780 research outputs found

    Meneropong Istana Tua (Dalam Loka) Warisan Arsitektur Tradisional Sumbawa (Inheritance on Traditional Architecture of Sumbawa )

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    To look through traditional architecture inheritance of old traditional house Sumbawa palace (Dalam Loka), the former palace of the king of Sumbawa empire. The traditional house is located in Sumbawa City, wester southeast Sumbawa Regency. The architectural shape of old palace as a house on stilts reflects a cultural form in the past. The objective of this paper is to reveal space form, space function, structure and the elements of the house, decoration, and the old palace architecture cosmology. Research method used is descriptive with qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are in the forms of observation, interview, and literature studies. The result shows that the form and function of the old palace building consist of three parts, namely the top, the middle and the bottom. The architecture of that old palace has a philosophy namely Salimpat which describes that all human life aspects would be perfect only if in the form of rectangular. That rectangular philosophy is reflected in the form of land area, the columns, the windows and the room space Warisan arsitektur tradisional Sumbawa rumah adat Istana Tua (Dalam Loka), yang dahulu digunakan sebagai istana Raja Kesultanan Sumbawa. Rumah adat itu berlokasi di Kota Sumbawa, Kabupaten Sumbawa, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Arsitektur rumah adat Istana Tua (Dalam Loka) yang berupa rumah panggung, mencerminkan bentuk kebudayaan masa lampau. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah, mengungkapkan bentuk dan fungsi ruang, struktur dan elemen bangunan, ragam hias, serta kosmologi dalam arsitektur Istana Tua (Dalam Loka). Metode penelitian yang digunakan bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, pengamatan, dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk dan fungsi bangunan Istana Tua (Dalam Loka), terdiri dari tiga bagian, yaitu bagian atas disebut loteng atau Alang, bagian tengah merupakan badan rumah disebut ruang Dalam Loka (Istana Tua), dan bagian bawah atau kolong yang disebut Tabongan. Arsitektur Dalam Loka menganut falsafah Salimpat yang menggambarkan bahwa segala aspek kehidupan manusia barulah sempurna jika berbentuk segi empat. Falsafah tersebut direfleksikan pada bentuk areal tanah, tiang rumah, jendela dan ruangan

    Pengaruh Lingkungan Tropis Indonesia Pada Penuaan Aspal Dan Modulus Kekakuan Resilien Campuran Beraspal

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    Kinerja struktur perkerasan jalan yang merupakan suatu struktur yang tidak terlindung sangat dipengaruhi oleh kondisi klimatik lokasi di mana jalan tersebut dibangun. Kondisi klimatik ini memberikan pengaruh jangka panjang tidak saja pada kinerja struktur perkerasan jalan tetapi juga pada respon struktur perkerasan tersebut terhadap beban karena kondisi klimatik sangat menentukan kecepatan penuaan aspal. Penuaan aspal adalah suatu parameter yang baik untuk mengetahui durabilitas campuran beraspal. Penuaan ini menyebabkan terjadinya pengerasan pada aspal dan selanjutnya akan meningkatkan kekakuan campuran beraspal dan akhirnya akan mempengaruhi kinerja campuran tersebut. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lingkungan terhadap penuaan aspal dan pada modulus kekakuan Cement Treated Asphalt Mixture (CTAM) dan Split Mastic Asphalt (SMA) pada iklim tropis Indonesia. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, kedua campuran ini dikondisikan terhadap pengaruh lingkungan dengan cara mengeksposnya secara langsung di udara terbuka selama 0, 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, dan 21 bulan. Uji laboratorium dilakukan pada campuran yang sudah dikondisikan dan pada aspal hasil ekstraksinya. Selain itu, data penuaan aspal kedua campuran yang didapat dari studi ini dibandingkan dengan data sekunder penuaan aspal yang diperoleh dari campuran Hot Rolled Sheet (HRS) yang ada di lapangan. Kata

    Studi Kasus Ketidakpatuhan Orang Kontak Serumah Terhadap Anjuran Pemeriksaan Tuberkulosis

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    Non-adherence of household contacts to undergo screening for Tuberculosis (TB) is a dynamic and complex phenomenon of the various factors related to behaviour. The objective of this study was to explore the behaviours related to non-adherence of household contacts to undergo screening for TB. This study is a descriptive case study that was conducted at the Pajajaran village, Bandung city. Participant were 9 household contacts of smear positive TB patients and 6 nurses who is working in the Pasirkaliki Community Health Center (CHC). Data collection was performed with the study documentation, non-structured passive observation, in-depth interview, and focus group discussion (FGD). Data analysis was according to Miles and Huberman model, which consist of data reduction, data display and drawing conclusions. The result includes perception of vulnerability of TB, perceptions of seriousness of TB, perceptions of benefits of TB screening, and cues to action for the TB patients household contact. The result showed that perceptions of the household contact of TB vulnerability were: fear of infection, make the separation and accept fate. Perceptions of the seriousness of TB were that TB could cause death and feelings of shame or inferiority. As for the perception of benefits was by doing screening,it will be known whether household contacts are exposed to TB or not. While the cues to action for household contact to perform screening for TB was if they are sick or have emerging symptoms of TB. The nurses knew that according to P2TB (TB management program) standards, the household contacts of TB patients should undergo screening for TB, especially for smear-positive pulmonary TB patients and paediatric TB. They knew that TB screening was done through sputum smear microscopy. Nurses\u27 perceptions about the barriers in carrying out their role and function were limited number of human resources in CHC, lack of education, and the presence of abundance tasks at the clinic.

    Simulation of hybrid electric vehicle based on a series drive train layout

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    This paper provided a validated modeling and a simulation of a 6 degree freedom vehicle longitudinal model and drive-train component in a series hybrid electric vehicle. The 6-DOF vehicle dynamics model consisted of tire subsystems, permanent magnet synchronous motor which acted as the prime mover coupled with an automatic transmission, hydraulic brake subsystem, battery subsystem, alternator subsystem and internal combustion engine to supply the rotational input to the alternator. A speed and torque tracking control systems of the electric power train were developed to make sure that the power train was able to produce the desired throttle torque in accelerating the vehicle. A human-in-the-loop-simulation was utilized as a mechanism to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed hybrid electric vehicle. The proposed simulation was used as the preliminary result in identifying the capability of the vehicle in terms of the maximum speed produced by the vehicle and the capability of the alternator to recharge the battery. Several tests had been done during the simulation, namely sudden acceleration, acceleration and braking test and unbounded motion. The results of the simulation showed that the proposed hybrid electric vehicle can produce a speed of up to 70 km/h with a reasonable charging rate to the battery. The findings from this study can be considered in terms of design, optimization and implementation in a real vehicle

    Tracking system using RFID for hiking activity with IoT technology

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    Hiking is popular in Malaysia because of the geographical factors that have a lots of mountains. Since this is an extreme activity, it gives a lot of risk for the hikers. There were 134 incidents in the mountains reported during 1996 until 2014 where 52 cases are about missing people. When encounter with missing people cases, it is difficult to pinpoint the last location of victim. Therefore, this project aimed to help the rescuer by providing them information of the victim’s last location by creating a tracking system using RFID in order to store data on each checkpoint along the hiking trails in memory card. This system also equipped with wifi which allowed the system send notification using Telegram Apps. The rescuers can extract the data from the memory card from each checkpoint to trace the last location of the victim before reported missing. By having this information, the rescuers will save a lot of time because they can estimate from which area they should start the search and rescue operation

    Very Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiment for Precise Measurements of Mixing Parameters and CP Violating Effects

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    We analyze the prospects of a feasible, Brookhaven National Laboratory based, very long baseline (BVLB) neutrino oscillation experiment consisting of a conventional horn produced low energy wide band beam and a detector of 500 kT fiducial mass with modest requirements on event recognition and resolution. Such an experiment is intended primarily to determine CP violating effects in the neutrino sector for 3-generation mixing. We analyze the sensitivity of such an experiment. We conclude that this experiment will allow determination of the CP phase δCP\delta_{CP} and the currently unknown mixing parameter θ13\theta_{13}, if sin22θ130.01\sin ^2 2 \theta_{13} \geq 0.01, a value 15\sim 15 times lower than the present experimental upper limit. In addition to θ13\theta_{13} and δCP\delta_{CP}, the experiment has great potential for precise measurements of most other parameters in the neutrino mixing matrix including Δm322\Delta m^2_{32}, sin22θ23\sin^2 2\theta_{23}, Δm212×sin2θ12\Delta m^2_{21}\times \sin 2 \theta_{12}, and the mass ordering of neutrinos through the observation of the matter effect in the νμνe\nu_\mu \to \nu_e appearance channel.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Intelligent cuckoo search algorithm of PID and skyhook controller for semi-active suspension system using magneto-rheological damper

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    This article introduces the application of the Cuckoo Search (CS) Algorithm to tune Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) and Skyhook controller for the semi-active (SA) suspension system further to improve the vehicle's ride comfort and stability. Meanwhile, the PID-CSA and Skyhook-CSA intelligent approaches have been compared to the passive suspension system. The performance of the PID controller and Skyhook controller are optimised by Cuckoo Search (CS) Algorithm, respectively. The system's mean square error (MSE) is defined as the objective function for optimising the proposed controllers. The performance of the proposed PID-CSA and Skyhook-CSA controllers are evaluated with the passive suspension system in the form of body acceleration, body displacement, and tire acceleration. The sinusoidal road profile is set as the disturbance of this system. The percentage improvement for body acceleration and body displacement achieved about 25% for the PID-CSA controller and 1-4% for Skyhook-CSA. These simulated results reflect that the proposed controllers outperformed other considered methods to obtain the most effective vehicle stability and ride comfort

    Experimental investigation on the bond behavior of a compatible TRM-based solution for rammed earth heritage

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    Despite the current awareness of the high seismic risk of earthen structures, little has been done so far to develop proper strengthening solutions for the rammed earth heritage. Based on the effectiveness of TRM for masonry buildings, the strengthening of rammed earth walls with externally bonded fibers using earth-based mortar is being proposed as a compatible solution. In this context, the investigation of bond behavior was conducted by means of direct tensile tests, pull-out tests and single lap-shear tests. The specimens were prepared using earth-based mortars and two different types of meshes (glass and nylon) while considering different-bonded lengths. The direct tensile tests on TRM coupons showed the high capacity of the nylon mesh in transferring stresses after cracking of the mortar. The pull-out tests highlighted that in the case of glass fiber mesh, the bond was granted by friction, while the mechanical anchorage promoted by the transversal yarns granted the bond of the nylon mesh. Finally, the single lap-shear tests showed that the adopted earth-based mortar seems to limit the performance of the strengthening.This work was supported by the Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia [PTDC/ECM-EST/2777/2014, SFRH/BD/131006/2017, SFRH/BPD/97082/2013]