passages (Passage P1-5). However, four out of the eight HDF lines at high passage numbers (≥ P10) exhibited duplicated hallmarks of inactive X chromosome including two punctuate signals of histone H3 lysine 27 trimethylation (H3K27me3) and X inactive-specific transcript (XIST) RNA signals in approximately 8.5–18.5% of the cells. Our data suggest that the copy number of inactive X chromosomes in a subset of female HDF is increased by a two-fold. Consistently, DNA fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) identified 3-4 copies of X chromosomes in one nucleus in this subset of cells with two inactive Xs. We conclude that female HDF cultures exhibit a higher risk of genetic anomalies such as carrying an increased number of X chromosomes including both active and inactive X chromosomes at a high passage (≥ P10)