134 research outputs found

    Mekanisme Beberapa Mesin Pengering Pertanian

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    abstrakMesin pengering dapat mempermudah hasil pertanian atau pengeringan makanan. Jenis mesin pengering sudah banyak saat ini dengan berkembangnya industri pertanian. Beberapa diantaranya mesin pengering biji kakao, pengering gabah,  pengering hybrid tipe konveyor otomatis, pengering model sistem solar chimney , Pengering Gabah Sistem Rotary Dryer Dengan Bahan Padi Sekam, pengering tenaga surya aktif berbentuk jajar genjang tipe  kabinet, Alat Pengering Produk Pertanian Tipe Tray Berputar, Pengering Putar Plat Tipis SH626. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mereview penelitian tentang cara kerja mesin pengering pertanian. Metode yang digunakan dari beberapa penelitian. Pengeringan tersebut bertujuan untuk menghambat mikroba dan serangan hama pada makanan atau hasil pertanian. Kata Kunci : Mekanisme, Mesin Pengerin


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    Characterization of Enterobacter cloacae isolated from street foods

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    A total of 78 samples comprising different types of street foods, sold in different locations in Malaysia, were examined for the presence of Enterobacter cloacae. E. cloacae contamination was recorded in 9% of the samples examined. Tests for susceptibility to 12 different antibiotics showed that all were resistant to six or more antibiotics, but susceptible to chloramphenicol and gentamicin. Plasmids of four different sizes were detected from the three plasmid positive isolates. RAPD analysis using four primers yielded completely different banding patterns for all E. cloacae studied. In Malaysia, no published information on street foods in the epidemiological investigation of E. cloacae related disease is available. However, their occurrences have provided compelling evidence that the risk of disease transmission caused by E. cloacae through street foods is moderate

    Enlarging Regional Disparities in Energy Intensity within China

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    As energy saving and emission reduction become a global action, the disparity in energy intensity between different regions is a new rising problem that stems a country's or region's energy-saving potential. Here we collect China's provincial panel data (1995–2017) of primary and final energy consumption to evaluate China's unequal and polarized regional pattern in energy intensity, decompose the inequality index into contributing components, and investigate possible driving factors behind the unequal pattern both regionally and structurally, for the first time. The results show that China's interprovince disparities in energy intensity increase and are exacerbated by the enlarging disparities in energy intensity between the least developed and most developed regions of China. The causes for this phenomenon are as follows: (i) rather loose regulatory measures on mitigating coal consumption; (ii) inferior energy processing technology in areas specializing in energy-intensive industries; (iii) increasing interregional energy fluxes embodied in trade; and (iv) separate jurisdictions at provincial administrative levels. These factors can synthetically result in unintended spillover to areas with inferior green technologies, suggesting an increasingly uneven distribution of energy-intensive and carbon-intensive industries and usage of clean energy. The results reveal the necessities of regional coordination and cooperation to achieve a green economy

    Ag-Mg antisite defect induced high thermoelectric performance of α-MgAgSb

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    Engineering atomic-scale native point defects has become an attractive strategy to improve the performance of thermoelectric materials. Here, we theoretically predict that Ag-Mg antisite defects as shallow acceptors can be more stable than other intrinsic defects under Mg-poor-Ag/Sb-rich conditions. Under more Mg-rich conditions, Ag vacancy dominates the intrinsic defects. The p-type conduction behavior of experimentally synthesized ¿-MgAgSb mainly comes from Ag vacancies and Ag antisites (Ag on Mg sites), which act as shallow acceptors. Ag-Mg antisite defects significantly increase the thermoelectric performance of ¿-MgAgSb by increasing the number of band valleys near the Fermi level. For Li-doped ¿-MgAgSb, under more Mg-rich conditions, Li will substitute on Ag sites rather than on Mg sites and may achieve high thermoelectric performance. A secondary valence band is revealed in ¿-MgAgSb with 14 conducting carrier pockets

    Capsule carbohydrate structure determines virulence in Acinetobacter baumannii

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    Acinetobacter baumannii is a highly antibiotic-resistant bacterial pathogen for which novel therapeutic approaches are needed. Unfortunately, the drivers of virulence in A. baumannii remain uncertain. By comparing genomes among a panel of A. baumannii strains we identified a specific gene variation in the capsule locus that correlated with altered virulence. While less virulent strains possessed the intact gene gtr6, a hypervirulent clinical isolate contained a spontaneous transposon insertion in the same gene, resulting in the loss of a branchpoint in capsular carbohydrate structure. By constructing isogenic gtr6 mutants, we confirmed that gtr6-disrupted strains were protected from phagocytosis in vitro and displayed higher bacterial burden and lethality in vivo. Gtr6+ strains were phagocytized more readily and caused lower bacterial burden and no clinical illness in vivo. We found that the CR3 receptor mediated phagocytosis of gtr6+, but not gtr6-, strains in a complement-dependent manner. Furthermore, hypovirulent gtr6+ strains demonstrated increased virulence in vivo when CR3 function was abrogated. In summary, loss-of-function in a single capsule assembly gene dramatically altered virulence by inhibiting complement deposition and recognition by phagocytes across multiple A. baumannii strains. Thus, capsular structure can determine virulence among A. baumannii strains by altering bacterial interactions with host complement-mediated opsonophagocytosis

    Chronic liver diseases and erectile dysfunction

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    Chronic liver diseases (CLDs) are characterized by progressive necrosis of hepatocytes, which leads to liver fibrosis and cirrhosis, and ultimately liver dysfunction. The statistics of 2020 shows that the number of patients with CLDs, including chronic hepatitis, fatty liver, and cirrhosis, may exceed 447 million in China. The liver is a crucial organ for the metabolism of various substances, including sex hormones and lipids. CLDs frequently result in abnormalities in the metabolism of sex hormones, glucose, and lipids, as well as mental and psychological illnesses, all of which are significant risk factors for erectile dysfunction (ED). It has been reported that the prevalence of ED in male patients with CLDs ranges from 24.6 to 85.0%. According to a survey of Caucasians, liver transplantation may improve the erectile function of CLDs patients with ED. This finding supports the link between CLDs and ED. In addition, ED is often a precursor to a variety of chronic diseases. Given this correlation and the significant prevalence of CLDs, it is important to evaluate the epidemiology, risk factors, etiology, and treatment outcomes of ED in male patients with CLDs, expecting to attract widespread attention

    QSYQ Attenuates Oxidative Stress and Apoptosis Induced Heart Remodeling Rats through Different Subtypes of NADPH-Oxidase

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    We aim to investigate the therapeutic effects of QSYQ, a drug of heart failure (HF) in clinical practice in China, on a rat heart failure (HF) model. 3 groups were divided: HF model group (LAD ligation), QSYQ group (LAD ligation and treated with QSYQ), and sham-operated group. After 4 weeks, rats were sacrificed for cardiac injury measurements. Rats with HF showed obvious histological changes including necrosis and inflammation foci, elevated ventricular remodeling markers levels(matrix metalloproteinases-2, MMP-2), deregulated ejection fraction (EF) value, increased formation of oxidative stress (Malondialdehyde, MDA), and up-regulated levels of apoptotic cells (caspase-3, p53 and tunnel) in myocardial tissue. Treatment of QSYQ improved cardiac remodeling through counter-acting those events. The improvement of QSYQ was accompanied with a restoration of NADPH oxidase 4 (NOX4) and NADPH oxidase 2 (NOX2) pathways in different patterns. Administration of QSYQ could attenuate LAD-induced HF, and AngII-NOX2-ROS-MMPs pathway seemed to be the critical potential targets for QSYQ to reduce the remodeling. Moreover, NOX4 was another key targets to inhibit the p53 and Caspase3, thus to reduce the hypertrophy and apoptosis, and eventually provide a synergetic cardiac protective effect

    Crystal structure of Trichinella spiralis calreticulin and the structural basis of its complement evasion mechanism involving C1q

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    Helminths produce calreticulin (CRT) to immunomodulate the host immune system as a survival strategy. However, the structure of helminth-derived CRT and the structural basis of the immune evasion process remains unclarified. Previous study found that the tissue-dwelling helminth Trichinella spiralis produces calreticulin (TsCRT), which binds C1q to inhibit activation of the complement classical pathway. Here, we used x-ray crystallography to resolve the structure of truncated TsCRT (TsCRTΔ), the first structure of helminth-derived CRT. TsCRTΔ was observed to share the same binding region on C1q with IgG based on the structure and molecular docking, which explains the inhibitory effect of TsCRT on C1q-IgG–initiated classical complement activation. Based on the key residues in TsCRTΔ involved in the binding activity to C1q, a 24 amino acid peptide called PTsCRT was constructed that displayed strong C1q-binding activity and inhibited C1q-IgG–initiated classical complement activation. This study is the first to elucidate the structural basis of the role of TsCRT in immune evasion, providing an approach to develop helminth-derived bifunctional peptides as vaccine target to prevent parasite infections or as a therapeutic agent to treat complement-related autoimmune diseases