646 research outputs found

    Form of an evolutionary tradeoff affects eco-evolutionary dynamics in a predator-prey system

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    遺伝的多様性の新しい影響を発見 -わずかな性質の違いが生態系を変化させる可能性-. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2014-10-23.Evolution on a time scale similar to ecological dynamics has been increasingly recognized for the last three decades. Selection mediated by ecological interactions can change heritable phenotypic variation (i.e., evolution), and evolution of traits, in turn, can affect ecological interactions. Hence, ecological and evolutionary dynamics can be tightly linked and important to predict future dynamics, but our understanding of eco-evolutionary dynamics is still in its infancy and there is a significant gap between theoretical predictions and empirical tests. Empirical studies have demonstrated that the presence of genetic variation can dramatically change ecological dynamics, whereas theoretical studies predict that eco-evolutionary dynamics depend on the details of the genetic variation, such as the form of a tradeoff among genotypes, which can be more important than the presence or absence of the genetic variation. Using a predator–prey (rotifer–algal) experimental system in laboratory microcosms, we studied how different forms of a tradeoff between prey defense and growth affect eco-evolutionary dynamics. Our experimental results show for the first time to our knowledge that different forms of the tradeoff produce remarkably divergent eco-evolutionary dynamics, including near fixation, near extinction, and coexistence of algal genotypes, with quantitatively different population dynamics. A mathematical model, parameterized from completely independent experiments, explains the observed dynamics. The results suggest that knowing the details of heritable trait variation and covariation within a population is essential for understanding how evolution and ecology will interact and what form of eco-evolutionary dynamics will result

    Fiestas y celebraciones cívico-religiosas en la Barcelona constitucional (1820-1823)

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    Se intenta estudiar las fiestas y celebraciones cívico-religiosas de Barcelona durante el Trienio Constitucional con el motivo de acercarse a la mentalidad, la religiosidad y la cultura de los liberales, tanto de los dirigentes como del pueblo de dicha ciudad, utilizando como fuente principal un diario de un zapatero que se llama Mateu Crespi. Se estudian las fiestas liberales desde el punto de vista de tipos de celebraciones, de su simbología, y de los lugares donde se celebraban las fiestas, además de la decadencia de las fiestas tradicionales y la frecuencia de rogativas y otros ritos con causas inesperadas. A través de sus estudios se advertirá que los liberales de dicho período celebraron muchas fiestas para animar e instruir al pueblo, y que en sus celebraciones se mezclaban unas características nuevas y otras que heredaban el pasado.The purpose of this presentation is to examine festivals and other acts of Barcelona during the three years of liberal regim (1820-1823), to analyze the mentality, religiosity, and culture of the liberáis, not only its leaders but also the people of the city of Barcelona. The repórter examines the decadence of traditional festivals, some characteristics of the liberal festivales (tipes of celebrations, its symbology, and places of the acts), and the frequency of rogation and other rites. It could be concluded that the liberáis of Barcelona organized many festivals to encourage and to instruct the people, and that some aspects of the liberal festivals were new, but other aspects inherited the past

    Rapid evolution with generation overlap: the double-edged effect of dormancy

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    In life histories with generation overlap, selection that acts differently on different life-stages can produce reservoirs of genetic variation, for example, in long-lived iteroparous adults or long-lived dormant propagules. Such reservoirs provide “migration from the past” to the current population, and depending on the trend of environmental change, they have the potential either to slow adaptive evolution or accelerate it by re-introducing genotypes not affected by recent selection (e.g., through storage effect in a fluctuating environment). That is, the effect of generation overlap is a “double-edged sword,” with each edge cutting in a different direction. Here, we use sexual (quantitative trait) and asexual (clonal) models to explore the effects of generation overlap on adaptive evolution in a fluctuating environment, either with or without a trend in the mean environment state. Our analyses show that when environmental stochasticity scaled by strength of selection is intermediate and when the trend in mean environment is slow, intermediate values of generation overlap can maximize the rate of response to selection and minimize the adaptation lag between the trait mean and the environmental trend. Otherwise, increased generation overlap results in smaller selection response and larger adaptation lag. In the former case, low generation overlap results in low heritable trait variance, while high generation overlap increases the “migration load” from the past. Therefore, to understand the importance of rapid evolution and eco-evolutionary dynamics in the wild for organisms with overlapping generations, we need to understand the interaction of generation overlap, environmental stochasticity, and strength of selection

    When to help juveniles, adults, or both: analyzing the evolutionary models of stage-structured mutualism

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    Mutualism is common in nature and is crucial for population dynamics, community structure, and ecosystem functioning. Studies have recently pointed out that life-history stage structure (e.g., juveniles and adults) is a key factor to better understand the ecological consequences of mutualism (termed stage-structured mutualism). Despite the potential importance, little is known about what kinds of stage-structured mutualism can evolve and when it is likely to occur. Here, we theoretically investigated how a mutualistic partner species should allocate efforts of mutualistic associations for different life-history stages of its host species to maximize its fitness. We assessed the partner’s optimal strategy by using a one host–one partner model with the host’s juvenile-adult stage structure. The results showed that different forms of stage-structured mutualism can evolve, such as juvenile-specialized association, adult-specialized association, and inter-stage partner sharing (i.e., the partner associates with both the juvenile and adult stages of the host) depending on the shape of association trade-off, i.e., how much association with one stage is weakened when the partner strengthens its association with the other stage. In general, stage-specialized association (either juvenile-specialized or adult-specialized association) tends to evolve when being associated with that stage is relatively beneficial. Meanwhile, when the association trade-off is weak, inter-stage partner sharing can occur if the mutualistic benefits of juvenile-specific and adult-specific associations are sufficiently large. We also found that when the association trade-off is strong, alternative stable states occur in which either juvenile-specialized or adult-specialized associations evolve depending on the initial trait value. These results suggest that pairwise interspecific mutualism is more complicated than previously thought, implying that we may under-or overestimate the strength of mutualistic interactions when looking at only certain life-history stages. This study provides a conceptual basis for better understanding the mechanisms underlying ontogenetic shifts of mutualistic partners and more complex mutualistic networks mediated by the life-history stages of organisms and their stage-structured interactions

    Del aprendizaje a la maestría. El caso del gremio de velers de Barcelona, 1770-1834

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    This article analyses the main features of the silk-weaver apprentices and masters within the Barcelona silk guild from 1770 to 1834. In this period, at least 1,482 adolescents learnt the skills to weave silk and 737 men reached the mastery. At the beginning most apprentices were peasants’ sons from different Catalan towns, but in the late 18th century sons of fathers in different trades and occupations who lived in Barcelona entered this guild. Masters were equally distributed among guild masters’ sons and those who were not, although after the War of Independence the weight of the former increased. Parents of new masters who had no previous connection with the guild had different occupations in the productive and service sectors, and although before the War of Independence peasants constituted 23% of this very heterogeneous labour group, after it they lost this position in favour of artisans’ and merchants’ sons, especially in Barcelona. Only 12.5% of apprentices became masters, but many silk masters had begun as apprentices in a workshop. These features show that this guild was not closed and that the economic crisis between the 18th and 19th century did not force it to become more closed. The current research enriches, therefore, the knowledge on the character and development of the guilds in Spain we had so far. It discusses whether they were open or closed an approach that European historiography on the subject holds from a long time ago.En este estudio se analizan las características vitales y laborales de los aprendices y maestros que entraron en el gremio de tejedores de seda de Barcelona entre 1770 y 1834. En este periodo, como mínimo, en él hicieron el aprendizaje 1.482 adolescentes y jóvenes y obtuvieron la maestría 737 hombres. La mayoría de los aprendices primero fueron hijos de campesinos de distintas poblaciones catalanas, pero a finales del siglo XVIII los hijos de padres que tenían otros oficios y ocupaciones y vivían en Barcelona los substituyeron en esta posición. Los maestros se repartieron en una proporción casi igual entre los hijos de maestros del gremio y los que no lo eran, si bien tras la guerra de la Independencia el peso de los primeros se incrementó. Los padres de los maestros que no tenían una vinculación previa con el gremio tenían diferentes ocupaciones repartidas entre los distintos sectores productivos y de servicios, y si antes de la guerra de la Independencia los campesinos constituyeron el 23% de este grupo laboral tan heterogéneo, después perdieron esta posición a favor de los hijos de artesanos y comerciantes, sobre todo de Barcelona. Sólo el 12,5% de los aprendices llegaron a ser maestros, pero bastantes maestros empezaron como aprendices. Estas características muestran que este gremio no era cerrado y que apenas se cerró con la crisis económica que se desarrolló a caballo de los siglos XVIII y XIX. Por lo tanto esta investigación enriquece el conocimiento que hasta ahora se tenía del carácter y desarrollo de los gremios en España, considerando si eran abiertos o cerrados, un planteamiento que parte de la perspectiva del “retorno de los gremios” sobre la que avanza desde hace tiempo la historiografía europea sobre el tema

    Scene from "Othello" at the princess theatre: the town and harbour of Cyprus

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    Η εικόνα δημοσιεύθηκε από την εφημερίδα "The Illustrated London news", Nov. 16 1961

    In vitro biopharmaceutic evaluation of capsules containing fluconazole

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    Atualmente, no mercado brasileiro, vários laboratórios farmacêuticos comercializam produtos a base do antifúngico fluconazol na forma de cápsulas de 150 mg. Pretendeu-se, neste trabalho, realizar avaliação biofarmacêutica in vitro de três formulações do mercado nacional contendo fluconazol, designadas por produtos A, B e C. Após desenvolvimento e padronização do método de dissolução, avaliou-se a cinética de dissolução de cápsulas de fluconazol provenientes de dois lotes de cada produto por meio dos parâmetros k (constante de velocidade de dissolução e t85% (tempo necessário para dissolução de 85% do fármaco presente na forma farmacêutica), derivados dos perfis de dissolução. Obteve-se k s de 0,1377 min-1 e 0,1079 min-1 para os lotes de A, 0,5421min-1 para os lotes de B e 0,0354 min-1 e 0,0146 min-1 para os lotes de C. t85% foi de 15,09 min e 20,06 min para os lotes de A, 5,64 min e 6,02 min para os lotes de B e 132,12 min e 56,05 min para os lotes de C. Concluiu-se que a dissolução de fluconazol em cápsulas segue cinética de primeira ordem para os três produtos avaliados, sendo que o produto B apresenta maior velocidade de dissolução do fármaco, seguido pelo produto A e pelo produto C.Many brazilian pharmaceutical industries manufacture capsules containing 150 mg of the antifungal agent fluconazole. The present study was designed to perform a in vitro biopharmaceutical evaluation of three commercial products available in Brazil, designated as products A, B and C. After a dissolution method was developed and standardized, the dissolution kinetics for samples of two batches of each product was analysed through k s (dissolution rate constant) and t85% (time for dissolution of 85% of the drug in the dosage form), obtained from dissolution profiles. Results showed k s values of 0,1377 min-1 and 0,1079 min-1 for the tested batches of A, 0,5421min-1 for the tested batches of B and 0,0354 min-1 and 0,0146 min-1 for the tested batches of C. t85% was 15,09 min e 20,06 min for the tested batches of A, 5,64 min and 6,02 min for the tested batches of B and 132,12 min and 56,05 min for the tested batches of C. It was concluded that the dissolution of fluconazole in capsules follows first order kinetics for the three products and product B shows the greatest dissolution rate, followed by products A and C

    Propuesta de implementación de herramientas Lean Manufacturing en las áreas de producción y almacén para incrementar la productividad de la empresa BIBENOR S. A. C. Trujillo, 2020

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    El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo general determinar en qué medida la propuesta de implementación de herramientas Lean Manufacturing incrementa la productividad en las áreas de producción y almacén de la empresa BIBENOR S.A.C. Trujillo, 2020. Se realizó un diagnóstico de la situación actual de las áreas de Producción y Almacén de la empresa, en la que se identificaron diversos problemas, luego de ello, se procedió a identificar las causas raíz, para lo cual se elaboró un Diagrama Ishikawa, Posteriormente se realizó la priorización de las causas raíces para dar pasó a la monetización de las pérdidas que se genera en la empresa por las diversas problemáticas. El presente trabajo aplicativo realizó las siguientes propuestas de mejora: Mantenimiento Total Productivo (TPM), Manual de Organización y Funciones (MOF), Plan de Mantenimiento Preventivo, Gestión de Almacén y 5’s, herramientas que luego de evaluar la situación de la empresa han servido para incrementar la productividad. Finalmente, con la información analizada y recolectada; y a su vez, a partir del diagnóstico realizado, se presentará un análisis de resultados y conclusiones con las Herramientas de mejora propuestas con la finalidad de incrementar la productividad en las áreas de producción y almacén de la empresa BIBENOR S.A.C. de ser consideradas