27,728 research outputs found

    Majorana-Like Modes of Light in a One-Dimensional Array of Nonlinear Cavities

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    The search for Majorana fermions in p-wave paired fermionic systems has recently moved to the forefront of condensed-matter research. Here we propose an alternative route and show theoretically that Majorana-like modes can be realized and probed in a driven-dissipative system of strongly correlated photons consisting of a chain of tunnel-coupled cavities, where p-wave pairing effectively arises from the interplay between strong on-site interactions and two-photon parametric driving. The nonlocal nature of these exotic modes could be demonstrated through cross-correlation measurements carried out at the ends of the chain---revealing a strong photon bunching signature---and their non-Abelian properties could be simulated through tunnel-braid operations.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; with Supplemental Material (12 pages

    Extended-soft-core Baryon-Baryon Model II. Hyperon-Nucleon Interaction

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    The YN results are presented from the Extended-soft-core (ESC) interactions. They consist of local- and non-local-potentials due to (i) One-boson-exchange (OBE), with pseudoscalar-, vector-, scalar-, and axial-vector-nonets, (ii) Diffractive exchanges, (iii) Two-pseudoscalar exchange, and (iv) Meson-pair-exchange (MPE). This model, called ESC04, describes NN and YN in a unified way using broken flavor SU(3)-symmetry. Novel ingredients are the inclusion of (i) the axial-vector-mesons, (ii) a zero in the scalar- and axial-vector meson form factors. We describe simultaneous fits to the NN- and YN-data, using four options in the ESC-model. Very good fits were obtained. G-matrix calculations with these four options are also reported. The obtained well depths (U_\Lambda, U_\Sigma, U_\Xi) reveal distinct features of ESC04a-d. The \Lambda\Lambda-interactions are demonstrated to be consistent with the observed data of_{\Lambda\Lambda}^6He. The possible three-body effects are investigated by considering phenomenologically the changes of the vector-meson masses in a nuclear medium.Comment: preprint vesion 66 pages, two-column version 27 pages, 17 figure

    Power Spectrum Analysis of the 2dF QSO Sample Revisited

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    We revisit the power spectrum analysis of the complete sample of the two degree field (2dF) QSO redshift (2QZ) survey, as a complementary test of the work by Outram et al. (2003). A power spectrum consistent with that of the 2QZ group is obtained. Differently from their approach, fitting of the power spectrum is investigated incorporating the nonlinear effects, the geometric distortion and the light-cone effect. It is shown that the QSO power spectrum is consistent with the Λ\Lambda cold dark matter (CDM) model with the matter density parameter Ωm=0.2∼0.5\Omega_m=0.2\sim0.5. Our constraint on the density parameter is rather weaker than that of the 2QZ group. We also show that the constraint slightly depends on the equation of state parameter ww of the dark energy. The constraint on ww from the QSO power spectrum is demonstrated, though it is not very tight.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Light Ξ\Xi hypernuclei in four-body cluster models

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    Detailed structure calculations in Ξ− 12^{\: 12}_{\Xi^-}Be, Ξ− 5^{\: 5}_{\Xi^-}H, Ξ− 9^{\: 9}_{\Xi^-}Li, Ξ− 7^{\: 7}_{\Xi^-}H and Ξ− 10^{\:10}_{\Xi^-}Li are performed within the framework of the microscopic two-, three- and four-body cluster models using the Gaussian Expansion Method.Comment: 14 pages, 19 figures. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    ΛΛ\Lambda\Lambda-ΞN\Xi N-ΣΣ\Sigma\Sigma coupling in ΛΛ 6^{~6}_{\Lambda\Lambda}He with the Nijmegen soft-core potentials

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    The ΛΛ\Lambda\Lambda-ΞN\Xi N-ΣΣ\Sigma\Sigma coupling in ΛΛ 6^{~6}_{\Lambda\Lambda}He is studied with the [α\alpha + Λ\Lambda + Λ\Lambda] + [α\alpha + Ξ\Xi + NN] + [α\alpha + Σ\Sigma + Σ\Sigma] model, where the α\alpha particle is assumed as a frozen core. We use the Nijmegen soft-core potentials, NSC97e and NSC97f, for the valence baryon-baryon part, and the phenomenological potentials for the α−B\alpha-B parts (BB=NN, Λ\Lambda, Ξ\Xi and Σ\Sigma). We find that the calculated ΔBΛΛ\Delta B_{\Lambda\Lambda} of ΛΛ 6^{~6}_{\Lambda\Lambda}He for NSC97e and NSC97f are, respectively, 0.6 and 0.4 MeV in the full coupled-channel calculation, the results of which are about half in comparison with the experimental data, ΔBΛΛexp=1.01±0.20−0.11+0.18\Delta B^{exp}_{\Lambda\Lambda}=1.01\pm0.20^{+0.18}_{-0.11} MeV. Characteristics of the S=−2S=-2 sector in the NSC97 potentials are discussed in detail.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Four-body structure of Λ7^7_{\Lambda}Li and ΛN\Lambda N spin-dependent interaction

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    Two spin-doublet states of %3/2+3/2^+-1/2+1/2^+ and 7/2+7/2^+-5/2+5/2^+ in Λ7^7_{\Lambda}Li are studied on the basis of the α+Λ+n+p\alpha +\Lambda +n+p four-body model. We employ the two-body interactions which reproduce the observed properties of any subsystems composed of αN\alpha N, αΛ\alpha \Lambda and αNN\alpha NN, and αΛN\alpha \Lambda N. Furthermore, the ΛN\Lambda N interaction is adjusted so as to reproduce the 0+0^+-1+1^+ splitting of in Λ4^4_{\Lambda}H. The calculated energy splittings of 3/2+3/2^+-1/2+1/2^+ and 7/2+7/2^+-5/2+5/2^+ states in Λ7^7_{\Lambda}Li are 0.69 MeV and 0.46 MeV, which are in good agreement with the resent observed data. The spin-dependent components of the ΛN\Lambda N interaction are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, published to be in Phys. Rev.

    Universal scaling for the spin-electricity conversion on surface states of topological insulators

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    We have investigated spin-electricity conversion on surface states of bulk-insulating topological insulator (TI) materials using a spin pumping technique. The sample structure is Ni-Fe|Cu|TI trilayers, in which magnetic proximity effects on the TI surfaces are negligibly small owing to the inserted Cu layer. Voltage signals produced by the spin-electricity conversion are clearly observed, and enhanced with decreasing temperature in line with the dominated surface transport at lower temperatures. The efficiency of the spin-electricity conversion is greater for TI samples with higher resistivity of bulk states and longer mean free path of surface states, consistent with the surface spin-electricity conversion

    Single crystal growth and physical properties of a new uranium compound URhIn5_5

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    We have grown the new uranium compound URhIn5_5 with the tetragonal HoCoGa5_5-type by the In self flux method. In contrast to the nonmagnetic ground state of the isoelectronic analogue URhGa5_5, URhIn5_5 is an antiferromagnet with antiferromagnetic transition temperature TNT_{\rm N} = 98 K. The moderately large electronic specific heat coefficient γ\gamma = 50 mJ/K2^2mol demonstrates the contribution of 5ff electrons to the conduction band. On the other hand, magnetic susceptibility in the paramagnetic state roughly follows a Curie-Weiss law with a paramagnetic effective moment corresponding to a localized uranium ion. The crossover from localized to itinerant character at low temperature may occur around the characteristic temperature 150 K where the magnetic susceptibility and electrical resistivity show a marked anomaly.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure
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