963 research outputs found

    Costs of Inaction on Maternal Mortality: Qualitative Evidence of the Impacts of Maternal Deaths on Living Children in Tanzania.

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    Little is known about the interconnectedness of maternal deaths and impacts on children, beyond infants, or the mechanisms through which this interconnectedness is established. A study was conducted in rural Tanzania to provide qualitative insight regarding how maternal mortality affects index as well as other living children and to identify shared structural and social factors that foster high levels of maternal mortality and child vulnerabilities. Adult family members of women who died due to maternal causes (N = 45) and key stakeholders (N = 35) participated in in-depth interviews. Twelve focus group discussions were also conducted (N = 83) among community leaders in three rural regions of Tanzania. Findings highlight the widespread impact of a woman's death on her children's health, education, and economic status, and, by inference, the roles that women play within their families in rural Tanzanian communities. The full costs of failing to address preventable maternal mortality include intergenerational impacts on the nutritional status, health, and education of children, as well as the economic capacity of families. When setting priorities in a resource-poor, high maternal mortality country, such as Tanzania, the far-reaching effects that reducing maternal deaths can have on families and communities, as well as women's own lives, should be considered


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    In the title compound, C13H15FN2S, the dihydro­pyrimidine ring is essentially planar, with a maximum deviation of 0.086 (3) Å from the mean plane of the rest of the ring for the dimethyl­ated C atom. The benzene ring is almost perpendicular to the dihydro­pyrimidine ring, with a dihedral angle of 83.97 (14)°. The crystal packing is characterized by centrosymmetric dimers resulting from pairs of inter­molecular N—H⋯S hydrogen bonds. There are also C—H⋯π inter­actions


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    Background: Acute myocardial infarction is the death of heart muscle cells due to prolonged ischemia due to coronary artery occlusion in. One of the measures for the prevention of myocardial infarction is oxygen therapy. Oxygen therapy aims to maintain adequate tissue oxygenation fixed and can reduce myocardial work due to lack of oxygen supply. Thisstudy was conducted to determine the effect of oxygen therapy on the value of oxygen saturation through oximetri examination in patients of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in the emergency room in Dr. Moewardi hospital Surakarta. Method: This study used quantitative research using pre-experimental design with one group pre test-post test design. Samples involved in this study amounted to 38 respondents using Quota Sampling.Result: The results showed that prior to oxygen therapy oxygen saturation values obtained all the respondents were 38 (100%) experienced mild hypoxia, and after being given oxygen therapy obtained a total of 32 (84.2%) of respondents who experienced an increase in oxygen saturation of mild hypoxia and as many as 6 (15.8%) respondents remained inmild hypoxia. Results of statistical tests using the Wilcoxon test significance value p = 0.000 (p = <0,05). Making the hypothesis Ho is rejected which means no effect of oxygen therapy to changes in oxygen saturation values through oximetri examination in patients acute myocardial infarction (AMI).Suggest: Given the importance of oxygen therapy in patients with acute myocardial infarction, it is expected that the role of nurses to monitor all the time and consider providing oxygen therapy to a higher concentration of eg nonrebreathing mask with a mask (NR) to improve the process of ventilation with FiO2 higher

    On the growth of national geoparks in China: distribution, interpretation, and regional comparison

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    Since the year 2000 China has created 139 National Geoparks; it started under the guidance of the former UNESCO\u27s Division of Earth Science, and has therefore become one of the pioneers in this aspect. Many National Geoparks in China have been described over the past decade, but an understanding of the range of various landform features and their connection with geological and climatic constraints has not previously been published. Based on an increasing awareness of National Geoparks, the aim of this contribution is to provide a comprehensive overview of the National Geoparks of China by reviewing the geological heritage and their intrinsic linkages with geological and climatic controls. A regional comparison of the widespread clastic and karst Geopark landforms indicates that the development of these terrains can only be understood within a synthesis of tectonic constraints, climatic changes and lithological properties, whereas the variety of types, forms, scales and development patterns reflect processes in various climatic settings

    Resilient communities through safer schools

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    Access to education is a basic human right. It is the 4th of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and education is strongly associated with poverty reduction. Providing facilities to educate children requires construction of school buildings and rapid expansion of curricula. However, in the rush to fulfil the right to education, are children being put at risk? What attention is being given to structural safety during the construction of new school facilities? The growing consensus among stakeholders is that public school infrastructure in developing countries worldwide is particularly susceptible to natural hazards. This highlights a compelling need for developing and implementing effective, integrated, and ‘ground-real’ strategies for assessing and radically improving the safety and resilience of schools across those countries. To this aim, the paper explores two main issues: effectiveness at scale and the relevance of multiple hazard effects on the resilience of school infrastructure. Specifically, the paper first discusses the challenges associated with the World Bank Global Program for Safer School (GPSS) and the development of its Global Library of School Infrastructure (GLOSI), highlighting the issues associated with producing a tool which can be effective at scale and support nationwide risk models for school infrastructure across the world, so that fairness and relevance of investment can be achieved. This is followed by the illustration of a number of specific tools developed by the authors to expand the risk prioritization procedures used for seismic hazard, to other hazards such as flood and windstorm and to quantify the reduction in seismic fragility obtained by implementing specific strengthening strategies. Rapid visual survey forms, a mobile app, a multi-hazard risk prioritization ranking, and numerical fragility relationships are presented and their application discussed in relation to a case study in the Philippines. The proposed tools represent a first step toward a detailed multi-hazard risk and resilience assessment framework of school infrastructure. The aim is to allow stakeholders and decision-makers to quickly identify the most vulnerable structures among the surveyed stock, to guide more detailed data collection campaigns and structural assessment procedures, such as analytical vulnerability approaches, and ultimately to plan further retrofitting/strengthening measures or, if necessary, school replacement/relocation

    Hybrid loss exceedance curve (HLEC) for disaster risk assessment

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    Taken into account that the natural hazard risk is a contingent liability and, therefore, a sovereign risk for national governments, it is important to assess properly the potential losses to design a suitable risk reduction, retention and transfer strategy. In this article, a disaster risk assessment methodology is proposed based on two approaches: on the one hand, the empiric estimation of losses, using information available from local disaster databases, allowing estimating losses due to small-scale events and, on the other hand, probabilistic evaluations to estimate losses for greater or even catastrophic events, for which information usually is not available due to the lack of historical data. A &lsquo;&lsquo;hybrid&rsquo;&rsquo; loss exceedance curve is thus determined, which combines the results of these two approaches and represents the disaster risk in a proper and complete way. This curve merges two components: the corresponding to small and moderate losses, calculated using an inductive and retrospective analysis, and the corresponding to extreme losses, calculated using a deductive and prospective analysis. Applications of this risk assessment technique are given in this article for eleven countries

    The importance of the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (<i>Sousa chinesis</i>) population of Sanniang bay, Guangxi Province, PR China: recommendations for habitat protection. Scientific Committee Document SC/58/SM18, International Whaling Commission, May-June 2006, St.Kitts

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    During the period June 2004 - January 2006, a research team from the Qinzhou Bay Chinese White Dolphins Research Center of Peking University, the Peoples Republic of China, conducted systematic and opportunistic boat surveys of Sanniang Bay, Guangxi Province, in which Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins Sousa chinensis were regularly seen. Ninety eight dolphins were photographically identified. The dolphins appear to inhabit a small, shallow area of core habitat within the greater Sanniang Bay area. They do not appear to travel up the two rivers which are located to each side of the bay. Of the five populations known from the coastal area of China, the one that resides in Sanniang Bay is determined as having the least impact from anthropogenic activities. The area itself has been designated as a nature tourism location and considerable effort and money has been spent on developing appropriate tourist facilities. The dolphin watching industry in the area is strictly monitored and controlled by one local authority. The largest estuary adjacent to Sanniang Bay has been allocated for industrial development and a paper pulp mill will be established there. Considering the investment already made in the nature tourism industry, the natural beauty of the bay and the surrounding area and the likelihood that this is the only population of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins which remain in uncompromised and relatively pristine habitat in all of China, it is urged that all effort be made to maintain the natural integrity of the bay. It is recommended that all development and operational aspects of the paper pulp be thoroughly scrutinized and all efforts made to minimize impact upon the environment and that all current and future industries and activities in this area must not detrimentally impact the dolphin population or compromise the integrity of the bay ecosystem

    GLOSI taxonomy: A tool for ‘seismic risk assessment’ oriented classification of school buildings

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    For the seismic vulnerability and risk assessment of school infrastructure in a region, it becomes necessary first to identify and classify these constructions into a distinct number of structural typologies characterised by their vulnerability features. This enables us to rank the expected vulnerability of different typologies at the initial screening stage as well as to characterise the representative index buildings of different typologies for detailed vulnerability quantification. Currently, a systematic and comprehensive taxonomy tailored for the school buildings is not available. The present paper thus develops a globally applicable structural taxonomy to be used in the seismic risk assessment of school infrastructure within the framework of the Global Program for Safer Schools (GPSS) of the World Bank. Application as well as verification of the proposed taxonomy is tested to a range of school construction types from different countries across the world

    Comportamiento De Perfiles De Lámina Delgada Ante Cargas De Compresión Axial

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    Este artículo presenta los resultados de ensayos experimentales de columnas en perfiles de acero en lámina delgada sometidos a compresión pura. Se presentan e interpretan resultados de 12 elementos ensayados con diferentes relaciones de esbeltez. Los elementos fallan de acuerdo con lo esperado por pandeo local o pandeo global. Los esfuerzos axiales de compresión en la falla se comparan con los esfuerzos últimos analíticos dados por la Norma Colombiana de Diseño y Construccion Sismo Resistente, NSR-98, obteniéndose en general una buena correlación de resultados. Se encontró que el método de ensamble de la sección, al igual que los esfuerzos residuales afectan considerablemente los esfuerzos axiales resistentes de columnas de acero en lámina delgada