14 research outputs found


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    Coconut sugar is one of the leading commodities in Banyumas City, coconut sugar and it is derivative processing can make a high contribution to the development of the local economy of the community. This can be seen from the history of the production of coconut sugar whose trend is always increasing, in 2013 the production of coconut sugar was 206,026 tons / day, in 2014 it increased to 240 tons / day and in 2015 the production reached 250 tons / day. This study aims to find an area of improvement for the design of tree climbing aids that are in line with the expectations of the nira hikers in the Cilongok Banyumas City. In carrying out their work, the loudspeakers did not have much safety equipment, in a day, the loudspeakers had to climb 40 trees from morning to evening. The average height of each coconut tree that is climbed is around 20 until 30 meters. This study aims to design coconut climbing aids for the nira hardener with a quality function deployment (QFD) approach. In the process of retrieving data, the researcher identifies the desires of consumers, a questionnaire that has been determined and contains attributes in accordance with the quality plan that has been determined in the framework of the thought distributed to the subject. The way to find out the user anthropometry data is by measuring height, body dimensions, age, weight and length of work, so that we can obtain a reference for designing coconut tree climbing aids that are in accordance with the expectations of the palm fruit pusher


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    Covid 19 telah membawa dampak yang buruk terhadap perekonomian yang ada di Desa Sawangan. Keterbatasan SDM yang memiliki kepedulian dan pengetahuan terhadap teknologi sehingga organisasi dari BUMDes menjadi salah satu masalah krusial yang sedang dihadapi. Padahal jika dilihat dari teori ekonomi, bahwa kecakapan manajerial sebuah unit usaha menjadi nafas untuk sebuah bisnis bisa berkembang dengan baik. Disisi yang lain BUMDes Desa Sawangan juga mengalami banyak keterbatasan selain SDM yang mumpuni, juga kesulitan menemukan potensi SDM yang aware terhadap teknologi yang bisa dijadikan core SDM dari unit usaha BUMDes Desa Sawangan tersebut.  Berlatar belakang permasalahan BUMDes yang ada di Desa Sawangan tersebut maka pengabdian masyarakat ini terfokus dan menitikberatkan pada peningkatan keahlian pada strategi pemasaran dengan menggunakan e-commerce selama masa new normal ini

    Penguatan Santripreneur melalui Pemberdayaan Ekonomi di Lingkungan Pondok Pesantren

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    One of the factors that can support the realization of economic independence in Islamic boarding schools is the Santripreneur program. Al Islahuddiny Islamic Boarding School is one of the boarding schools that facilitates the development of santripreneur as a driver of economic activity in the Islamic boarding school environment. As a form of facilitation for the focus of developing the santripreneur, this community service activity was carried out. The method used in this community service activity is starting with the implementation of a focus group discussion (FGD) in order to formulate the root of the problem and needs and followed by entrepreneurship training by utilizing used goods as items of sale value. The economic empowerment activities of Islamic boarding schools carried out at the Al Islahuddiny Islamic Boarding School have been able to foster the spirit of innovation and creativity of students, while the student involved in this training came from 5 different units, ranging from Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs), Madrasah Aliyah (MA) to High Schools. Da’wah Science (STID). Student entrepreneurship training has encouraged the growth of the creation of handmade products that are processed in such a way from the results of recycling plastic waste


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    This article describes the typeface design method based on Dayak Iban tattoo. It uses iconographic theory from Erwin Panofsky and the evaluate it through a Likert survey on a scale of 1-5 using four aspects of assessment(similarity, uniqueness, readability, and legibility). Based on the iconographic analysis, this study categorizes Dayak tattoo motifs into three worlds, which are; The Upper World (Hornbill), Middle World (Tree of Life, Eggplant Flowers), and the Underworld (Dragon and Scorpion) will put on each letter anatomies. The evaluation stage found that the typeface has a 3.8 average level of uniqueness, readability, and legibility, although the level of similarity in this typeface with Dayak tattoo motifs needs to be increased again because of the score is just 3 of a maximum of 5

    Penguatan Ekonomi Lokal Pada Pelaku UMKM Berbasis Digital Di Desa Winduaji Kabupaten Brebes

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    In the industrial era 4.0, technological knowledge, especially information technology is very important. UMKM are micro-enterprises that should have used the information access for the economic welfare of a region, but vice versa. Current problems with UMKM include lack of capital and knowledge of information technology. Winduaji village is one of the villages with UMKM actors with minimal information technology knowledge. The method of implementation is the method of discussion with the format of Training regarding identifying problems to the use of technology media. This training activity was attended by 56 participants consisting of village officials, UMKM actors, and tourism conscious reservoirs. As a result, all participants showed great interest in using social media marketing continuously

    Evaluation of Office Ergonomic Risk Using Rapid Office Strain Assessment (ROSA)

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    Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) caused by computer use have become the most common ergonomic risks. The risk experienced can be in the form of financial losses or even lives. Therefore, efforts are needed to prevent the occurrence of ergonomic risks so as not to cause large losses. The Rapid Office Strain Assessment (ROSA) has been designed to identify ergonomic risk factors and is reliable for the assessment of office workers' MSDs. This study evaluates the potential risk of ergonomics in female office workers because a previous study found that MSDs were more common in women. From the two workers observed, it was found that workers 1 and 2 received different scores on several assessment components. The different things are the length of the seat holder, armrests, spine brace, and keyboard. This difference is caused by body posture and different types of chairs. The length of the chair and the spinal brace is influenced by the different postures of the two workers. Worker 1 has a shorter upper leg length than worker 2, so she cannot use the backbone section of the chair. Although there are differences in scores on some components of the assessment, both workers have the same final ROSA score, which is 5. This indicates that further posture assessment needs to be done using tools other than ROSA to detect the specific cause of MSDs levels

    Implementation of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) for Decision Making in Improving Integrated Academic Information System

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    Academic Information System is a tool to support academic activities in implementing education in institutions effectively and efficiently. Institut Teknologi Telkom Surabaya is an institution that already has an integrated academic information system called I-Gracias. I-Gracias uses a single-user system for all applications. Most users of I-Gracias are students, so student satisfaction with integrated academic information system services can be used as benchmarks in determining I-Gracias improvement plans. One method used for the I-Gracias improvement process is the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method. This method determines the student's desire for I-Gracias using the House of Quality (HOQ) matrix. The result of this research is that the QFD method can prioritize technical responses to the main obstacles for students in using I-Gracias by correlating Voice of Consumer (VOC) and technical response. The highest priority for technical response is coordinating with other units with a technical importance rating of 620.9 and a relative weight value of 21%. Next is to update the module regularly, socialize i-Gracias, meet management targets, receive criticism and suggestions, carry out regular checks and recruit HR if needed as a sequence of improvements to i-Gracias.Academic Information System is a tool to support academic activities in implementing education in institutions effectively and efficiently. Institut Teknologi Telkom Surabaya is an institution that already has an integrated academic information system called I-Gracias. I-Gracias uses a single-user system for all applications. Most users of I-Gracias are students, so student satisfaction with integrated academic information system services can be used as benchmarks in determining I-Gracias improvement plans. One method used for the I-Gracias improvement process is the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method. This method determines the student's desire for I-Gracias using the House of Quality (HOQ) matrix. The result of this research is that the QFD method can prioritize technical responses to the main obstacles for students in using I-Gracias by correlating Voice of Consumer (VOC) and technical response. The highest priority for technical response is coordinating with other units with a technical importance rating of 620.9 and a relative weight value of 21%. Next is to update the module regularly, socialize i-Gracias, meet management targets, receive criticism and suggestions, carry out regular checks and recruit HR if needed as a sequence of improvements to i-Gracias


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    Permasalahan yang terjadi pada mitra yaitu Ibu rumah tangga di wilayah RT 03 (RW 01 Sidabowa) Banyumas yakni, 1) Belum adanya kesadaran dalam pemanfaatan lahan pekarangan yang produktif, 2) Peran ibu rumah tangga hanya fokus pada aktivitas rumah tangga, sementara ada peluang kegiatan yang memberikan benefit yang tidak membutuhkan effort yang berlebih dan ramah terhadap lingkungan. Sehingga dari proses pemetaan masalah dan hasil observasi awal dengan tokoh masayarakat setempat didapati untuk melakukan langkah nyata dalam mencari solusi atas permasalahan mitra. Solusi yang dimaksud dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah sebagai berikut, 1) Peningkatan pemahaman tentang pemanfaatan lahan pekarangan rumah tangga yang lebih produktif dan ramah lingkungan melalui penerapan iptek vertikultur dengan model tanaman horizontal maupun vertikal yang menggunakan media tanam paralon, 2) Memberikan alternatif tambahan pendapatan, utamanya untuk mitra yaitu ibu rumah tangga sebagai wujud keterlibatan atas upaya ketahanan ekonomi keluarga

    Implementation of Importance-Performance Analysis on Integrated Information System Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto

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    Improving information systems is essential to increase user satisfaction which then has a positive impact on the institution. This study aims to measure the importance and performance of website service quality attributes on the i-Gracias ITTP using Importance Performance Analysis. This study integrate e-ServQual and WebQual to measure the level of student satisfaction with i-Gracias as a web-based information system service comprehensively. Generally, the satisfaction score shows that the performance of quality attributes does not meet the expectations of students as users. Of the 30 quality attributes measured, there is one attribute in quadrant I, 12 in quadrant II, 13 in quadrant III, and 3 in quadrant IV. The attributes that describe the fundamental functions of i-Gracias as an online service system are efficiency, security, fulfillment, information quality, and accessibility. The next priority for improvement for i-Gracias is efficiency improvement and process simplification


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    Perkembangan dunia kuliner memang semakin menarik. Selaras dengan semakin cepatnya globalisasi informasi. Sega Nyangku salah satu dari sekian banyak kuliner khas desa winduaji paguyangan Brebes Jawa Tengah. Sega nyangku begitu istimewa karena merupakan produk kuliner yang mampu memanfaatkan sumberdaya dan kearifan lokal setempat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tingkat kepentingan setiap atribut dengan metode Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) dan mengetahui tingkat kepuasan konsumen berdasarkan metode Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). Berdasarkan diagram kartesius, atribut yang masuk pada kuadran I yaitu kesesuaian potongan harga dan kenyamanan warung. Atribut yang masuk kuadran II yaitu kebersihan tempat jualan sega nyangku, kesesuaian penyajian sega nyangku, penampilan/kebersihan pramusaji, kebersihan warung, media promosi, inovasi bungkus sega nyangku, cita rasa sega nyangku. Atribut kuadran III yaitu promosi melalui digital marketing, kesesuaian sega nyangku dengan harga, keramahan dan kesopanan penyaji, variasi menu pelengkap sega nyangku, kemudahan dalam menjangkau lokasi, sarana kursi meja memadai, dan fasilitas warung. Atribut kuadran IV yaitu inovasi makanan sega nyangku, pemilihan nama nyangku, kemudahan dalam pembayaran dan keamanan warung. Pada penelitian ini juga diketahui tingkat kepuasan konsumen secara menyeluruh sesuai dengan nilai Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) sebesar 0,66 yang menunjukkan justifikasi kriteria cukup puas.   Kata Kunci : Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), sega nyangku, dan kepuasan konsume