26 research outputs found

    Análise clínica e epidemiológica dos pacientes com HIV/AIDS internados em um Hospital de Referência na Região Nordeste do Brasil

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    The AIDS epidemic has become a worldwide phenomenon of enormous magnitude and extension, deeply transforming medical practices and public health initiatives. This retrospective survey aimed to analyze clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients with HIV/AIDS admitted to the Institute of Tropical Diseases Natan Portella, Teresina, Piauí, Brazil, from January, 2001 through December, 2004. Of the 828 patients, 43% were from other states and 71.3% were men. Average patient age was 35.4 ± 11.5 years-old and 85.5% were illiterate or had primary education. The main form of exposure to HIV was heterosexual behavior (54.1%), while injectable drug use was confirmed by only 2.7% of registered cases. The most frequent infectious complications were candidiasis (42.4%) and pneumocystosis (22.2%). Sixty-eight cases (8.2%) of visceral leishmaniasis were registered. Using multivariate analysis, individuals aged over 40 years-old, patients with active tuberculosis, Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and central nervous system cryptococcosis showed increased risk of death. In this study, young male adults with low educational levels predominated and the most frequent opportunistic infections were candidiasis and pneumocystosis.A epidemia de AIDS tornou-se um fenômeno mundial de grande magnitude e extensão, transformando profundamente a prática médica e as iniciativas em saúde pública. O estudo retrospectivo analisou as características clínicas e epidemiológicas dos pacientes com HIV/AIDS internados no Instituto de Doenças Tropicais Natan Portella, Teresina, Piauí, Brasil, de janeiro de 2001 a dezembro de 2004 . Dos 828 pacientes, 43% eram provenientes de outros estados e 71,3% eram do sexo masculino. A idade média foi 35,4 ± 11,5 anos. Eram analfabetos ou cursaram até o ensino fundamental 85,5%. A principal via de exposição ao HIV foi o comportamento heterossexual (54,1%), enquanto o uso de drogas injetáveis foi observado em apenas 2,7% dos casos registrados. As complicações infecciosas mais freqüentes foram candidíase (42,4%) e pneumocistose (22,2%). Foram computados 68 casos de leishmaniose visceral. Em análise multivariada, idade acima de 40 anos, portadores de tuberculose, pneumonia por Pneumocystis carinii, neurocriptococcose associaram-se a maior risco de evolução para o óbito. Predominaram, neste estudo, adultos jovens do sexo masculino, com baixa escolaridade, tendo como infecções oportunistas mais freqüentes candidíase e pneumocistose

    O sincretismo de culturas sob a ótica da arquitetura vernácula do imigrante japonês na cidade de Registro, São Paulo

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    O presente artigo aborda os métodos construtivos empregados pelos imigrantes japoneses que vieram, em 1918, para a cidade de Registro, na região do Vale do Ribeira do Iguape, no estado de São Paulo. A vinda dessa nova frente de imigração foi incentivada pelo Governo do Estado, com o propósito de promover o processo de colonização, bem como de estimular o desenvolvimento econômico do Vale do Ribeira do Iguape por meio da expansão da cultura do café para a região. As características dessa frente de imigração são muito diferenciadas em relação às demais, tendo em vista que os que dela faziam parte chegaram ao Brasil como proprietários de terras e com apoio financeiro e logístico oferecido por uma empresa particular japonesa, responsável por gerenciar o empreendimento. Esses imigrantes, portanto, contaram com auxílio de uma complexa infra-estrutura, cujo objetivo era viabilizar a sua missão de desenvolvimento da região. Mesmo tendo essa particularidade lhes proporcionado a liberdade de recriar sua cultura em solo brasileiro, a realidade do novo habitat forçou-os a reinterpretar seus hábitos culturais ante as novas circunstâncias físicas, econômicas e sociais encontradas. A fim de entender esse processo de adaptação, foi realizado um estudo dos métodos construtivos empregados em suas edificações, baseado nos conhecimentos desses imigrantes sobre sua arquitetura tradicional. Essa análise permitiu examinar o longo processo de sincretismo entre a cultura oriental e o conhecimento construtivo vernáculo dos habitantes do Vale do Ribeira do Iguape.The present article addresses the methods of construction employed by Japanese immigrants, who settled the city of Registro, in the region of the Ribeira valley of Iguape, located in the State of Sao Paulo, in the year of 1918. This settlement received incentives from the State Government of Sao Paulo, in order to promote the colonization of the Ribeira valley of Iguape, as well as to boost local economical development, by means of expanding the agricultural production of coffee to this region. The characteristics of this group of immigrants were notably different from others, due to fact that they arrived in Brazil already as landholders, sponsored financially and logistically by a Japanese private company, which was responsible for the management of this enterprise. These immigrants could count on a complex infrastructure, which aided them in their mission to advance the development of this region. Even though the particularities of this group of immigrants gave them a certain amount of freedom to recreate their own culture in Brazilian land, the reality of this new environment, its new physical, economical and social contingencies forced them to reinterpret their cultural traditions and customs. In order to understand this adaptation process, a study of the construction methods employed by this group of immigrants in their buildings was undertaken, based on their knowledge of traditional Japanese architecture. This study rendered possible the analysis of a long process of cultural syncretism between oriental culture and the vernacular architecture of the inhabitants of the Ribeira valley of Iguape

    Eliminación sostenida de los desórdenes por deficiencia de yodo en Perú: 25 años de experiencia

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    Introduction: Endemic goiter and cretinism in both highlands and Amazon jungle regions have been recognized in Peruvian history, because of the permanent natural iodine deficiency in these areas, and both conditions received little attention. New research studies initiated in the 60s proved the persistence of severe iodine deficiency, and also that this deficiency is a cause of preventable brain damage, so a program for controlling iodine deficiency disorders was created in 1983, and it was fully implemented in 1986. Material and method: The strategic action plan of the program included immediate protection of the population at high risk with the use of iodized oil and a progressive increase in production, quality and consumption of iodized salt. At the same time a well-trained and motivated national network was developed, with the support of an intensive communication program, advocacy and social marketing, and with systematic monitoring of the iodine contents in salt and iodine levels in the population. Results: Since 1995, the demand of iodized salt is well covered, and adequately iodized salt is consumed by more than 90% of households since 1998. Currently, iodine nutritional levels are normal, and the median urinary iodine value, the best indicator of iodine levels, has stayed above 100 ìg/L since 1995. A significant decrease in the prevalence of goiter was already observed six years after the program started. Factors for this Program success include monitoring and surveillance systems, as well as effective communication and support from the Ministry of Health and the salt industry. Conclusions: Perú has succeeded in the sustained elimination of iodine deficiency disorders, preventing brain damage in six hundred thousand newborns each year. The control program has been recognized as one of the most successful of its kind all over the world.Introducción: la prevalencia de bocio y cretinismo endémicos en sierra y selva ha sido reconocida a través de la historia del Perú, dado que la deficiencia natural de yodo es permanente, sin embargo recibió poca atención. Nuevas investigaciones a partir de los 60s demostraron la persistencia severa de la deficiencia y, principalmente, que la deficiencia de yodo es causa de daño cerebral, dando como resultado la creación de un programa para control de los desordénes por deficiencia de Iodo (DDI) en 1983. El programa se implementó de manera efectiva en 1986. Material y método: el plan de acción estratégico incluyó protección inmediata de la población en riesgo alto con aceite yodado e incremento progresivo en producción, calidad y consumo de sal yodada, al mismo tiempo que se desarrolló una red de trabajo nacional bien entrenada y motivada, con el apoyo de un intenso programa de comunicación, abogacía y mercadeo social, y un sistemático monitoreo del yodo en la sal y en la población. Resultados: desde 1995 la demanda poblacional de sal yodada está ampliamente cubierta y más de 90% de hogares consumen sal adecuadamente yodada desde 1998. Se ha normalizado la nutrición de yodo en la población, la media del yodo urinario, principal indicador, se ha mantenido sobre 100 μg/l desde 1995. La disminuciσn significativa en prevalencia de bocio fue observada a seis años de iniciado el programa. Entre los factores para el éxito alcanzado destacan el sistema de monitoreo y vigilancia, el programa educativo promocional, el soporte permanente del MINSA y el apoyo de la industria salinera. Conclusiones: el Perú ha logrado la eliminación sostenida de DDI previniendo el daño cerebral en 600 mil recién nacidos cada año. El programa es reconocido como uno de los más exitosos a nivel mundial

    Associations Between Initial Clinical Examination and Imaging Findings and Return-to-Sport in Male Athletes With Acute Adductor Injuries: A Prospective Cohort Study

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    Background: Time to return-to-sport (RTS) after acute adductor injuries varies among athletes, yet we know little about which factors determine this variance. Purpose: To investigate the association between initial clinical and imaging examination findings and time to RTS in male athletes with acute adductor injuries. Study Design: Cohort study (Prognosis); Level of evidence, 2. Methods: Male adult athletes with an acute adductor injury were included within 7 days of injury. Standardized patient history and clinical and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations were conducted for all athletes. Athletes performed a supervised standardized criteria-based exercise treatment program. Three RTS milestones were defined: (1) clinically pain-free, (2) completed controlled sports training, and (3) first full team training. Univariate and multiple regression analyses were performed to determine the association between the specific candidate variables of the initial examinations and the RTS milestones. Results: We included 81 male adult athletes. The median duration for the 3 RTS milestones were 15 days (interquartile range, 12-28 days), 24 days (16-32 days), and 22 days (15-31 days), respectively. Clinical examination including patient history was able to explain 63%, 74%, and 68% of the variance in time to RTS. The strongest predictors for longer time to RTS were pain on palpation of the proximal adductor longus insertion or a palpable defect. The addition of MRI increased the explained variance with 7%, 0%, and 7%. The strongest MRI predictor was injury at the bone-tendon junction. Post hoc multiple regression analyses of players without the 2 most important clinical findings were able to explain 24% to 31% of the variance, with no added value of the MRI findings. Conclusion: The strongest predictors of a longer time to RTS after acute adductor injury were palpation pain at the proximal adductor longus insertion, a palpable defect, and/or an injury at the bone-tendon junction on MRI. For athletes without any of these findings, even extensive clinical and MRI examination does not assist considerably in providing a more precise estimate of time to RTS